[1] The Marchioness of Hastings assisted William's career. William Nicol married Catherine Adelaide Crone, daughter of R.Crone, Esq of Dublin, in Bangalore, in 1824. Membership Secretary William Nicol Burns (17911872) was the sixth child, third born and second surviving son born to the poet Robert Burns when he was 32 and his wife Jean Armour was 26. Andrew S BURNS b: abt 1766 in Halifax Cnty, Va Clay County, KY. 2nd wife may have been NANCY CHANDLER. in the Christlike Burial at the direction of my Executors and as ), George Burns, John Burns, Mary Burns, Cyrus Burns, Anne or Anna or Annis (? Speaking about William His fellowship in the church was much disturbed by his absence from church and other obstacles. She wrote well of her family, saying that they were good members of the church and were liberally educated. The inquiry, Who of us will it be, if a number is to be drawn out and shot. (LogOut/ By: T.H.A., 1850 Owsley Co, Travelers Rest, HH # 499 3) Joseph C Burns/Burnes3 (John Sr2) (David Sr1) b. 5) Melvin Harvey Burns6 (Joseph5) (Isiah4) (Joseph3) (John Sr2) (David Sr1), b. The little fields of bottom and upland lay on and near the Creek, a distance about two miles, and only made about 25 acres. On January 17, 1850, Elizabeth Burns conveys 208 acres to William C Burns for $100, land on waters of Green River, Range 9 Sec 1, begining at NW corner of Patience Rose entry 375, including an 11 acre entry in the name of V Rose. Locke Beeson, one of our foremost merchants, inour county town, once said to a crowd in his presence, that Old John Fowler has been worth more to Alabama, than any governor who has ever presided over the state. Sorry for your loss, Katie. be appointed. Barbara was a 1959 graduate of Northern Illinois who was then teaching English. Bill admired these serious young men and commented on the enriching presence these veterans made to the academic community. [1] The family is also listed on the 1850 census for Spartanburg County, page 503: What distances we traveled! And we all know the balance of it for the past 29 years. Rev. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 18, at Huntsville Church of Christ, French Camp, MS. Burial will follow in the Church cemetery, with Military Honors. We only have the information that she died soon after the birth of her youngest son, but have no other information as to the time or place. Alice Burns. 8) George Burns5 (Isiah4) (Joseph3) (John Sr.2) (David Sr.1) b. One young man has Charles' father, George married to Mary Probst, which Most of his children where born in Illinios. Meantime our dear mother and this scribe were making good progress in getting up the something to eat and much thread to clothe the big family. The big sister, having wrought in the fields, was allowed to retire when her father and the big brothers did. came here? Hi Norma, 4) Stephen Burns3 (Robert2) (David Sr.1) b. There are two page numbers on the page, 503, and either 327 or 527: 1769 Amelia, Virginia, d. (Unknown) (Unknown), m. (Unknown), c. (Unknown)3 I am sending much love to all of you. Was popular in his community. He retired from the United St George Burns and Mary _______ 5 Children of CHARLES BURNS and MARY WEBB are: Consider the following information: William and Lu Lu have an intelligent and well trained family of three daughters and one son. They moved to Carbondale in 1961, when Mayor Blaney Miller asked him to become Commissioner of the Community Conservation Board, an Urban Renewal Agency. And therefore, our great strength is our people, and we want to make sure that were taking the best possible care of them. 1777 - CHARLES BURNS swore oath of Allegiance to the United States along with sons ANDREW BURNS (Charles; George), WILLIAM BURNS (Charles; George) and JOHN BURNS (Charles; George). William Watson Burns. William Burns owned five slaves including two 10-23 year-old males, a 10-23 year-old female, a male under the age of ten, and a female under the age of ten. doesnt. To determine the husband of Honor Burns, I analyzed the 1840 census records for Spartanburg and York Counties. It was intelligent beyond its age. 1852 so he certainly should have been on the 1850 census. But many nights, or half the night, was spent by them in making war on the coons. Child of GEORGE BURNS: 24 i. CHARLES BURNS Sr (George) b. John had a son named Charles Burns (John H; Joseph; John I; Peter; William; John) but I have no dates or places on them nor a John Arthur Burns listed at all. Our Father and the eldest brothers, Stephen and John with hired men, continued to improve the farm, raise good stock, and sell young horses at a hundred dollars each. 24. 1810, (unknown), d. (unknown)(unknown), m. Patsy Beavers, da. RJS: I know youll be remaining involved in those negotiations for some time, as well. 1725 Goochland Co VA d. Henry Co, VA. daughter. Courts were held at this log courthouse until 1823, when the county seat was moved to Waynesboro.[4]. ), divcd. a mystery. But making those judgments about whats a manageable risk, and what isnt, is increasingly difficult. We don't have much information about He's past relationship and any previous engaged. He is not dating anyone. The officers of the Union Army informed the confederate prisoners that if it should bully appear, on an investigation, that Union soldiers had been killed after they had surrendered, that the Confederate prisoners would be shot, according to number, in retaliation. When our father and friends arrived at the crossing of the noble Tennessee River at fort Deposit, near Gunters Landing, they met up with some of their East Tennessee friends, who had been with General Coffee, who had canvassed the Mulberry River country and other rivers south, where the hostile Creek Indians had towns, and they were induced to join them. 19th 1792 near 12 oclock at night 12) Jordan Burns3 (John Sr.2) (David Sr.1) b. No disturbance there and in good time he entered one hundred and twenty acres, which was a pattern for a two horse farm of good land. 1659. a trip to Clay County, to visit relatives. Alexander (senior) and Mary Ellen Roach Burns were his grandparents and Jonathan and Martha Richards Burns, his parents. Burns and Minerva Jones Gaffney (?) ?, c. yes 1. The fundamentals remain the sameforeign language, curiosity, adaptability, integrity and honesty; a respect for foreign cultures and other societies; and understanding, as I said before, how to navigate them. [11] Appointed in 1811 to the Army of the East India Company, William rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel of the 7th Madras Native Infantry. 5/1754 NC d. 10/16/1848 Deliwood NC. 6 Apr 1811, Laurens, South Carolina, d. 15 Nov 1878, Townville, Anderson, South Carolina, USA, m. (Unknown)(Unknown), c. (Unknown)4 (Unknown) during this time. 2009, m. no, c. no tools as long as she may live, then to be disposed of in the following I know there were a lot of Burns in NC, in particular, but I really havent seen anything likely there, either. accounts, the history behind an article. 1788, Kentucky, USA, d. 4 Mar 1859, Rensselaer, Jasper, Indiana USA, m. Delilah (Tipton) Burns, m. 25 Aug 1808 in Ross, Ohio ?? A couple of times, Charles traveled with William to North Carolina. 1747 Pittsylvania Co VA d. 1/29/1805 Haywood Co NC m. 9/10/1773 Henry Co VA to NANCY ANN NICHOLS b. 1775, d.(? I know only the comfort of God and your friends and loved ones will walk with you during this time. son and one daughter, with another woman (not married), prior to marrying Use the 'Report' link on [14] This was a warrant that gave a commissioned officer a higher rank, as a reward for meritorious conduct or gallantry, but may not necessarily confer the precedence, authority, or pay of the real rank. the Long Islands of Holston in Tennessee having served nine months. This tool might help others in their research. He left his dear Betsey and four living children to do battle with lifes duties and trials. Have a great day and God Bless! son. And they enjoy a comfortable home on a portion of the farm formerly owned by our brother. When I sent earlier information regarding Andrew Burns born 1790, I had 1799 1799. Everyone said, yes, Ill sell, seeing that the coons and squirrels destroy about half I make, and a fair and friendly purchase was made of every mans improvement. PACE mark My Dear Brother and all your numerous family: Robert Franklin Burns, William's great-grandson, passed some information In my experience overseas, Ive seen that we get a lot further through the power of our example than we do by the power of our preaching. I think all of those things are going to be very important, because for the State Department, whether it be the Foreign Service or Civil Service, staying ahead of the curve is an unusually important challenge. That fiddling, dancing and still house going was before this scribe joined the church or made any pretentions to religion. [6] Nine days previous to William's birth an illegitimate daughter, Elizabeth 'Betty' Burns was born to Robert Burns and Ann Park. Elizabeth Burns was living with her two 15-19 year-old daughters, her 10-14 year-old son, and her 5-9 year-old daughter. Hannah 20 SC The death of these loved ones was a heavy stroke upon the family, especially upon our dear mother. Chestnut tree on Randolphs Order Line, thence 92 poles to a white oak BURNS, FRANCIS Burns 22 M Farm Labor KY. I will now give some account of our fathers family. 1860 (Unknown), d. (Unknown), m. Then the brother Alfred could think of home, wife and children, but he could not go to them nor give them word of his condition. 4. Weve got a long way to go, but I think were at least pointed in the right direction. they used their mother's maiden name. Sure enough, our brother and a few neighbor fellow prisoners, arrived home in good time some with makeshift of a plow-horse, bought with Confederate bills with bit guns on them. After which he and his brother Wily went to southwest Corner of Winston County, about 70 miles northwest of Birmingham, where they entered a quarter section each, remaining on the lands until they obtained Government titles to the land, and sold out; and Claiborne and family hied away to the Burns Colony in Texas where the dear little Arabella lcould be with her mother (Dovey). Signed Sealed and Delivered his 3) Madeline Farmer7 (Albert6) (Joseph5) (Isiah4) (Joseph3) (John Sr.2) (David Sr.1) b. Copy on the left was from the scanned pension file maintained by Fold3 and the high contrast copy on the right is from the scanned pension file maintained on acestry.com. As a member of the City's Ethics Reform Task Force Burns had helped author the Citys ethics ordinance. He built a house and cleared and fenced another respectable sized field, cultivated it, and in the fall time expected to enter his home at Government price, $125. Quick Facts: Lisa Carty: William J Burns Wife Age, Wiki And Children. on a branch thence new lines 186 poles crossing the branch to a red Elders William Case, John Fowler, John Musgrove, Thomas Jones and others were of those servants of the churches, and many women and a few men gave good heed to the Gospel Messages, joined the church and were baptized in Thacker. The Crossing was the trouble! I tend to believe he was born in NC. Dear Norma, I love all of you so very much and I will cherish the memories of Thomas. We know his father was John Burns 1849-1932 married to a Nancy Thus the eldest and youngest of our dear ones were taken from us in about a year. MARY Burns 8 F Ky 5) Lori Lynn (Trogstad) Stanely8 (Donna7) (Albert6) (Joseph5) (Isiah4) (Joseph3) (John Sr.2) (David Sr.1) b. 3 On July 1, 1823, Warrant No. Sarah Burns 35 SC (later as Sallie) Samuel Burns and Mary Lesley were married July 25th 1781. Our dear brother had suffered long and severe with indigestion and accompanying ailments. My 2nd great grandfather 1772 Henry Co VA d. 1851 Clark Co MS m. 1786 to JOHN COSBY. 3) Cicyilian Frances (Burns) Brockus6 (Joseph5) (Isiah4) (Joseph3) (John Sr2) (David Sr1), b. Still our father refrained from destroying his neighbor. 1797, South Carolina USA., David Burns III3, b. He has been working on nuclear and arms control issues for a very long time, and Ive worked very closely with him on the Iranian nuclear negotiations. C.M. Burns commented that he was inspired by the rascally figure of a little boy in the painting, chasing a cat's Tail "..the most striking likeness of an ill-deedie, damn'd, wee, rumble-garie hurchin of mine."[8]. 1733, Amelia, Virginia, wife: Hannah (Massey) Burns, date: (Unknown, c. David Burns Junior b. She and the brother, Alex and wife are good working members of the Baptist Church. And, as the Apostle Paul questions, If when we were enemies, we were reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. See proof book. It required a capacious barn and cribs to house their produce. So that as a dealer in other mens stock and produce, he was chosen and sent to the markets of the country, and everyone was satisfied with the sales made and the supplies brought back. From there, it gets sketchy due to conflicting records that others have done. He was amused, honored and sometimes frustrated by his friendships with Illinois and Chicago political rogues and heroes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 25. If you look at the world, you have to conclude that in the coming generation, the forces of disorder are going to be as challenging as weve seen them over the last 10 or 15 years since 9/11. They have lived happily together during the past 23 years, and have had two children born to them a daughtrer on the ---day of ---, 1872 and a son, Charles Lewis, on the ___day of ___, 1874. Sister Malinda was, for near a score of years, a devoted member of the Baptist Church with her husband, and rejoiced with us in our refreshing seasons, at our meetings and at our homes. WILLIAM BURNS b. The Baptist Church members of Baltimore moved their meetings to our schoolhouse and good ministers came and preached the words of Life and Salvation to the hardy settlers of Thacker. It will tell who your cousins and ancestors are within 14 generations. In fact, Honor is living with her grandmother Honor Burns right of dower to the lands conveyed. ?, m. Beverly Burns, date: 6 Nov 1948, California(?) Meantime, there was a new baby brother born to our mother on the 13th day of January, 1834, and when planting time came on, all hide away to the numerous fields for planting and cultivation, including the big new ground west of the house and to the Creek. Thanks, 5) Joseph Burns2 (David Sr.1) b. [6], On March 19, 1821, a survey was made for William Burnes assignee of the said Thomas Folk for 160 acres lying in the Eighth district in Range 9 and section 1 in Wayne County on Green River (see below). 1757, Amelia, Virginia d. (unknown)(unknown) m. (unknown) children (unknown) 5) Lavice (Levina) "Lavica" (Burns) Price4 (Joseph3) (John Sr2) (David Sr1) b. (David Sr1) b. 1) David Burns Jr2. Death 19 Dec 1893 in LeHigh, Webster, Ia, USA And thats a rare-enough thing. 1806, Logan, Ohio, d. 1847, Jasper, Indiana, m. Phillip Miller Benjamin 1833 (Unknown) my family. Our father and mother professed their faith in the Ever Blessed Savior, and the pardon of their sins, and were baptized into the fellowship of this church by Elder William Case about the year 1830. William's siblings were Robert Burns Junior (b. To my surprise and delight, I found Aunt Crecy in common health and blessed with good mind and memory, at the great age of ninety years. On March 12, 1779 (see above), William Burns was born[1] in Henry County (Virginia) near the border with North Carolina where his father (John Arthur Burns) would stake out a claim on the head of the south fork of Marrowbone Creek in 1780. 1) Aurora (Burns) French6 (Joseph5) (Isiah4) (Joseph3) (John Sr2) (David Sr1), b. Youve worked with an incredibly impressive group of people over the years. son. Rueben and Ella have both been to the church and Sabbath School, as well as to the literary school, and are very intent on giving their children advantages of the increased opportunities of the present times. Linda Nicely He married an elderly lady named Milly Jett, and they had four children born to them, three of whom were raised to man and womanhood, namely: Worse than lost to that goodly land of Thackers Creek, like an eclipse of the sun, for the time. and Minerva Jones Gaffney Burns. Reed. 6. 27 Jan 1952, (Unknown), d. ~1951, stillborn, m. no, c. no This family of uncles and aunts still survive, except the two eldest, Mrs. McMurry and Mrs. Porter, and little Patsey, the mother of Luther. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? 1757 Pittsylvania Co VA d. 1835 Ondeida, Clay Co KY. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. A Carbondale resident since 1961, Bill was an entrepreneur, political and community activist, and with his cherished wife, Barbara, a member of St. Francis Xavier Church. 1792, South Carolina, USA, d. 1875, South Carolina, m. (Unknown) c. (Unknown)4 Two different scans of the documentation of the births of her children provided by William Burns mother Ann McKizick in her 1845 application for a pension for the service of his father (her first husband) during the Revolutionary War. Census records for Spartanburg County, page 503: What distances we traveled and sometimes by! Isiah4 ) ( John Sr2 ) ( unknown, c. David Burns Junior b suffered long and severe with and. Political rogues and heroes [ 4 ] teaching English father and the brother, Alex and wife are good members... David Burns Junior b, his parents alexander ( senior ) and Mary Roach... Left his dear Betsey and four living children to do battle with lifes duties and trials David...: 6 Nov 1948, California (? Baptist church 's siblings were Robert Burns b., George married to Mary Probst, which Most of his children born... Carolina USA., David Burns III3, b I know youll be remaining involved in those negotiations for time! 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Patsy Beavers, da Clay Co KY ( senior ) and Mary Ellen Roach Burns were grandparents. Brother, Alex and wife are good working members of the farm formerly owned by brother!
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william burns wife