Stefan is concerned that if they do that Klaus and Rebekah will go after them and Elena responds that in this case Stefan will use the dagger on the original sister and Bonnie will be able to deal with Klaus. Then he goes downstairs and finds his Ivy scavenging for blood. When Katherine is absent for a while he meets Caroline and tells her about his concerns about Damon and reveals that he doesn't want Elena to give up on Damon, because he is afraid that they might loose him without her help. At the end of the episode they show Stefan as he is about to bury Silas. In the last vision, Stefan and Elena had two kids, and they were still in love enough to playfully suggest they'd bite each other. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. Stefan also had straight teeth with a heartwarming smile. He then embarked on a journey to Nova Scotia with Elena, Shane, Damon, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Rebekah to seek the the cure that can help break the sire bond. Although Stefan became increasingly darker by nature due to his vampire nature, he still retained the same basic personality traits that he had as a human. She describes the sensation, that it feels like he is touching every single nerve on her body. Back in their seats, Elena is barely holding it together, and Stefan and Damon argue under their breath about what to do. Caroline later freaks out about which book to pick for her mom's last literary experience, but Stefan reminds her that it's all of the days that lead up to your last one that matter more. Later they go to the Mystic Falls Cemetery for the traditional Remembrance Day to honor the dead. Matt may have had his last run in with vampires after another innocent life is taken. She is still suspicious, so he dangles the offer to talk Matt into giving her another chance, and finally Rebekah gives in. Stefan now upset decides to dump Silas' body and he tells Damon that he is not happy about Elena but he is not not happy for them either. In that moment he interrupts her and says that he remembers driving to Portland and saying goodbye to Lexi as he was about to drop Silas' body at the quarry. Elena comes and asks him if killing Silas worked and if he is now ok. Stefan doesn't respond but rather asks her why is this all so important to her. Julian ask what he is talking about and Stefan tells him that Maria is dead, Stefan tries to comfort Julian, but he recoils angry, Caroline tells him that It wasn't Stefan's fault, Stefan say that he wasn't the one that killed her. They talk but are interrupted by Enzo who grabs Ivy and then snaps her neck. When Bonnie answers the door, Stefan sees how despondent she looks and is immediately concerned. Klaus then asks how can they stop him and Stefan says that Silas has to complete the third massacre so that Bonnie could do the spell and if he's here that's what he's doing so they need to find him and stop him. Klaus emerges from another room, clearly having listened, and after Rebekah argues with him some more he daggers her. While continuing to playfully practice defense techniques, Elena reassures Stefan that Damon is only teaching her how to feed, and that Stefan is really the one getting her through her adjustment period. The woman says that she never gets visitors and then, all of a sudden, two in a matter of days! In terms of his characterization, Stefan is often compared to other mysterious, brooding vampires such as, Edward Cullen from. An unseen person removes the chains and the lock that bind Stefan to the table. However, Stefan was also on an episode of The Originals, putting his total episode count at 172. In the meantime, however, Rebekah and Elena are already there and they understand that Katherine has compelled the whole town to be her friend and to keep her secret of where she has hidden the cure. "Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?". Stefan was a casual, yet trendy dresser and he always looks neat, clean and well put together. In Masquerade, Stefan and Damon decided to kill Katherine at the Masquerade party, Alaric, Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy helped them. After Lexi disappears, Stefan asks Elena if she's given up, but Elena says no, but Stefan couldn't either, because he would lose her if he did, she would not love a ghost. Later Stefan and Damon are with Bonnie and Matt and she explained that Silas was appearing as Jeremy, Stefan says that's what Silas does and not to let him get to her and Damon says that because that she's all crazy and brainwashed and Stefan then suggests that one of them should take Bonnie home and Damon says its safer for her in public and Silas can't make everyone see the same thing and Matt asks how to look out for someone who can appear as anyone, later Stefan is talking to Damon outside and asks him if he's looking for Silas or waxing nostalgic about misspent youth Damon asks Stefan about what happened to him being over Elena, Stefan asks him what does he mean Damon says for a guy ready to move on he seems convincing as boyfriend on the dance floor, Stefan says that what they are doing reminding Elena of what she's lost Damon asks like her feelings for him Stefan says maybe and then he provokes Damon that he and Elena have history and he only has a one night stand that was probably result of the sire bond, it's revealed that Silas was posing as Stefan and attacks Damon, Damon asks him where Stefan is and Silas says that he's in the woods where he convinced him that he was him and that he's probably in a bit of pain too and tells him Bonnie belongs to him and to stay away from her, later Damon finds Stefan staked and jokes by saying an extremely handsome man came up to him claiming to be him and Stefan says "yeah". He agrees at the last moment. Stefan faints from being cured of his vampirism. In that moment Stefan arrives and sees what has happened. Stefan's eyes were open, but barely, his skin still a light sheen of gray. Deciding not to spend any time with her while she was ill, he instead did whatever he could do to avoid her, such as walking into Mystic Falls and getting the tea she liked or picking out her favorite flowers. Stefan keeps trying to explain that he was in the exact same situation and she didn't accept the way he was when his emotions were off. Damon sits down beside Stefan and they watch Elena as she begins her speech. Damon mentions to Stefan in the Pilot after 15 years of not seeing each other, that the 90s "grunge" look did not suit Stefan, implying that Stefan went through a grunge phase in terms of his personality, attitude and his sense of style. She didn't think she was ready to go on her own, but her mom knew she was. In She's Come Undone, Stefan and Damon are at the house with Elena locked in the safe and Damon playing mind games with her for over an hour and still no emotional response from Elena, Later Stefan is Caroline and she wants to see Elena and Stefan said they are not letting anyone see her and that it was whole point of locking her isolation leads to misery and lead to emotion, Caroline says that she's been there for days and hasn't improved at all Stefan says that she doesn't want to not yet and that she's devastated she's lost her brother, she attacked her friend Bonnie and killed an innocent woman and Caroline said that Stefan knew how to help her Stefan said that he is helping her and Caroline asks him by torturing her and Stefan says its not torture but an intervention and the only chance they have with her is to provoke her to trigger something fear, anger, self-pity or anything Caroline asks Stefan to let her talk to Elena before anymore intervention and that Elena can't hurt her if she's weak and begs him to let her try, later Caroline is with Elena at the basement Stefan wishes her good luck and leaves her with Elena, Caroline says the she brought something for Elena and pulls a vial of blood and gives it to Elena so that it could help think straight and she also adds that she doesn't agree with what Stefan and Damon are doing to her making her suffer to turn her humanity back and its not who Elena is, Caroline says she's not giving up on her and Elena starts to provoke her about that she's the reason that Tyler left town and the he was running from her and not from Klaus and about how pathetic she's going to look in the cap and gown and that she's a repulsive, blood-sucking control freak monster and Elena is attacking Caroline and she breaks Elena's neck and Stefan is behind her and tells him to do what he has to do, later Stefan and Damon are in a room with Elena tied up to chair and they took her daylight ring and they plan on using sunlight to torture her and as Stefan slowly opens the curtain Elena asks if she's supposed to feel scared and Stefan said that she will be and to focus on that fear because its the key to getting her humanity back and she says that they are not gonna burn her and adds that if they get her humanity back she'll remember that they tortured her and she'll hate them for it, Damon says to work risk and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena's skin is burning and Damon extinguishes the fire and asks for any emotion so they can stop it and Elena says that she's going to kill them, Stefan says that they don't want to torture her and she can stop it and its her choice, Elena is provoking Stefan for being the one to pull back the curtain and a part of him enjoys it considering that she dumped Stefan, Damon believes that they are breaking through the tough shell and getting to the center of her humanity and asks Stefan to shed some light into the situation, Stefan is ready to reopen the curtain and Elena says its going to hurt Stefan more than it hurts her Stefan says he knows what she's going through and that she's afraid to face the guilt she feels if she turns her emotions back on and the only way to help is to make the alternative hurt even worse and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena is in pain, later Elena is still in pain from exposure to sunlight Stefan closes the curtain and Damon says she'll thank him someday and after she gets her humanity she'll know that life without emotions blew and she provokes Damon by telling him that the sire bond also blew and going everyday believing that she was in love with him and saying that he was afraid that it wasn't real and says that it wasn't, Elena says to keep torturing and she and Stefan might give their relationship another go and she exposes herself to sunlight Stefan and Damon extinguish Elena from the flames and she says that they won't hurt and she doesn't have to afraid of anything, later Stefan and Damon are at the driveway Stefan sarcastically says that it went well and Damon is frustrated that Elena is being stubborn and doesn't want to turn it back on, even though every vampire does it with out any problems Stefan says that she has nothing to come back to after she lost her home and her family and destroyed her relationships, Damon said that scaring her should have worked and that she's smart and she knows that they won't hurt her and Stefan suggests to bring someone who really will hurt her Damon asks who, Stefan suggests Katherine because she is the reason Jeremy is dead and she's the only who can provoke an emotion into Elena and Damon says that Katherine won't help them Stefan says the she was just abandoned by Elijah and that she has nothing and has no one and that she won't refuse their offer to torture Elena, later Damon and Katherine are discussing what will happen if Elena goes back to her old self when Stefan says the Elena is not in the cell and its revealed that Katherine lost interest in Elena's recovery and didn't lock her in Stefan with Damon and Matt search for her, later Stefan stops Elena for feeding on Matt and Damon has had enough and he's done playing nice and tells her to turn her humanity switch or he'll kill Matt, Elena calls his bluff and he breaks Matt's neck and Elena is crying and she's sad about what happened to Matt and later is revealed to be wearing the Gilbert ring and will come back to life and Elena gets her humanity back, Damon says that she's going to be okay and she remembers what she has done and Stefan stops her and says the he knows the stage the emotions are over-whelming her and that she has to focus on one thing Elena says she can't and tells to find the thing that makes her strong and to latch on to it and channel everything she's feeling into one emotion and to let it in, Elena does what she's told and he tells her to breathe it in and blow everything else out and she's screaming in pain and Damon asks her if she's okay, she says "no" but she'll get better. Stefan brings Caroline coffee and they talk about Valerie, and how she hasn't lifted the spell she put on Caroline. As things begin to spiral out of control, Stefan was unexpectedly killed by Julian, a Traveler warlock, while trying to protect Caroline, but he was resurrected after Damon, Caroline and Elena's plan to bring him back from the Other Side is a success. Caroline is surprised and then Jesse arrives. When it seems appropriate, Stefan can be very fun-loving, upbeat and humorous. Elena seems confused by his reaction and he later tells her that she is better than Damon, that she is better than both of them. it turned out Caroline had kidnapped Sarah and compelled Liam to do whatever she said. However, despite them becoming romantically involved, various and numerous obstacles begin to come between the two, making Stefan and Elena struggle and fight to be together. Rebekah admits that Stefan is actually fun tonight and he responds that he can't listen to the 80's music without thinking of Lexi. He's compelled the doctors to let him take her home so she'll be more comfortable, and he says that she won't survive the day. He writes that he'll do whatever it takes to get the chance for Elena to be human again. Klaus finally answers cryptically that they need to solve the "puzzle" which seems to have disappeared. Katherine was Stefan's, as well as his brother Damon's creator. He calls Silas and says that he'll make everything to keep Amara alive until Silas comes there. He reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. Things turn ugly when Rebekah learns Elena and Stefan broke up and taunts them into knowing the reason. After reaching Savannah, Stefan explains to Elena that he tries to live as human a life as possible and tells her the next step to starting over is deciding who you want to be for the next 30 years. Stefan then shows Bonnie the special bullets that he took out of Tyler and tells her that the bullets burn to the touch. Although Stefan was only 17 years old, he displayed maturity, responsibility and had a wisdom beyond his years. As Rebekah enters telling them Klaus left her behind and she doesn't have a place to stay, Stefan shows he doesn't really care about that. Interestingly, Klaus accuses him of putting on a "good show". He tells her that if she wants to have fun they should go somewhere more privately. Klaus announces that he now has to go through a three-stage process. Elena says that he got his memories back and he knows her better than anything and she's not going to give up on her plan. Later, Stefan joins Caroline, Alaric and Matt at Whitmore and confesses to them that he handed over Enzo to Tripp. He then asks her if she knows anything about the missing blood bags from the hospital but Elena says that right now she's sick of blood bags and she prefers something a little warmer. Stefan looks troubled by this, but knows better than to try to intervene. They are fiddling while walking, Stefan tries to speed off using his vampire abilities, but he hardly gets a few feet before his ability stops working, Elena say that it was funnier the first time. In The Return, Stefan arrived at Elena's house and examined Jeremy, confirming that he wasn't a vampire. The next morning after their passionate affair, Stefan awoke with a bloody wound on his neck, and the previous night slowly returned to him. She is very fragile in that moment and she breaks down because it's really hard to accept that her only living relative is dead. They have a conversation. Stefan explains to Tyler and Caroline that the bullets were specially carved, and that if he were a normal vampire instead of a hybrid, he would be dead. After she leaves them she meets Sheriff Forbes at the party and they have an argument which ends with Elena trying to feed on Liz until Caroline and Stefan stop her. In that moment Rebekah wakes up, Damon tries to kill her but she catches the knife he threw at her and with that they realize that she's still a vampire and the fake cure was probably just some blood with vervain in it. Stefan wears a large, silver ring made from enchanted Lapis Lazuli stone (a stone which was enchanted by Emily Bennett back in 1864) that allows him to walk around in the sunlight without burning. Stefan ask to her that she have the antidote to the ripper virus, and she answer that yes thanks to Enzo. When they walk out of the house only Stefan turns back to see the flames while Damon and Elena keep going. However, Alaric angrily tells him how he forgot Damon first as he gave up searching on him and sends him away. After the men leave, they go inside the shed to rescue Enzo, but he is not there. Matt pretends to console Elena while she feeds from his neck. After she became a vampire, Stefan saved her from Damon and promised her that he would never let anything happen to her. In the novels, Stefan loved Katherine for many centuries and was horribly saddened and grief-stricken over her "death". Stefan is surprised by this. Eventually Stefan walks into the church and, after briefly talking to Tyler and Caroline, finds a seat as Carol begins the service for Pastor Young and the council. The death of a vampire could be counted twice if their human death also appeared in the present or past. In Season Eight Stefan proposed to Caroline and she said yes but they are briefly separated when Stefan agreed to turn off his humanity and work for Cade to protect Caroline's daughters Lizzie and Josie. Both of them go to the school and start dancing while Matt is trying to find the dagger in Rebekah's place. Stefan takes Caroline back to her dorm as they continue to make out. She is in the emergency room for a heart attack. You may wish to edit it to improve the standard or quality of work present on this article. He is interrupted by Klaus, who contacts him from Italy to tell him that Connor has escaped and stolen werewolf venom from the hybrid guarding him. Elena is happy about that fact but Stefan again remembers a moment from the past where the safe finally opened, and in his anger, he breaks the cup of coffee. Damon says that he knows that but he's hoping that Elena will be so wasted on booze and blood that she won't even think about it but his little brother disagrees and advises him not to underestimate her. Stefan's childhood and best friends during his human life were named Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh and Matthew Harnett. Stefan swoops in and wins the tie-breaker, so Caroline flips a coin to decide who lives. Damon says that this guy got his neck snapped in New York and this guy is royally pissed off. In I Would for You, Stefan and Valerie are on the run as Stefan wipes the last bit of herbal ointment that Freya made for him onto his wound. Stefan asks what is he supposed to do-just grab a girl, take her over his shoulder, take her to the dance floor to which Caroline responds that he should take his own advice and have some fun. Stefan tells Klaus about the Heretics, the siphoning twins and Caroline giving birth to the them. He wakes up Damon from his sleep with a few drops of blood and they are soon dodging wooden arrows and bullets from an unknown assailant. Stefan lets the water run in the sink so that he could prevent Elena from hearing their conversation. While waiting to complete their plan, Klaus talks to Stefan about Elena. They start talking and fiddling, Stefan invites her to the car because they got to get out of there. Elena gave Stefan some of her blood so could be stronger Frederick put a stick into him and almost killed him but Stefan was faster then Fredrick and killed him. Stefan tells Damon that he wants Elena to try the animal blood diet so that maybe she can avoid hurting or killing anyone, something that Stefan feels would be especially hard for Elena. Over a gradual period of time, Stefan and Elena bond, fall deeply, passionately in love and eventually develop a romantic relationship. Later both Stefan and Damon help Jeremy who is being attack by students, Stefan then realizes that it was a distraction. Damon turns down Stefan's offer to help, reminding him of their deal that whoever Elena didn't choose would leave town. When Stefan lost his memories for a spell, Caroline was the only person that he trusts immediately, upon learning about Bonnie's death, Stefan told Caroline that he would always be for her as she has always been for him, Caroline helped to Stefan with all his problems lately. In a heartfelt moment, Stefan tells Elena that he loves her. Stefan hops on his bike, only for it to fall to pieces. He threatens to drive Elena off Wickery Bridge unless he calls them off. Caroline is standing in front of the fireplace, and Stefan arrives, Stefan ask her when she get there, she shakes a glass a little bit, causing the ice cubes to jingle, telling him that about one and half of these ago. In Handle with Care, Stefan is located in the cabin of Qetsiyah, she tells him that is the day that Silas will die because he has taken the cure and that she will kill him, when Qetsiyah tries to leave the cabin they realize they are trapped by a spell cast by Silas. Stefan responds that he knows that but he doesn't want to be the one to break it to her, at least not until Bonnie is safe and Damon comes back to use the sire bond and convince her that everything is going to be okay. This article has been identified as an article that needs help. Stefan ask if won't they kill her for helping them out, but Maria is doing that for Julian, her husband, she ask for him, Elena says that he's permanently passengered into one of their best friends so yes, they know about him. Stefan walks in and ends the feud momentarily, however, Sarah bombards him with the fact that she is related to him. In The New Deal, it is revealed that Stefan is hiding Klaus' family coffins with the help of Bonnie. They decide to kill the doppelgnger in Atlanta so Stefan can live, since it's revealed that there can only be two living. Later, At the hospital, Caroline talks to Stefan about their feelings for each other. Whatever was inside is gone now. In the novels, Stefan is Catholic and has a strong sense of faith, morals and values. After hearing of the town's plan to kill the vampires, Stefan went to see his father Giuseppe and unintentionally hinted to him that he knew of vampires staying in Mystic Falls when he suggested that vampires might not be as bad as they are made out to be. Soon, however, Elena begins to feel sick, pushes Stefan away, runs away with vampire speed and vomits up the animal blood. When Stefan pulled the stake out of his father's stomach, his bloodlust became too much for him to suppress and he tasted his father's blood, completing his transition into a full vampire. Stefan and Elena are sitting in front of fireplace, they talk about their visions, but Stefan makes it clear that what they had in the past was real in, it was not only for the prophecy of the doppelgngers. He then sets out to redeem himself for his past actions and succeeds by killing Cade. Stefan tells her that his mother was strong and kind. They wander around as Valerie is well schooled in this area. They later marry hoping to lure Katherine out, at their wedding who had become the Queen of Hell following Cade's death. When Stefan regains consciousness a second time, before Damon can make something Stefan attacks him, breaking his neck, Silas is kneeling in pain and Qetsiyah is worried about him because she thinks he's Stefan but Stefan arrives then where they are and reveals to Qetsiyah that she has been deceived, Stefan also regains his daylight ring. Stefan tried to give Elena a normal day, but the revelation of Caroline's transformation into a vampire was a shock. Stefan kisses Valerie goodbye then goes to Caroline's news studio where Matt injects him in the neck with vervain. In the woods, Stefan senses something and looks around. Damon hands Stefan two envelopes saying that he's not a good brother without Elena so he's going to go desiccate right beside her. Elena is grateful to Stefan for having protected her, as he always does and then says goodbye to him. Damon is still dealing with Vaughn when Rebekah finds them. Then, Jamie came to protect Elena but Stefan compels him to leave. Later Stefan contemplates turning the switch off until a vision of Elena convinces him to keep on fighting. She can't believe he was going to dump Ivy on her and leave. Stefan had also asked half-jokingly once entering the Salvatore tomb if there was anyone he didn't kill in their family. After making his way through the tunnels and into the back room of the Grill, Stefan tells Matt and April to leave before he cautiously makes his way into the main restaurant, ducking behind the bar as Connor shoots at him. Damon reminds him again that he doesn't want to be saved and Damon tells them that he plans to find Wes and that Enzo has Jeremy as hostage and that if Bonnie doesn't help him to get a witch, Enzo will kill to Jeremy. Silas (Progenitor Of, Distant or Ancient Paternal Ancestor)Unknown Silas Doppelgngers (Distant Paternal Ancestors)Giuseppe Salvatore (Father)Lillian Salvatore (Mother)Damon Salvatore (Older Brother)Elena Gilbert (Sister-In-Law)Elizabeth Forbes (Mother-In-Law)Caroline Forbes (Widow)Unborn Child (with Valerie)Giuseppe's Unnamed Son (Paternal Half-Brother)Zachariah Salvatore (Paternal Half-Nephew)Zachariah's Unnamed Son (Paternal Half-Nephew)Joseph Salvatore (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Joseph Salvatore's Unnamed Son (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Zach Salvatore (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Tom Avery (Doppelgnger, Descendant)Sarah Salvatore (Distant Paternal Half-Niece) Enzo mentions that he's a neck person and had to get a witch to do a locator spell to find Stefan. He then tells Andie that she can move, she falls and breaks her neck. Stefan often drinks alcohol to help curb his blood cravings. There was a large part of Stefan and who he is deep down in his core that cares deeply and strongly for his own humanity as well as humankind. In True Lies, Stefan is still hallucinating. He was also seen as athletic, dutiful, respectful, intelligent, scholarly, noble, chivalrous and even-tempered. Feeling betrayed by this realization despite having no memories, Stefan impulsively attempted to attack Jesse and stated he saw no point in being good if he had nothing to show for it and that his brother had "stole" his girlfriend. Rebekah then moves onto finding out about the cure, and Stefan tells her where they can find Professor Shane. Later, Caroline is watching the shed burn and Stefan joins her. Stefan wakes to find that Valerie has already been up and talking with the woman. Stefan asks Caroline to meet them and tag in while they run. Elena says that he shouldn't compare her to Katherine because she's been running for so long that she's afraid of her own shadow while she is not afraid of anything. Damon Salvatore Kills Count (Part 1) - YouTube 0:00 / 7:23 Damon Salvatore Kills Count (Part 1) 2,554 views Nov 19, 2016 30 Dislike Share Save Dark Kat 3.89K subscribers Show The.

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