Sudanese names may also be chosen to reflect the circumstances of their birth. In a pure sense, Sundanese culture bore few traces of these traditions.[19]. In winter the north winds of the tropical air mass blow across Sudan. Today, most Sundanese are Sunni Muslims. SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. Sanjana, meaning, soft, meek, or gentle, is a sweet name for girls. Majeed means 'glorious' or 'brilliant' and is extremely popular across the world. Bakhit is an African name meaning lucky or fortunate. A unified, searchable interface answering your questions on the world's cultures and religions. Farid, or Fareed, means unique or precious. Mariam is a short form of Mariamme and Arabic form of Mary. Achol, meaning, 'second born after the first death.' Ateef, meaning, kind, can also be spelled as Atif. Jaden is a Hebrew name meaning Jehovah has heard. There are some dark names as well. From 1955 until 1972 there prevailed a costly and divisive civil war, fought largely in the south but punctuated by violent incidents in the north. Its variants include Nesrin and Nazrin. Gabir is a name of Hungarian origin. The famous namesake is the popular Indian hair sylist, Jawed Habib. The famous namesake is Indian actor, Rana Dagubatti. Dadan Wildan, Perjumpaan Islam dengan Tradisi Sunda, Pikiran Rakyat, 26 March 2003, Alit Djajasoebrata, Bloemen van net Heelal: De kleurrijke Wereld van de Textiel op Java, A. W. Sijthoffs Uitgeversmaatschappij bv, Amsterdam, 1984, Indonesia's second most populous ethnic group, "Sikap Luwes Rahasia Perantau Sunda di Jepang". Today, there are several Sundanese involved in the music and entertainment industry, with some of Indonesia's most famous singers, musicians, composers, cinema directors, film and sinetrons (soap opera) actors being of Sundanese origin.[30]. Ayenew (Ethiopian origin) means "to renew". This river system runs from south to north across the entire length of the east-central part of the country. The mixture is simmered until the liquid has evaporated. Zina is a Greek name meaning shining or hospitable. Farther south the eastern uplands constitute the foothills of the Ethiopian highland massif. It is a short for Alexandra or Cassandra. Sudan, country located in northeastern Africa. Now, you might not have noticed, but Sudanese have common first names and last names. Nadia is a Slavic-originated name meaning hope. It is a Hungarian name meaning one who comforts. Ismail al-Azhari, former Prime Minister and first Head of State of Sudan, oversaw the independence of Sudan in 1956 Abdallah Bakr Mustafa, nazir of Gedaref and member of the Legistlative Assembly between 1948 and 1953 Rashid Bakr, former Prime Minister Omar al-Bashir, former President of Sudan A Sundanese couple wearing neo-traditional wedding attire. The escarpment overlooks a narrow coastal plain that is 10 to 25 miles (16 to 40 km) wide and festooned with dunes and coral reefs. After the formation and consolidation of the Sunda Kingdom's unity and identity during the Pajajaran era under the rule of Sri Baduga Maharaja (popularly known as King Siliwangi), the shared common identity of Sundanese people was more firmly established. Russia's foreign minister has met with Sudans military rulers as the nations seek to deepen economic and political ties, North African and Sudanese officials say the United States is increasing pressure on Middle East allies and power brokers in chaos-stricken Libya and Sudan to expel a Russian private military contractor. Davis means 'beloved'. Hindu influences reached the Sundanese people as early as the 4th century CE, as is evident in Tarumanagara inscriptions. Author of. Culturally, the Sundanese people adopt a bilateral kinship system, with male and female descent of equal importance. Today, in the modern Indonesian entertainment industry, there are large numbers of Sundanese artists that have become Indonesia's most famous singers, musicians, composers, cinema directors, film and sinetron actors. Nazeer is an Arabic name meaning, one who warns, kings attendant, observant, and radiant. Layla is of Arabic origin which means dark or night. The famous namesake is George Clooneys wife Amal Clooney.. Amina is a popular name that means, truthful, trustworthy, or faithful. It is one of the names of Allah. Sudanese Boy Names 1. Sudan is a hot country. 2. Sudanese boys with the name Abdo grow up to be lovable people. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 100 Huntress Names From Fiction And Mythology, 150 Batman Names From The Comics, TV Shows & Films, All Of The 'Shadow Of The Colossus' Names Including Every Colossi. They number approximately 42 million and form Indonesia's second most populous ethnic group. This Persian name that sounds truly elegant means wild rose. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 34. Every 1 in 200 have this name. Their affinity for establishing and running small-scale entrepreneurship is most likely contributed by the Sundanese tendency to be independent, carefree, egalitarian, individualistic and optimistic. These names sound beautiful and have great meanings too. Alhassan originates from Bahraini and Ghanaian. By examining these records, it seems that the name "Sunda" started to appear in the early 11th century as a Javanese term used to designate their western neighbours. In 1880 there were 8 Sudan families living in Illinois. A truly beautiful name, which is not only easy for people to remember, but also carries with it respect and virtue. These names would be a worthy title for your baby with their classic and stylish spellings and pronunciation. It is a name of Arabic origin. So, you might as well take a liking to a few of them. Usually, they reflect the Arabic culture that is unique and exquisite in every way possible. Deng Deng (born 1992), South Sudanese-Australian basketball player Surname [ edit] Ajak Deng (born 1989), Australian fashion model Ajou Deng (born 1978), British basketball player; older son of Aldo Aldo Deng, former South Sudanese politician (1967-1989), father of Ajou Deng and Luol Deng Ataui Deng (born 1991), Sudanese-American model Atifa is a Muslim baby girl name meaning affection, kindness, or sympathy. If you're here, it's because you've decided to look up the 350 most common surnames in Sudan. They built schools, churches and hospitals for native people in West Java. Fiza is a sweet and short name meaning breeze or nature and comes with Faiza as a variant. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Asim is a common and popular name and means protector, guardian, or defender. The initial religious systems of the Sundanese were animism and dynamism with reverence to ancestral (karuhun) and natural spirits identified as hyang, yet bears some traits of pantheism. It enters the country as the White Nile (Bar Al-Abya) in the southeast, about 60 miles (100 km) south of Kst, and maintains an extremely low gradient until it is joined by the Blue Nile (Bar Al-Azraq) at Khartoum. Usually, the food itself is not too spicy, but it is served with a boiling sauce made by grinding chilli peppers and garlic together. Asim, meaning 'protector' or 'guardian', is quite a common and popular name. Jayden, Jaiden, and Jatin can also be used. Death in a Sundanese family is usually performed through a series of rituals in accordance with traditional Islam, such as the pengajian (reciting Al Quran) including providing berkat (rice box with side dishes) for guests. The Sundanese language is spoken by approximately 36 million people in 2010[10] and is the second most widely spoken regional language in Indonesia. However, Sudan, the largest country in Africa, is diverse, with a Muslim majority. Many Sudanese living in other countries have adopted a surname for administrative purposes. Sudanese last names starting with A Why not start with a few common family names in Sudan? It is a shorter version of Samantha and Sammy can be considered for a nickname. Munana () - "Our Wishes" (Arabic) Safana () - Arabic Durriya () - "Shining" (Arabic) Fat7iya () - "Conquerer" (Arabic) Nasriya () - "Victorious" (Arabic) Samaah () - "Forgiveness" (Arabic) Anfaal () - Arabic, name of a soura in the Qur'aan Amna () - "Safe" (Arabic) Ishragha () - "Glowing" (Arabic) Its variants are Zarreb, Zarede, and Zareh. Since ancient times the Sudan region has been an arena for interaction between the cultural traditions of Africa and those of the Mediterranean world. The name comes with variants such as Mostafa and Mustapha. 35. Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is the famous namesake. Farida is the female version. In fact, this name is used for girls only. This is not the same as a surname. World Surnames - Origin of surnames - First Names - Directory of Names and Surnames Jaden, meaning, 'Jehovah has heard' is a name of Hebrew origin. Get a downloadable, printable version that you can read later. Gabir is an unusual name for boys. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. It is a kind and beautiful name that people in the country like. South Sudanese names are extremely popular across the world and this is the reason that people look for their meanings as well. Leuit is essential during Seren Taun harvest ceremony.[24]. As you can see, a few simple statistics on surnames in Sudan can provide much more information than may appear at first glance. It means fragrant herb or sweet, scented herb. Shada, meaning, singing among the birds', is a beautiful name. Hasifa means judicious, wise, or prudent. Durahman. Samir However, if your surname appears among these 350 surnames, we are afraid that you will have to stand out for other qualities, as you will be quite common as far as surnames for Sudaneses are concernedvar cid='4948611716';var pid='ca-pub-0680240524407204';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-surnam_es-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=2;var alS=2021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. Prior to the secession of the south in 2011, Sudan was the largest African country, with an area that represented more than 8 percent of the African continent and almost 2 percent of the worlds total land area. The Blue Nile, which rises in the Ethiopian Plateau, contributes much of the floodwaters of the White Nile. Hasiba is its variant. There are several different dialects, but Priangan is the most widely spoken one and is the one taught in schools. The western third of the island of Java, namely the provinces of West Java, Banten, and Jakarta, as well as the westernmost part of Central Java, is called by the Sundanese people Tatar Sunda or Pasundan (meaning Sundanese land).[4]. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Pepes are available in many varieties according to their ingredients; carp fish, anchovies, minced meat with eggs, mushroom, tofu or oncom. [16][17] Compared to the 1960s, many Sundanese Muslim women today have decided to wear hijab. Abbas is originally derived from Latin. Its an Arabic name that means kind or compassionate. So it is possible that you may find in Sudan a surname that you know perfectly well is not a Sudanese The famous namesake is American singer Anita Baker. Sudanese names may also be chosen to reflect the circumstances of their birth. Remember, this naming convention does not involve the use of a surname. Samir is a popular and common name for boys, meaning pleasant companion. Aliyah is an Arabic name, meaning heavens, to ascend, lofty, and sublime. The Sundanese traditionally live in small and isolated hamlets, rendering control by indigenous courts difficult. Two Sudanese academics, Sulimen Baldo and Ushari Mahoumd, publicly alleged in 1987 that they had uncovered evidence of some northern-based Arab groups enslaving black people from the south. James is a name used commonly for boys. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Pronounced as sa-Mee-ya, this Arabic name means forgiveness or forgiver. The Sunda or Sundanese (Indonesian: Orang Sunda; Sundanese: , romanized:Urang Sunda) are an indigenous ethnic group native to the western region of Java island in Indonesia, primarily West Java. Its variants include, Ayesha and Aisha. Nyalauk, meaning 'queen' or 'beloved woman', is a popular name among girls mostly. Its roof variations might includes hip and gablet roof (a combination of gable and hip roof). The Batujaya stupa complex in Karawang shows Buddhist influences in West Java, while Cangkuang Shivaic temple near Garut shows Hindu influence. Sundanese migrants can also be found in Lampung and South Sumatra, and to a lesser extent in Central Java and East Java. That number is the number of people who carry that surname in Sudan. Hugo is an English name that means thinking mind or wise. Tonia, meaning, the invaluable, is a name of Latin origin. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodians past, present and emerging. [18] Central Javanese court culture nurtured in an atmosphere conducive to elite, stylised, impeccably-polished forms of art and literature. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Tahani means congratulations or best wishes. The other variants, which are equally beautiful, are Samara, Samera, and Samra. Samar, meaning, conversation in the evening is a beautiful name. If you keep searching in other countries you will surely find that surname that you thought was Sudanese and that turns out to be more common in another country than Sudan. It means confident or positive. Abdo is a short and sweet Arabic name, meaning sensitive and kind. You may have heard of a few of these names due to their Spanish, Italian, Scottish, Arabic, and Hebrew origins. Naeem is its other variant. By this time the comparative lack of economic development in the south had become a new source of regional grievance, and northern leaders continuing attempts to Islamize the Sudanese legal system proved an even more potent source of discord. The English spelling of Arabic names can vary depending on whether one uses contractions. A well-known Sundanese dish is lalapan, which consists only of raw vegetables, such as papaya leaves, cucumber, eggplant, and bitter melon. Agar means son of Agar' or 'Ager and this surname has been quite popular for many centuries. Eufrasia means eloquence. [citation needed]. Its Spanish variant is Margaret which means daisy. A Sundanese legend of Sangkuriang contains the memory of the prehistoric ancient lake in Bandung basin highland, which suggest that Sundanese already inhabit the region since the Mesolithic era, at least 20,000 years ago. The nicknames are Yuli, Yuyu, and Lia. Several girls have this name as well. Notable Sundanese that has been recognised as Indonesian national heroes include Dewi Sartika that fought for equality for women's education, and statesmen such as Oto Iskandar di Nata and Djuanda Kartawidjaja. Durka is a surname that comes from Hungary. Zahir means shining or flourishing. Read on to learn more about Sudanese names, and pick your favorite name for your baby. 31. The nicknames include, Amy, Mimi, and Mira. Rayan is also a name that originated in Sudan. The variants are Aliya, Aliyyah, and Aliyya. This is as follows: [personal name], [fathers first name], [grandfathers first name]. Gagarin is a Latin word and this surname is originally Russian. Wahiba, meaning, donor or generous giver is a lovely and rare name. To the south of this the seasons are characterized by the north-south oscillation of the boundary between moist southerly air and dry northerly air. A lovely bright name for your little girl would be Zahiya. The Addis Ababa Agreement of 1972 ended the conflict only temporarily, and in 1983 the civil war resumed. Pronounced as eye-mun, this name means righteous, blessed, lucky. Its other variants are Jabir and Gabr. The highest temperatures normally occur just before the rainy season. In 1225, a Chinese writer named Chou Ju-kua, in his book Chu-fan-chi, describes the port of Sin-t'o (Sunda), which probably refers to the port of Banten or Kalapa. Nevertheless, there are numbers of Sundanese that successfully carved their career as intellectuals or politicians in national politics, government offices and military positions. Aryan, Arnav, and Arya are its variants. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. One of the popular Sudanese boy names that most people like. Common Bari names include Keji, Kenyi, Worro and Loro. Sundanese culture and tradition are usually centred around the agricultural cycle. The famous namesake is African-American actress and model Yaya Dacosta. In Albanian, the name Samir translates to extremely good or exquisite., In Marathi, Saiesha means with great desire and wish.. Bachir means who announces a good news or is well-educated. Its variants are Bakheet, Bakheit, and Bakht. Hafez is quite a stylish Persian name, and means protector, preserver, or responsible caretaker. The Pantun Sunda often recount Sundanese folklore and legends such as Sangkuriang, Lutung Kasarung, Ciung Wanara, Mundinglaya Dikusumah, the tales of King Siliwangi, and popular children's folk stories such as Si Leungli. Its other variants are Tevnin, Tavon, and Tipene. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. Surely you've heard of some Sudanese surnames, but you may be surprised to see surnames in this list that you didn't know were so common in a country like Sudan. Its variants are Fayza and Faiza. Sundanese is also closely related to Malay and Minang as it is to Javanese, as seen by the Sundanese utilising different language levels denoting rank and respect a concept borrowed from the Javanese. Zarina sounds like a royal name. Its variants are Hugh, Huug, and Huig. 32. The popular namesake is American actress Sandra Bullock. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. The Sundanese are of Austronesian origins and are thought to have originated in Taiwan. Their names have also been mentioned, so without any further ado, let's get started! Their arts (such as architecture, music, dance, textiles, and ceremonies) substantially preserved traditions from an earlier phase of civilization, stretching back even to the Neolithic, and never overwhelmed (as eastward, in Java) by aristocratic Hindu-Buddhist ideas. Majeed means glorious or illustrious. Yusra, meaning, prosperous or good fortune, is a name with Arabic origins. So, let's get started! Your privacy is important to us. [23], Next to houses, rice barn or called leuit in Sundanese is also an essential structure in the traditional Sundanese agricultural community. It means wish. The circumcision ceremony is performed on pre-pubescent boys and celebrated with Sisingaan (lion) dance. Sanjana is a popular name meaning soft, meek, gentle, or uniter. is a name for boys. Ivana means God is gracious or gift from God. Hashim is apparently the nickname of the great-grandfather of Prophet Muhammad. Angelina, meaning, 'messenger of god, is a name common for girls. The adoption of this dharmic faith in the Sundanese way of life was, however, never as intense as their Javanese counterparts. Festivities such as the Seren Taun harvest ceremony are held in high importance, especially in the traditional Sundanese community in Ciptagelar village, Cisolok, Sukabumi; Sindang Barang, Pasir Eurih village, Taman Sari, Bogor; and the traditional Sundanese community in Cigugur Kuningan. It's of Arabic origin. The oldest of these bataras is called Batara Cikal and is considered the ancestor of the Kanekes people. On the other hand, there is also a movement led by the minority Sundanese conservative traditionalist adat, the Sunda Wiwitan community, who are struggling to achieve wider acceptance and recognition of their faith and way of life. They . Chol, meaning, 'a child born after the elder sibling is dead at birth.' The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Vocabulary words are also often used as given names. Alek Wek is a South Sudanese British model who first appeared on the catwalks at the age of 18 in 1995, sparking a career lasting to date. The famous namesake is Italian Ballerina Sabrina Brazzo. Some Sudanese in Australia may appear to have different surnames than their family members. Next to agriculture, Sundanese people often choose business and trade to make a living although most are traditional entrepreneurs, such as travelling food or drink vendors, establishing modest warung (food stalls) or restaurants, as the vendor of daily consumer's goods or open a modest barber shop. [8] In the 19th century, Dutch colonial exploitation opened much of the interior for coffee, tea, and quinine production, and the highland society took on a frontier aspect, further strengthening the individualistic Sundanese mindset.[8]. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. Dilek, meaning, wish, is a unisex name but mostly used for a male child. Wathiqa is a unique and adorable Sudanese name for girls. It is the counterpart of the Javanese tembang, similar to but independent from Malay pantun. Some Sundanese villages such as those in Cigugur Kuningan retained their Sunda Wiwitan beliefs, while some villages such as Kampung Naga in Tasikmalaya, and Sindang Barang Pasir Eurih in Bogor, although identifying themselves as Muslim, still uphold pre-Islamic traditions and taboos and venerated the karuhun (ancestral spirits). The herb-rich food wrapped and cooked inside banana leaf called pepes (Sundanese: pais) is popular among Sundanese people. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. Munir is a lovely name to bestow upon your boy and means luminous, bright, or shining. 1899-1955 - Sudan passes into joint British-Egyptian rule. For example. [8] It shares similar vocabularies with Javanese and Malay. Geographic constraints that isolate each region also led Sundanese villages to enjoy their simple way of life and their independence even more. Samiya means elevated status or lofty. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. The architecture of a Sundanese house is characterised by its functionality, simplicity, modesty, uniformity with little details, its use of natural thatched materials, and its quite faithful adherence to harmony with nature and the environment.[22]. Salim is a Jewish-origin surname that is kind of popular in the country. It is a name of Greek origin. These can be patronymic (after Bolle/Bole short forms of the Germanic personal name Baldo), occupational (bol = bread roll, referring to a baker), and descriptive (someone with a bol hoofd =round/bald head). Its feminine version is Nafisah. Its other variant is Azim. There is a widespread belief among Indonesian ethnicities that the Sundanese are famous for their beauty. Namir is a Hebrew name that means swift cat, leopard, tiger, or panther. The most well known and distinctive Sundanese dances are Jaipongan,[21] a traditional social dance which is usually, but mistakenly, associated with eroticism. Now, let's talk about a few common names in Sudan and whether they're used mostly for girls or boys. The Quran recitation is performed daily, from the day of death through the seventh day following; later performed again on the 40th day, a year, and the 1,000th day after the passing. Achol, meaning, 'second born after the first death.' is a name mostly common among girls. Read for more information. Here are some examples of popular African last names and their meanings: Abimbola (Yoruba): "Born into riches" Adeyemi (Yoruba): "The crown fits me" Akintola (Yoruba): "Bravery fills the house" Ba (Wolof): "Father" Diop (Wolof): "Lion" Keita (Mandingo): "Descendant of the great warrior" Mbeki (Xhosa): "Born during a war" This organisation was founded by Mr F. L. Anthing and Pastor E. W. King in 1851. It is Persian for a golden vessel. These side dishes are grilled, fried, steamed or boiled and spiced with any combination of garlic, galangal (a plant of the ginger family), turmeric, coriander, ginger, and lemongrass. In the semiarid zone of north-central Sudan, the layer of rock waste is slightly modified to form immature soils; in the Qawz region, soils are brownish red and of low fertility. However, Sudan is the largest country in Africa. Girls mostly have sweet and cute names that have rather subtle warm and beautiful meanings. The surface of the deserts in the north and northeast are either bare rock, a mantle of bare waste, or sandy expanses of mobile dunes known as ergs. Jamal, or Jamaal, is a popular name among Muslims and means beauty. Sudanese originally belonged to an ethnic group based in western Indonesia. Irshad, meaning, 'one who guides' or directions, is quite an attractive name for Sudanese. Some Sundanese might find art and culture as their passion and become artists, either in fine art, music or performing art. Abdo: Abdo is a short and sweet Arabic name, meaning 'sensitive and kind'. Abdul Baatin: If you want a religious name for your boy, choose Abdul Baatin, which means 'servant of the Unseen or servant of Allah'. Its variants are Zena, Xenia, and Zihna. The volcanic highlands of the Marrah Mountains rise out of the Darfur Plateau farther west to elevations between approximately 3,000 and 10,000 feet (900 and 3,000 metres) above sea level. In Central Java, Sundanese is spoken in some of the Cilacap region and some of the Brebes region. They adopted the name "Sunda" to identify their kingdom, their people and their language. Manal is an Arabic name that means achievement. Nicknames for Nadia include Nadie, Nads, and Nady. Zareb is an African-Sudanese name that means protector against enemies. Resh is its catchy nickname. Are they just Sudanese surnames, or are there surnames from other countries? Syed is a common Muslim name for boys, meaning happy, noble one, and always in control. Islam and the Arabic language achieved ascendancy in many northern parts of the region, while older African languages and cultures predominated in the south. This plain can be divided into a northern area of rock desert that is part of the Sahara; the western Qawz, an area of undulating sand dunes that merges northward into the rock desert; and a central-southern clay plain. Tahani means congratulations or best wishes. Sundanese language survival among Indonesian diaspora families in Melbourne, Australia. Sundanese traditional houses mostly take basic form of gable roofed structure, commonly called kampung style roof, made of thatched materials (ijuk black aren fibers, kirai, hateup leaves or palm leaves) covering wooden frames and beams, woven bamboo walls, and its structure is built on short stilts. One of the popular Sudanese boy names that most people like. One's clan name is deeply linked to a person's heritage. Sandra is quite a catchy name. When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it. [19] They tend to be reluctant to be government officers or legislators.[29]. We list the most common and popular Sudanese surnames below: A few other common Sudanese surnames are Ahmed, Akol, Almadina, Bashir, Bakr, Ibrahim, Mukhtar, Mustafa, Qasim, IPasha, Rahman, Nordenstam, Tahir, Wardi, Yousif, and Zakrra. [11] The 2000 Indonesia Census put this figure at 30.9 million. is a name mostly common among girls. Roxana sounds like a rockstar name. This is because Sudanese family names are not usually spoken verbally and during their immigration their middle name was recorded as their last name instead. The most notable types of Sundanese music are angklung bamboo music, kecapi suling music, gamelan degung, reyog Sunda and rampak gendang. If you were searching for beautiful names then just get into the list mentioned below!

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