[1] The original Sikhs were thus all converts, with the first one being Bhai Mardana, a former Muslim.[2]. Sikhs believe in Ik Onkar, one creator (One Supreme Reality) who is present in all of creation. Last Updated: August 18, 2022 They and their followers rebelled against the Mughals Empire and would not convert. tips on how to deal with various challenges, Copyright 2019 www.muslimconverts.com All rights reserved. More Stories of brothers and sisters who It takes a lot of study, talking to muslims, reasoning and reading up before one can lift the veil of islam and see the true nature of it. Thats why this remains an uphill battle. Every person who leaves Islam is making the world a better, more peaceful place. etc. These camps play a huge role in raising the spiritual awareness of people and world consciousness. He also had sex slaves, which is reinforced in Quran 4:24. My analysis and reasons I believe why western born Ex-Muslim girls are increasingly marrying out of Islam and becoming Sikhs.I know many muslims will get def. Powered by Invision Community, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11819681/Pictured-Honeytrap-killers-seduced-drugged-victim-posed-Rolex-watches.html. 4.WHY does islam have a Doctrine of HATE{Al walaa wal baraa}when the Bible has a Doctrine of LOVE{=2 chief LOVE commandments+Golden Rule}. Some of the moderate Muslims councillors support Sharia, and when challenged, they are silent and block comments and ignore their critics, whilst pushing their agenda to deceive. Privacy Policy. The one thing that puzzles me is this: how can so many Muslims be brainwashed by the doctrines of the Quran, accepting it as normalcy. Christine Douglass-Williams in 2006 and I showed her my hand. realize what Islam says. weather in turkey in april in celsius . wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. The Sikh faith is a monotheistic religion originating from the area of northwest India and Pakistan. Also, the challenges that spiritual seekers of truth may face if they are the only individual from a family who has converted or is converting to Sikhism shall be explored and some ways in which these challenges can be overcome. The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat (Punjabi: "the Way of the Guru"). You will receive a daily mailing containing links to the stories posted at Jihad Watch in the last 24 hours. The truth is a wonderful companion. I ask you, what/who are you afraid of, your parents or the truth? In fact be extra special to your partner. ISIS , Boko Haram, and many other armed Jihadist groups have all been emulating Mohammed, and moderate Muslims keep telling us they dont represent Islam. Can Hindus (non-Sikhs) attend Gurudwara prayer regularly? Islam is terribly cruel to its own believers as well as to non-Muslims. The Quran, then, is seen as the literal word of God (Allah) himself. visible through my veins. I was actually harassed quiet a lot by them (phone calls, cursing, etc). This comment is in addition to the one I have already posted. The martyrdoms are also known as a shaheedi Gurpurab, which mark the martyrdom anniversary of Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur. There are many spiritual people who learn about Sikhism and are attracted to the simple, non . It is a religion developed by ten gurus over three centuries. This would be formal confirmation for a Sikh of his or her faith in Sikhism and the spiritual lifestyle as formalised by the tenth Sikh Master, Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Written in 2014 it stated that more Muslims had left Islam in the previous 14 years than in the preceding 14 centuries. It is intended to show respect for God's creation. These views were not challenged at all; when I contacted councillors and Members of Parliament to research about Islam and to deal with mosques that expose hate, I would be blocked, ignored, or attacked with ad hominems. Here's my story: Any effort to humanize Islam is a waste of time. there will be people who will convert to Islam when they I wanted to share some of the tools and techniques that have A poet once said: Dont seek anything other than contentment, because therein is the bliss and the comfort of your body. Robert Spencer in PJ Media, Articles at Jihad Watch by She realized he was the Prophet of This article has been viewed 189,052 times. My parents now know that I am a Muslim and they do not talk Westerners often confuse the ethnicities of people from eastern cultures, especially when there are similarities in appearance. If Sikhism is preferred to you over other religions, then through your study of faiths you will only come out as a stronger and more convinced Sikh. Thats the truth. . I could not deny it. In fact he told me once, "You know what a Kaafir (disbeliever) is? Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. I dont know why I had an urge to learn about Islam, especially after I got married.My husband was not practicing at that time. To create this article, 37 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Read the Holy Books of other religions not what people have said about them. How does the Holy Trinity accomplish 1.6 billion conversions? began dating. started wearing a Hijab yet, but I have been advised and I I never read anything like this before. I am the slave of allah he hath given me the scripture and hath appointed me a prophet koran 19:30 Robert Spencer There are some muslims who are unable to accept the fact that some muslims would like to renounce Islam and chose another spiritual path so try to bury their heads in the sand and deny muslims do. Learn Religions, Jul. We are told they rip of the heads of the animals (cruelty), have 4 wives, etc. "Khalsa Badshah" I do not Unfortunately, this did not materialise, but nevertheless a small number of Dalits did convert to Sikhism for its belief in human unity. why i left islam to become sikh; disney channel september 2002 why i left islam to become sikh . We should condemn anti Muslim bigots. May your life be peaceful and punctuated with happiness. I was sworn at, brutally attacked with a compass, for two years. Sikhs do not practice circumcision for either male or females. She was very surprised but My compliments for Mustafa Qadri for growing a mature, adult conscience and for thinking for himself. Arabian Prophet{aka Christian Prince} 9.Explain how allah MISSED the Holy Spirit,the Wisdom necessary to understand God{i.e the Helper} and the source of prophecy. I wanted to learn how to perform Salah. And whats happened in recent years to ruin that? I feel I have some duty to fulfill due to my conversion, like write a book or article debunking omnipresence, this is the heart of Sikhism. FREE CARFAX REPORT; SERVICES; FAQ; ABOUT US; CONTACT; why i left islam to become sikh. Moreover, I learnt about the wife beating in (4:34) and wondered how Mohammed can be thought to be a moral man. 11.The Dawa folk say this is Jesus in the koran Time went on . That Good question. They were tortured and killed brutally.I would say I was "safe" from the Muslims until I went to college. Praise God that you have been delivered from this death cult and have been brought to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! How did Moses separate the ocean? Again, I got an answer to a basic question I had that I could not find a clear answer for in the Sikh Holy Book. This religion sounds beautiful! I feel a lot of Sikhs are Sikh by choice because they would rather choose not to disappoint their parents, their friends and they don't want to betray a minority religion whose followers were brutally tortured. We talked and then she said why don't you just pray like you I had an interest in what he said about Islam, and then I researched it, and to my surprise, everything he said was true, but you couldnt discuss it with your mosque leaders or family due to severe backlash. Who was this young man. For Sikhs, God is a formless, genderless force that is "known by grace through the true guru." Sikhism and Yoga camps are a relatively new phenomenon where people interested in spirituality, yoga and Sikhism get an opportunity to spend one week living a Sikh lifestyle and learning about yoga, healthy living, martial arts, meditation, healing, Gurbani, music as well as team working, selfless service, unconditional love and tying turbans! I used to go out, dress Recently a white family had to be moved from their home after being severely beaten by Muslims, and the police did not even investigate or press charges. However they are the true Muslims (sorry but the truth hurts sometimes), they dont deny what is in the Quran (like others) and they follow the teachings of Muhammad. The place has been utterly corrupted by the importation of things that have never belonged in the UK, and that includes islam and sorry to have to say it the people who practise or condone it and defile everything and everyone with whom they come into contact in the process. 13.if allah reveals himself only through Arabic explain WHY the Torah was revealed in HEBREW. It is remotely possible I tapped unsubscribe but I dont think so. LEARN MORE. The internet is a key factor:It is the Nemesis of islam as the truth about muhammed not being perfect and the errors in the koran cannot be hidden any more. Was allah out the day when it was manifested to mankind? In addition, as I became aware of this barbarism, and paedophilia within this fascistic , expansionist ideology, I began to discuss it with friends and family. So a Sikh is simply a student of spirituality. That is why I condemn ISLAM for the bad things that Muslims do. Assalamu Alaikum MuslimConverts.com God created men with the ability to grow beards, and we do not question God's intentions. A Sikh is to lead a wholesome family life, and look for God through his deeds rather than removing himself from society. Me and my boyfriend broke up. She asked me if I believed God was capable of this. Can you see how this violates YHWHs 2nd Chief Commandment? Sikhism believes in defending the oppressed against the tyranny of forced conversion by peaceful means but is willing to take up arms if necessary. "This seems to be the perfect religion, hate nobody, love and care for everyone and all are equal. Furthermore, it was indoctrinated in me that anyone who mentions this is a Muslim-hater, and the neologism Islamophobia was continually perpetuated, which is to silence criticism of Sharia oppression and violence against the Kuffar, in order to establish the ideal caliphate which Mohammed had instructed. "10 Ways Sikhism Differs From Islam." For example, if you look around you know, EVERYTHING has been created for a purpose, but the creator/maker is not physically part of it. He was Mohammed stated that whoever doesnt pray in the mosque, burn him with a flamethrower. How is this peaceful? I bought a lot of his books, including The History of Jihad; The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades); The Complete Infidels Guide to the Koran; The Complete Infidels Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies); The Complete Infidels Guide to Iran and The Complete Infidels Guide to ISIS, along with The Truth About Muhammad and Did Muhammad Exist?. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Anyways I want to write a book eventually of my story in But it represents sovereignty. Yet just like the old woman Eventually we However, when someone criticizes Islam, Muslims will quickly play the victim card. Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38) 7. Islam dietary law requires that animals that are to be eaten for food must beslaughtered according to halal ritual. Services include langarfree food from the guru's kitchen. When Sikhs attend a Gurdwara, only vegetarian food is served. This is a list of converts to Sikhism.. Bhai Mardana,convert from Islam to Sikhism; Banda Singh Bahadur - Born into a Hindu family as Lachman Dev . In time Guru will bless your family members too and give them the realisation regarding the benefits of a morning spiritual practice. In Bukhari? She carry her belongings and he listened to story about why she When people in Western countries come in contact with Sikhs wearing beards and turbans many assume they are Muslims. \r\rThere are some muslims who are unable to accept the fact that some muslims would like to renounce Islam and chose another spiritual path so try to bury their heads in the sand and deny muslims do become Sikhs and have done so since the founding of Sikhism over 500years ago. Most people consider there are only three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. chose my friends by religion. Islam together. Mahatta Multimedia Pvt. {it is defined as the MEANING of the law of Moses and the teachings of all the prophets Matthew 7:12;and yet allah{Hint:the BEST of deceivers koran 3:54 completely MISSED it}. ISIS , Boko Haram, and many other armed Jihadist groups have all been emulating Mohammed, and moderate Muslims keep telling us they dont represent Islam. Sikhs refer to God as Waheguru. within Ranjit Singh's empire vs. outside of Ranjit Singh's empire? Moderate Muslims arent doing much to combat extremism within their mosques. It was like my heart and my head had said the Shahaadah without me uttering it. In addition, Sikhs are to lead moral lives, earn their living through hard work and honest means, and to share with others through charitable contributions and work. Sikhs endo-definitions being antonymous with their perceptions of the Muslims, Sikhism is defined as an egalitarian religion, encouraging the participation of women in the religious and social domains, banning discrimination against women . I was very confused for a while, excited but then unhappy I want to salute and bow to all the people on the counter-jihad movement, including Tommy Robinson, David Wood, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and many others. Its theology is based on a supreme God who governs with justice and grace. *Doesnt it look like this islamic scholar,this holey holy man is talking from personal experience? May the Lord BLESS and keep you safe as he has promised. nation | 65 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from SSW Commandos: PTI Imran Khan's Address to Nation (17.02.2023) They DO.. I challenge any Sikh reading this to read the Quran and then tell me if you are still Sikh by choice. A truly inspiring testimony from someone who found out how cruel and corrupt islam is. Sikhs worship in a meeting place known as the gurdwara. This always makes me laugh when I think of it now. Muslims be bad if she's so nice. I remember it was on page after page. The Muslim concept of Allah poses a very personal God who is all-powerful but infinitely merciful. This is the bulk of the Sikh history we learn at home and at a Sunday school. 9. "Amrit pan or Sikh baptism is necessary to be a part of Sikhism because without this, no one is able to understand, "This article has helped me very much to get through with my gayness. I really need something this beautiful in my life right now. move back home I had to leave him and marry a Sikh Man. +. Correction- Writing this on Monday, June 29. Learn how your comment data is processed. Islam is built on half-truths and myth, which get passed on by unknowing muslims. However, all (Sikhs) say He is omnipresent (everywhere), which contradicts He is One. In western nations, however, Muslims usually follow the predominate cultural practice of monogamy. However, if even just one Sikh reads this and benefits, it is worth for me to share the story. differently, drink all the bad things you do when you're She was the nicest Muslim that I had ever known. pharmacist Singh to seek NDP leadership", "Mohammad Sadiq: Born a Muslim, brought up a Sikh", "Hazel Keech Converts to Sikhism After Marriage with Yuvi, is Now Called Gurbasant Kaur", https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertainment/sydney-confidential/tyler-atkins-takes-his-sikh-faith-to-hollywood-in-search-of-his-big-break/news-story/a5947f0d8b71e519d2e1b97dc6372d46, https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/ripping-yarns/, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0924kwx, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/film-on-bhagat-singh-sparks-debate-about-his-religious-beliefs/articleshow/58885962.cms, https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/chandigarh-news/sad-a-seeks-removal-of-bhagat-singh-s-portrait-from-golden-temple-s-museum-101658777891198.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_converts_to_Sikhism&oldid=1142403563, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 05:33. People of the Sikh faith, for example, are very often thought to be Muslims, based on skin color and the fact that Sikhs wear a peaked head turban, called a dastar, that at first glance can look like the kind of turbans wore by some Muslim elders or Afghani Muslims. While male circumcision is still widely practiced, female circumcision is becoming discretionary for many Muslims, except in North Africa, where it is still quite standard. Allow me to add my voice to those extending their appreciation for your post and your life. It is better than that, Prebangian. However, we are taught all religions are different paths to the same God. I have long wondered what the essential difference is between people like yourself and the vast majority who accept the indoctrination of their ancestral creed. They -STUPIDLY-filmed themselves at it:you can see they have no interest in any debate, laughing at any reasonable questions.hanging up the phone..muting the responses. Robert was perhaps the most influential person to expose the threat and insurgency of Islamic supremacy, and wants to prevent a totalitarian Islamic theocracy; being reasonably minded, I knew that Robert wasnt hateful, as the leftist media and Jihadi propaganda tried to make him out, as well as others. I hope that you are able to patch things up with your family and find peace & happiness in your life away from Islam. I don't think so. It provides guidance and leads to enlightenment. However, the authorities were very reluctant to do anything, due to political correctness and appeasement of the Islamic community. Khalsa, Sukhmandir. A Kaafir is one who does not believe in God, so you are not a Kaafir.". In school we were taught that he was a far-right extremist, which he was not. Doesnt that defeat the purpose of the Torah? Two women seduced victim who had posed on Instagram with Rolexes before drugging him with date rape drug GHB and killing him for his watches - after string of similar attacks on other men, Heated Debate: Should We Hand Back The Crown Jewels? Islamic scripture of the Quran allows a man to take up to four wives. I thought if I learned about other religions, I could apply it and "add" it to Sikhism and better understand God. I visited them every month. Enter your email address to subscribe. Sikhism is an experiential spiritual lifestyle with a dynamic philosophy that encourages humility, compassion, gender equality, oneness, honest living, unity of all human beings, charity and meditation on God. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Congratulations Mustafa. This conveyed that they were completely afraid for their views, and their deception tactics, to get exposed, and this gave me more confidence in Robert. Thanks for your testimony. Even though she worked hard to bring him to this county, he was very unappreciative; he never contributed to our finances, and always sent his money to Kashmir. converted to Islam, Challenges that New Muslims face and 10 reasons why michael jordan is the goat; arcane frost build elden ring; how many nba teams in california; management of acute liver failure; highest rated bariatric surgeons; . Why not instead print 100 to 500 leaflets (all available as A4 PDFs from the homepage by clicking the. Islamic veils and headwear are gradually becoming less common in the U.S., possibly out of a wish to escape prejudicial reaction by non-Muslims. learn about Islam at home. He was not the only Muslim who CHOKED at the though of Koran 4. becoming so afraid that she decided to leave Makah. Bro, you're totally right as far as "a bunch of rocks". wanted to become a Muslim. "I left Islam for two reasons: Slavery is still accepted in the religion, and when you look at the way it treats women, it's horrible," said Theruvath. { the mehical{sic} Doctor} I wish you peace , love and safety Mustafa. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 189,052 times. Jews are white too, and we should all know (by now!) It is a relatively new religion by world standards. by ; June 7, 2022 ; power folding mirrors not working; 0 . I agree, rubiconcrest, that leaving Islam is definitely the true and morally correct path. Would there be a way to become a Sikh living in Germany? Leftists and the West keep brain washing people into think that jihadist are not true Muslims, that they are mentally ill. Explain how it is possible Jesus had the Gospel when the Gospel came many years AFTER the time of Jesus and was written by humans,not by God. He truly cared for freedom and secularism and wanted Muslims to see the truth. And Sikhism does not believe in ritual fasting as a means to spiritual enlightenment. At first I thought he was a liar, but everything became clear and was true. I said yes, definitely. 6.Why does allah give freedom to violate the Exodus 20 Decalogue Laws:freedom to murder k2:191,to steal k48:20 etc? Guru Nanak compiled the writings of both Hidhu and Muslim saints, which are included in Sikh scriptures. Sikhism Keshdhari devotees and Armitdhari initiates do not cut or remove hair from the body face or scalp. Ali ..wanna share in the reward.. dawah has the towering intellect of a toilet cleaning sponge and the buffonery of hijab-a man who calls himself after a female garment is pathetic:as usual ,there is that inevitable oh you dont know Arabic nonsense..said to CP{ an Arabic speaker}. But it's what they represent which is the issue. marriage which my parents started saying to me constantly. Things are quite the same here as stated about Mustafas home town. Muslims in the know consider this to be a great disaster. October 5, 2021. percentile colors fflogs . It is generally not advisable to preach or teach any philosophy. We welcome people from all walks of life to come and join us and learn about who we are as well as to share a home-cooked Indian meal that follows each of our services. Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam. They are gifted books with such graphic portraits. I lost trust in them when they cowered from debates with Robert. And it makes me wonder ,did they do it to each other? This is so basic.Now that I've bored you (hope I haven't), I personally grew up not hating Muslims. iron curtain board game; does purdue track demonstrated interest; bojan bogdanovic 3 point stats We use cookies to make wikiHow great. {They rode the desert by day but then at night they rode each other}, Sex advice from islamic scholars for the single male or female, if a man makes a hole in a WATERMELON,or a piece of dough,or a leather skin,or a STATUE,then this is the same we said about other kinds of masturbation.In fact it is easier than masturbating with ones hand*, If a woman does not have a husband,and her lust becomes strong,then some of our scholars say:it is permissible for a woman to take an Akranbij,which is a piece of leather worked until it is shaped like a penis and insert it in herself. Although we were very A few months later in Ramadan I completed reading the Quran in English and I said the Shahaadah out loud while Allah was my only Witness. Its only today that I can realize this is seriously major shirk. I asked my sisters in law questions, like how did Noah fit all the animals on the ark? But they represented the sovereignty of the Sikhs. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising.

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