Alyssa Aburachis, Maria Chroneos, Ashley Whited. All members of the School of Medicine are eligible to become members-at-large and/or serve on SEC committees. TheHispanic Dental Associationis a national, non-profit 501(c)3 organization comprised of oral health professionals and students dedicated to promoting and improving the oral health of the Hispanic community and providing advocacy for Hispanic oral health professionals across the United States. While on faculty, Dr. Parviainen has served the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Department in multiple educational leadership roles including Co-Director of the Reproductive Biology Course, Associate Fellowship Director for MFM (2007-2012), and Associate Residency Program Director from 2010 to 2019. Meetings are always open to anyone that wants to join. You will also be given the opportunity to earn over 30 hours of pre-approved category A SCOPE credit by volunteering at events such as the Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library and with the Adopt-A-Block program. The Student Research Program (SRP) includes as its principle component a longitudinal research project (LRP) that extends throughout the four years of the medical school curriculum in which students engage in a research project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Membership in the Pittsburgh AADR section is open to qualified faculty, alumni, students, and persons with allied interests. Such skills can create productive and welcoming work settings, ultimately setting a strong foundation for attaining goals and providing the best possible health services to patients in medical settings. The Pitt chapter ofAADMDhelps provide dental treatment to the special needs population in both preventative and restorative means. For more information, please call (412) 624-8967 or visit their web page. CTSIG allows students to explore the fields of cardiac and thoracic surgery and learn basic surgical skills. ProActive also serves as a guide, directing students to different athletic sources, such as running trails, Frisbee golf courses and even physical therapists. Promoting interest in urology as a specialty across all medical student years. Student organizations play a major role in our active and vibrant campus community. We're an organization consisting of medical students dedicated to providing interpreter services to patients who do not speak English and medical systems without available interpreters. Many students belong to the American Medical . Advising Services As you progress through medical school, you will experience advising and mentorship from multiple faculty. TheOffice of Diversity, Equity & Inclusions mission is to recruit and retain a diverse body of medical students. These concerns are then shared with representatives of the School and University Administration. Two School of Medicine faculty members receive the inaugural Dr. Larry E. Davis Black Excellence in the Academy Awards. The scenarios are completely anonymous. Please connect with Abbey Schauf, Coordinator of Campus Activities and Engagement at . Phone: (412) 647-4547 Fax: (412) 647-4670. Orthopedic Surgery, Radiology, Emergency Medicine), more than 20 active sub-field interest groups (e.g. The mission of the PSPG is to provide an opportunity for Pitt students and faculty to engage in open, data-based discourse and educational activities with a focus on the intersection of scientific research and policy formation. Benefits of membership include educational and networking opportunities, receptions, study clubs, and a mentorship system. Pittsburgh, PA 15261. It is a liaison to other health care groups and the public. The University of Pittsburgh chapter actively pursues the organization's goals and is heavily involved in the recruitment of minority students. PALS pairs medical and social work students with pregnant women in the community who need support during their pregnancy. All students are welcome to participate in this group, not just those on the HPSP scholarship. These fraternities feature professional and educational programs as well as the usual social functions, and have active Graduate Chapters. The University of Pittsburgh chapter actively pursues the organization's goals and is heavily involved in the recruitment of minority students. The club conducts numerous Lunch and Learn sessions throughout the year. The AAPD serves and represents its membership in the areas of professional development and governmental and legislative activities. Each student is assigned a SRP Director, who follows their progress throughout the entire longitudinal research experience. SNDA works closely with the National Dental Association and strives to educate and involve members in the social, moral, and ethical obligations of the dental profession. Emma Osterhaus, Riya Dange, Georgeann Booth. The club also invites guest speakers and hosts the Class Cup sports competition between each dental class. . Volunteers can sign up for specific days and read to patients staying in the hospital via a virtual broadcast. Members also enjoy being part of an organization that includes peer mentorship, academic assistance, and group social functions outside of school. One of our most popular events is the Hispanic Food Sale Fundraiser we hold in the fall semester. As third and fourth year students, you can earn class I Pediatric credit by participating in events such as the After School Health Education Club, CMU Children's School Health Fair, and GKAS Children's Museum of Pittsburgh. The Student Executive Council is the official student government of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Srividya Kottapalli, Shannon Cason, Jenna Dvorsky. Students will learn about the experience of aging, gain interview and evaluation skills targeted at older adults, and understand how to use health system services on behalf of older adults. Research MMG faculty members are investigating some of the most important research questions facing biomedical research today. Vikas Agarwal, MD Department of Radiology Associate Professor Christopher C. Allen, MD Information for: Students Residents & Fellows Postdoctoral Scholars & Associates Faculty Alumni & Friends Patient Care Medical Media HS Library Diversity & Inclusion Clinical Trials By the Numbers No. The goal of the club is to provide students with the opportunity to discuss various pediatric cases, learn more about careers involving pediatric dentistry, and volunteer in the localcommunity. We hope to guide students through exploring their interests in various subspecialties like craniofacial, hand, and aesthetics with lunch talks, workshops, mentorship opportunities, and more. Click here for help. Medicine-Pediatrics Interest Group - MPIG. SPEC meets once a month to discuss ethical scenarios that occur with the walls of SDM. Harmony's memoir, Scars and Stilettos, details her harrowing account of moving from victim to . 450 Technology Drive. TheGPSGis the student government organization that represents the interests of all graduate and professional students at the University of Pittsburgh. AMA, AMSA, AMWA, APAMSA, AOA, SPSR, SNMA), as well as religious and cultural groups. Pre-Medical Organization For Minority Students The University of Pittsburgh's Pre-Medical Organization for Minority Students is a means of engagement for students from underrepresented populations in the medical field. The mission of theAAPDis to advocate policies, guidelines and programs that promote optimal oral health and oral health care for children. These fraternities feature professional and educational programs as well as the usual social functions, and have active Graduate Chapters. Everything is med-student led and the undergraduate students have are continuously excited about connecting and learning from us! We organize panels, advising events, and other opportunities for medical students interested in neurology. The Office of Student Affairs provides and coordinates the services which support students in every way possible to maximize their experience in medical school; advising, student health and wellness, disability and counseling service, academic and more. Finally, Delta Sigma Delta, Sigma Chapter is proud to host the Annual Regional Meeting in Pittsburgh this year to continue building a strong network between our colleagues from neighboring schools. Our SCOPE Category A events include monthly volunteer events at the Birmingham Free Clinic for Spanish Speakers and a variety of events at the Family House, Shadyside Nursing and Rehab, and the Run Shadyside 5K. Bioengineering, Biotechnology, & Innovation Interest Group - BBI. The Education on Rare Disease (ERD) student group invites patients with rare conditions and their healthcare providers to share their experience with medical students. Finally, Delta Sigma Delta, Sigma Chapter is proud to host the Annual Regional Meeting in Pittsburgh this year to continue building a strong network between our colleagues from neighboring schools. 412-648-9040 The club hosts tailgates for the Pitt football games as well as Pittsburgh Pirate games (member perks apply). The purpose of this program is to provide financial support to UPSOM students who wish to gain clinical and/or research experience by helping populations in medically underserved areas within the US or internationally. The experiences within these groups will remain a part of our students' lives forever. LMSA unites and empowers medical students through service, mentorship, and education to advocate for the health of the Latinx community. The organization serves as a support group for minority students and works to provide a national communications network among students as a means of improving the health-employment distribution among minority and ethnic groups. Our volunteer group coordinates and staffs a medical clinic for women in residence at the Women's Shelter. The School of Dental Medicine cooperates with national dental student organizations and Pitt Dental-based groups providing myriad opportunities for extracurricular activity throughout their academic career. The Student National Dental Association addresses the needs and concerns of minority dental students. The main focus of the Perio Club is to expose students to the Perio profession, provide more interaction with the Perio Residents, and offer interaction with Periodontists in the Pittsburgh area. 3550 Terrace Street The Psychiatry Student Interest Group (PsychSIG) aims to help students learn about psychiatry, both with respect to the specialty itself and to the many ways that psychiatry intersects with other aspects of medicine across multiple care settings. We hope to remain active within our community through continued volunteer programs, SCOPE opportunities and even mission trips. American Associations for Dental Research. Our Black, AAPI, and Latinx student leaders should not be the sole source and motivators of this content in our curricular and extracurricular activities, though we ought to always welcome their voice and learn from them when they choose to share. Katherine Prochownik, Class of 2022; Sarah Wack, Class of 2022For their significant efforts in advocating for medical student access to the SARS-CoV2 vaccine from the health system in a prioritized fashion as members of the healthcare team. Pittsburgh, PA 15261 TheStudent National Dental Associationaddresses the needs and concerns of minority dental students. We are an organization that promotes childhood literacy by reading books to children at CHP! The Cardio-Pulmonary Interest Group (CPIG) promotes awareness of the importance of cardiology and pulmonology in medicine, provides a venue for medical students to shadow cardiologists, pulmonologists, and other physicians who treat conditions of the heart or lungs, and reveals the everyday lives, research interests, and clinical experiences of cardiologists and pulmonologists at Pitt/UPMC via lunch talks and residency panels. Here at Pitt, our goals include advocating for curriculum reform, building networks both within and outside of UPSOM and UPMC, and establishing a community of social support. As first and second year dental students and members of the University's Pediatric Dentistry Club, you will have the opportunity to participate in the nationally recognized Give Kids A Smile program, attend lunch-and-learns discussing career options and various interesting pediatric cases, and learn how to interact with children overall. The treatment of rare diseases is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary area of medicine and the goal of this group is to expose medical students to both the science of rare diseases as well as the experience of patients with these conditions. The main focus of the Perio Club is to expose students to the Perio profession, provide more interaction with the Perio Residents, and offer interaction with Periodontists in the Pittsburgh area. This is a series of monthly noontime case presentations linked to the second year block curriculum. Delta Sigma Delta is an organization of dental students and dentists brought together with the common goal of promoting excellence in the dental profession. The Student Emergency Fund is designed to provide temporary, short-term financial assistance to Medical School students who are confronted with unanticipated or emergency financial situations. Contact your Class Technology Chairs with any questions. APADSA is actively involved in community outreach and volunteer programs such as Ronald McDonald House, Habitat for Humanity, the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, and much more. TheHealth Sciences Library System(HSLS)at the University of Pittsburgh offers a wide array of information services,educational opportunities, and resources in print and electronic format to faculty, medical staff, students, and researchers in the schools of the health sciences (Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences,and Public Health) and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). As a student member, you receive all the benefits of full ADHA membership, plus additional opportunities for personal and professional development. Interested students can take on a big role in the day-to-day affairs of the medical school itself; there are active student representatives on the curricular committee, the technology committee, the honor council, and the admissions committee. The Student Executive Council is the official student government of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Office of Student Affairs The AAPD serves and represents its membership in the areas of professional development and governmental and legislative activities. If you have any questions about the site, please reach out to your class technology committee representatives or the Lab for Educational Technology. In addition to being a forum for the discussion of issues and exchange of information, the SEC also performs valuable services for the student body. Prospective students are encouraged to visit theSchool of Medicine Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. The rowing team is a great way to relax during the summers and enjoy the Allegheny River while learning a new skill. The Office of Student Affairs supports medical students during their time at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and provides personal, professional, and academic guidance. Hours: M-F 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Welcome to the University of Pittsburgh Medical School Student Groups website! Sarah Clifford, Kat O'Connor, Nana-Hawwa Abdul-Rahman. Dinner and drinks are provided after practice. HSDA is an organization committed to serving the dental needs of the Hispanic population. 412-648-9570. In addition to the science of these diseases, we encourage students to learn from the speakers about how these diseases impact their daily lives and their interaction with the healthcare system. The organization facilitates the building and sharing of knowledge related to the rehabilitation and health sciences professions, and encourage and promote academic, professional and social interdisciplinary relationships between all SHRS graduate students and the SHRS departmental graduate student organizations. Highlights Meet the Team It is critical that medical students interested in bioengineering, biotechnology, and innovation (BBI) are given the opportunity to integrate their interest in innovation with their medical education. Student community service initiatives through the student interest groups and other avenues allow students to give to their communities and provide opportunities to deepen their skills as humanitarian doctors. It introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy. The University of Pittsburgh Pediatric Dentistry Club (Pedo Club) is comprised of dental students looking to expand their knowledge of adolescent dental care. The Women's Center and Shelter of Pittsburgh serves as a safe space for women who are survivors of intimate partner violence. We are committed to sustaining this transformation over time. Delta Sigma Delta is an organization of dental students and dentists brought together with the common goal of promoting excellence in the dental profession. MSPA is a nationally recognized queer and allied medical student association formed with the goals of increasing our understanding of health care challenges that affect the larger queer community. The goal of the club is to provide students with the opportunity to discuss various pediatric cases, learn more about careers involving pediatric dentistry, and volunteer in the local Pitts ASDA chapter not only lobbies for pertinent dental issues on the state and national level including barriers to care, student debt, midlevel providers, and licensure, but hosts chapter events such as bi-yearly picnics, Steel City Dental conference, vendor fairs, winter formal, Lunch and Learns, and Pre-dental events. We run hands-on workshops, practice sessions, panels, and talks throughout the year. The goal is for students to help combat isolation and provide social support to a vulnerable group while also building relationships with our community. Pitts ASDA chapter not only lobbies for pertinent dental issues on the state and national level including barriers to care, student debt, midlevel providers, and licensure, but hosts chapter events such as bi-yearly picnics, Steel City Dental conference, vendor fairs, winter formal, Lunch and Learns, and Pre-dental events. Minimum participation is at least 3 visits and 3 group sessions. We lookforapplicants who are leaders and who balance academic achievementwith an abiding sense of personal discovery and a deep commitment to serving others. We primarily work with the Birmingham Clinic but also aim to address linguistic disparities in healthcare through collaborations with other likeminded organizations. Most importantly, we host Sonogames - an annual school-wide ultrasound competition with ~cool~ prizes! This activity serves an option to fulfill credit in the mandatory Clinical Experiences Underserved (CEU) program, and also fulfills a requirement of the Geriatrics Area of Concentration. Our purpose is to promote awareness of the importance of nutrition and diet to medical students, patients, and the community of Pittsburgh as well as gain knowledge related to the application of nutrition to medical illnesses. PittHealth Buddies pairs health sciences students with senior members in the Pittsburgh community living alone for friendly, non-medical, social phone calls. Members also enjoy being part of an organization that includes peer mentorship, academic assistance, and group social functions outside of school. Activities organized by the BGSA promote the career and social interests of students in all programs. Therefore, each event the Pitt APSA Chapter sponsors will clearly support one of the three main branches of our mission: advocacy, symposium, and outreach. 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