Like most dragons on Pantala, HiveWings have four wings instead of two. HiveWings are a species of insect-based dragons from Wings of Fire. Lady Centipede ( CrowBoss) Lady Flicker ( Ashburn the Leafwing) Princess Junebug ( Teoparda) Lady SunsetMoth ( XXX_Icestar_XXX) Lady Thrips ( DeltaTheSeaWing) Lady Varroa ( Pluto The Hybrid) Other Heirs Fanon: Lord Black Widow ( Cactussandwing) Lord Dagger ( GalaxyDragon195) Lord Longhorn ( IcestartheAnimus) Lord Pincer ( DragonKestrel) Her hybrid children bred with other BeetleWings, producing the first HiveWings. quetzalcoatl offerings. The following resources pertain to the entire HiveWing tribe and are free for community use. Yet we still dont have much of a way to explain the SilkWings lack of animus dragons. These are some cool and catchy names for rainwing. [26], HiveWings used SilkWings as servants, and used them for personal gain in many ways, such as using them as cooks, butlers, and other jobs. Blossom, such calm 'Wings Of Fire' hybrid names are suitable for Peacock dragons. Despite this, she still allowed others to rule the Hives, so they felt like they had some power. Bumblebee (ref by Platypus the SeaWing on Wikia), Cadelle (ref by Platypus the SeaWing on Wikia), Cricket (ref by Platypus the SeaWing on Wikia), Katydid (ref by Platypus the SeaWing on Wikia), Malchite (ref by Platypus the SeaWing on Wikia), Wasp (ref by Platypus the SeaWing on Wikia). Except for Seawings, Icewings are the dragon clan that swims faster than the other dragon tribes. Cricket stated that they do not like to eat most reptiles, as HiveWings believe they may be related. Queen Wasps They always have some black scales because of their shared NightWing ancestor, the legendary seer known as Clearsight. HiveWings live in Hives - several giant, towering, city-like structures built around Pantala, except the Poison Jungle. Basic Overview --- Roleplay Overview Tribe Overview Description, Ability, and Naming Information From The Lost Continent and The Wings of Fire Wiki. Lacewings are mainly carnivorous and depend on fish, seals, and even sometimes scavengers for their food. Whenever you are naming a child, you should really do proper research about the meaning of the name and its origin. Click here for a list of the known HiveWings. Your sleepless nights have come to an end as soon as you have visited us and started reading this article. Best Icewing Names Here are some best and unique icewing names. Ice kingdom is a northwestern area of Pyrrhia. Some names used in the story might not . Male HiveWing Names Alderfly (A long, brown, flying insect who's larvae live in rivers and ponds) Antlion (A large beetle beetle thar lives in dry areas and digs in sand) Ant (An often small, common, insect with many varieties that inhabit most parts of the Earth) [24], HiveWings were first-class citizens in their society. [20], Wasp, the former HiveWing queen, could also control the minds of any HiveWing whom she had injected with the breath of evil. This subspieces is common, throughout the Hives 50/50 chance on finding this HiveWing (common). Caracara, a perfect name for RainWing-SkyWing hybrid dragons. Red, orange, black, brown, green, or gold-colored scales; pure HiveWings always have black markings; four thin, bug-like wings; black or warm-colored eyes This area is exceptionally known for its cold winds, snowfalls, icicle, sub-zero temperatures, and the grand Ice Cliff.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'nameandnames_com-box-3','ezslot_4',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nameandnames_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'nameandnames_com-box-3','ezslot_5',116,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nameandnames_com-box-3-0_1'); .box-3-multi-116{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}, IceWings are generally white to blue, but the color range differs from silver to pale alice blue and sometimes light purple. So the first idea that comes to our mind is to give them a name based on something they are comfortable with. Please DO NOT remove any names unless if they break the wiki's rules or do not comply with the naming system. Hornet Hivewings do not have to have black on them, and they can come in many shades of greens, yellows, reds, pinks and browns. But though it is not really an easy task, we can make it fun by doing it together. [9] Sliced avocados were jokingly mentioned by Cricket. I really need help from someone? Canon Names Admiral Argus Blue Burnet Cinnabar Clubtail Danaid Festoon Fritillary Grayling Heliconian Io Luna Monarch Morpho Pierid Silverspot Swordtail Tau Temora Tussock Whitespeck Xenica Other names Note: Please put in alphabetical order when adding names, to reduce the need to reorganize them. They also have better eyesight than many beings out there. Whereas these creatures are beings of a very different world, more precisely an imaginary world, giving a name to a character who does not even belong to the same world as us is obviously not easy. You can tell this abilitiy is used because their claws are oily and really extended. [16], Swordtail describes the paralyzing toxin as "fire burning every nerve in your body" and when it wears off, "all you want to do is run or fly or even blink, but you cannot move a single muscle until the toxin wears off. Trending pages Cricket Unnamed characters Bumblebee Wasp Jewel (HW) Katydid Scarab Malachite All items (36) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Aphid B Bloodworm Bombardier Bumblebee C Cadelle Carabid Chafer Cicada Cochineal Cricket D Savanna and prairie animals, plants, honey, fruit, nectar. HiveWings are the tribe that currently has full-control of Pantala, as they killed off the LeafWings and enslaved the SilkWings. They have little rights under the control of Queen Wasp due to mind control, unlike the SilkWings. They come in various shades of red, orange, and yellow, and always have some sort . HiveWings are one of the three tribes that reside on Pantala. Those specks appear to look like shining stars, which is why these Cresent HiveWings seem to win the most fashion shows in the GlitterBazaar. PLEASE CREDIT ME FOR THE ORIGINAL IDEA. HiveWing-related pages that aren't characters belong in the HiveWing history category. Do not forget to share this article with your friends, families, and loved ones if you like this article. Peril is in love with Clay. So it is also important for your icewing character to have a name different and unique so that it can make the best first impression. Queen(Canon) Also when you will be reminded of this process you need to feel good about it and you should not get the nervous vibe from the same. 108. Except for Seawings, Icewings are the dragon clan that swims faster than the other dragon tribes.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'nameandnames_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nameandnames_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'nameandnames_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nameandnames_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'); .medrectangle-3-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Permission Clearsight then mated with several BeetleWings, one of the native dragons there, producing hybrids. Instead, this little help can become the reason for a beautiful name that you will create. HiveWing subspecies should not diverge far from canon HiveWings. Some Hornet Hivewings can have claws which can spew fire. A somewhat rare but not unheard of subspecies. Red, orange, black, brown, green, or gold-colored scales; pure HiveWings always have black markings; four thin, bug-like wings; black or warm-colored eyes, Varies from dragon to dragon; possible abilities include wrist stingers, venom in teeth or claws, paralyzing or foul-smelling toxins, and an acidic spray that is ejected from their tails (NOTE: A HiveWing may have one or two of these abilities, but not all. But to do so you need to put a lot of effort into naming your character. There are also HiveWings without powers), 100 Names of HiveWing | Male & Female Included Aphid (A plant suckling bug) Apidae (Ancestors of social bees) Anasa (A genre of bug). I only need one for each name. The Icewings are the most sophisticated tribe compared to the other dragon clans. Cricket, Katydid, Wasp, etc.). Yellow Jacket Scarab Anteater Weevil Vinegaroon Adder Bavia Ant Bolbaffer Aracna Tsetse Abispa Beatrix Arthropod Apocrita Botfly Beetle Andrena Cosmophasis Wasp Arachnid Apricia Damsel Fly Amber Treehopper Best Hivewing Names Here are some best and cool names for hivewing. Already you need to do a lot of work to set up all the other things out there and if you have to do the same for naming, what are we here for? They are the main antagonists of the third arc (books 11-15), with the exception of Cricket, Bumblebee, Jewel, Katydid, Malachite, Inchworm, Glowworm, Treehopper, and Scarab. 100+ Halfling Last Names | Male And Female Included, 100+ Two Syllable Girl Names With Meanings, Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. Getting stung will be normal at first, only feeling pain in the sting site, but as time drags on, you would start to feel dizzy, vomit, have extreme headaches, and then there would be the hallucinations. The Latest Innovations That Are Driving The Vehicle Industry Forward, Armageddon (Good for evil animus or king). A Winglets Collection; Winglets Flip Book; The Winglets Quartet; Forge Your Dragon World; Official Coloring Book; A Guide to the Dragon World Feel free to leave suggestions! Lengthy names are hard to remember and create difficulty in writing or remembering the name of the character. Arc: the flamesilk prophecy. Desired Rank (If Royal, Include Relation to The Queen): Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! HiveWings are a species of insect-based dragons from Wings of Fire. Wings of Fire is a popular series of books about seven tribes of dragons at war over lost, ancient treasure. Here are some best and unique icewing names. It was also difficult for HiveWings to get a divorce because they needed permission from the queen in order to do so. Aphid Bloodworm Bombardier Bumblebee Cadelle Chafer Cicada Cochineal Cricket Dragonfly Earthworm Glowworm Grasshopper Hawker Hornet Inchworm Jewel Katydid Lubber Malachite Mantis Midge Pinacate Rootworm Sandfly Scarab Treehopper Tsetse Vinegaroon Wasp Weevil Yellowjacket Other Names Feel free to leave suggestions!) They might also have wrist spikes. [5] Cricket was noted to smell like cinnamon. You don't need permission to use any of the ideas in this book. These hivewings have a smaller chance of having stingers. Iridescent HiveWings are thought to have originated from interbreeding with SilkWings a long time ago. IceWings are generally white to blue, but the color range differs from silver to pale alice blue and sometimes light purple. They still have black markings on their scales. They can also be named after types of worms, such as Earthworm and Bloodworm. Dragons from the tribe can be named after different species of bee and wasp, as well as ants, beetles, weevils, crickets, praying mantis, etc. There are also HiveWings without powers) This is because the name is a kind of first impression of the object or the person to the others with whom it or they are being introduced. Wings of Fire but Their Names Are Literal: Hivewing Edition - YouTube 0:00 / 1:00 #wingsoffire #wof #dragons Wings of Fire but Their Names Are Literal: Hivewing Edition Estrella The. HiveWings are omnivorous and eat animals that live on the savanna, like zebras, wildebeest, gazelle, lions, antelope and more. They often made them stand in windows just looking pretty, or paraded them around.[28]. Again same is the case for naming a character, it is better to keep it simple. Wings of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. HiveWings, like the SilkWings, have two pairs of wings, having four wings in total. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 6 What kind of powers does a HiveWing have? So the best way to make it possible is to keep your characters name simple. And create difficulty in writing or remembering the name and its origin they! Canon hivewings a beautiful name that you are naming a child, you should do. And its origin instead, this little help can become the reason for list. Like most dragons on Pantala a character, it is not really easy... Last names | Male and Female Included, 100+ two Syllable Girl names with Meanings, Copyright For their food stated that they do not forget to share this article article with your friends, families and. To pale alice blue and sometimes light purple be related, Icewings are generally to... 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