Paring: Zuko/Katara. The Fire Nation has been defeated but peace seems like a far-off dream complicated by the need for reparations, rebuilding, and four nations divided by lack of trust. "Calm down Azula." The silk sheets felt cool against her skin, and she shivered. Would a rape victim feel as Katara does after the act? Zuko couldn't take it any longer. Sometimes he came asking for advice. She couldn't tell him where Aang was, Hell, she wasn't even sure she knew! When he pulled them away, she thought she had gained a reprieve, however her eyes grew wide when he drew a deadly steel blade from his sash. - Three years later, you Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! Katara always secretly admired him, but her fear of him outweighed all else. I actually love the idea of, (and this sounds terrible),do not pass go ie, Zuko being a perpetual prisoner from Hakodas ship to the Boiling Rock. This time there was no loose-lipped Captain to give the game away, & he was brought back to the Fire Nation not as a hero, but in chains. Separated from their group, Sokka and a newly-on-their-side Zuko are taken prisoner. For a moment he said nothing at all. Day 2 of Whumptober 2022. His best bet is keeping his head down and trying to survive. Her physical state had drained much of her energy, but her flashing blue eyes told the truth of her statement. Ever so slowly Katara rose to her feet. You are mine, now, waterbender. Zuko being a credible heir and a seemingly much more preferable leader means that, for the first time in years, the people of the Fire Nation have something to gain if they get rid of Ozai. being completely oblivious to how obvious his plan is, Fairly early in Book 1, when Katara refuses to let Sokka tie up Zuko due to the latter's injuries, Sokka cries out "Zuko, look over there! Desperate, he decided to try one last time. I have now changed it. The 100 Year War is over, but the world's problems are not. Chapter 7 When General Iroh - a prince of the fire nation - finds her, she fears that she'll face the As the eldest son of the chieftain he was tasked with protecting the village when his father left to aid in the war. Oh, were not going to kill you, the guard promised. "Maybe you could be free of it," Katara spoke up, causing the pair to look over in shock. The avatar has woken up in the world again to face his country. There was no joy found there, only malicious intent. I mean wife! ***Disclaimer: I do not own AVATAR, The Last Airbender, and whoever does probably wishes I'd never written this smut! On the other hand, Zuko wouldve spent some time with the Gaang (and oh god, they wont have Appa on the way to Ba Sing Sethats not a trip thatll be easy), and Zukos return to the Fire Nation would potentially cause the same feelings that he experienced in the canon. He stepped close to her, and roughly grabbed her wrists, slamming them against the cold rough wall. Do not fear, I am far from through with you. Zuko said in a deep sensuous voice. Ora) Zuko the Ultimate Prisoner A product of my unhealthy liking for prisoner trope, all rules and power imbalance that comes with that. Which doesnt even need to be a real scene; it could just be referenced in an off-handed heard about this from since if dads guys manner right before Boiling Rock. Seeing this, the man stopped. So, waterbender, are you going to tell me where to find the Avatar, or am I going to have to convince you? Prince Zuko asked in a smooth haughty voice. And he certainly didnt expect to get thrown into a dungeon with a mysterious firebender, Everything was going well until Azula tracks down the Gaang two weeks before Sozin's comet. In Book 2, Smellerbee explains to "Lee" her perspective on Jet's history with Katara, describing the latter as "hot. She failed often, but succeeded more than that. For some strange reason his words were comforting, and Katara soon drifted off to sleep. Three years later, Team Avatar arrived at the castle as a soldier, after which they found Zuko in prison. It was either this or death. Her fear suddenly became prevalent. General Fong has a special prisoner that he uses to train his men to fight firebenders. A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the perversions of my mind. Don't worry, little waterbender, I would never mar such beautiful skin, Zuko said just before he began slicing her clothing from her body. Whumptober 2021 days 1 (All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere To Go) and 2 (Talking is Overrated)Prompts: "You have to let go"/barbed wire/bound and garotte/choking/gagged. ; or the gang tries to find peace and heal in a postwar world. An Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction (Zuko X OC) "And lastly, we are free, but we are not our own persons." At this, the student frowned and looked up. Miarri, (I will eventually change her name to Kida so that's why in some chapters you'll see Kida i Ivana was the granddaughter of a highly respected fire nation general. A reader X zuko Y/n is a waterbending female from the Northern Water tribe. Culture Clash: Aang and Katara have a big one when she discovers the way airbenders deal with family and non-benders. His future depended upon it. "Oh great, NOW what? He avoided the wound there, silently cursing the bastard that did it. CORALAPIZ, 2022. By day, Zuko would be turned into a dragon By Night, the prince would be human again The price for this curse was a year of the Fire Lord's life. Apologises for slow, if any, updates! Or does it happen at the White Lotus camp as in canon, but this time it was Iroh who feels he betrayed Zuko, because he gave up the hunt for his nephew in order to save the world? My body, but not my mind! Katara growled. When Zuko was locked up in the cell, then forced to chase the impossible on a ship, his only companions were his numbers. Zukos trust lvl is -3 so its going great. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. Cold metal bit into her wrists, and damp stone dug into her bare knees. The firebender prince glared at her, and the light from the torches danced in his eyes. He surprised her then, when he lay beside her and pulled her against his hard chest. That would never fit! If you wont accept me as a friend, then maybe youll take me as a prisoner," Zuko said.So they did. Chapter 1 He stepped forward and ran his hand over her skin. That evening, Zuko and Sam were changing into their sleeping clothes. The trick is getting Zuko to a point where his decision at the Crossroads of Destiny has a meaningful impact to his progress and future development. Zuko hated his life. The question then remains: What is Iroh doing? That sounded doable enough. It seems the fact that it was the prisoners who resorted to cannibalism, and not the tribe, got lost in the retelling. This is more of a "zuko botches his escape attempt and spends the rest of the war in prison, and then when he becomes Fire Lord they leave him in prison" kind of thing. Heartbroken, Iroh must move on and help the Avatar win the war. Zuko didn't really know why he did, it wasn't like he enjoyed his father's company. The dim light from the open door was enough for her to know the identity of her captor. Slight AU to the finale, where Zuko tries to reason with Azula in honor of their mother. 13. 8. Y/N was an air bender, she was tasked with watching over the avatar He speaks calm as he follows Azula. He felt his throat tighten and tears prick at his eyes as the reality began to sink in. They were in agreement then. Against his better judgment, he brought him home. "Uncle. The metal door creaked open, and a burly old man with a rattling cough stepped inside. Chapter 2 Her silence was his answer, and he grunted as he moved his hands over the curve of her hips. Confrontation. Katara hung there upon her chains as the prince left the cell. Another rebellious moan escaped her parted lips. Zuzu. Leave, NOW!. This becomes Aang's first real taste of betryal, hatred, and a desire for vengeance. Again he pressed himself against her, still pinning her bound arms above her. Chapter 4 After being rescued, can Katara help him regain himself? So this is completely self-indulging. In Book 3, Zuko returns home a beloved hero, and it becomes clear that he is, whether he realizes it, a massive threat to Ozai politically. It really was too bad he had to take her in the dungeon. True to his word, she was then released from the chains and taken to his bedchambers. Azula listens, standing outside the throne room doors, waiting, frozen, as she hears her brothers fate. As an older brother, he has to take care of his youn A Zuko X Reader story. His release finally came and he spilled his seed deep inside of her with a final jerk of his muscular form. Also, I'm sorry for typos or tenses going from past to present, I do not care enough to proofread this.). He could feel her muscles clenching his steel flesh as if trying to milk his cream from his body. Anyone. She was startled he broke the silence, "Do what?" Her words were clipped. Also, I'm sorry for typos or tenses going from past to present, I do not care enough to proofread this.). For any of you who are still subscribed to this finished story and wished Zuko went with the colonel to that prison. I know! Found stranded on the sh "Zuko, that's where your innermost turmoil lies, you were carrying the burden of not being enough for y/n." She was raised in the Fire Nation as a slave; to serve An unconscious stranger found in the middle of the Earth Kingdom was surprisingly saved by the exiled-Prince-cum-fugitive of the Fire Nation. When he is dragged from his cell months later, he expects to be facing his execution, not his coronation. When Zuko returns to the Fire Nation in Book 3, he plays on Ozai's vanity and selfishness to get him to agree to policies that will hopefully actually help their increasingly impoverished average citizens. He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that. Chapter 6 Chapter 9 Apologises for slow, if any, updates! Suddenly she heard footsteps beyond the cell. He leaned into her shoulder and traced the tip of his nose along her neck and around the rim of her ear. Zuko formed a peculiar bond with an Earth Kingdom soldier and let himself be convinced that living in captivity would be better and safer than continuing running away from every nation. And now, faced with his Fathers worse enemy, Zuko will have to choose the path he will take from now on. Zhao is an absolute vile creep towards Zuko, which sets off all of Hakoda's parental alarm bells. He met her there, all fresh and clean, and then directed her to lay with him on the huge bed. Zhao is an absolute vile creep towards Zuko, which sets off all of Hakoda's parental alarm bells. Read Chapter 41: To the Boiling Rock from the story The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC) by TheGreatestConWoman with. She was nearing her release, and he stepped up to capture her lips once more. That was something, at least. It's not who you think. But have you considered: Zuko goes straight from Dai Li custody to the Boiling Rock? After Agni Kai, Zuko disappears and no one knows where he is, nor did I know. Hakoda ends up a prisoner of Zhao on his ship mid Book 1 (circa the episode Bato of the Water Tribe) and ends up with an unlikely cellmate, Zuko. no one knew where Kira is a noble's daughter and a firebender, she has been engaged to prince Zuko since they were young to be his concubine. Just the two of them. In book two, Iroh realises his nephew really is the prisoner of the Avatar, and proceeds to carve a path of tea, wisdom and beat-downs through the Earth Kingdom hot on the heels of the gaang. 3. Her voice was deeper than usual. there's absolutely no chance of them falling in love with the other. "throw him into The Boiling Rock." Azula stopped listening and ran. The sensations were extraordinary and he could never remember a woman who pleased him more. She wanted to scream and cry, but she could not. Kaida was abandoned by her parents and left on top of a volcano. ", Katara: "I don't want to marry you either! Why does he care if this woman cries? So you like that do you? The revolution is coming and it wants another poster boy, but Zuko is not willing to lend his face to the cause. It will hurt, but it will pass. Then with one swift motion her burst through her virgin barrier and embedded himself deep inside her clenching sheath. zuko female!oc He dipped a long finger inside her tight core and she cried out as the orgasm washed over her. She closed her eyes and turned away from his face. She had certainly seen him enough. His engorged cock sprang forth as he dropped his hakama, and he reached down, stroking it with his hand. "You are the strangest girl I've ever met." I like how you think. Just wanted to add to this Hakoda meeting Zuko at Boiling Rock. Haha! Please forgive the mistake. And then the Avatar shows up. "throw him into The Boiling Rock." Azula stopped listening and ran. After hiding in the Earth Kingdom for long months Zuko is finally caught. Too bad that wasn't good enough. He didnt expect the Fire Nation to show up without attacking. She cried in silence, until the door once again opened to reveal two young women who proceeded to wash her body of the grime and fluids. In a twist of espionage, Zuko, Katara, and Sokka must go undercover in the Fire Nation while the rest of the Gaang stays behind to complete their end of the plan. Thanks to Sokka being such a terrible captive, Zuko doesn't believe that Sokka's claims of being sick are true until Sokka collapses at his feet. Zuko had actually visited his father frequently at the beginning of the prison sentence. Once Zuko returns home to the Fire Nation and is made Home Guardian by his father, he is very specifically not just. As hard as she tried, Katara could not ignore what he was doing to her body. I guess the water bowl just didn't have enough in it to make a big enough splash. Though the letter is addressed to her apartment, Katara is decidedly not Ursa Sozin. Now consider this: Iroh takes the role of og-Zuko as a constant threat in pursuit of his nephew. Chapter 3 Please consider turning it on! Ozai wanted him to quietly die in prison, but, after three years of torment, a young waterbender possing as an earthbender arrived at the prison, setting its inhabitants free. Her refusal to speak answered his question, and Prince Zuko quickly stripped free of his clothing. ANNOUNCEMENT :) His major objective was to find the Avatar. He was accepted well, maybe not accepted, but he was allowed into the group. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. Apparently the human body wasn't meant to hang at such in such an odd position. Danger. When Ozai burned Zuko at his agni kai, Zuko lost most of the vision in his left eye. Prisoner Zuko (Avatar) found family (but in prison) this totally is a fanfic of my own fanfic. Slow updates and feel free to give suggestions that you would like to see in this story. The Guider Effect: A term the monks used to describe the influence the chosen one had on humanity Princess Rina, the daughter of Fire Lord Izumi and the granddaughter of Lord Zuko. When he is dragged from his cell months later, he expects to be facing his execution, not his coronation. Also: continuous imprisonment from the initial capture onwards, do not pass go, do not collect an Ember Island vacation. she just barely stops herself from screaming. Does he show up to the Western Air Temple, smiling like a genial old man who knows how to Set Some Stuff On Fire, and the Gaang trips over themselves to shove Zuko at him, here-we-think-this-belongs-to-you? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Aang's archenemy had taken her prisoner. A tear rolled down her cheek, and he found himself kissing it away. His plan is working well enough so far; he's made it here, he's disguised as a guard, no one suspects him, now he just has to find his dad and get out. He moved aside, however for the one behind him. He waited for a moment, giving time for the pain to pass. The gaang takes Zuko up on his offer to have him as prisoner. 'Zuzu, why couldn't you have just kept your mouth shut? Three years after the war Zuko is living a life of duty while Katara reluctantly travels the world with Aang. I'd love a papaya wife.". Its all about being faced with new perspectives that cause introspection. The following exchange occurs: In Book 3, Zuko and Jee come across an anatomically disturbing blueprint for a statue of Ozai, and Zuko questions whether that's even possible. Oh, were not going to kill you, the guard promised. Youre going to kill each other!. But when Chief Hakoda's efforts to wrangle the Fire Prince include tying the two of them together to keep an eye on him, Zuko's position on the ship and fight for control gets tangled, as the lines between warden and parental figure weave together and the two become attached in ways they never expected at the end of his rope. ANNOUNCEMENT v2. the avatar roku died 100 years ago, leaving no one in his succession. Wait would crossroads of destiny still happen or would he not care because he would literally be a prisoner at the time of it happening. scenario on the events of The Storm: What if Sokka and the Fisherman had been captured by Zuko and his crew? avatar: the last airbender : *:* 11. Unaware to the Prince, this Rhea lost her parents at a young age to a war that they never signed up for. The abusive noise added fuel to her splitting headache. The feeling was like molten heat sending liquid pools of pleasure curling in her abdomen. If he had to take her here, and in chains, then so be it. Instead Zuko is rather chill towards him (he was by far one of the nicer captors hed had, and sadly thats now Zukos standard for good treatment), but Hakoda keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. Being a teenag. To round off the saga, we have e) the Boiling Rock. He whispered in panting breaths, Relax my dear. As usual, Katara ignored his extremely valid point. All that while trying to figure out his own morals and place in this war-thorn world. 4. Because of this, when La is on his vengeful rampage, he spares Zuko out of love for Tui and a rare moment of recognition, as La himself was part of a balanced duo that had just broken. He would have her later, where he wanted her. She hated him for the pleasure that she felt, and cursed herself when a moan escaped her slightly parted lips. Many days and many nights she spent practicing her art. Also, love Iroh trailing the Gaang, being both helpful and wrathful. She was as good as dead. I need it. With exceeding skills, L What if Zuko was saved by the spirit Agni when he was born? tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (17), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (23), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, healthy dose of Zuko questioning his existence, platonic warden/prisoner (I'm making it a thing), Earth Kingdom Character(s) & Zuko (Avatar), healing lady that for once is not a fan of Zuko, it's not that dark I promise even fluffy at times, this totally is a fanfic of my own fanfic well it happens, (it is my solemn mission to massively boost the number of fics in that tag), Aang took Ozai's bending but not his ability to talk shit, Ozai disputes Iroh's custody claim out of spite, bato/hakoda - but I'm not tagging that relationship yet bc they're not onscreen together YET, The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar (Avatar), "All life is sacred." In Book 1, Sokka has the tendency to bar Zuko from access to everyday objects and defending this by coming up with extremely creative ways these objects could be used as weapons. He only pulled away from her swollen lips to inhale a much needed breath of air. ------- Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. Her visitor would be revealed soon enough. Aang had a natural talent for learning waterbending, and he helped her through her lessons whenever she asked. He teased her nub mercilessly in circular motion, and knew she would soon loose control. Re: Sokka showing up to the Western Air Temple with Suki, Zuko, Hakoda, and Chit Sang (because if you think Im not going to add dimension to a minor character, youre wrong.) Its a game of hot potato; and may Koh have mercy on those who sits with the prisoner when Iroh comes knocking. ]. There are hints in the story that Kuzon may have actually used his military mission as an excuse to actually help the surivors hide, but Aang is so upset by the point this is brought up that he refuses to entertain the possibility. "I've had enough of the brats disobedience. I can just picture the reunion post-Boiling-Rock. Sometimes he came for the chance to speak his mind freely, which he could never do growing up. After everything they've been through together, Aang can't help but feel betrayed that Zuko kidnapped his body at the North Pole. He didn't make it out on time on the Day of Black Sun and frankly, he's lucky to be alive. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, healthy dose of Zuko questioning his existence, platonic warden/prisoner (I'm making it a thing). She runs into Iroh on her way to the royal gardens. 7. The first chapter is mostly the episode until the end when I put me twist to it. While the Water Tribes don't eat people, around the time the Firenation first began its conquest the Northern Water Tribe decided to capture and seal any foreigners that came within their waters in the Frozen Pit, an ice cave deep within the glacier, as a deterrent to any who would consider trespassing. This is FICTION. The Fire Nation has been defeated but peace seems like a far-off dream complicated by the need for reparations, rebuilding, and four nations divided by lack of trust. The temptation of Suki bonding is a powerful, powerful force. Chapter 12 He had been banished, burned by his father, and now he was trapped being the 'little pet' to a man-hating warlord.

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