Antonio- Please find for me the scripture references for Moral Failure. Than how can the others be? isnt she half of the problem? But to be honest, I dont think eschatology should be a dividing line doctrine that some folks put it into. Bob did this, not me. Andy, you are Eddie Murphy kind of funny. The governing board of the church is providing counselors and ministers who will help guide him through the process of full repentance, cleansing and restoration.". I now wonder how long leadership has been aware of issue. No excuses, no buts. Is God through with the nation of Israel? I know I personally struggle with being physically attractive enough for my husbands desires. Imagine what all those kids at Liberty are thinking now. As someone who has been a casualty of infidelity, such candor and humility helps to answer some of my own long unhealed hurts from that time. I wish I could be more positive, but we are living in the last days when there will be a great falling away from the faith, which the Lord has prepared us to expect before He returns. Interesting and worthy of noting: it was called CC Ft Lauderdale and was never in Ft Lauderdale but Pompano BeachHe was called to Ft. Lauderdale but never ever had a church there. Thank you. Mary! It would also give her the opportunity to stop worrying as much. I have sympathy for this man (and especially his innocent family) because the Lord is instructing me in compassion, I also know that it has taken many years for my family to recover from the harm and hypocrisy of the leadership of this church under the helm of this man. It may be at CC it may not, it may be at an organization such as woman in distress, a food bank or missionary etc.. God has a lot of job openings, it may be that your time for a family is coming. They are being good guardians and deserve no finger pointingjust applause for being brave and having the character to do such a thing. Can the congregation recover? Let me answer some of your comments posed as questions: I doubt anyone has any idea where the 103 million was used. Gods speed in healing for all. The MLK trail transcript makes it clear from witness testimony that the MLK crime scene was barricaded by police within 2 minutes of King getting shot., Ok, Ill just vent then. Hugh. Those who follow this world view of monogamy for a lifetime as you yourself know from your viewing of pornography and thinking of other women while youre being intimate with your wife, know that its bound to fail, because as men we are not wired that way, as much as a woman would want that to be the case, so what it really comes down to is how well each man hides it! Doesnt the Bible tell us to avert our eyes and not look on the oher woman? It looks like the CC movement is quickly passing. I know I know you would never do such a thing. Is there a lawsuit coming? His church believed that lie for another ten years, until he finally got a young woman, a babe in Christ, pregnant and so FINALLY the church and his wife kicked him out. The fact that this is a family-oriented show is one of the aspects that contributes to the shows overall depth, and we dont want to see that aspect altered in the least. True spirituality is to be able to live with unanswered questions, dear Lorenzo. With the latest revelations on child molestation, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale posted on Tuesday the following statementin response to the allegations: "Our church was saddened to hear of the allegations made against Bob Coy years after his resignation and departure as senior pastor. This time around you guys got it right. In his 1973 senior class portrait, his dark hair, parted neatly down the middle, hangs well past his shoulders. Keep in mind what David was as a youth, A Shepherd, the leader of a flock. What if Sharon doesnt come in the postoperative period? Unless you have any evidence to prove differently you are wrong. Total identity loss. Clearly some felt the news should come out right away rather than one last sunday morning coverup cum offering and they made sure that is exactly what happened. In 2005, Coy's church rented out Dolphin Stadium on Easter Sunday and drew more than 20,000 people. I truly pray for him and his family. In fact, he says Capitol Records paid him to party. I find some reaction funny I just read one comment elsewhere that said I am so deeply saddened that this has happened to him and his family.. Daughter- Interesting because I understood that BC did not write his own sermons. BTW, what gauge chain do you think it would take to bind satan? I admit that I on occasion, more often than Im comfortable with I struggle with trusting God. Our goal is to help you along your discipleship journey and enjoy a full life as a follower of Christ.. Diamond Donny How many people did Coy or Calvary go after that left the church.Coy never did he didn;t care. So so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, does not equal your version of Satan was bound so we could have worldwide disneyland. Jesus Christ will come again to the earth personally, visibly, and bodily to judge the living and the dead, and to consummate history and the eternal plan of God. Well, what happened to the $ since there was never a new sanctuary? Barbara #625. Im sorry you have experienced the pain you described and hope the best for you. Not good. Now how a man can be considered a great Bible expositor when he teaches that its OK to take the Mark? He was a prime target of the devil with such a large following. Im a wretched sinful person. Bob Coy is fortunate because his sin was found out. He might have won this particular battle, at least temporarily but we read the ending to the story and The Lord Wins and us with Him ! Real penitence; sorrow or deep contrition for sin, as an offense and dishonor to God, a violation of his holy law, and the basest ingratitude towards a Being of infinite benevolence. I always kinda felt sorry for his more than ever. This is all speculation and I dont think MacArthur should do this kind of thing. The next level of givers got to have a dinner with them with more people, the next level got a buffet dinner> The next got a lunch buffet and then some got nothing.. I guess it can happen to anyone to be star struck. Look for your proverbial iron to sharpen your iron. Are we to perform a witch hunt now? Im not one to split hairs but The first meeting place for CC was in a funeral home behind Albertsons in FT Lauderdale, now it is true they moved for a bunch of years to Pompano but only with temporary zoning variances off Gateway but were deigned permission to a become permanent church location, therefore they never settled there. There is blood on my sword. Grace Bible Church Plantation. I think this is your passage HUGH. If you are indeed saying the truth. MLD, your Acts 2 interpretation is from Luther. That is a myth that needs to be wiped out. For its His word that does not come back void, but it shall accomplish the purpose for which He sends it!. Brian Brodersen is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, the president of the Calvary Chapel Bible College, and the director of Creation Fest (UK). Police later spoke with the victim in September 2015, but she said she was not sure whether she wanted to go through with a criminal investigation or testify. Im sure that there are many churches in the FtL area that, while not mega in size, would be a good fit for many of you in the work of the ministry. They did for a while, but after she SWAT Season 6 Episode 16: Now that the new S.W.A.T. Mega-churches always have such a high profile for scandal. Some of these churches/groups that are so antithetical to anything that could possibly be considered ecumenical may in fact be unable to discern wheat from chaff. Very sad. "It was attractive on both sides, for the Christians who hadn't really gotten into the drug culture but were younger and wanted something new and for the people who had come through '60s free love and drugs and needed some stability.". Megachurch Pastor Bob Coy abruptly resigned Sunday afternoon, ending his 30-year leadership at one of the largest churches in the country. This is not uncommon among men. Like what he made his own brother do? His church fought in 2002 to remove LGBT people from protection under Broward's Human Rights Ordinance, and Coy loudly defended George W. Bush's disastrous Iraq War: "I believe in war because it's biblical, scriptural, and religious," he told his followers in one sermon. "Never.". He resigned because he had no choice. I have looked this for years, and I think there are several groups that are maintaining biblical integrity and calling. I have respected his request. Mercy should not be misused to render punishment ineffective for both. I sincerely hope you prayed about this before you set out to broadcast it to the entire world. Smith, the founder of the Jesus People and the Calvary Chapel movement, and one of the most influential figures in modern American Christianity, died Thursday morning at his home in Newport Beach after a two-year battle with lung cancer, church officials said. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. Id think the body of Christ would be the most transparent of all bloggers! It just shows you cant answer me, so you put up a man who has been dead over 400 yrs and argue with him. This is really funny have all of you married guys been tempted and have actually struggled to not have an affair. In fact, the concept of an earthly reign of Christ,of any length of time is foreign to the NT. My walk with God is mine alone and that is why, respectfully, its none of your business. the church sits on the new Mcnab which is an extension of Cypress Creek Road people confuse the two all the time. I got tired of responding to the nonsense. I do just fine praying for myself. Daughter And as you look at these Pastors, one used to run the cafeteria (Did he have any biblical education to become a Pastor)?, one is BCs brother in law, and one is his nieces husband. I havent been rebuked and cursed so much since Chuck passed away. May todays revelations be just one more step in your growth as a person of faith. Who ever got that car? God is and will continue to deal with Bob. Andy & Barbara, I said earlier (and was alluding to these verses) in apocalyptic literature every time there is a mention of thrones, it is a heavenly scene and not an earthy scene. Your cognitive dissonance is kicking in. Who killed her? LOL. At the same time I will stand with every CC pastor who is seeking to do church the right way. I wonder how many were out there defending Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker when they fell into sexual sin? Again, welcome. Were the same sinners as before. Im more sympathetic to the people like Anonymous above than to Coy. It should take time and healing. Good or them!!! I hate replacement theology. . oh yes garbage. If he keeps looking at us, Jesus followers, he will be disappointed because were all unfinished art projects. I agree 100% with Michael. This place has a gifting for helping saints deal with things like you are going thru. Please dont forget them in your prayers that God will put godly counselors in their paths to help them with their pain, their fear, and more than likely their doubt in their own faith. CC is not all bad.its the best there is for getting away with bad behaviors! There are a multitude of reasons why this is important information and depending on when you ask me, youll get a different answer. I actually have people Im accountable to and I speak with them almost daily. Michael Can the post I sent last night at 11pm still be posted? Also, I notice Chef is no longer listed as a pastor. # 8. Coy was fired from his consulting job at a South Florida nightclub, The Funky Biscuit. Actually God assigned me to the task since that is the ministry He called me to. Just one final thing, after youve read those 4 books, just stop, dont go any further. Who is Kassanndra Cantrell? [5] It is acclaimed as one of the great expressions of automotive customization. Sorry, been in and outlong night on many fronts. You have been well shelterd if you are so unaware of what happens in the real world. In that you are named well. Baker and haggard were false teachers. So my position is one of total sympathy for Diane and the kids.and I find myself frankly in the conflicted position due to personal experience of being totally pissed at Bob for his selfish actions, and at the same time praying for his relationship to be someday restored with first our Lord, and Diane, and his tragically innocent children. This will be my last ever participation in one of these exchanges. Church, youve accomplished nothing through this. Thankfully, this isnt my first rodeo. Be careful, any of us could be next. Some of us can duck arrows better then others. He was ready to give his life to the church. BD, how can you say youre not a Calvinist and yet stand idly by while they pervert the scriptures and negate the truth and promises of God, sounds like youve been brainwashed by 600 years of lies! The things I did before coming to Christ came naturally and I had no problem doing them. MLD is a long time blogger here and a Lutheran NOT a Calvinist. 2nd, I dont believe much that I see quoted on these rapture ready type web sites. Something that no one else has held before or after Luther? 1 Peter 4:8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. There is another one in Daniel 3 He ordered the furnace heated seven times more than it was usually heated. Now according to your view of numbers in Daniel, they would need to check the temperature with their thermometer and raise the thermostat from 400 degrees to 2,800 degrees. Smith was among the first pastors to make a startling discovery: Many of the hippies and disaffected youth who'd come for the Summer of Love had realized psychedelic drugs and the Grateful Dead weren't filling the holes in their lives. According to an August 2015 report provided to The Christian Post by the Coral Springs Police Department, a mother living in Southern California reported that her then 17-year-old daughtercame forward, saying she had been sexually abused by Coy for years. What about the husbands and children of the women you use just for kicks, so you dont get bored? What else was I wrong about? Who cares about me now that Im not influential or important?. The Acts 2 passage has everything to do with why you misinterpret Rev 20 to be Jesus sitting on Davids throne as a future event when Peter said it was a present event. Wheres the grace?] Against Bobs inability to see the situation clearly and with Spirits lens [Gods gifts and callings are irrevocableI just need to exercise my gift so the peeps can get saved? RiBo, Im with Michael on this one too.maybe they are calling in moral failure so he can be back in the saddle in a few months.though with his name on the deed and the book sales, he may not even care.set for life. So that Until the Whole World fund raiser was never used for a new sanctuary as planned. I know the solution is to get right with many people that were hurt. 14 And they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines on the west; together shall they spoil the children of the east; they shall put forth their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them. In fact, the church had been battling accusations nationwide for years that it empowered predatory pastors while demanding little accountability. Those who understood their own propensity, weakness and past personal sins and failures might be better off placing a hand over their mouths and silently praying for mercy to be extended to this man and his family. I lean towards Calvinism but not even close to Dominion-ism. Look at bob through the eyes of Jesusthen post your comments on how you see him.. Im glad Pastor Chuck was spared from this. Therefore the discussion is pointless. "He was just transparent, and he could be very funny as well. We arent saved by our actions, we arent saved by our morality, we arent saved by our correct doctrine. Googlogian. It falsely teaches that a person must walk well enough to prove that they were saved. He has opportunity to confess, repent and turn back to the faith he knows so well. Not to stir strife, but some of us dont agree and wont be comfortable there. After doing research, we found that each of these churches are controlled at the top by people who have connections to the ecumenical/interfaith movement and are stealthily drawing the churches into the one world religion of the Antichrist. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks. photos: Screencap via Youtube/Google Street View, The club has now terminated its relationship with Coy, toured the nation on Evangelical radio and TV shows. There was too much drama with Kennedys passing at Coral Ridge. 15 And the LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with His scorching wind will He shake His hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry-shod. Or your own wife and children if you have any. There are a lot of Calvary Chapelites out there that almost worship Bob more than Christ. This man was struggling with sin. Lots of pain and fallout behind the scenes, Im sure. Church was in incredible debt via a terrible lease. RiBo, A man posted yesterday on FB that something like 40% of pastors struggle with some sort of sexual sin. Is it a place to raise up believers to Go out and make disciples? Barbara, well done. Hugh said @10:31pm Thats what I love about Calvinist preterists, and that is that they are consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says, . , , , , . When we forget that, thats when we abuse the offices entrusted to us, men and women both. Why kick a wounded brother in Christ????? He wrote a very good book, I Was Wrong in 1996. Sure would make the shame easier to bear. everybody is broken by stuff like this. This becomes a learning lesson that the bigger the church the more safeguards it has to have and the less pastor-centric it has to become. It sure seemed to confuse many when he was with Greg and Chuck at the Harvest Crusade and was present at Chucks memorial. So although Bob did at one point attempt to put rots in Pompano God had other plans, much like Noah getting swallowed by the great fish after being thrown off a ship and subsequently deposited in the land where God intended him to go. Good point. Dont ever disagree with him because he will pull out more bible passages and have your head spinning so fast that you will feel you are wrong. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. By my count, only 7 including myself have listed your names. 7. Please click here to learn how. All the be harmed by so many in leadership that did their own thing without anyone knowing. So Coy gets the pass because it is normal and I get the ridicule. Am I reading that Coy bought out churches and did not use a large chunk of the 103 million raised and praised by Chuck to build out their new campus? Michael, I look forward to the upcoming week then as it pertains to reading what those folks working on those conversations have to say. That is how it is then noted in the employees record. I have no crusading vendetta. I watch and listen at work, family gatherings, wherever it might be the way married men will talk to women who are not their wives, the sexual jokes, the sexual innuendos, telling private stories about themselves and their wives. Based on what you know about this situation, would you confirm Coys doctrine did not produce sound (healthy/whole) fruit? Bob, Anons #472 is absolutely true. Jesus is speaking in narrative form everything he has spoken up to this point is straight narrative, and no symbolism and no figurative speech; 26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the[c] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Police say Thomas has admitted to the abuse (though his criminal trial is pending). Even though Bode needed surgery, he wasnt anxious about it. Just go to Benny Hinns website if you want that ? There are many Christian men who would not trade their happy monogamous marriages for the most beautiful women in the world. I trip on all you. Coy himself was not present at the Sunday announcement in which his resignation was announced, but church elders read a statement and answered parishioners' questions. Bob is still as precious as ever to our Father. It never is. It is my hope and prayer that you find healing and peace. Nobody is perfect. "We need answers.". I had a CCer proclaim on the other blog one time, Chuck would NEVER lie!, and I commented, wow, thats amazingyou mean Chuck Smith is perfect now like Jesus and hes never lied since he became saved? The children at the school were told that DC and the family is in California. He didnt go after anyone who left. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to our hearts. What was the result of your victimization? I understand your hearts pain and I presume you are a single young woman so the thought of a man or woman in the ministry falling is very disheartening to say the least. Thats not being victimized, thats being tempted by women who need healing not exploitation. Adultery is a common thread throughout the 66 books. You give me a link that says the MLK crime scene was unprotected that night. If it comforts you to think otherwise, thats not my problem. I have not been to this site in quite sometime (If anyone doubts that , Im sure Michael can verify that, right Michael?) John MacArthur has been and is a great man of God and a faithful servant of the same. Any constructive criticism was seen as divisive. But since returning to South Florida, he's spent most nights here, helping run the Funky Biscuit a late return to his music industry roots. Dont go on sites like this where theyre sole purpose is to gossip and spread lies. Stop being so vindictive and pray for a Christian brother, his wife and children. Pray for Pastor Bob, his wife and family and the CC Ft. Lauderdale staff and congregation. Michael, you know that this thread is going to deteriorate. For many people, restoration mistakenly means the duration before the erring pastor is behind the pulpit again. "They have been at war ever since.". However, keep in mind that Coy would sue me into oblivion if I was wrong. I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said: 15 So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation,[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniellet the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. I feel bad for the wife and kids .BOB COY another Tiger Woodshey kids your father is that womanizer right..the media will have a field day. In 1988, Coddington founded Boyd's Wheels, Inc. to manufacture and market his custom billet wheels. Social Media Links-Reddit Facebook. I dont always agree with his point of view and we have had a few discussions to that end. 2.) Look in Daniel 1 v 20. This post is the work of SATAN. findre, This is exactly why we are to rely on God and not in man. I reject his whole eschatological scheme, so I could care less. Nothing special about me, only the strength the Lord provided. He is trying to restore his family. This is all speculativebut something I know all too well. Someone needs to tell so many of the poor men with ordinary jobs I have known throughout life who cheated anyways that they were breaking a stereotype. Well my friends it will not be too big anymore. how do you know Pastor Bob wasnt victimize? You have to reject the Old Testament. The churchs assets are around $135 million, according to the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Sure glad its over. And yes I have seen it all and have the scoop. he pronounces judgement 4.) Why are you Christians so indignant and condemning, isnt it natural to want to be with many different women, arent we programmed that way as men. Also, your link article suggests that we ought not make a big deal out of it cause he stepped down. He believes the false gospel of lordship salvation which cannot save. Its their soft term for adultery. I dont think so, would the owner of a Christian blog be joining in the attacks and ridicule directed towards a fallen brother? Everything is documented from Macarthurs own words. I will remind all in this blog that Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart. There are many adversaries to the life of a believer. note the opening line Amillennialism is the mainstream Christian end-times theology. In 2009, a fatal wrong-way crash caused by a soccer mom killed eight people. He ran gay-conversion groups and preached that all nonbelievers would go to Hell.

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