Where abatement results in shifting costs between various classes of airport tenants and users, the airport sponsor is encouraged to consult with all affected parties. In other parts of the world, MAGs are the airport's exact expected rental payments. Under one version of an infrastructure plan floated by House Democrats (the Moving Forward Framework), airports and airspace improvements would be funded, in part, by an increase in PFCs. 84, Fiduciary Activities. The big change at Los Angeles International Airport allows concessionaire partners, which include DFS Group, Hudson and HMSHost, among others, to pay percentage rent rather than a minimum annual guarantee (MAG) from April 1 through June 30 as a result of passenger traffic declines due to the coronavirus pandemic. Senior Living Development Consulting (Living Forward), Reimagining the future of healthcare systems, National Plan of Integrated Airports System, tax alert comparing COVID-19 employer tax incentives. Given the current state of the economy, Congress has turned to working on the next comprehensive economic relief package, which is being referred to as CARES 2.0. For construction contracts over _____ federal regulations require the airport to obtain a bid guarantee to equal at least _____ of the bid price, as well as performance and payment bonds equaling _____ percent of the contract. While the model has primarily been used for duty free concessions, it has worked equally well for other types of concessions. Airport concession contracts for the full panoply of concessions, including rental cars, parking and retail, usually contain a minimum annual guarantee (MAG). The city may extend the action for an additional 30-day . Concessionaires need to understand this new business reality when they ask for relief. 1, their minimum annual guarantee was superior to anybody . The city named the Vantage Airport Group to run the concessions when the new terminal opens in 2023. MAG: Each Respondent shall indicate payment of a Minimum Annual Guarantee ("MAG") of $_____. These MAGs are usually based on some percentage of the prior years revenue and are intended to provide the airport sponsor with a revenue floor from these concession contracts. The question that airport managers must ask themselves is which rent strategy is realistic in the current environment. Airport concession contracts for the full panoply of concessions, including rental cars, parking and retail, usually contain a minimum annual guarantee (MAG). What this option does do is change the distribution of risk. The funds are coming directly from the U.S. Treasurys General Fund to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Supplemental Airport Grant-In-Aid Funding $100 million is distributed to general aviation airports in accordance with categories established by the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Very hands off for the airport sponsor. Airlines have a significant stake in the quality of the concession program because of its impact on the passenger experience. Airports outside of North America are already experiencing the benefit of joint ventures between the airport operator and concession operators. Airports maintain goals of working with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises or more commonly referred to as DBEs. If, at the end of any year during the Term, the total amount of monthly installments of MAG and Percentage Fees paid for such year is less than the total amount of annual MAG and Percentage . There will still be passengers, and the concession industry needs to be ready to serve them. These cookies do not store any personal information. The price tag is a whopping $440 per square foot. Elsewhere, airports do not expect vendors to exceed their MAGs. Similar to a third party option, an institutional operator can reduce risk while also reducing proceeds to the airport operator. If the airport sponsor determines that it is in its best interest to waive the MAG, then these clauses can be replaced with an alternative fee structure, such as a simple percentage of sales or some other agreed-upon metric of performance. San Francisco, CA Mayor London N. Breed has signed an ordinance authorizing the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to launch a rent relief program for airport concession tenants, in which lease agreements will be modified to waive certain rent and fees.The value of the relief available to be granted under the COVID-19 Emergency Rent Relief Program is estimated at $21.3 million and . Because of the drastic reduction in flights and passenger traffic, airlines have been shrinking their staffing, space requirements and gate usage. FBOs may collect the landing fees for GA aircraft or charge them a fuel-flowage fee on behalf of the airport. Creation of the lounge would require around a $4-million investment from whichever group decides to take over the space, which is 9,100 square feet -- on the small side for most airport lounges. When one partner tries to do too much, it will lessen the benefits of the joint venture. The fallacy of Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) In times of continued and prolonged growth, airports have learned to depend upon MAGs. While some of these answers require more information from the federal agencies, there are 10 burning questions we can answer now. 47114 (as modified by the CARES Act), then the remainder is distributed in the same manner as the $7.4 billionbased on a mixture of enplanements and debt service. A by-location per passenger MAG may be too complicated for widespread implementation at this point. This financial shock has created a number of legal and financial issues. At least $7.4 billion is allocated to commercial service airports, allocated based on enplanements, debt service, and unrestricted reserve ratios. Other organizations that havent yet addressed some of these pending standards may want to take advantage of the implementation delays. In a standard MAG model, the concessionaire bears a great deal of uncertainty with little risk falling to the airport. Additionally, car rental companies will usually be required to pay the airport a Customer Facility Charge (CFC). The airport environment is complex and has become even more challenging due to COVID-19. In times of continued and prolonged growth, airports have learned to depend upon MAGs. Where appropriate and agreed to by airport sponsors, terminal use leases should be amended to reflect the airlines changed operating circumstances. Meanwhile the company maintained a resilient retail margin of above 60%, helped by minimum annual guarantee waivers to airport landlords of $1.2 billion. With a MAG based on enplanements, the airport accepts the risk of failing to deliver enough enplanements. 116-94). The master operator concept typically limits the ACDBE participation goals and may require additional efforts to maintain. Rent abatement should be tied to the changed circumstances caused by the public health emergency and done in accordance with Grant Assurances 22 and 24, as well as related statutes. COVID-19 has sent shockwaves throughout the world. Lets consider six potential options. Where do we go from here? That report and certification should include the number of full-time equivalent employees working at the airport as of March 27, 2020, as the baseline comparison. Rates for each new fiscal year will be posted on this page after Board approval of the rates and fees. Airport Cargo Community system Bid Opening Date: 07/13/2021 05:00:00 PM Purchaser: Kevin Hanagan Organization: City of Philadelphia . This suggests that the best way to ensure an outstanding customer experience would be for this Trinity (or Trinity Plus, including the supplier) to work together. Besides giving each airport blanket permission to decide its own strategy, the emphasis on shifting costs between various classes of airport tenants is crucial. Airports would also have to establish supply lines for products that they have not procured in the past. A. Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG). While the airport might invest capital in the joint venture, it must be involved in a management committee overseeing the business. leasehold at Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD). If the basis for a MAG is what the airport thought it should be earning, the amount may never be supportable even if a concessionaire signed the contract. Calculating MAG based on traffic in a larger area (e.g., the concourse or terminal) is one possible answer. At least $100 million will go to general aviation airports, allocated based on categories published in the current NPIAS. HMS Host, the food and beverage concessionaire at Clinton National, is required to pay a minimum annual guarantee of $594,000, which works out to $49,500 monthly under the terms of its contract. If flights do not return to their pre-pandemic levels, then the airport will not be able to recover former passenger levels. CARES Act grant recipients should follow the FAAs Policy and Procedures Concerning the Use of Airport Revenues (Revenue Use Policy), 64 Federal Register 7696 (64 FR 7696), as amended by 78 Federal Register 55330 (78 FR 55330). However, this still may not be the most effective solution. Concessions are typically leased with a percentage type lease so that a specific percentage of gross sales are given to the airport as part of their lease agreement. To provide flexibility to recipients of federally funded projects in providing opportunities to DBEs. Terminal Rentals - Rent paid by car rental companies for ticket counters and office space in terminals. Wealth Management. To remove barriers in participation of DBEs. Each entity will need to review the applicable accounting guidance, consider their own circumstances, and make their determination based on their professional judgment. This opportunity is for two available FBO leaseholds with a general aviation terminal, office space . Because this rate base is not related to passenger numbers, it is equally as inflexible as a MAG set by any other means in the event of significant changes in enplanements. As a result, if concessionaires produce lower sales because there is no traffic, it will result in space rental rates increasing. The future of airport concessions in a post-COVID-19 world, COVID-19's impact on commercial aviation: Customer survey findings, Why sustainable aviation is more than a flight of fancy, Sustainable aviation: A guide for aviation professionals. Concessionaires could avoid minimum annual guarantee payments for a third quarter as the MAC develops a long-term relief plan. Find out how our purpose shapes our culture, people, and mission-driven work. The April 4th FAA guidance permits this: In coordination with airport sponsors, airlines, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and other entities, closing gates or sections of terminals is likely to be acceptable if the closure is executed in response to reduced passenger volumes and operations, is not discriminatory, and does not provide an unfair competitive advantage to one operator. Match. Minimum Annual Guarantee: Each Proposer shall submit its proposal as a minimum annual guarantee (MAG) for each of the first two (2) years of the Concession Agreement. In addition to the detailed guidance in the Revenue Use Policy, the CARES Act makes clear that the funds may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the airport. With standard concession management programs, the airport operator assumes all of the risk for leasing the property but stands to profit the most by receiving a larger amount of generated revenues. Fixed Based Operators or FBOs, are service providers to many GA and corporate aircraft. Most experts agree that there will be no quick snapback of passengers, so airports face the issue of having too many concessions locations or even too many operators. Airlines, while they may be able to reduce some operating costs associated with vacated premises, must still cover all their fixed and operating costs associated with the vacated space. There are numerous ways to frame a contract without a MAG. Airlines value an attractive commercial program because it makes a better background for the expression of their brand. The fallacy of Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG). Given the focus on bottom line profits, the investment in variable costssuch as employees, training, maintenance, and product developmentrequired to earn additional sales may no longer make economic sense. One-twelfth of the MAG shall be due in advance on the first day of each month Alternatively, different percentages could be charged for varying levels of sales or by assigning either fixed or variable rates to different product categories (e.g., one percentage for food and non-alcoholic beverage and a separate percentage for alcoholic drinks only). (a) Annual Reconciliation. The additional funds appropriated by the CARES Act were largely intended to help airport sponsors meet their debt service and bond obligations. Some airports have just a single FBO while others have multiple. To ensure that firms meet the requirements of DBE qualification. This strategy is particularly applicable for a hub airport where the hub airlines brand expression is likely already an important part of the airports perceived brand. The develop pays the amount due to the airport through the lease agreement and pockets the rest. Land . 6 . In airports with residual airline agreements, the airlines will be required to make up the difference between revenue to the airport and required revenue to pay for airport development and other expenses. In North America, airports tend to look at MAGs as the least amount of acceptable rent. A MAG is guarantees the airport sponsor a minimum amount of money from the concession, in the event they do not generate much revenue. New non-aeronautical revenue streams are critical to airport recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. They often charge more than 10% for water and alcohol, Waguespack said. Will this have an impact on airline and concession agreements? Bond Covenants and Indenture Pledge of Revenues. "We've already . Concessionaires are, in general, seeking some manner of rent relief from their airport partners. If you have questions about COVID-19s impact on your business, please reach out to your Loeb relationship partner or email us directly atCOVID19@loeb.com. The FAA helped to level the playing field by allowing DBEs to compete for concessions contracts in airports. . percentage of their annual gross revenues derived from operations at the airport or a minimum annual guaranteed amount, whichever is greater. Having been hit particularly hard, airports are searching for answers to problems on a scale that simply wasnt imaginable six months ago. Many airport agreements allow for a suspension of MAGs in the event of a severe enplanement decrease. As a result, if concessionaires produce lower sales because there is no traffic, it will result in space rental rates increasing. The airport operator also brings knowledge of how to do business in an airport environment while allowing the concessionaire to concentrate on what they do best: operate a highly successful restaurant or shop. Page 3 of 61 - Non-exclusive On-airport Rental Car Concession - Proposal documents 3. Most airports already calculate a PSF rent amount in their airline rates and charges (e.g., office space with passenger access) that applies to concession-type spaces. Airports outside of North America are already experiencing the benefit of joint ventures between the airport operator and concession operators. Atlanta, GA - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The disclosure of guaranteed minimum future lease payments will also be impacted for any changes in the MAG in the concession contracts. One of the keys, however, to the success of this model is the realization that each partner brings particular strengths, skills, and abilities. While the bulk of the $10 billion appropriated for airport sponsors can be used, if necessary, to make bond principal and interest payments, airport sponsors may be faced with difficult decisions about how to prioritize needs during the financial stress. If relief drives airline costs to a significantly higher level, thereby reducing airport cost-competitiveness, airlines may choose not to fly to the airport or to operate fewer services. . Primarily, in residual agreements, the rates vary based on airport revenue. With the new economic and industry realities, capital access may be an even greater hurdle. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Airport vendors have you right where they want you trapped at the gate, drinking a $20 beer. By one industry estimate, airports have nearly $100 billion in collective debt, with $7 billion in bond principal and interest payments due in 2020. In other parts of the world, MAGs are the airport's exact expected rental payments. Airports should carefully consider how they structure deals and their business models to ensure more flexibility to respond to potential future shocks. February 2, 2021January 28, 2021 | AirportU. Learn how your comment data is processed. This option would give the airport operator the ultimate control over its concession program as it takes on full responsibility for all business aspects. Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) of at least Eleven Million Dollars ($11,000,000) for each Contract Year and an annual escalation of at least three percent (3%) for the Contract Term. By one industry estimate, airports have nearly $100 billion in collective debt, with $7 billion in bond principal and interest payments due in 2020. Given that we are considering a new paradigm, airports and concessionaires may wish to consider three other business structure options. If the metric for rent resumption is comparing the current period to the same period in the previous year, by the time the world reaches year two of recoveryeven if the improvement is only slight and slowthe contract may reinstate the original MAG. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. To go along with that, concessions are often subject to Minimum Annual Guarantees (MAG). Where abatement results in shifting costs between various classes of airport tenants and users, the airport sponsor is encouraged to consult with all affected parties. Terminal Closure and Footprint Reductions. Lets consider six potential options. This strategy is particularly applicable for a hub airport where the hub airlines brand expression is likely already an important part of the airports perceived brand. Having been hit particularly hard, airports are searching for answers to problems on a scale that simply wasnt imaginable six months ago. Meet the Woman Stockpiling Cash to Sue San Francisco Over Housing Deadlock, Loeb Secures Defense Victory for the State of California and the California State Lands Commission, Loeb Lawyers Recognized in 2023 Edition of Best Lawyers in America, American Conference Institutes (ACI) 37th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, $500 million, which can be used to fund any grant made under the FY20 Appropriations Act (P.L. The CFC is a charge based on either the contract value, gross receipts, or per car per day. However, MAGs in concession contracts still expect continued growth. The FAA has issued additional guidance on airport concession fees, some of which reverses earlier policies. Regardless, this shifting of risk may not be acceptable to airports. Minimum Annual Guarantee ("MAG") Lowest amount of rent to be paid To Be Negotiated . Here are some others. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. These benefit packages may make the cost of employment significantly higher than the all-in employment costs for most concession operators. A different methodology is required to ensure that vendors are allowed to earn a fair return on their investments, are able and willing to reinvest to improve and grow, and still provide a reasonable return to the airports. There are means of counting passengers who pass a concession location, but few airports have installed such technology. 4.1.1 Minimum Annual Guaranteed Concession Fee. Even before the contagion, the "Minimum Annual Guarantee" (MAG) model was already under challenge, and does this tool remain fit-for-purpose? a minimum annual guarantee or MAG annually, which more or less translates to rent. Non-aeronautical revenueairport revenue from sources other than airlinestypically includes retail concessions, 1 car parking, and property and real estate. Discover the top trends shaping government in 2023. Annual fee for the airport to perform snow removal at the Vehicle Ready/Storage Vehicle Parking Area and Service Building/Wash Bay Facility. The passenger experience results from a combination of the actions or inactions of airport, concessionaire, and airline. Minimum Annual Guarantee - How is Minimum Annual Guarantee abbreviated? Find more information in a tax alert comparing COVID-19 employer tax incentives, issued by our National Tax Office. This information collection permits FAA to confirm that rent relief is consistent with the requirements of CRRSA and ARPA. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Learn. The FAAs Office of Airports will administer these grant funds to airport sponsors. To meet aggressive congressional deadlines for request submissions, a new airport industry request is being made with three potential components: $13 billion in additional emergency assistance, a gap financing program for airports, and a touchless journey through security. Each contributes its expertise, capital, and support to result in a uniform, consistent, and superior customer experience throughout the passengers journey. Off-airport companies pay up to 8% of gross revenue from their airport-related car rentals. Minimum Annual Guarantee. Depending on the level of the sales decrease, the resulting increase in space rental rates may lead to concessions being no longer economically viable. Considering all the current changes in our business, this model may be a solution to sharing risk and encouraging a strong representation of critical brands in airports. Concessions and retail often fill that need. This . Depending on the level of the sales decrease, the resulting increase in space rental rates may lead to concessions being no longer economically viable. There are several types of concessionaires that lease space to operate at the airport. Some airports have had huge success in meeting ACDBE goals with the developer model. Kona International Airport at Keahole is located on the western coast of the Island of Hawaii, approximately 10 miles from the town of Kailua Kona. . We did not review solicitation or award of concession agreements in this audit. Tax. In North America, airports tend to look at MAGs as the least amount of acceptable rent. To promote the use of DBEs for federally funded projects. The key will be ensuring that airline charges remain fair and reasonable. While the airport might invest capital in the joint venture, it must be involved in a management committee overseeing the business. There are means of counting passengers who pass a concession location, but few airports have installed such technology. The same rules govern the use of CARES Act funds that govern the use of all airport revenues. The additional funds appropriated by the CARES Act were intended, in large part, to help airport sponsors meet their debt service and bond obligations. View bio. Strategic agency for engagement and transformation. COVID-19 has sent shockwaves throughout the world. The current decline dwarfs those of the recent past, as enplanement levels have dropped by upwards of 90%. It beat four other finalists. These supplier relationships are unlikely to have the same economies of scale as those of national concessionaires, which means the costs of operation may be higher. In April, the San Jose City Council voted to grant delegated authority to the airport staff to finalize negotiations and execute a 50-year lease to Signature Flight Support. Airports would also have to establish supply lines for products that they have not procured in the past. In times of continued and prolonged growth, airports have learned to depend upon MAGs. All rights reserved. From layoffs to business closings, social distancing to shopping only on days that correspond to the first letter of your last name, we have all seen and felt the impact. For example, TSA has reduced lanes or consolidated passenger screening checkpoint operations in numerous airports in response to the reduction in originating passenger volume.. Minimum Annual Guarantee listed as MAG. Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) waived for concessionaires and rental cars -Targeted Operations & Maintenance reductions Implemented a hiring freeze and 8 furlough days Offered early retirement Focused on essential expenditures Given the sharp reduction in revenue that these concession vendors are now facing, they may not be able to meet their MAGs. Airport sponsors should carefully review their bond covenants and indentures, with a particular focus on pledge of revenues and flow of funds. To ensure nondiscrimination in federally funded contracts for DOT airport assistance programs. Attention: Finance & Administration Division . Alternatively, different percentages could be charged for varying levels of sales or by assigning either fixed or variable rates to different product categories (e.g., one percentage for food and non-alcoholic beverage and a separate percentage for alcoholic drinks only). Master operators are common options, such as HMS Host Intl, Paradies Lagardere, Delaware North, and SSP. Hence, a fairer methodology for establishing a MAG is to base it on an absolute value per exposed passenger. The Audit Committee has reviewed this report and is releasing it in accordance with Article 2, Chapter 6 of the City Charter. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) . To ensure that the program is performed in accordance with law. The competitive landscape may beby necessityaltered. While the vendor still has some risk to pay for its investment and employee wages, rent is solely dependent on sales. Were here to help! At SAN, rent is calculated as a percentage of the gross revenues supported by a minimum annual guarantee, or MAG, that is a part of the leasing requirements. Because this rate base is not related to passenger numbers, it is equally as inflexible as a MAG set by any other means in the event of significant changes in enplanements.

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