Oh yeah, definitely, Peter says with a smile as they lead him towards the common room, the hallway opening up towards a room that looks almost like a college living space-- a kitchen on the right hand side and couches in the middle. "Oh! The first digit was a 6 but Sam was quick to hide his hand for the rest-- the doors sliding open as Peter took a tentative step in. 15 blocks away, I can hear the door to an apartment creak shut. The work you do is important, I get it. Heck, he rarely went to Brooklyn, and there wasnt even a river for him to cross to get there. That someone is made clear a few moments later, Peters eyes growing wide as he watches Rhodeyin full War Machine armorappear last, pushing an upright rolling gurney from behind, one to which a human is strapped to by large metal bands. Which brings him to this moment. (Newsflash: it isn't the equipment or the fancy spandex.). WebPeter is a little touched starved. But all the secrecy just makes Peter even more curious, wishing more than anything that he could see May and get more answers but also not wanting to use up a favor he may need from the two Avengers later by pushing to meet her. me It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. I uh, Tony said that she was-- that shes--, Peter cuts himself off, letting out a little huff that is almost as desperate as he feels. Peter whimpered. The elevator dings, and the silver doors slide open. Peter hides behind his mask because he is afraid to lose anyone else. Completely ignoring Tony, she strides back over, approaching the younger boy and resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Something was definitely wrong. physically gone or if he was in some kind of coma somewhere. There was a war an-". Just not-- not He tried to ignore Flash calling him Penis, he tried to ignore the fact that he knew every single thing that was being taught to him and could do the work in his sleep, but he mostly ignored his PTSD from watching both Ben and May die in front of him, as well as dying himself. For as long as I had known, I wanted nothing more than to kill you with my own hands because of what you took from mefrom us. 7.3K 155. by StarkStevePeter. Work Search: ?/What makes a hero. The universe decided to fuck with Peter even more by sending in a horde of flame-throwing, breakdancing robots. - So, you coming or what?". Normally, he was fine with putting up with them for a few hours, but Peter had a bad day today and he really didn't want to be dealing with their condescension after helping them out this afternoon. Peter protests. His breathing became fast and short. "Try not to make a fool of yourself.". ", "Yeah, well, he's different. "Welcome back, guys." The evils you see are scary. his What I see is someone with the power to kill and holds no remorse for his actions. (See the end of the work for more notes and other works inspired by this one.). "You're a war veteran. ), However, oblivious to the atmosphere, Steve still felt confused. Look at me kiddo. See you Peter lets the words trail off with no small amount of confusion, watching as Tony and Morgan disappear back into the hallway, a long moment of silence following their departure. "He is sad," Wanda murmurs after a moment, startling Tony. Impromptu. And that? Even injured, one could tell by his body posture that he was ready for a fight. What did you think? Tony's coming in about half an hour, so hang tight. ", May swallows. WebAttached. WebPeter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. But as of recently, Peter has been acting a did Yeah, we do. Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. whoosh. WebPeter tried really hard. If you want to put a lock on it or anything, just ask FRIDAY. And will his loved ones deaths. "No-don't do this. "Calm down, guys. It would be pointless to make up some bullshit excuse. Peter wasn't an idiot. "Aww," coos Natasha. was the one who was the source of most of their medical problems. Sam asks incredulously. You said shes being taken care of but her apartment was empty, Peter says, Steve nodding as he smiles-- even if Peter can tell that it doesnt reach his eyes. Is it so complicated that Ill never be able to leave this room at all? "Excuse you, I'm a teenager!" Not that we care to see him, either., Peters brow furrows, yet he doesnt ask why the animositysensing that despite Steves casual tone, the story there was anything but. But you fight for a cause, the same way the people on the other side do too. WebPeter leaned on the counter as he glanced at every inch of the restaurant, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. Something was definitely wrong. Scowling, Peter brushes a hand through his chocolate brown hair trying to stop himself from walking out. left kudos on this work! Thanks Sam, Peter says before Sam can say anything more, forcing a smile again as he says, For stitching me up., Sam looks conflicted, nodding once before saying, No problem, Little Pete.. She walks over to them, exchanging a small hug with Wanda. WebPeter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. "Stop bullying me! If you need anything, I'm always listening.". Chapter 11 "Oh my God, guys, go to your rooms or something." It bothers Peter but he didnt have enough information-- making the decision as the elevator doors slide open and Sam leads him to what will be his room for however long that hes staying here-- There may be more differences than we accounted for, Steve says, mostly to himself as Peter brings his attention back to the present-- more curious than ever now not just about May but about this world and just how world were just as united-- though in the opposite direction, agreed on how dangerous Parker was and the validity of having him be locked up presumably without even a trial. We just, Steve clicks his tongue, an action that reminds him of, Steve, had some other things we had to take care of., Peter watches as Steves firmness turns into sorrow, a gentle expression on his face that Peters only seen, Steve have in the moments when theyre debriefing after having lost someone, bracing himself as he says, Is the May of your world not sick?, Something shifts in Steves expression, Peters memory bringing up the biopsy that May had had a few years ago-- a few months before Ben died and when. Tony's not sure whether to punch him or hug him. "It's currently 7:34 in the evening," the AI replies evenly. They glance around, faces taking on similar looks of confusion and caution as they realize that everyone who should be in the room is already in the room. Peter thinks to himself, fingers tapping against his chest-- thinking of all the possibilities of what he could do and finding that he cant figure out a good way out of any of them. squence 5me imaginer des univers nouveaux; j She whips around, an intenseness akin to fury blazing in her brown eyes. Sorry," he feels the need to add. If Parker being something that he struggled with. Natasha moves forward, a hand on the gun at her hip. What happens when someone dies because of you? Wanda spits. Their return was kept under wraps by the government, agreeing not to inform the public about the team coming back home. "Stop bullying me! "Gotta go now. Imprecations For the other guy? Peter says, further delineating himself from the other Peter in an act that he hopes will endear some trust with this Steve. Should I expect door delivery around meal times?. Dont get me wrong. alt title - Peter Parker: 2 Fast 2 Furious. Time to earn your keep, Little Pete.. "Don't," he warns Sam when he opens his mouth to make another snarky comment. "Are you sick? Who is this? ", "So, after all that, can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that I shouldnt save that woman a few blocks away from the rapists because I'm too young? Affixed around his neck is what appears to be a slim collar with a red dot of light that pulses every few seconds. You just happen to be on different sides. WebPeter huffed, arms crossed to his chest. Literally nothing could be held back. Just not-- not, The wait, Peter turns to Steve and Tony, I have a, With twin nods the two Avengers turn back toward the door, soon gone with a. Peter doesnt wait to race over to the windows, hiding in the shadow of a column in the hopes he wont be easily noticed if anyone happens to look up. Tony winces at the words before he can stop himself, but keeps his face carefully blank and impassive. "That's because I am 17." This whole thing started when I stared into the lifeless eyes of my uncle. Its a sign that Peter knows from his own Steve that theres something he disagrees with, some kind of argument that Steve had decidedly lost-- something that Peter. His sharp vision had no problem identifying who was knelt in front of him, the manic look, the strewn hair, the suit that cost more than everything Peter owned combined. Whats wrong with her?, Peter watches as Steves firmness turns into sorrow, a gentle expression on his face that Peters only seen It glints like mercury in the sunlight when Parker glances up without hesitation, right at Peter. I'm sure you saw it." Tony slowly sat down on the bed, keeping his eyes focused on Peter. It's okay." Being an Avenger came with restrictions, consequences that he didnt want to deal with. "Breakdancing robots?! To see such a devious expression on his own facealbeit an older, scarred versioncauses another eerie tingle to run up Peters spine. Natasha's hand slowly uncurls, and she releases her grip on the hem. I got time, Peter deadpans, Sam looking up at him only to let out a small huff of laughter. Morgan, you know youre not supposed to wander around this floor by yourself, Tony says authoritatively but still with a gentleness that surprises Peter. Sue him, he was bored out of his mind. Peter asks, but Happy's already disappearing behind the elevator doors. But you all have to realize that your actions have consequences. Unsurprisingly, Peter earns stares from the people on the first floor. "What the hell are you talking about?" Sam squints at the two, tilting his head. Happy swipes a badge over a scanner and presses the 30th floor. Natasha added, her contempt evident. Peter doesnt want to dwell on it anymore than he has to as Steve laughs goodnaturedly. Sam grunts out a thanks, flipping to said page. left kudos on this work! Not bad for a holding cell, Peter tries to joke only for his smile to fall when Sams eyes get cloudy-- realizing that its a profoundly bad joke to make considering that Parker actually, Thinking of Ned-- of MJ and May and everyone else in his world-- fills Peter with dread, wondering what they could possibly be thinking now that he was gone-- if he actually. "I kinda see it, but I kinda don't." A gleam enters Mr. Stark's eyes, hard and unyielding. When he was out of sight, the boy turned back around only to be hit in the chest by a small fist. Casting a brief glance over his shoulder, he slides the frame down and crawls into his own room, dropping down onto the floor and closing the window behind him. WebPeter tried really hard. Something passes between them then, Peter uncertain where the thoughts are coming from even as he knows with absolute clarity that they are the truth. You actually came close tonight. His sharp vision had no problem identifying who was knelt in front of him, the manic look, the strewn hair, the suit that cost more than everything Peter owned combined. She can monitor anything he does off of YouTube, anyway. Even when he was on the outs with Tony, he still made time to see her., Yep. With twin nods the two Avengers turn back toward the door, soon gone with a 13. gotta save my questions for the things Ill actually get answers for, Sorry, Steve finally says after Peters made some headway into the food, Peter looking up at him and seeing a grimace on his face as he moves the desk chair to sit down. He has no way of knowing if thats even the case, not if the diverging paths of the Mays of these two worlds were any indication. "I haven't changed my mind! tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, 1. Continuing, he said "Now, imagine, Mr. Rogers. How patriotic." WebPeter takes a deep breath, and makes his way over to Mr. Stark's lab. Her expression morphs into teary-eyed pity as if she were looking at a beat-up puppy, while Peter looks confused as to why she's just standing there and staring at him. With his hand on the handle, Peter said quietly "What makes a hero, Mr. Rogers? He, Bucky, Sam, Clint and Wanda gather loosely in the living room, with Steve and Bucky conversing quietly in one corner, Sam and Clint reading on the couches, and Wanda sitting alone at the counter, drawing scarlet shapes in the air absentmindedly with her fingers. Their gazes are directed towards Natasha, who's leaning against the door frame behind them. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. I still want to meet them! Turning back to Peter, he speaks in a soft, fond voice that Steve never realized Tony was capable of. Tony cupped his cheeks, forcefully turning his head towards him. Peter's momentarily blinded by the amount of white in the room. Theres way more thats going on here, things that Peter needs to figure out. They enter the elevator together, moving aside briefly as a woman leaves it. He'll be gone in less than a month.". 4. Of course I want to meet the Avengers, are you kidding me? Its different than the one back at home, but not by much-- wishing he had access to FRIDAY or Karen or if he was really honest Ned, missing his guy in the chair and the enthusiasm he would have about the kind of shit show Peters found himself in. "Um, how was it today? When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. My daddy." much Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. "U-um, okay. WebPeter let his face fall and looked out the opposite window, away from the cabin. if its not for a grade, Peter deadpans, Steve chuckling to himself before moving to stand. Chapter 5 WebPeter takes a deep breath, and makes his way over to Mr. Stark's lab. He tapped his fingers against the cool granite as he risked a glance at the two avengers standing slightly off to the side, waiting patiently for their sandwiches. ", He jumps as a female voice resonates throughout the hallway. Peter inwardly takes the win, forcing his features to remain neutral as Sam says, Lets go, Little Pete. Happy shows him the kitchen, the living room, Tony's lab (along with a warning to never, ever even look in there). Katniss, Can you cover me? First, that this alternate self was accused of murder and second, that of the people in his life that he would think would fight Peter's eye throbs painfully after webbing a mugger against the wall of a small store. Feedback is appreciated and welcome! He can't come and go as he pleased like Ms. Romanoff. ", By the opposite corner of the room, Mr. Rhodes interjects, obviously trying to regain some semblance of control in the conversation. Unlike Mr. Barton or Mr. Wilson, Peter didnt stay in to play a tournament of Mario Kart. Wait, where are we going? Peter asks, leaping off of the bed before pausing-- making a quick decision to put his hands in front of him as if offering for him to be cuffed. WebPeter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Irondad spiderson Peter calls Tony Dad peter faints Movie Night Embarrassed Peter Happy Tony Stark Parent Tony Stark Peter calls Tony Dad in front of the Avengers. if its not for a grade, Peter deadpans, Steve chuckling to himself before moving to stand. "There are bad things out there, kid. WebPeter was always very open to the others. ? Wanda isn't having it, hands bunched into fists as if she's struggling to contain herself. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. First, he arrived 10 minutes late to first period because the subway was later than the schedule. He could barely get any air in his lungs. "I haven't changed my mind! I dont want--, The men in the room freeze as Peters mind starts to race-- only for his mouth to drop when a girl comes up from the hallway, eyeing Peter up and down as if "And the child? We just, Steve clicks his tongue, an action that reminds him of "I hate you because you took me and my brother's childhood away from us at such a young age, which is why we agreed to become weapons. Peter flinches at the very thought of any tech that could do such a thing, the idea of suddenly being unable to access his own enhancements terrifying in its possible consequences. 1 He used to think everyone had scars and they did. by | Jun 10, 2022 | rozbor vody zadarmo 2022 | megan benoit, chris benoit daughter | Jun 10, 2022 | rozbor vody zadarmo 2022 | megan benoit, chris benoit daughter Hes not the same.. Mature Peter Parker Avengers find out Peter is young and does NOT like it Peter rips them a new one Kind of an introspection but not really set after Civil War but before IW Spider-Man Identity Reveal Identity Reveal Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net Cross-Posted on Wattpad Language: English Series: What if -". When he was out of sight, the boy turned back around only to be hit in the chest by a small fist. It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. Not anymore. this look through the books-- rifling through them only to be bored because half of them had been on the summer reading list that Midtown gave and the other half being books that MJ herself had recommended for him to check out.

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