As a neurotransmitter, it promotes wakefulness, controls satiety, and is crucial to direct goal-oriented behaviors, while the histamine H 3 receptor is related to cognitive function and the maintenance of short and long-term memory. The patients that Heidi Turner typically sees in her practice have done the basics of diet, probiotics, antimicrobials. The nasal lights use LED bulbs. Many researchers say more clinical trials are needed to confirm its effectiveness as a treatment. And sometimes, Ill see things that work for some people. THE HISTAMINE-NITRIC OXIDE CONNECTION When histamine levels become high in the body, nitric oxide is released as a response. DrMR: And that might be one of the limiting factors allowing people to respond and move forward. But yeah, I would say if one program doesnt work for your patient, then to direct them to another. And some are still in their molding environment. Haha, I try! Im fully wired. However, if products are misused perhaps used too often or not according to directions theres a chance your skin or eyes (if not protected) could be damaged. They can cause vomiting, drowsiness, and trouble peeing. Talk to your doctor if youre thinking about red light therapy. So now, I have switched my home office over to wired. How many treatments will I need? American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery: LED Therapy Studies., Annals of Biomedical Engineering: The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy., Dermatologic Surgery: Low-Level Light Therapy for Androgenetic Alopecia: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham DeviceControlled Multicenter Trial., Phytobiology: Mechanisms of Low Level Light Therapy., Florida State University: Mitochondria., National Human Genome Research Institute: Mitochondria.. The frustrating part was that everybody was different. DrMR: I think thats a great note to move us into a close. Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that uses low wavelength red light to reportedly improve your skins appearance, such as reducing wrinkles, scars, redness and acne. Depending upon whats the right recipe that gets us there, at a certain point and I think that thats related to again, the history, our bacterial balance and genes. The most common food allergy signs and symptoms include: Tingling or itching in the mouth. HT: No, thats it. Reduce histamine-containing foods. Like many developments, other potential uses began to be investigated. Red light nasal probes are safe to use with other therapies.Beautifu flowers, dangerous pollen. And if you just treat it based upon signs and symptoms, you might see similar outcomes. And Im going to test EMF inside the canopy. What is it we need to do to calm that down? Histamine Intolerance Symptoms Symptoms resemble common allergic responses and symptoms. Results can then be compared between the emerging treatment versus no treatment (the placebo group) or versus a current standard treatment. Red meat is skewed towards histidine. In a direct side by side comparison, Platinum LED lights produce the highest irradiance of any LED therapy lamp on the market today, and I will link to a video actually showing you this measurement. What causes them, and what you can do about them. Im seeing the subset of people with inflammatory conditions that didnt quite fit within the standard model of autoimmunity or neuro issues or gastrointestinal issues. The same may hold true for viral reactivation or mold. So going off of a wireless system. So Ive been recommending as such. But when Im not using my cell phone, especially if Im carrying it on me, I always have it on WiFi. It can really help to set the immune system right in the gut. The one that I usually recommend is Annie Hopper, just because shes working more from a place of chemical sensitivity. HT: Yeah, absolutely. This spurs healing in skin and muscle tissue. The insertion should not cause pain. So I still think that there are things that you can do with diet, maybe with supplementation if your body is going to take it. So those are the three things that Ive seen. So what do we need to shift that around? Why? Histamine-containing foods: red wine and champagne hard cheese avocado smoked or canned fish The perfect storm that I always observe is prolonged stress. You do a skin prick test, theres no IgE response at all. Will I achieve the desired results? I have tried antihistamines and steroid treatments. Let me think about that. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. And you have to keep up with it. Well, you can find me at When swapping his antihistamine drug for a nasal light, one user said his symptoms were 70 to 80% better. ~ Understanding these pathways may help people with histamine sensitivity avoid alcohol-induced reactions. Thats what these conditions have always really worked around, what do we do to calm these symptoms down? Common symptoms are: Abdominal cramps Abnormal menstrual cycle Anxiety Arrhythmia, or accelerated heart rate Difficulty falling asleep Difficulty regulating body temperature Fatigue Flushing That could be any number of symptoms that fit within a histamine modulation, where histamine might be active in that particular inflammatory process. I keep coming back to that idea of, Whats the fear? What do we need to be doing that is going to turn the volume down on that level of hypersensitivity and hyperreactivity, and identify what the fear is in each of these people? And I think thats what well talk about today. I scanned the reviews of several nasal probes available for sale on the internet. Insert the probes in the nasal passages. get either the study treatment or a placebo (fake or sham treatment) for treatment of the same condition. Is red light therapy an appropriate treatment for my skin condition? Red light treats the histamine reaction allergies cause. And that filter is usually, Okay, if I hear this a few more times, then Im really going to start looking at this. So yeah, exact same process goes for my practice. So really trying, again, to turn the volume down on what the brain has to do. And I think thats what youre saying, right, that thats going to lead to that? Ive noticed that with some patients, when Ive told them, You can eat X, Y or Z food, they can eat X, Y or Z food and not have the reaction they thought they were going to have, just because someone told them that they probably could! Like if youre going to be on your computer, be on your computer. And Ive been doing my own experimentation, because I started working remotely via Skype and FaceTime and all of that. Allergic symptom red light therapy has no side effects. Just helping them to feel better, but never really resolving what was going on. It has red light for a collagen and elastin production boost, to reduce swelling, help improve the appearance of scars, and recover sun damage and imperfections. Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that may help skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body heal. HT: Yeah, I think when I start seeing someone, theyve usually been through all of that craziness. For this highly sensitive population, managing symptoms alone is a challenge. They can cause itchiness, redness, and swelling in the nose, which is what we are trying to reduce with treatment. If its someone whos busy and you can tell theres like, Boom, boom, I want to get this done, then I steer them more toward the Ashok Gupta program. It's possible to experience histamine toxicity if you have histamine intolerance, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). Red light therapy appears to be safe and is not associated with any side effects, at least if used short-term and as directed. In a direct side by side comparison, Platinum LED lights produce the highest irradiance of any LED therapy lamp on the market today, and I will link to a video actually showing you this measurement. The Allergy Reliever is a portable, lightweight battery-powered device. So I think there is a there there. There could be an alternative situation. Thats what Im looking for. So if youre totally disconnected, then you might have this raging dairy intolerance: I cant figure out why Im bloated all the time! Well, if you had any ability to read your body, eventually youd piece that together. Just how you were saying, it can really mess with your mind. Just, how do we step back a little bit more? All of a sudden, the fear becomes so palpable that even just the fear itself can start to trigger that response. So, different physical therapies. Thats really important because the quality of life for people who are extremely hypersensitive is really poor. A few conditions might prohibit the light from working as well with some people.The Bionase nasal red light device. Okay, so I definitely want to get into the facets of the therapeutic protocol (for lack of a better term) that youre using here. You cant put it in too early. But you have to have some filter. So Im on the computer quite a bit. Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC:Hi, everyone. Red light is good at relieving these allergy symptoms: In one study, researchers treated twenty-nine allergy sufferers with 660 nm red light. Because in most cases, going through and treating the SIBO or treating the mycotoxin or what have you is going to be what you need to do. And its an hour a day, so its a thing, right? Improve sun-damaged skin. You might need to medicate either with H1 or H2 blockers or leukotriene inhibitors, mast cell stabilizers, quercetin, vitamin C, or DAO, or all of those things. Theres no prescription, theres no medication, theres no supplementation, theres no diet to it. And while everyone I interview, I think, is trying to do the best that they can, you can really tell the difference between an experienced clinician and people who might be more theoretical. Increase fibroblast production, which makes collagen. So it became very frustrating. Sometimes, you might hit a wall and not feel like its working anymore. Were going to be discussing histamine intolerance, mast cell activation, and how we can use some other therapies that are maybe not so much the frontline therapies to help in this highly sensitive subgroup of patients. ( But again, if you cant, then do the work, and then bring it in. Over three sessions a day, the subjects received 18 J per day. Increase blood circulation to the tissue. In the body it's produced by mast cells (a type of white blood cell) and has a crucial role in our immune system. In any case, this is a must try if youve done everything else for your gut. DrMR: And I pretty much dont ever use my WiFi at home. And when theres a higher level of severity, where we really cant calm things down and the body is just in this constant activated state, thats where it veers more into that mast cell activation syndrome place. And that hyper-attentiveness is part of the treatment protocol when were working with MCAS, unfortunately. Red LED light therapy may reduce inflammation and stimulate the production of collagen, a protein responsible for younger-looking skin that diminishes with age. So, the appropriate addressing of gut dysbiosis, using a general term, and all the things that could fall underneath that, including SIBO, H. pylori, fungus, or even just dietary intolerances that you need to pin down. The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. Electromagnetic radiation, bacteria or viruses, molds or fungus, and psychological stressors or trauma. Is it low histamine, low sulfur, low fermentable? Sometimes, I was able to get in there with a certain supplement or we were able to find a particular diet that really helped them to reduce their symptoms significantly. To relieve pain and inflammation associated with ankle tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoarthritis of the knee. And it can take some time. 00:10:53Make Sure Basics Are Addressed First 00:15:31The Limbic System: One Key to Treatment 00:17:55Typically, a History of Trauma 00:25:44Programs for Limbic System Retraining 00:29:42Hyper-attentiveness & Sensitivity 00:32:18Comparison of Retraining Programs 00:37:20The Potential Impact of Screens & EMFs 00:42:38Immunoglobulin Support 00:49:26Episode Wrap-up 00:52:42, Download this Episode (right click link and Save As). These people that have this dont have allergies. My cellphone is pulling. You may not get the results you hope for. It is the first time Ive ever been able to actually get in there. Doing this kind of work strengthens your immune system. They get a virus, they get sick in some way, whether thats bacterial or viral, and then antibiotics are often involved in that. Some histamine intolerance symptoms mimic an actual allergic reaction. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires this notice. Red light therapy (RLT) is used to treat skin disorders, muscle fatigue, hair loss, and joint pain. And I think that one thing we didnt get to is the diet does make a difference. And then, also remind people where they can track you down on the internet. Or there still is that level of hypersensitivity that is present, until they can basically train the brain in such a way so that it becomes less sensitive to that. Red light therapy is also known as photobiomodulation (PBM) or low level light therapy (LLLT) and sometimes cold laser therapy. Youll need to be seen one to three times a week for weeks or even months. But recently, many of Heidis patients have seen significant healing results from an unexpected natural therapy. Like if theyre in a restaurant and theyre having a reaction, starting with tapping will actually help to abate that reaction, so that they dont have to jump up and start doing rounds or whatever. There were three sessions a day for 14 days. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. In addition to medical office-based use and at-home use with a purchased device, you may see RLT being promoted at beauty spas and salons, saunas, tanning salons, gyms and wellness centers. Options may or may not include red light therapy. DrMR: So your current focus indirectly posits that the reason you feel many of the sensitive patients to be sensitive is because its underlaid by a degree of histamine intolerance and/or mast cell activation. Thats one of the ways that Ive come to rely on testing less. I decided to check if red light therapy works for allergies. Then well launch in. While youll probably be able to pick out all these associations, there is this cliff over which you can fall and you start seeing associations that may not even be there. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by experts. And it helps our brain stay awake. You might occasionally want to replace the cleanable probes. Then, youll work together to discuss treatment options that'll achieve your desired result. This is the fastest and simplest way to feel better, but it can become restrictive and difficult in the long-term. And they found that to be really beneficial, for the really hypersensitive whos just reacting to everything. Theres something called limbic system injury or damage. Now, the question is, what else do we do besides that to move the patient forward? DrMR: Youve got to see it more than once, because there are all sorts of things one person can randomly try. Looking at the environmental exposure. So then when we see this, when histamine is at play, then yeah, we can say there is either a histamine intolerance or histamine dysregulation, as I like to call it. DrMR: I should restate for the audience that theres definitely a foundation were assuming is in place, as you implied, addressing things like gut dysbiosis. The wavelength affects how deeply the light penetrates your skin. HT: Yeah. Other names you might hear to describe red light therapy include: NASA originally began experimenting with red light therapy on plant growth in space and then to help heal wounds in astronauts. Be cautious of who is supplying and where you are receiving treatment. So when were working with some level of limbic system injury or damage, the idea of this dysfunction is that when one experiences a level of toxic overloadand the brain continues to trigger these cells protective mechanisms to manage these traumas, because the brain is plasticit can get stuck in a state of chronic emergency. All of their lights come with a 60 day trial period which is amazing, and a full three year warranty worldwide. Headaches and migraines. So weve had a chance to elaborate on this. Red light therapy (RLT) involves exposing the body to low-wavelength red light. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery: A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near-Infrared Light Treatment in Patient Satisfaction, Reduction of Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Skin Roughness, and Intradermal Collagen Density Increase., Pain Research and Treatment: Efficacy of the LED Red Light Therapy in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders: Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: Improvement of Pain and Disability in Elderly Patients with Degenerative Osteoarthritis of the Knee Treated with NarrowBand Light Therapy., Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) in skin: stimulating, healing, restoring., British Journal of Sports Medicine: A randomised, placebo controlled trial of low level laser therapy for activated Achilles tendinitis with microdialysis measurement of peritendinous prostaglandin E2concentrations.. More specifically, certain cells absorb light wavelengths and are stimulated to work. Then about a week or two later, another one of my patients came to me and said, Im doing this limbic system retraining stuff and Im starting to notice a shift. So in my line of work, if I have more than a couple of people come and give me similar feedback from anything that theyre doing, Im starting to get interested. Histamine helps regulate many bodily functions including digestion, sleep, sexual function, and blood pressure, and in the brain it functions as a neurotransmitter, carrying chemical messages between nerve cells. Low-level laser therapy: a standard of supportive care for cancer therapy-induced oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients? HT: So I find We have to stop the tests, especially in this population. After red light treatment, 72% subjects said their rhinitis symptoms were significantly better. And some people bring a lot of different limbic system modalities into this and find that they work in different situations. Certainly, from a symptom management perspective, I do help to guide the patient into working into the diet thats going to be the least reactive, while doing all of these things to help strengthen that immune system and strengthen that nervous system. So again, fear, no. So if you dont feel like you fit that category, you may not necessarily listen to this episode. What is it fearful of? So this is my perspective as Ive worked with this population, always trying to find the key to each person. I do want to get your thoughts on mold a little bit later. Hear what works according to Tests can be helpful to rule out a serious condition or when the data provided treats the individual. Red light therapy may use only red wavelengths, only NIR wavelengths, or (ideally) a combination of both. Antihistamines, steroid nasal sprays and eye drops do relieve histamine symptoms, but they have side effects. So to the pads, the phones, or to the wiring in the house. It tells stomach cells to make stomach acid. DrMR: I think this is a great conversation for us to be having. In this therapy, low-power red laser light is used to activate a photosensitizer drug. But you have to give it a certain period of time. Because the immunoglobulins contained in Intestinal Support Formula address the often overlooked piece of your gut health, your immune system. (, Visitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information. But of course, youre more than welcome to listen to every episode! But you were mentioningbefore we started the recordinghow you look at the evolution of this, or the mechanisms, or whats going on underneath the hood. Red light is visible, occupying the "long end" of the visible spectrum with wavelengths of 630nm-700nm. This article contains scientific references. Materials and Methods. Typically, if the medical doctor cant figure it out, the next thing is, Here are your anti-anxiety medications. I wanted to say thank you to Platinum LED which helped make this podcast possible. Do you trust the experience of the person providing the red light therapy? I care about answering your questions and sharing my knowledge with you. DrMR: And thats the Emotional Freedom Technique that youre referring to, with the tapping? And thats more an emotional stressor, that could be divorce, death, grad school, medical school. I went down a full category of EMF on the meter when I would turn my WiFi router on or off. Improve hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia. It has to be a regular and daily commitment. Improve scars. Hear a simple, daily step that could make a difference for anxiety, depression, IBS, sleep, and fatigue.

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