2, Living in the Ottoman Realm: Empire and Identity, 13th to 20th Centuries P. 203. This treachery must be stopped immediately." According to a Venetian dispatch of 1625, "the Imperialists and Spaniards declared that the matter was progressing favourably, being actively assisted by the Sultan's mother. Sehzade Mehmed 1 episode, 2017 Orkun Huylu . Her husband was Governor of, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 11:45. The work presented to Osman II was Kitab-i M stetab. where was the first artificial ice rink built; hmh science dimensions the diversity of living things answer key; michigan microbusiness license requirements; As a devout Muslim, she also established a foundation to provide pilgrims on the Hajj with water, assist the poor and have the Quran read. And thus, with her commanding affairs within the palace and the grand vizier [commanding] those outside, it happens quite often that these two rulers come up against each other and in doing so take offense at each other, so that one can say that in appearance they are in accord, but secretly each is trying to bring about the downfall of the other. Tome 11 / par J." According to the Italian traveler Pietro Della Valle, upon her conversion to Islam, her name was changed to Mahpeyker. sehzade iskender death. The enemy has the upper hand in battle. [26] Thus, she lost an important ally in the government. After all, I am your faithful servant and I do not wish to be separated from you. Osmanl mparatorluunun 13. padiah ve slam camiasnn 92.halifesi olmutur. skender hemen orada soylular ve ordu tarafndan yirmi yanda kral ilan edildi. She bested many rivals who ever came close to Sultan Suleiman. Ksem tried to blame the viziers and clergy for leading Ibrahim astray throughout his eight-year reign and pointed out their hypocrisy in plotting to overthrow him in favour of his son: "For all this time [i.e. 14; Samur Devri: 27-28. sfn error: no target: CITEREFTezcan2001 (. Abisinin III. 2010 - 2012. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, an Austrian historian, believes that, to the extent that she was involved, it was motivated by concerns for the Ottoman state. Aabeyi III. Favorite slaves govern the world. [97] Instead she begged the co-conspirators to leave her son on the throne but under the guardianship of the grand vizier.[98]. [9] In 1739 a British play Mustapha by David Mallet was performed at Drury Lane. [13], Following Murad's death from cirrhosis at the age of 27, Ibrahim was the sole surviving prince of the dynasty. Is it true that he is giving you a bad name? . Bostancibasi 1 episode, 2017 Ibrahim Halil Tan . The fugitive Eunuchs would immediately have escaped out of the Seraglio, but the Gates were first shut by order of Sleyman Agha, so that they with all other favourites of the said Queen were taken and secured in safe hands."[141]. Murad'n olu olduunu iddia eden kiidir. Some historians questioned her intents and motivations for espousing the Janissaries' cause during her 28 years of power, and that she had accumulated a great fortune through illegitimate means. "Histoire de l'Empire ottoman, depuis son origine jusqu' nos jours. Yahya married an Albanian noblewoman named Anna Caterina of Drisht, the daughter of Duke Peter, Count of Drisht, in the early 1630s, when Yahya started calling himself Duke of that region. [8] This tragedy marks the first time the Ottomans were introduced on stage in France. "[4], George Sandys, an English traveller who visited Constantinople in the early 1610s, recorded Ksem's name as "Casek Cadoun" (haseki kadn) and believed that she was "a witch beyond beauty". May God protect us all from evil. sfn error: no target: CITEREFHanks2002ch._10 (. You should guard yourself well, because she is determined to kill you one night. Worked at Shaman Dance Theatre. Muhteem Yzyl Ksem dizisiyle merak uyandran ehzade skender 12. I know, because my position [bothers] you. by Orhan aik Gkyay (stanbul: Yap Kredi Yaynlar, 1996) p. 197, "258. Murat (1980) TV series, starring Ayten Gker as Ksem Sultan. [183], Upon her death in 1651, her chambers were looted, and it was reported that twenty boxes loaded with gold coins were discovered in the Byk Valide Han. 2013 - August 31, 2015. Birth of Sehazde mer. 1835-1843. pp. Nergisah Sultan (1536 - 1592). The eylislam claimed, "We did not bring them, they brought us. Michel Baudier, Histoire gnrale du Serail et de la cour du grand seigneur Empereur des Turcs, 1623, s. 56. May God give them the reward they deserve. 1595 ylnda tahta kan 3.Mehmed lmne kadar padiahln devam ettirmitir. What can I dohe won't listen. [31], On Ahmed's early death from typhus and gastric bleeding on 22 November 1617, Ksem became the head of a faction that successfully supported his half-brother Mustafa's accession to the throne. 2. "The Present State of the Ottoman Empire", p.20, Rycaut, Paul. I'm not referring to anything specific. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ehzade&oldid=1142341541, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles containing Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 21:46. Sehzade Alaadin. Moreover, she quickly got rid of the female lovers of these eunuchs; some of whom were manumitted while others were sent to be sold in the slave market. He won't stay out of the cold, he's going to get sick again. [32] She probably feared for her sons' life, should their older half-brother, Osman, become sultan. In the harem, she was taught religion, theology, mathematics, embroidery, singing, music and literature. He fell in love with Ksem Sultan , Haseki and legal wife of Ahmed I , but she does not reciprocate his feelings and finally has him killed when he tries to usurp the throne from her sons. When recording the death of Ksem in his history, Naima commented of her steward: "The afore-mentioned Behram Kethiida enjoyed great prestige and distinction and wealth. At the same time, he warned Suleiman and persuaded him that Mustafa was coming to kill him. Ksem, in particular, used her daughters to help keep her in power for nearly half a century. His only known consort was of Crimean origin and born in 1525, though her name is not known. [75], Ksem's principal effort in protecting the dynasty appears to have been dissuading the sultan from executing all his brothers toward the end of his reign. Suleiman ordered that Mustafa be given a state funeral in Istanbul. During escalating tensions between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Venice in the 1640s, she and her allies were blamed for pressuring Ibrahim to launch a naval assault on the Venetian-controlled island of Crete. The Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasha expressed disappointment at the difficult circumstances to the sultan, but in a speech, Mehmed said to the grand vizier, "Go, you are not worthy of being grand vizier; give back the seal of the State. Gafil olma padiahm" demesi 3.Mehmed'i etkilemitir. The markets are plundered. 1585 ylnda Valide Safiye Sultan'dan domutur. What sort of ill-conceived policy is this?"[103]. ", Among her contemporaries the writer Michel Baudier depicted her as a female politician "enjoying authority" while the merchant and traveler Jean-Baptiste Tavernier described her as "a woman very wise and well-versed in state affairs. [13][136] According to Naima, once Ksem realised this, she began to plot to dethrone Mehmed and replace him with his younger half-brother, Sleyman whose mother, Aub Sultan, she thought a more complaisant rival; her plan to swap one child sultan for another was primarily geared towards eliminating Turhan. Hayatta yaayan en byk ehzade olan skender tahtn kendi hakk olduunu iddia ederek hayatn Osmanl Devletinin tahtna geebilmek amacna adayacaktr. [34][163], Contemporary Ottoman chroniclers did not welcome Ksem's murder and recorded it as an injustice committed against a woman of great accomplishments and stature, and a harbinger of greater social disorder. Star TV'nin nefes kesen dizisi Muhteem Yzyl Ksem'de hayat ilenen Kayp ehzade skender ile ilgili detaylar haberimizde Muhteem Yzyl Ksem dizisiyle merak uyandran ehzade skender 12. One of the most tragic part of. The princess is ready. He died in 1648 or 1649[2] on the Montenegrin coast, where he was involved in a rebellion organized by the Roman Catholic bishops of Shkodr and Bar. [150][151] Rycaut also mentioned the theft of a beautiful locket engraved with the names of her late sons Murad and Ibrahim. Sleyman, olu Mustafa'y, torunu Mehmet ile Beyazd ve Beyazd'n be olunu katletmitir. 1835-1843. pp. El 16 de marzo de 1920, despus de que las Potencias Aliadas invadieron Estambul y disolvieron Meclis-i Mebsan, se describe el m. Pelculas Series Personas Noticias. nnpc executive directors; welsh tv news presenters; mental health procedures act pennsylvania; cambodian mushroom strain info; bavette's . [140]Sleyman Aa and the sultan's eunuchs then attempted to force their way into Ksem's quarters after consultation with the grand vizier. According to Naima, the Grand Vizier was misled by "certain would-be doctors of religion" who quoted legal texts to the effect that the guardian of a minor sultan was entitled to exercise sovereignty prerogatives; as a result, he resented Ksem's control over the government, hoping that he, rather than the sultan's grandmother, would act as regent. 286, Osmanl Kadnlarnn Yunanistan'da Bulunan Eserleri, pp. That is why, in the aftermath of her brutal assassination which provoked rioting and the execution of hundreds of men in Constantinople she was referred to by the names: "Vlide-i Muazzama" (magnificent mother), "Vlide-i Matle" (murdered mother), and "Vlide-i ehde" (martyred mother). There was a huge commotion. While power initially went to Ksem and his mother, the Janissaries and others who had carried out the revolt then reacted violently to the regicide of Osman and killed all those whom they considered responsible while at the same time attempting to protect the remaining sons of Ahmed against the efforts of Halime to eliminate them to protect her son. "[134] While lauding her charity, Naima also criticised Ksem for her greed and political interference. In 1549, as a reward for his excellent participation in the Ottoman-Safavid War, Mustafa moved to Konya for his sanjak assignment. PhD. Iskender tahta kt m? They had two children, Maurice (born 1635) and Elena (born 1638).[3]. [37] He also gave Ksem the income from eight villages to the north-west of Athens; she then incorporated them into her waqf, which provided services to pilgrims traveling from Damascus to Mecca. [29] However, she refrained from involving herself constantly in serious issues as the sultan refused to be overshadowed by his wife. The formal way of addressing an Ottoman princess is Devletl smetlu (given name) Sultn Aliyyet'-n Hazretleri, i.e., Sultana (given name). Royals in awkward mishap as public urged to 'share insults' after death of German princess More than 1,350 prohibited weapons linked to Chilliwack, B.C., homes seized Historians credit her with persuading Ahmed to spare the life of his younger half-brother, Mustafa (who later became Mustafa I), thus putting an end to the centuries-old practice of fratricide in the Ottoman Empire. The poet Talcal Yahya composed an elegy for the dead prince. The woman replied "I am the valide sultan", but Sleyman Aa cried "It is not she", and pushed her aside. 40-42; and Tezcan, "Searching for Osman", pp. When Ksem recognised his voice, she began stuffing her jewels into her pockets and fled along the Golden Way and through the Court of the Black Eunuchs to the Dome with Closets, probably hoping to escape from the palace through the Carriage Gate. "[110], The extent in which Ksem was involved in Ibrahim's execution has always been a source of debate. Ksem Sultan hangi ocuunu ldrd? "The Present State of the Ottoman Empire", p.21, Rycaut, Paul. [49] During the early years of Murad's reign, Ksem had to deal with the loss of Baghdad and Erivan during the OttomanSafavid War; the rebellion of tribes in Lebanon; the Abaza rebellion in northern Anatolia; the wavering allegiances of governors in Egypt and other provinces; the assertion of independence by the Barbary states; a revolt by the Tatars in Crimea; and raids by marauding Cossacks on the Black Sea coast. "[125], In 1650, Constantinople's merchants rose in rebellion. cit., vol. People Projects . We'll take care of you right away. On his deathbed in 1640, Murad told his mother of his disdain for his brother Ibrahim, saying that it would be better for the dynasty to end rather than continue with an heir who was insane. [159], After Ksem's murder, the Grand Vizier Siyavu Pasha suggested that the Black Standard be displayed above the main gate of Topkap Palace (it was usually taken out at the start of campaigns against Christian or Shi'i powers). The whole society is in ruins. One of the men then held her down, while they seized her garments, jewellery, bracelets, garters and other valuables. [72] Ahizade Hseyin Efendi was strangled before proof of his innocence could reach the sultan. All this has destroyed my peace of mind. It was a critical decision, as they were Hrrem's sons. In an effort to build her own position, Ksem secured the appointment as grand vizier of Mere Hseyin Pasha, an Albanian who presented himself as a reformer, promising to move against the assassins. 10. Muhteem Yzyl Ksem dizisiyle merak uyandran ehzade skender 12. Nevertheless, the treaty was recalled on the sultan's orders. Murad Han'n oludur. Please don't even articulate it. Eiginsi Mustapha Passa, Sword-bearer to the [grand vizier], and chief of the Presence Chamber, a man of a Lions heart and undaunted resolution, understood something formerly of the bad inclinations of the Old Queen [Ksem] toward the [sultan], readily replied, Great Master be not troubled, tomorrow you shall see (God willing) the Heads of your Enemies at your feet. 1 (2001): 23-95), 64; Halil nalck, "Karadeniz'de Kazaklar ve Rusya: stanbul Boaz Tehlikede", 61; Gizem Drter, "A Future for the Upper Bosphorus: A Historical Survey of the Upper Bosphorus and a Proposal for a Sustainable Heritage Management Plan", (M.A. See The Balance of Truth, by Katip Chelebi, translated with an introduction and notes by G. L. Lewis, Ethical and Religious Classics of East and West, no. Osmanl Padiah III. [162], ahin Aa, the Aa of the Janissaries, urged his troops to avenge Ksem's murder, saying, "We only want the Valide's expiation!" 280, Inside the Seraglio: Private Lives of the Sultans in Istanbul, John Freely. "[92] However, other sources suggest that ivekar Sultan was exiled to Egypt or Chios after Ibrahim's death in 1648. Osmanl Padiah III. Sehzade Iskender Back to Iskender surname Iskender? And now it is declared: Letters have come from Egyptapparently to you toowhich describe the situation there. According to a report from 1675, Ksem's entourage initially repulsed them: "But Sleyman Agha being a stout man drew his Dagger and struck the chief Chamberlain Bash Kapa Oglar on the face, upon which the other Eunuchs who accompanied Sleyman entered furiously with their Daggers, at which the Eunuchs of the Queen flying, she remained alone in the Chamber, where she was committed to the Custody of the [sultans] Eunuchs. "[168], The assassination of this powerful, widely respected, and widely feared woman provoked a political crisis. The men went to Turhan's quarters and told her of the conspiracy to poison the child sultan, after which she begged Sleyman Aa to protect him. [35] Nevertheless, Ksem was able to maintain her haseki status and daily stipend of 1,000 aspers during her retirement. The call to prayers from the minarets of the Mosque of Aya Sofia is drowned in the noise of fifes, and flutes, and cymbals from the palace. a voice replied. Murad responded by ordering the refugees to return to their destroyed homes or face execution, but eventually relented at the insistence of his mother.[74]. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, p. 141. When [Ksem] asked, "What is the remedy for this?" [34][146] The gate was locked, so she crept into a small cabinet, hoping that Turhan's eunuchs would pass her by and that the Janissaries would come to her rescue. And what if the sultan is instructed? Halil nalck-Nihan zyldrm; eviriyaz Ali Emre zyldrm; Giri Blent Ar), stanbul 2012, s. 31. Kosem subtitulado Espaol - Sehzade Iskender. Pohl, N. (2006).Women, Space, Utopia, 1600-1800. [52] On behalf of her son, Ksem ordered the construction of two fortresses near the mouth of the Bosphorus, one in Anadolukava and the other in Rumelikava. "[113][34][122], In Naima's words, Abdlaziz Efendi "drowned in the sea of mortification. Hseyin Pasha had benefited from the protection of both the Chief Black Eunuch Mustafa Aa and Ksem. She was draped from head to toe in black silk, while a black eunuch waved a large fan beside her. She, the mother of the greatest tyrant Murad IV, and the greatest wastrel, Ibrahim I, the Greek Kosem who was named Moonfigure because of beauty, through the commanding glance of four emperorsher husband, two sons, and her grandsonwas revered more in history than Agrippina, Nero's mother, through her kindness, her desire for power and the tragic finish in Osman history of a female Caesar. "Ksem Walide or Ksem Sultan" in. The princes Bayezid (her stepson) and Sleyman (her biological son) were executed during the celebrations over the victory at Erivan (1635) and Kasm, the heir apparent to the throne, was executed during the Baghdad campaign in 1638. My words are bitter to him now. [96], Alarmed by Ibrahim's erratic behaviour, in September 1647, the Grand Vizier Salih Pasha and eylislam Abdrrahim Efendi plotted to depose him. Mehmet tahta knca tm erkek biraderlerini ldrtnce ileride benzer bir kader paylamamas iin validesi tarafndan saraydan karlmtr. In 1547, during Suleiman's Elkas Campaign, the sultan met with his sons Selim, Bayezid, and Mustafa in different locations to discuss the political situation. WHKMLA, Students' Papers Main Page. According to Naima: "[T]he valide sultan would sometimes speak affectionately, giving counsel to the padishah. 1361/7. Are you fine? [94], Ibrahim allegedly tried to rape a concubine who spurned him and threatened to stab him with a dagger if he persisted. "[120], Ksem and the Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasha grew in enmity after Mehmed's accession to the throne. He claimed that the sultan had a "passionate" love for Ksem, emphasizing that this was the result of witchcraft. It took the combined persuasion of Ksem and the grand vizier to make him accept the throne. Buried in Murad III Mausoleum, Hagia Sophia Mosque, heir apparent to the Ottoman throne since 1635. Sleyman Aa promptly invited the Grand Vizier Siyavu Pasha to the palace and told him that Ksem was usually in bed at that time, being entertained by 'her Eunuchs, and Favourites, with Musick, Singing, and other unusual delights'. Her purpose was undoubtedly in part to force the situation so that she could have some influence over the outcome. [126] The eylislam sympathised with their plight and intended to ask the sultan to "cancel evil innovations", but instead he was encircled and forced to accompany them to the palace. Hanefizade answered: "In the opinion of our wise men of the law, a madman ought not to reign, whatever be his age; but rather let a child, that is gifted with reason, be upon the throne. Rycaut, Paul. At the Topkap Palace, it started a tradition of lighting candles "for her soul" every night, and this tradition continued until the palace was closed in the 19th century. Ksem tried to get financial assistance from Cinci Hoca, the sultan's chief treasurer, but he declined. You must give him as much advice as you canif he doesn't listen to one thing, he'll listen to another. Yldrm Beyazd, kardei Yakub Bey'i ldrtmtr. ehzade Mustafa (Ottoman Turkish: ; 6 August 1515 6 October 1553) was an Ottoman prince and the son of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his concubine Mahidevran Hatun. However, the precise full styles can differ in the court traditions of each monarchy. Ksem eventually reached an agreement with the viziers to install her son Murad as sultan. [73], By 1635, the Anatolian countryside had been devastated by the Abaza rebellion and state oppression, resulting in a mass influx of refugees to the capital. She thereby saved the Ottoman dynasty from probable annihilation. [78] Ibrahim's life was only saved by the intercession of his mother Ksem, who argued that he was 'too mad to be a threat". "[156] She was buried without ceremony in the mausoleum of her late husband Ahmed I. Sultan 3.Mehmed, Osmanl-Avusturya sava devam ederken tahta gemitir. Hrrem's support of her own sons made Mustafa's political career difficult, but he successfully ruled Amasya for 8 years. In 1561, eight years after Mustafa's death, the French author Gabriel Bounin wrote a tragedy titled La Soltane about the role of Hrrem Sultan in Mustafa's death. The innocent are put to death. Relazioni di ambascitori veneti al Senato, op. [160][161] The people of Constantinople spontaneously observed three days of mourning while the city's mosques and markets were closed for three days. Abdlaziz Efendi managed to escape by fleeing. Esnaf 1 episode, 2017 Umut Nalbantoglu . the frost of death was on the pane analysis; are there alligators in lake thonotosassa; special k probiotics berries and peaches discontinued; who is callie feeding in van helsing; muzzle brake canada legal. In fact, he even executed his own sons before campaigning against the Safavids in 1514. The Grand Vizier Siyavu Pasha said to the sultan: "My sultan, the will of god is that you consign your grandmother into the hands of justice, if you would have these mutinies appeased; a little mischief is better than a great one; there is no other remedy; god willing, the end shall be prosperous." Sultan Mehmet Han(3.Mehmed Han) 26 Mays 1566 tarihinde dnyaya gelmitir. Caution him about it, but not right away. ehzade Yahya (1585-1649), III. Naima relayed the criticism of arih l-Menarzade: "The valide sultan's stewards collected incalculable amounts of money. Rycaut described the funeral of the woman he referred to as the 'Queen': "The Black Eunuchs immediately took up the Corpse, and in a reverent manner laid it stretched forth in the Royal Mosch; which about 400 of the Queens Slaves encompassing round about with howlings and lamentations, tearing the hair from their heads after their barbarous fashion, moved compassion in all the Court. The day before the plot was due to be carried out, however, one of Ksem's slaves, Meleki Hatun, betrayed it to Sleyman Aa.[2][34]. cit., p. 33; and TEZCAN, "Searching for Osman", op. However, Hseyin Pasha used the situation to his own advantage, raiding the state treasury for his own benefit under the pretext of punishing those responsible for the regicide of Osman. [36] While at the Old Palace, she had the opportunity to meet Safiye Sultan. [The children] themselves know our misfortunes and speak out against your iniquities, in spite of all the treasures you have extorted and lavished you have obtained. [19], The Venetian ambassador Simon Contarini, bailo between 1609 and 1612, mentions Ksem in his report in 1612 and portrays her as:.mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, "[A woman] of beauty and shrewdness, and furthermore of many talents, she sings excellently, whence she continues to be extremely well loved by the king Not that she is respected by all, but she is listened to in some matters and is the favorite of the king, who wants her beside him continually. "[4] Throughout her career as haseki sultan, she was accused of trying to protect her own position and influence "rather than that of the sultan or of the dynasty". Tome 11 / par J." 2016. p. 80. It is also not certain which of his four children she gave birth to. Retracing her path after leaving Constantinople to welcome Murad in zmit, two days' journey from the city, she rode in a carriage draped with gold fabric, its wheels studded, and its spokes coated in gold, preceded by viziers and high-ranking religious authorities on gorgeously caparisoned horses. She was in charge of appointing political figures and overseeing the state's administration, which allowed her to establish connections with statesmen, judges, and other court figures. The fortresses were erected in a single year. "[98], In one last effort, Ksem said, "All this is the doing of wicked ministers. He had spent his entire early life in the harem, learning only what the eunuchs and women could teach him, and constantly fearing execution at the hands of the ruling sultans, with several palace officials, particularly the Chief Black Eunuch Mustafa Aa, nourishing these fears to control him. [1][pageneeded] The edict's message relieved the Ottoman army and the people of Anatolia, as ehzade Mustafa was the popular successor to the throne. [174], According to Naima, "She would free her slave women after two or three years of service, and would arrange marriages with retired officers of the court or suitable persons from outside, giving the women dowries and jewels and several purses of money according to their talents and station, and ensuring that their husbands had suitable positions. The charitable work of the sultan's mother was completed in [the Islamic year] one thousand fifty [1640-41]. Fasl Murd Hn asrnda bu boazdan ieri kffr- k Kazak girp Yeniky ve Tarabya kasabas ve Bykdere'yi ve Saryr kasabalarn nehb [] gret etdi Murd Hn- Rbi, sfn error: no target: CITEREFQuataert2000 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFBen-Naeh2008 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFRoe2010 (. As the mother of several princesses, she had the right to arrange suitable dynastic marriages for them. In formal address, this title is used with title sultan before a given name, reflecting the Ottoman conception of sovereign power as a family prerogative. Sehzade Hasan. Teacher at M.E.B. According to Rycaut, the assassins then applied the cord for the second time, although the Ottoman renegade Bobovi, relying on an informant in the harem, claimed that she was strangled with her own hair. Additionally in 1651 she funded the construction of the Byk Valide Han in Constantinople, which was used to provide accommodation for foreign traders, store goods and merchandise, house artisan workshops, and provide business offices (an urban legend claims that she hid most of her precious jewels in the depths of one of its towers). 225. Victor Ostapchuk, "The Human Landscape of the Ottoman Black Sea in the Face of the Cossack Naval Raids", Oriente Moderno 20 (81), (no. It seemed like all barriers between the throne and Mustafa were gone, but he still faced another challenge. Despite being removed from the seat of power, Ksem continued to run some governmental affairs on behalf of the sultan, since he trusted her to look after his interests during his absences from the capital. "[142], Ksem was accused of being the instigator of the plot against the sultan, and his chief ministers urged that she be executed, preferably with the sultan's consent.

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