I said, why dont you just take a break if you want one, or why dont you just break up with me if youre no longer interested. The Scorpio man and Virgo woman compatibility is filled with ethics, morals and virtues which is a sure-fire for a beautiful connection to take place. Good luck. But if she keeps talking to him he cant rebuild. As a Virgo woman, Id like to say that this compatability post holds truth but needs to add a pound of salt to it. Also, we sometimes like the aggression..try something new with us in the bed. i am a virgo in the truest since of the word, i have all of the good & bad qualitites of her too, mostly good! They move too fast for my tastethinking that its love or whatever when I show the slightest bit of interest. Come out of your conservatism nd know that we want to take you there just as much as you want to take us there. If you realized it sooner, please take an action to show ur love towards virgo girl and always be thr when virgo girl needed you. It is still your all zodiac signs past just pick yourself all zodiac signs and grow from it. They like to have their cake and eat it too.. @Sc0rp10 Survival instinct in Scorpios can be very strong, if they feel or perceive that by committing to you they might loose their individuality or the relationship would become only about the partner then they withdraw. My mom and I always had a special connection/bond, which makes since because she was born on July 6th (which makes her a Cancer). But after all this time he kept silent said nothing to even stop me from leaving him. I am a Virgo woman and have been with my Scorpio for almost 13 months. Virgo is the most healthy woman for a Scorpio to be with because she mitigates the worst traits he has naturally, without scheming to change him ( rest assured, his worst fear is being controlled, which is why unevolved scorpios try to beat people to the punch and control them first) . And judging from a lot of the posts, there are a lot of experiences with unevolved Scorpios happening in this world. They never communicate and they never break up with you, they just turn their back and avoid you! She claims that when we argue.. it seems as if we just dnt understand eachother. i have a scorp asc I read them easily too easy to read for me this scorp!> very emotional, great in bed, extremely jealous, and i have to agree one of my experience with one was phisical the guy wanted to choked me, he even showed me his fist once!. thatwas unfair of you to erase HER when SHE didnt do anything wrong! A Virgo woman will quickly establish a firm grip on the . I happened to meet someone else in an effort to forget about him. Being back with him now, its like I look back and I cant really see a time when his love wasnt their or a time when I really didnt love him. It was hard to do with a smile on my face but I did. If you're a Virgo woman in a relationship with a Scorpio man, make sure to utilize your strengths to the best of your ability. Just to get ignored or treated like a monkey who flew pooh across the dining room and the pooh landed on the generations of passed down luxious china set of dishes. Quiet and recluse- So fucking true. I think some times I am jealous because hes so outgoing and he tells me i need to go out with my friends and dont worry about what he is doing. Im so bored i could scream, the constant need to correct or control, the smart ass mouth and comments only to read me the riot act when I get smart or disagree w/him! Dont ignore red flags and call them yellow. Now this feeling/perception on which they act can be real or imaginary. but still my heart aches for her sometimes I see bad dreams, I immediately call her and she also responds properly saying Main theek hun(I am okay). As our astrological sign, my scorpio man is in year of the RAt and me, year of the MOnkey. I love her for that. I & my boyfriend was planning to get married last month, just last week we had some argument that made him get angry on me just because of the argument, he said we will not marry me again and the next day he left me and we broke up. As a Scorpio man I can totally agree with this. Virgo and Taurus. Pisces and Scorpio. We would like kids together eventually but were taking everyday one step at a time. Now you female virgos please tell me what I scorpio male am or doing or did wrong. Im not an easy person to deal with, hes an even harder person to deal with. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Then one day he propsed me and i accepted. Virgos..STOP Expecting overnight progress, it will happen in due time& if you see your Scorpio trying..acknowledge him. Scorpio man will be devoted to a Virgo woman when he falls in love with her; Scorpio never afraid. A month passed like this but there was no change. If a virgo woman thinks she is perfect and doesnt listen to scorpio man he will stop attempting to communicate This makes virgo woman suspicious and virgo and scorpio paranoia kick in scorpio / virgo together may have trust issues in turn the male scorpio will question virgos loyalties . DXPNET. Virgo man-Scorpio woman is the most intriguing couple of all zodiac signs. He said the he loves me and i was falling for him hard. This fluidity of emotions makes Scorpios behave hot and cold, sometimes intense and other times distant. Why do I feel like I amatter atong my own story. We got to face it thats how they are They really good people, humble, down to earth but it is said that she can leave her man for a guy she met on the coastline. We light each others fire. A Virgo womans most outstanding characteristics are efficiency and her critical nature. He is usually success hungry, and takes short, calculated and precise steps to reach the desired destination. Even an unlikely outing or setting could spark a romantic mood. Instroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). Ive had a therapist for 7 years whom I talk to every week, to evolve myself as a man. She was absolutely in love with me. Its not a past if you all zodiac signs keep going back to it or not learning from it. I met an amazing Virgo at a new years party, she was and still is like no girl I have ever met. !I want out goin through vet assis.. to get me & my 10 yr old & 8 yr old OUT but still scared 2 ! I find her (the Virgo woman) beautiful inside and out. N den back wid his lies n fake storys. thanks Mahalia atleast your on my side I wanna make him pay! Never once he shared any of his feelings and thougths with me, i know that i am not perfect, i was willing to change for him, but he neversaid anything, i didnt know what wrong behavior i had, he didnt tell me. #29. The Virgo woman is good at being organized and disciplined, while the Scorpio man is good at being passionate and determined. Neither of them is frivolous about being committed, and if once they commit to each other, this pairing is hard to break. but theres only one thing that bothers me, please hope u can tell me or advise me or something. SO, he walked out, walked on foot for an hour to get home.. II just let him do whatever he wanted then. As long as i have a reason to and help along the way. He is an extremist with calm and steady surface and smoldering passion within him. Hells to the NO! These signs are very similar and can usually relate quite well, sometimes refered to as two sides of . Virgos are efficient, reliable, good at communicating, and good at getting the job done. now i am angry & i dont have a clue what i really want anymore. either way, as the rest of you virgo women know, I AM A CHAMELEON & STRONG ENOUGH TO SURVIVE!!! After leaving him, my scorpio man and I started hanging out more and Id think back and wonder why I ever left thins man in the first place. He never waits around for his woman as he is self confident and lives by his rules which are sometimes hurting for his Virgo woman as she feels dejected by such attitude of her man. he came back after 3 days, we are happily married now.. Virgo woman here, falling quickly for a Scorpio man. He said he doesnt feel the same, but I know that he is lying/hiding his true feelings because of little tidbits he has given me. He would keep everything from me, his thoughts, his feelings, you never knew what he was thinking, and when i would catch him in lies, he would become verbally abusive and then punish me by not speaking to me for days. Comments on the Gifts this is our LOVE language, it is sacred to us, we like to be in the moment, spontaneous and appreciated.. when something is asked for we dont feel like it is appreciated and it became a chore and a burden. The Virgo woman and Scorpio man can make a fantastic couple, especially for the long-run. (Scorpios will cling to you no matter what! Here are some things I believe could help you have a great relationship with us and to keep us honest, loving, loyal, devoted, purchasing you gifts and doting on you. lately I FEEL i can handle and manuver them easily!. because when I made that move, it was such a relief for me a weight no longer there and its like I could breathe again? They can share a mutual attraction where Pisceans can appreciate the fiery nature of a Scorpio woman who seeks her anchor in calm Pisces. This relationship is extremely compatible, about 80-90% of success. So I just stuck with it. be true to your hearts. IF both Signs are just up front..plain & simple.. a lot of time could be saved. Im a Virgo woman with Scorpio man. Its helped So many women and men learn how to communicate with a man, influence him to both share and unpack himself, and also get him to listen. Its a constant battle between wits, facts, and emotions. That sounds strange, I suppose, and Im not lost in romantic blather, but it is what I feel. I never have been out with a Virgo women. This is the one I have been trying to look for. I scorpio male have tried all my magic charms tricks the whole shoot and match. It isnt pretty but we are loyal and trusting to a fault so: Offer a hand out and DONT take responsiblity if it really isnt your responsibility instead, comfort us, give us that space. Henry, I just got out of a relationship with a Virgo women who is supposed to be a lesbian. As both the Virgo woman and Scorpio man discover the reality of love, they rediscover their soul and oneness in such a form that their odds become good and they unlock the gates of their hearts to be loyal and devoted towards each other forever after. Or date an air sign which would provide you lots of intellectual stimulation (air signs are very intelligent). I find this article to be very accurate. She in turn is utterly . But like anyone else we are not perfect. Unfortunately, there are women out there who do not find that desirable. First and find a scorpio man reddit. Lol. What a dirtbag.. What a dilemma you have there. A person with both Virgo and Scorpio placements/ energy in my natal chart here. Virgo is symbolized by a virgin, or a woman, which represents fertility . Should be casual friends, and not casusl friends. I am also okay if everything goes well, but If that guy leaves her I just wont be able to withstand that, this thought wakes me up from the middle of my dream, well right now I am following her orders that we will not see each other or talk she thinks this makes me insane hahahaaaaa she is still like a kid, but I know she wont listen me so I am just waiting for her to get married properly or if needed I can always be back. But control is never really something we or anyone else ever have. Visitor experiences and scorpio woman. im a virgo woman and scorpios are the only sign that can handle me i knw them like da back of my hand..the good thing about them is only the sex if u a virgo u know scorpios bring out ur sexual side..they really take u there if u know wat i mean but the bad part is they lie cheat and manipulate they love to play mind games and somehow i always end up falln for them and end up gettn my heart broke like how im feeln right now over onei currently broke it off wit da scorpio man i was just dating he play to many mind games and i still manage to fall in love wit him ugh i wish love came with a receipt or refund cus all he gave me was false advertisement like all scorpio do on the surface is wat exactly wat they want u to see til u really start to see there true colors ..he wasnt anything like i thought he was so WORD ADVICE TO ALL VIRGO WOMEN STAY FAR AWAY FROM SCORPIO MAN!!! 1. Both our parents like us to end up together. Because of this I was able to watch from a safe distance of friendship as she would bring around a new guy and then shamelessly flick them away at the first sign of a flaw. Like what she may be . Then he wants to break up or give me the silent treatment for weeks. Im scorpio with a virgo girl. Definitely once a Virgo knows her Real Worthshe can make any man feel thrilled for sheer intensity, depth and substance. Still to this day I scorpio male love my Virgo female but I scorpio am still dumb founded to what I scorpio have done wrong to my Virgo female to never get replys to texts return phone calls or anything from the Virgo female. Make us all look bad. I love my Scorpio guy very much, but his attention seems to be waning. Virgo is a mutable earth sign whereas Scorpio is a fixed water sign, the Virgo woman Scorpio man compatibility gets a FOUR Hearts rating. Scorpio man is a protector by nature and never allows his Virgo woman to face the world alone. Friendship is gone! He is like jekyl and hydehe can seems distant at times..We are not married and he just found out he has a 20 year old daughterI think sometimes hes with me until he finds someone betterI feel I am a wonderful women who any man would love but cant imagine my life without him and i dont want to because we share wonderful moments as well. In my lifetime, Ive loved a number of signs (or thought I did) this one is different. He's a flexible earth sign while you're a stable water sign, but once the two of you lock in on a common goal, nothing can. Dont worry this last girl ran me absolutely crazy. the Virgo woman is the perfect jungian archetype for a scorpio man. 2 text messages is enough. Didnt mean to intrude on the scorpios and virgo site; just wanted to share and let you all know my experience with my scorpio husband. Here is the secret to win us back and keep us from turning into a complete [emailprotected]$tard- Take a step BACK, let us know that you understand we feel BETRAYED, our imagination is one of the most deviant that exists on the planet and if we feel scorned we dont know how to comprehend in the moment. I felt as though I couldnt trust him due to the past but deep down inside I knew that he sincerely loved me and us being apart really affected him. She is also known to have a higher level of passion . 12. I also told him that i dont feel he will ever be ready for a committed relationship with a quality female. (Though through the years we would get together for a lunch every once and awhile. I want my privacy to talk, and generally thats hard to get on a cell phone.) As scorpios were intuitive and can sense when someone is not being genuine. But now I couldnt take it any more and said pretty hurtful things to him, after that we broke up. In terms of love, both signs are cautious. Because of this, they have a good chance of having a successful relationship that stands the test of time. I personally think that everyone has to look into themselves evolve. Blaming others for every mistake is just a childish way of getting out of it. They will move on because they found someone to take your place thats WHY they pick fights. Why cant they just tell you its over? You give, change, try & still feel BORED! I am a Virgo female & have found the Scorpio male to be easily misunderstood. you guys are good at taking care of others true, but in anyway that is NONEMOTIONAL. smh! Both of these signs are focused and will work hard to do what is necessary to maintain their relationship. so no worries I havent commented on this for a while, but congratulations on your relationship to your Scorpio mate but I had to let my Scorpio mate go for the new yearWe had and will always have a connection but he has ways with him that he refuses to change. for a full explanation on this check out Alison Armstrongs book, the Queens Code. 11 Scorpio woman and Virgo man love to work together and share the same goals. he lavishes me with so much attention that I cant help but be blown away. But ours lasted for 6 years. The only positive thing I have to say about him is that he saved my ass with quick talking but thats it. Few days back, we broke up after which i said pretty bad things to him and he just said that i am the reason of all this. he will talk bad about you then, when u dump himbut whenever people are not looking he will beg for you to take him back!. LOVE, TRUST, RESPECT, and LOYALTY in that order. Give me $200 per paycheck for me and for our food when we go on dates outside. Well, needless-to-say she didnt contact me, so I didnt contact her. it didnt work and I actually was carrying o0n with my life. I would recommend dating an earth sign. A passionate, sensual love affair between a Scorpio and a Virgo will lead to a long-term commitment. Were different but alike on some aspects. The Virgo and Pisces compatibility is 50/50; it can be either heaven or hell. Both possess a strong sense of loyalty and compassion, making Virgo and Scorpio a match made in heaven. Im Scorpio woman but I like a Virgo man but he has his girlfriend. A few years later my scorpio man and I started talking more frequently and hanging out more and more. Virgo has a peaceful approach to love. I have been bothered by recent developmemts, and decided to google the compatibility of a Virgo woman and Scorpio man. I had a rotten one, and most of my girlfriends have too! Dont let us find out that youre being untrue to us because we are vengeful souls. Okay as a friend but thats it. For those Virgos with negative Scorpio experiences, I am sorry. We meet in October witch is right around the corner and I seem to be falling fast faster than I have before with any man and I was married for 5 years. He is very out going and have plenty of friends. I am a virgo woman who has just started dating a scarpio man and I must say it has been great thus farI just hope all that is said about our compatibility is true..:), Your email address will not be published. I too lost my Mother and feel an eternal pain. I didnt intend for that to happen, in fact that was the last thing I wanted, but it happened. bt Im not going to label them as cheaters or mentally abusive. A month passed like this but there wa no change. According to Farrar, Scorpio isn't all bad for Leo, but they can be a bit more toxic for them than Taurus. Being the sign of perfection, Virgos have a tendency to break up with partners in a very noble way without . However he does have some typical scorpio traits. (Hey! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee help. My husband and I fit this almost too a T. Incredible. Scorpio has a way of always justifying their wrongs as menial and making your issues with them seem unimportant and that pisses a Virgo off cuz we take our views very seriously especially when we constantly express whats bothering us. . Just the other day she Virgo told me not to communicate with her Virgo anymore. Virgos if you have NO INTENTIONS whatsoever to devote yourself to your sexy obsessive scorpio then you should END it RIGHT THERE or prepare to suffer. It is lik my relationship has veen talked here. Required fields are marked *. The best time for Virgo and Scorpio to create enough safety and emotion in their sexual encounters, is in the situation where they are each other's first . He can date you and the Taurus foreverand never cut either of you off. So we never really broke the friendship and remained friends through out those years.) Characteristics of a Taurus Woman. Don't put tending to your health off. @jamie- I am totally agree wid u and every single word is correct.I felt that u r narrating ma story. except for the one who said he showered her with gifts!!! she gave you space, space you obviously needed! If something went wrong, dont run from ur problems, solve it ASAP before virgo girl give up in the relationship. The two work together in nature; water nourishes and earth provides. But they always know how they feel about each other and it is just hard for them to open up until they feel safe in each others arms. We met my 8th grade year, but little did we know we knew each other way before. To all you Virgo females is it just me scorpio male who fell flat or short of my luck with her Virgo or is it the Virgo female cuz virgos stay stuck like chuck on bad past experiences and dont give a true lovely likable lovable caring nurturing compassionate non judgmental scorpio a fighting chance. We all zodiac signs make mistakes its life you plural life learn and grow. A Virgo woman should know these are the kinds of experiences that can flow, one way or another, from a Scorpio man she loves. Ooh yea i forgot. Image: Shutterstock. The horoscope gives the Scorpio-Virgo bond a very good love compatibility. I was in a relationship (sort of) but I had been and was having problems in my current relationship when I first started talking to this scorpio man. For those of you who were cheated on by Scorpios or eft hanging..theres probably a detailed reason for that. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. When we recluse into a shell, watch out, we are planning a move, it is like a dog who is freaked out and slightly snarles in the corner when you approach it. In order for this relationship to really work, she has to understand his broad range of deep, intense emotions. I can be a bit jealous at times but my virgo tries to reassure me. There are many times when weve both have thrown our hands up and said fuck it, but there is this unspoken bond and understanding between us that we just cant explain, and it pulls us right back in every time. Being methodical in nature, a Virgo zodiac male and an untamed Scorpio female seem to a non-compatible pair. Son I tried to cool it off with him but he wouldnt let me.. DO it BACK, dont yell at us, complement us from time to time, listen and make efforts to hear us. The mental abuse has stayed even to this day not ( just not as bad & easily managable) The physical abuse started after 2nd child @ 4 mnths of age..Physical Abuse started 2 yrs & 4 mnths & 4 days after weddingchoking, punching, slapping,pulling my long hair & throwing me on the concreteSCORPIOS ARE DANGEROUS he has ALWAYS threstend to kill me still I have people who know if I come up missing it is MY HUSBAND tell cops !!! Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility by Linda Goodman. So I didnt either. Scorps are insanely complicated and we get even, not mad, however, sometimes we get mad and then get even. But im not afraid to admit my faults and try to change them. I also notice he seems to do things to get me pissed off, rude or distant things that he knows will bug me, like walking waaaayyyy ahead of me when we go on a hike together. Because I had to analyze why she said or did it and what i had done to deserve it. to be so in-tune, yall are cluless at best! Were far from perfect, we both have a lot to learn, and we both have a lot of growing to do. Plz people dont take this bad I dont mean that they arent good people. Im learning the importance of communicating how I feel instead of shutting down and putting up a wall like I use to. Hi Virgo woman PLEASE run when you see a Scorpio male. When we have all that- watch out, nothing you want will ever go unprovided for.. and we give 10x more in all situations than we get! Now that shes had a taste of the relationship you two have shared and her other one with her ex, she may need some time to see what she truely wants and what her heart desires. I was raised by a single mom and was taught to love and respect women from an early age. Coworkers tell me he looks at me when he sees me and he looks as if he was so sad for the past few days. Both of them are ready to work tirelessly for the sake of financial stability, and in this matter to fully find mutual understanding. Just my thoughts on this matter but things that have come to mind when reflecting on what has been said. Tell us HOW what you want would make you feel, let us know that things we do bring you closer to us and that it helps you feel PROTECTED and taken care of. Save. Its hard for me to do, because there is a sense of not being in control. Not because either of us were dating someone at the time, but because I was, and still am, going through a tough personal time. I still feel them but i personally believe that to be in a true relationship you have to always work on changes yourself to the better person that YOU want. everyone thinks we are the perfect couple, but they dont see/hear what i do. The Scorpio man is a wholly different creature once he surrenders to trust. Virgo has to admit they are not perfect else she will believe its just scorpio lying to manipulate her . Also, he always embarrassed me in front of Aries by making me look stupid when me and Aries dated. journey in standing and came to see her just for 5 mins., sometimes used to call her without saying anything just to hear her voice, though I never said I LOVE YOU we are so close I thought she already knows, She could share everything with me for her I changed my job and came to her city I proposed one fine day then she told me she is in love with another guy. Many Virgo women avoid dealing with emotions . From the start it was ruined beacause he needed more! Since weve gained mutual friends so I was able to get to know her without coming on too strong. I wonder if there is any advice you Virgo girls can give me. You never find a Scorpio in a grey zone, he is good, or evil, and nothing in between. And have you and another girlfiend or a wife! They're considered one of the best, if not the best men for a Virgo female. Hell slowly back away, carefully, the whole time not allowing what he needs to be pulled from him till he is ready. I am a Taurus guy(27), well I find this post interesting, I also wanna share, I met this Virgo girl 4 years back we are still great friends but somehow I fell in love with this girl, I dont know but all these years I was in Philippines, Jakarta, Dubai, Bahrain and a lot many places I had opportunity to settle down in any of these countries but I came back for her, In all these years only one thing was consistent that is my love for her, I always felt she loved me more than i do, after coming back also we could not meet as her and my job was in different cities so every weekend I used to travel almost 1000 kms just to see her once, sometimes I spend 8-10 hrs. The twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is understanding, intuitive, artistic, and sympathetic.

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