Follow . So hot. What will the coming of Spring bring? Perhaps all hed said on Ember Island would have never been quite so foolish, if only hed gathered the courage to repeat it now that it actually matters.But Zuko doesnt. Sokka simply wants to visit his old pal Zuko in Caldera City. He pulled away from her slightly, and moved back up her body until they were eye-level. At 20 their parents have been actively trying to break them up. Aang sighed heavily and set to work on making a much larger Earth structure for Appa. He initially opposes Aang and his forces, but time and experience bring them all together. You've got to keep the bite lower than your heart., Thank you, Aang. 41.7K 1.3K 36. Please!" he begged, Zuko grinned. 42,109. For once, Aang was glad that Sokka, Suki, and Toph had left them. [] someone they called the kamioroshi was the only person who could restore balance to this world. Hed be about this age. The girl lunged forward, reacting to Zukos motion as much as to the womans cry. We get to see many different characters and what their lives have become after the end of the series. Sokka rolled his eyes. And there's no way we can get to the nearest town on time, even with Appa. On the other side of the city, Aang faces many struggles. Aang, Katara, and Toph had no idea why Sokka was suddenly so interested in settling down. Katara desperately wanted to know what he was feeling, so she took his hand and pressed it to her covered sex, letting out a low moan that rivaled his. You can keep the old traditions of your people, or you can make new ones. Written for Zutara Week 2022 Day 3: Hands. But now that he had, she craved more. Lei, granddaughter of the late Azula, has been trained as a firebender since she was a little girl and was taught by her great uncle, Lord Zuko. *Complete* The Date Clause (M): Zuko and Katara are forced to go on a date together. Confused and hurt from the betrayal during the Siege of the North, Zuko and Katara go their separate ways. It changes events ever so slightly by giving characters a few different motivations or outlooks. His erection strained painfully against his underwear and pants. Work Search: Katara gazed into his stormy grey eyes, more than happy to obey his command. In this Zutara fanfiction, we get to read about many characters that we have not seen much of yet. But Aang was more than willing to sacrifice his clothing if Katara's life was on the line, and he knew that Zuko would feel that way too once he explained the situation. She just she just sounded like she was, She half-turned to face him, and she noticed for the first time that he wasn't wearing his tunic. Fleeing into the Earth Kingdom under the protection of seven fearsome, female warriors, Princess Izumi settles in an abandoned shrine and trains for the day she can retake the throne from her usurping aunt. The baby definitely took after Suki the most, with Earth Kingdom features, and the lighter skin tone, but his eyes were blue like Sokka's. A C2 community specifically for Quality Fanfiction revolving around our favorite Avatar The Last Airbender characters: Katara and Prince Zuko. This wasn't supposed to happen. Her skin was perfect now, like she had never gotten bit by a snake in the first place. romance. Soul Mark AU - Some people when they turn 12 get Soul marks. El calor de Zuko ha llegado en medio de su misin en Ba Sing Se, por suerte ya haba arreglado pasarlo con Sokka quien aunque haba aceptado muy feliz encargarse de l al principio pronto se dar cuenta que no todo es tan fcil como parece. Asami being fed up with Korras nonsense a lot, Korra is always happy and Asami stresses over their shitty mode of transportation, Korra helps with lots of cuddles and snacks, Episode: s03e19 Sozin's Comet Part 2 The Old Masters (Last Airbender), Azula and Zuko Have a Good Relationship (Avatar). A massive hickey was a small price to pay for Katara's life. I doubt I could be called a monk now, though., That's not what I mean. Katara gasped. Slowly and delicately, he pushed the fabric down her legs, she helped him kick the fabric off, leaving her naked and bared before him. I love you. Katara whispered against his mouth, feeling content, but very tired at the same time. Through the course of the seven chapters of this story, we get to see how Katara and Zuko come together in the most unlikely of circumstances. I think I should teach you how to heal., I couldn't have a better teacher. Aang said, using Waterbending to gather the water around them in the air, and passing it to her. Where do you think you're going?. And, for the first year, they had all travelled together. Other dont. That is, if she can survive Azulas assassination attempts. XD We don't have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable., I'm sure, I'm sure, Aang. Katara whispered back. For those who are unfamiliar, The. So to move things along, and also to reward himself for his patience, Sokka very gently says, Ambassador Manguk, I understand that your wife left you for a Fire National, but please keep in mind that we cant allow personal affairs to influence our official trades.. Hey, don't you want to hold my son too, Mister Avatar?, Aang blinked in surprise. Katara was in a place she certainly didn't belonga place where they'd be sure to let her know she wasn't one of them.. nhs waiting list for acl reconstruction. Azula cares about her friends but is bad at expressing it, Zuko is better at appreciating other people than himself, Ty Lee is having a time, and Mai is very tired of their poor life choices. With exceeding skills, L. toph. The answer to that mystery came nine months later when Suki gave birth to Sokka's child. ]. Katara sighed. Do you want me to stop?, No, Aang. Katara whispered. Their tongues met urgently, passionately. She has nothing, and no one, and shes tired of fighting. The Avatar had more houses around the world than any other person, so he had no shortage of places to stay. Instead, Zuko manages to abduct Katara and use her as bait to capture Aang. All characters are the rightful property of Viacom, Nickelodeon and Bryan Konietzko & Michael Dante DiMartino. She couldn't understand how she hadn't felt empty before this moment. He cursed his inexperience. Just love me, Aang. Katara whispered, kissing him. It was just difficult for the Avatar to settle down. It could definitely be considered a slow-burn romance, as it takes quite a while for Katara and Zuko to get together. From the way Izumi looked at him, curious and shrewd, Sokka knew that nothing Zuko had hidden from her had ever really been a secret. Zuko crossed his arms watching her resume her work on the bowl of plants. The kiss was open mouthed, as both were struggling for air. He could barely hear the collective gasps of the townsfolk of Kyoshi Island. Aang began to rush over. zuko and katara fanfiction married lemon Zuko was a fool for it.Later, he wonders if it isnt a thousand times more stupid swallowing back all the words he wants to say now. Now that they'd had sex, she just felt empty without him. There are 32 chapters in this story, and they each seem to get better than the last. In his efforts to reunite with the last living family member to ever show him kindness, he crosses paths with a badass Kyoshi Warrior, a certain blind earthbending genius, and is dragged into way more than he ever bargained for. But she gasped out loud when Aang suddenly gripped the sides of her head and gently adjusted her face until they were nose to nose. Though this story may seem a bit far-fetched, it is very well-written and a lot of fun to read. She cried out loudly, gripping onto Aang's head to keep him in place against her breast. And speaking of growing. Ugh Katara, Rewarding you for saving my life. Katara said. Zuko is a much bigger fool for it, as hell find out soon. She wasn't supposed to bond. Katara leaned against his chest. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Fire Lord Zuko and Katara of the Water Tribe. Sokka gets distracted by the music and starts singing and dancing. His fingers traced a trail up her thigh before he finally cupped her unclad womanhood, awed by the heat and wetness radiating from her most secret area. A large Earth structure would keep him dry and smelling normally. Ty Lee discovers she's an airbender, and turns to her friends for help. airbender. Zuko is the exiled prince of the Fire Nation. Zuko and Katara have three children that they love dearly. But then she said that my life would be full of struggle and anguish, most of it self-inflicted., It suited Zukos life extraordinarily well, he felt. But that soon changed. It is a rather fluffy story, but there are also some great heartfelt moments in the mix. The other, how do you tell a girl you like her? Aang finds himself standing at the abyss, peering down into it, wondering if he can keep doing what he's doing. The standard Apple pencil, because I heard the alternatives may be a bit laggy! Katara ultimately ended up with Aang at the end of the Avatar series, but there are also reasons why Zuko could've been the one for her. Well, that is until none other than the Prince and Princess of the Fire Nation find her and decide to bring her aboard their ship. Don't lay down, Katara. The snake had bitten her about mid-way up her thigh on the inside. The news came as a shock. When her two sons are captured and imprisoned, she sends her daughter, Princess Izumi, the rightful heir to the throne, into hiding. Zuko glanced around. If you are looking for the best Zutara fanfiction, you have come to the right place. With those final words of love, they fell asleep. mai. She moaned low in her throat. Katara's two girlfriends, May and Leila, had spent the best part of an hour trying to convince her to come to a festival with them. Thanks, Aang. She stood up to get some more supplies from their food stores from where Appa's saddle lay. Her legs were spread to give him access to the snake bite. Aang I'm starting to feel a little sick Katara said worriedly. Katara was suddenly worried that she had hurt him. I shouldn't. Katara has a vision of her future that she does not like, so she decides to take matters into her own hands and change her future. Sorry. Aang said, grimacing painfully as he sat down next to her, hopefully in such a way that she wouldn't notice how aroused he was. Me and my friends just happen to find the avatar chilling in an ice cube and the next thing I know I'm on a crazy adventure. Are you all right?. The Fire Nation begins offering Zuko and Azula up as marriage offerings to the other tribes in exchange for peace. Design by Alley Digital. Seeing Jet's death turned into a joke on stage opened an old wound for Katara. TW: mentions of marijuana usage, drinking, Zuko scoffed. Obviously he . A chance at a better life. I I was just Aang couldn't very well say `I'm going to get rid of my erection, and I'd rather not do it around you'. Fire Lord Zuko approaches the question of who will be his Fire Lady, and trouble stirs in his nation. What you WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABY SISTER?! Next up is a Zutara fanfiction that takes place after the finale of the original series. Chapter One Toph sat in her room, thinking. He bristled. Kara has been living in a little fishing village in the northern Earth Kingdom for as long as she can remember--literally. ZUTARA. She had been offered what she called a `very sweet deal' to join the Earth Kingdom's military to whip their Earthbenders into shape. Besides, the spirit water did the work. She paused. Aang, more! Please, don't stop, Aang. Katara let out a final gasp as he slipped out of her. If I wouldn't give up a single tunic to save your life, then I wouldn't be much of a boyfriend, would I?. I think thats something we need to talk about.. how do you ask her out? Are you sure you want to do this? Aang asked. And everyone wants to know exactly how she does it. Readers who are looking for a story with very little romance will certainly enjoy this one. As you wish. Aang breathed against her breast. I learned it in my dreams. Toph got up and walked into the living room. Work Search: Don't subscribe All Once you were there, you could never leave. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. Dead ends and divergent paths. The Worst Prisoner: The Element of Change, 10 of the Most Popular Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfics to Check Out in 2022, The Best Digimon Fanfiction to Read in 2022, 10 Popular Godzilla Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2022, 20 of the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories (2023 Edition), 10 Amazing Kim Possible Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Fanfics Based on The 100 to Read in 2023, The 10 Best UnOrdinary Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. Monks were not just scholars, but healers too. If you want to do this the easy way, then tell me what you know.. Katara trembled, and removed her hand from her leg. The news came as a shock. "Katara it's been five months! Appa had to fly at full speed with no rest in order to get to Kyoshi Island on time to witness the birth of the first of the next generation, their first child to be born in a world free of war and terror. i did not make th Just a bunch of oneshots and short stories that have been floating around in my head. You're right. They had not been seen since the Empire of Fire attacked the Air Nomads almost a hundred years ago, and it was in search of this and other survivors of the Air Nomad genocide that her people had left the north pole, for they always came back. It just seemed a little forward. Aang! Katara moaned, writhing against him in a way that nearly shut down his mind. Zuko helps clean her up, and things get spicy in the bathroom lots of smut. He should have realized. Perhaps if he had been raised normally, he would know how to approach a girl that he wanted to make love to. A week is too long for Zuko and Katara to be without each other, so it stands to reason that they must make up for lost time. The Gaang has to go through the Cave of Two Lovers and they have the same problems. She gently caressed the side of his face and set herself to maintain their sensuous eye contact. Katara can do so much good for the world, and though many saw her choices as selfish, they ultimately benefit everyone around her. What if you getkilled? Chapter One: History. She knows that this is the only hope for protecting her people. The villagers sighed and left. While Zuko grapples with the consequences of his actions, Katara and the Gaang helps Aang look a nonlethal way to end the war. The following text is in no way affiliated with them and in no way represents their work or values. Couldn't you two have waited until, It just happened. Aang said.

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