When people say the Chaplet at a dying persons bedside, Gods anger is placated, and unfathomed mercy embraces the soul, and the depths of My mercy are moved, for the sake of My Sons sorrowful Passion(Diary 811). Source: Wikipedia and Catholic Online She also hoped that coming to that house would mean the final accomplishing of Gods plans concerning the foundation of a new congregation. She was magnanimous and devoted her entire life to the saving of souls. It looked impressive there, and attracted peoples attention more than the image of Our Lady over the gate.. He couldnt quite believe it all and make up his mind; he prayed and while keeping the particulars of the visions and penitent fully confidential sought the advice of knowledgeable priests. She concluded the letter with the words, Farewell, Dearest Mother, we shall each other at the feet of Gods throne. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of my mercy; let them profit from the blood and water which gushed forth for them ( Diary, 848). St. Faustina was canonized in 2000, making her the first declared saint of the third millennium. The Lord granted me understanding of the things of God (Diary 1404). From that moment her union with God was closer than ever before. In this situation, she tried to avoid the Lord, and when He came she would ask, Jesus, are You my God, or a spectre? I often visited her Sister Serafina Kukulska recalled and always found her cheerful, even happy, and sometimes as if radiant, but she never disclosed the secret of her happiness. Suddenly, when my love and longing had reached a peak, I saw a Seraph standing next to my bed, who gave me Holy Communion, saying the words, Behold, the Lord of Angels. When I had received the Lord, my spirit sank in the love of God and in wonder. Today, I am sending you with My mercy to the whole of mankind (Diary 1588). At Skolimw she asked Jesus whom she should pray for. Sr. Faustina died October 5, 1938 and she rests at the Basilica of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland. But as she left the confessional Jesus explained, My image is in your soul. I couldnt grasp the meaning of whatever I read; I couldnt meditate. It happened again for 13 days, but I was never sure that he would bring me Holy Communion on the next day(Diary 1676). This required a great deal of courage, as ever since 1959 there had been a notification by the Holy See in force prohibiting the spread of the devotion to Divine Mercy in the forms prescribed by Sister Faustina. It was in the convent at Pock, where Sister Faustina arrived in the May or June of 1930, that her great prophetic mission was to begin. It has today become known as the most important place in the history of the Divine Mercy message and devotion. It has today become known as the most important place in the history of the Divine Mercy message and devotion. On Friday, 13 September 1935, Sister Faustina had a vision in her cell of an Angel who was sent down by God to punish the earth. Sister Faustinas mission continues and is bringing wondrous fruit. One day Jesus came up to the gate in the guise of a poor young man. ultimate desires God has for His dear children. It was around eleven at night. Under such direction her mind had no problems with comprehending all the mysteries of faith, and her heart burned with the living flame of love. What can you do about it?, 'Well, said Sister Faustina, 'if you have a yard then what with walking across it all week itll get dirty, but come Saturday you sweep it and clean it up and its spotless. I promise that the soul that venerates this picture shall not perish. And when her superior forbade her these visits to the bedsides of the dying on account of her own poor health, she would offer up her prayers and acts of obedience for them, which as Jesus had taught her meant more in His eyes than great deeds undertaken wilfully. Faustina I Silver Roman Imperial Coins (27 BC-476 AD), Her fellow nuns called her the lawyer because she could direct the discussion to the subject of Gods truths. Two days later she was baptized with the name Helena in the parish church of winice Warckie. Soon after that mysterious event she returned to Gogowiec to ask her parents permission to enter a convent. I saw Jesus exposed in a monstrance on the great altar in our chapel. Through the many visions that she had, she was able to grow and nourish her love for Christ in the Eucharist. They were all taking part in the ceremony with great joy, and many received what they had asked for. Some, especially the more curious ones, were irked by my silence. St. Faustina Kowalska Catholic Online Saints & Angels Facts Feastday: October 5 Patron: of Mercy Birth: 1905 Death: 1938 Beatified: Pope John Paul II on April 18, 1993 Canonized: Pope John Paul II on April 30, 2000 Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Printable PDF of St. Faustina Kowalska Shop St. Faustina Kowalska The continual calling of grace was a great torment for me, nonetheless I tried to stifle my calling with various entertainments (Diary 8). The achievement of this objective not only brought Sister Faustina the greatest amount of suffering, but also led her to full union with Jesus, to what is generally referred to as mystical betrothal and mystical marriage. In the darkness of the passive nights God was granting her moments of respite and great joy. When once instead of praying she started reading a religious book, she heard an inner voice, You shall prepare the world for My final coming(Diary 429). The name Faustina is a girls name of Spanish, Latin origin meaning fortunate one. After less than two months of Sister Faustinas novitiate there was a change of novice mistress (20 June 1926). Her mother noticed that she loved to pray and would even get up at night and kneel down. Helenka went into service again, this time in d. It was Sunday, 22 February 1931. The Message is happy to share stories about the Divine Mercy devotion. She was baptized with the name Helena in the parish church of Swinice Warckle. I didnt understand any of the things my confessor said to me. It happened one day during the octave of Corpus Christi she recorded the most important event of her time at Ostrwek in her diary God filled my soul with an inner light enabling me to come to know Him as the Supreme Good and Beauty. It is also the means to establish peace in human hearts and between nations: Mankind shall not find peace and contentment until it turns with trust unto My mercy (Diary 300). Introduction to the Chaplet of Mercy. Spreading of Devotion to The Divine Mercy, Plenary Indulgence for the Feast of Mercy, In Theology Moral Qualification of aHuman Act, In the School ofSt.Faustina andJohnPaul II, History of the Devotion to The Divine Mercy, The Knowledge of the Mystery of Divine Mercy, The Contemplation of Divine Mercy in Everyday Life, The Apostolic Movement of The Divine Mercy, Prayer through the Intercession of St. Faustina, Superior General, Mother Michaela Moraczewska, Churches dedicated in honor of St. Faustina, Let us know about a church or chapel of St. Faustina, Let us know about another St. Faustina patronage activity, Shrine of Divine Mercy in Cracow-Lagiewniki, Chapel of the miraculous image of the Merciful Jesus and the tomb of St. Faustina, Shrine of the Birth and Baptism of St. Faustina in Swinice Warckie, Family Home of Saint Faustina in Gogowiec, Convent of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Center of Divine Mercy Spirituality in Rome, The Rome House of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Let us know about another Shrine of Divine Mercy. Tell distressed humankind to come up and cling to My Heart, and I shall fill it with peace. She also helped not only those who were dying in the sanatorium, but thanks to the gift of bilocation also those dying in another part of the hospital or even hundreds of miles away. From a very tender age she stood out because of her love of prayer, work, obedience and her sensitivity to the poor. The Holy Father John Paul II wrote that in the age of totalitarianisms Sister Faustina became the ambassador of the message that the only power strong enough to counteract their evil is the truth of Gods Mercy. 2. We did not understand her. Through the locutory door which was ajar she saw an unpretentious girl and at first, on observing her somewhat shabby appearance, had a mind to turn her away but it occurred to her that it would be more charitable first to talk to her. Only during a discussion with her spiritual director Father Sopoko did she disclose that God wants a congregation to preach Divine mercy to the world and to pray for Divine mercy for the world (Diary 436). I looked at Sister Amelia but said nothing. He said, When they say this Chaplet, it will please Me to grant everything they shall ask for (Diary 1541). I wanted to die but could not (Diary 23). When she returned to the convent chapel, she complained to Jesus, Whos going to paint You as beautiful as You are? (Diary 313). This was her last attempt to leave the Congregation, but the spiritual struggle continued. I felt wonderfully happy at having been able to confess everything. But Sister Faustina was not pleased, although the artist and Father Sopoko did all they could to render as faithful an image of Jesus as possible. She would notice the poor people and those in need around her, who came into the village for a piece of bread and a donation of any kind. There was also Jadzia, a blind charge, who told of her unusual experiences. St. Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament was born in Poland as Helena Kowalska on Aug. 25, 1905. Why is St Faustina important? Sister, if you want to be by Sister Faustina when she dies, get up now. Sister Faustina decided to leave and straightaway write to the Holy Father to dispense her from her vows. ANTIGONOS I OF MACEDONIA SILVER DRACHM_____ ___Known as Antigonos Cyclops. Whereas, it turned out, God let her know how much she would suffer. You will prepare the world for My final coming. She expressed her thanks for all the good she had received from Mother General and the Congregation, she begged forgiveness for her transgressions against the rule, she asked for their sisterly love, prayer and a blessing in the hour of death. Her family had ten children and was very poor. After having said good-bye to Sister Faustina he left her room, but on his way out remembered that he had not left her the booklets with the prayers to the Divine Mercy Jesus had given her. She told her that God was still her Father although he was testing her, and that these trials were to prepare her soul for a fuller union with Him. Already on her third day there she had evidence of the efficacy of the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy Jesus had given her. The Divine presence flooded my soul; I know I am under the glance of the Mighty One. He asked me to say the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus for my penance. Her relics are in the Shrine of the Divine Mercy at agiewniki, Krakw. She said that she would soon die and that she had finished all she had had to write and pass on. Not only did she notice them, but she would also think of ways to help them. The background to and instrument whereby God effected this in Sister Faustinas soul was the work for the implementation of the concept of a new congregation. Saint Faustina saw visions of Heaven In addition to Saint Faustinas visions of Christs Divine Mercy, the saint was also granted visions of the final resting place of Heaven. Since our ceremony was so closely linked with Rome, I dont exactly know how to distinguish [between the two ceremonies], but thats what I saw and thats what Im writing. Nonetheless, the suffering was becoming more and more intense. During that ceremony, held in the Jubilee Year, the Holy Father founded the Feast of Divine Mercy for the entire Church and passed on to the world the prophetic mission of Mercy for the third millennium of faith. Father Sopoko requested Sister Faustina to ask Jesus about that, too. I thought she must be in her room and lying in bed, as she was ill, so I opened the door and went in. On May 18, 2020, Pope Francis ordered the inscription of Saint Faustina Kowalska, Virgin, into the General Roman Calendar. On her way to Vilnius she made a stop at Czstochowa to entrust Mary her life and mission, which she received from God. If time allowed she would play with me. Priests were to preach sermons on Gods loving mercy for Man and make their hearts trust in Him, thereby enabling them to draw on the fountainhead of Divine Mercy. Her Cracovian spiritual director observed that since she had taken the decision she would be taking the full responsibility on herself. I feel very, very weak and am writing with a trembling hand. When she wanted to please her father she would take the Lives of the Saints or some other religious book from our modest bookcase and read aloud. The Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart, who worked as nurses in the hospital, prepared a room for her, but in the evening one of them informed her that she would not have Holy Communion the next day because she was exhausted. In the convent chapel Father Andrasz blessed another picture of the Merciful Jesus painted in accordance with Sister Faustinas instructions and started special services in honour of the Divine Mercy. She suffered from tuberculosis of the lungs and alimentary system and that is why for over 8 months stayed at the hospital in Krakw Prdnik. But already after three weeks she observed that there was little time in the convent for prayer, and wanted to move to a stricter order. At night, when she prayed prostrating herself on the floor, she saw the tortured face of Jesus and asked, Who has hurt You so much, Jesus? Jesus replied, You will cause Me such pain if your leave this Order. The last time I visited her, on 26 September in the agiewniki Convent, she did not want to talk to me, or perhaps she couldnt any longer, saying she was in communion with the Heavenly Father. Her repeated protests that she felt unable to meet such a demand were of no avail. She is known for her diary and for promoting devotion to Jesus as the King of Mercy which is particularly done by praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Helenkas immediate entry was prevented by poverty, and Mother Superior advised her to continue for a time in service and save up for a small trousseau, testing the firmness of her vocation. Helenka spent the last months of her postulancy in the novice house in Krakw, where she arrived on 23 January 1926. For it was in Divine Mercy that the world would find peace, and mankind happiness. Unexceptional, a meagre little creature, poor, nothing special about her, not very promising. After her perpetual vows Sister Faustina stayed in Krakw for almost a month, taking advantage of the service of Father Jzef Andrasz SJ, who like Father Edmund Elter had confirmed her in the belief that the visions were genuine and advised her to remain faithful to the grace of God and to be obedient. I immersed completely in the joy that comes from God. My mission will not end at my death. Sister Faustina put an immense amount of confidence in Mother Michaela, who helped her tremendously in the accomplishment of her vocation and was the woman of providence for the recognition of the mission of prophecy. She thanked Jesus for the unfathomed grace of being the bride of the Son of God and implored Our Lady for special care, reminding her of a new claim to her love. Suddenly someone woke me up. Sister Faustina wished a priest would come and resolve the question definitively and just say, rest assured, you are on the right road, or reject it all, for it does not come from God (Diary 127). But when I went down to the kitchen, I didnt find anything for the poor, yet after a while, I found some soup, which I heated up, crumbled a bit of bread into it, and gave it to the poor young man. For 18 years she directed the spiritual and apostolic life of the entire Congregation which, following Sister Faustinas visions, she entrusted to the care of Mary, Mother of Mercy, the Congregations heavenly Superior General. Under the pretext of a headache she quickly left the company, making her way to the nearest church, the Cathedral of St. Stanisaw Kostka. Finally she came to the house of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. At first Sister Faustina thought that Jesus wanted her to leave her mother Congregation and found a contemplative order. Life in the Kowalski household went on at a tranquil place marked out first by prayer and then work, never the other way round. Mother Michaela Moraczewska, superior of the Warsaw house, who was present during the conversation, offered to speak to the candidate herself. This conduct was inspired by Helenkas fervent faith and concern to be like Jesus trusting in the Heavenly Father even when He was on the cross and Who was meek and humble throughout His life, loving all people with a patient, understanding, and indescribably self-sacrificing love. Clear on the point that this situation was no obstacle to the initiating of a beatification process, Cardinal Karol Wojtya lost no time and completed the diocesan stage, sending the documentation up to the Rome, where the Congregation for the Causes of Saints continued to examine the heroic virtues of Sister Faustina, and later the miracle wrought at Sister Faustinas grave for Mrs. Maureen Digan from the USA. I saw how enthusiastically Sister Faustina carried out all her duties. She attended elementary school for merely three years and then she went to work as a housekeeper in various welltodo families in Aleksandrw and d. Others in her state would never rise, but he had seen her holding on to the wall as she walked to the chapel. It was during Vespers in simple words straight from my heart I made a vow of perpetual chastity to God. I am suffering as much as I can bear. When a friend asked her why she was walking alone, not with the other girls, she said, Im not alone, Im walking with Jesus. What does Faustina mean The name Faustina is a girls name of Spanish, Latin origin meaning fortunate one. But the greatest suffering was caused by the uncertainty as to where the visions came from. But she took with her St. Josephs assurance that he was very much in favour of the work of Mercy entrusted her by the Lord. In the morning, I did my Meditation she noted in her diary and prepared for Holy Communion, even though I was not going to receive it. It was yet another task which seemed to transcend her capabilities. On the next day when she entered the chapel Jesus instructed her once more how she was to say the prayer on an ordinary rosary. After examining by the Holy See the next miracle of healing Father Ronald Pytel of Baltimore, MD, from incurable disease of the heart, the Holy Father John Paul II numbered her to the group of saints of the Catholic Church. She didn't plan to become a nun. For another year she worked as a housekeeper to save some money for a modest monastic trousseau. 1. Father Sopoko had preached a sermon on the Divine Mercy, during which Sister Faustina saw Jesus in the painting assume a living form, and His rays penetrate into the hearts of the people gathered for the ceremony, making them happy. Sister Faustinas mission certainly did not end at her death. As I started to dance, I suddenly saw Jesus next to me, Jesus crushed with suffering, stripped of His apparel and all covered with wounds, Who said these words to me, How long am I to put up with you, and how long are you going to keep Me waiting? (Diary 9). Faustina's message reverberated in St. John Paul II's heart. Sister Amelia arrived after me. After a brief stay in Warsaw in the ytnia and at Grochw, she was again sent off to Pock, and from there for a short time to Biaa, an agricultural colony of the Pock house. The sister who had come to wake up Sister Amelia had gone to the wrong cell and woken me instead. One of them was Janek, who was said to be lapsed. The week for Confession came she recorded in her diary and, to my joy, I saw the priest whom I knew before I came to Vilnius. Just as the astounding revelations on the Divine Mercy entrusted by Jesus to St. Faustina constitute God's final effort of salvation . But yet again she was overwhelmed by such darkness that she returned to Mother Generals room to tell her of her tribulation and struggle. There was not much work for her to do at Derdy, and Sister Faustina felt as if staying in this house was almost like a holiday. It turned out to be a false alarm. Two days later she was baptized with the name Helena in the parish church of . Whenever I received the sacraments I thought I was offending Him even more. She saw clearly what she was taking upon herself. He promised special graces to priests who preached the truth of Gods merciful love for mankind. Any soul that makes its Confession and receives Holy Communion will have its sins and its punishment completely remitted. I felt wonderfully happy at having been able to confess everything as I can bear wake up Sister Amelia gone! Some, especially the more curious ones, were irked by my silence a convent the Sister who had to! 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