OLYMPIAN SCOTT HAMILTON CELEBRATES 25 YEARS OF CANCER SURVIVORSHIP WITH 6TH ANNUAL SCOTT HAMILTON & FRIENDS EVENT IN NASHVILLE, Legendary Musical Performances from Colbie Caillat, Jason Derlatka from Journey, Natalie Grant, Joe King from The Fray, Jason Scheff, formerly ofChicago, among others, Figure Skating Performances by World, Olympic and National Champions. Browse the Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice t icket listing and see the entire 2023 Schedule . ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; or by calling 216.241.2121. there are currently no upcoming events. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); tickets for the 6 th annual show benefiting the nashville, TN | November 19th 20th, 2022, Ice Skating and Music Weekend with one of Americas most well-known Olympians. Pinterest worthy wrapping ideas for gifts. For more information regarding advertising opportunities, please contact our staff. of the event, or to become a Table Patron of the Gala, please Skaters: Katia Gordeeva, Gracie Gold, ElladjBald, and many others! Sorry, no upcoming events found at this time. Learn More. olympic champion and figure skating icon scott hamilton will host scott hamilton & friends - a can't miss celebration of life with superstar music performances alongside ice skating from world, olympic and national figure skating champions, live from bridgestone arena on sunday, november 20 at 5 pm. Las Vegas, NV, Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, Boston, MA, Toronto, ONT, Chicago, IL,Dallas, TX, San Diego, CA, Nashville, TN, Philadelphia, PA, Austin, TX,Charlotte, NC, Atlanta, GA, Kansas City, MO, Portland, OR, Denver, CO,Seattle, WA, Washington, DC, Minneapolis, MN, Myrtle Beach, SC,Phoenix, AZ, Houston, TX, Pittsburgh, PA, San Francisco, CA, Detroit, MI,Cleveland, OH, Brooklyn, NY, Saint Paul, MN, St. Louis, MO, Saratoga, CA,Branson, MO, Cincinnati, OH, Milwaukee, WI, Morrison, CO, Vancouver, BC,Raleigh, NC, Montreal, QUE, Columbus, OH, Tampa, FL, There's nothing quite like your first Liveconcert touror sports event,But before you head out to that awesomeScott Hamilton And Friends On Ice event, you'll need the right stuff. His fifth annual Scott Hamilton & Friends event at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on Nov. 21 will focus on the fight to conquer Glioblastoma, a particularly deadly form of cancer. Scott Hamilton & Friends Sunday, November 20, 2022 at Bridgestone Arena and The Omni Nashville Hotel On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 5 pm, Scott Hamilton & Friends will bring Olympic, World, and National Champion Figure Skaters to Bridgestone Arena for can't miss, family-friendly all-star performances alongside the biggest names in music. Hamilton started figure skating as a child due to health issues that stunted his growth. The floor seats that are usually in front of the artists are replaced with a sheet of ice for the performing skaters. Learn More. Following the tremendous success of the last two years' events, nine-time GRAMMY Award winner Sheryl Crow today announced her return to headline the musical stage for Scott Hamilton & Friends, for the third year in a row. The funds raised from the show and the accompanying After Show Celebration fundraising dinner will go towards research on glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Hamilton, who is a cancer survivor himself, convenes his ice show each year to raise money for the foundation, pairing live musical acts with figure skating performances. Truly a wonderful evening of music, skating, and laughter. Located on 5th Avenue near Broadway, with a private entrance in the Bridgestone Arena. download the Sponsorship Scott Hamilton & Friends will simultaneously feature live music and ice skating from the biggest names in the field including Olympic Ice Dancing Gold Medalists andDancing with the StarschampionMERYL DAVISand her partnerOlympic Ice Dancing Gold MedalistCHARLIE WHITE,2x Olympic Pairs Gold MedalistKATIA GORDEEVA, Ice Dance World MedalistsKAITLYN WEAVERandANDREW POJE, World ChampionJEFFREY BUTTLE, U.S. National ChampionMIRAI NAGASU,2x U.S. National ChampionALISSA CZISNY, U.S. National ChampionsASHLEY CAIN-GRIBBLEandTIMOTHY LE DUC, U.S. National ChampionRYAN BRADLEYand U.S. National ChampionMAX AARON. The After Show Celebration at The Omni Hotel, Nashville begins at 7:00 pm with a silent auction, sit-down dinner, entertainment, and dancing. Show Guest Host:Kristi Yamaguchi, All Star Musical Guests include: His wife just moved to Nashville and we just thought itd be a really cool thing to celebrate his life and his music by putting together a show in his honor to raise money for the cancer that took him from us. Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation presents "An Evening with Scott Hamilton & Friends" on Sunday, November 20th at Bridgestone Arena. Champions and 2014 Olympic Team Bronze Medalists; Olympic Team Gold Medalist and Pairs Bronze Medalist Meagan Duhamel with Dylan Moscovitch, an Olympic Team Silver Medalist; three-time World Medalists Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje; Womens and Mens U.S. We look forward to having you join theScott Hamilton CARES FoundationAlliance atAn Evening with Scott Hamilton & FriendsonSunday, November 20. Born in Toledo, Ohio, Scott Scovell Hamilton was adopted at age six weeks by Ernie and Dorothy Hamilton of Bowling Green, Ohio. DATE/TIME. Nashville resident and Olympic Gold Medalist SCOTT HAMILTON will return to the ice on November 24 at Bridgestone Arena for the fourth annual event with the biggest names in figure skating performing alongside the greatest names in music for a night the whole family will enjoy. Some of Scott Hamilton's closest friends pay tribute to him and his iconic programs during the 1997 Scott Hamilton: Back on the Ice special celebrating his return to the ice after his cancer diagnosis.Songs and skaters:\"Hair\" - all skater\"Charlie Chaplin\" - Paul Wylie\"You Always Hurt the One You Love\" - Rosalynn Sumners\"When I'm Sixty-Four\" - Kristi Yamaguchi (muted due to copyright)\"The Mask/Cuban Pete\" - Brian Orser (muted due to copyright)\"Chicken (clucking In the Mood)\" - Brian Boitano\"I Love Me\" - Katia Gordeeva\"Walk This Way\" - Kurt Browning number is 47-2328142. the 2016 scott hamilton and friends on ice was held on saturday, february 20th at the knoxville civic coliseum at 5:00 p.m. nearly 4,000 guests enjoyed this one-of-a-kind production that featured scott hamilton, olympic gold medalist, a dozen world or olympic champion figure skaters and michael w. smith, one of the world's most renowned christian I remember watching him backflip over a golf bag on the ice and thinking "I want to do that one day!" Hard to believe that now I'm backflipping over him. Book your Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice VIP meet-and-greet ticket packages. Theyll be performing to live music by Lady A, Maren Morris, Hunter Hayes, for KING & COUNTRY, Grace Potter, CeCe Winans, and Sixwire, plus other possible surprise musical guests. Privacy Policy / escorted to the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel for a black-tie Its an honor to do it, said Scott Hamilton, 1984 Olympic Champion, legendary figure skating broadcaster, and founder of the CARES Foundation. Following the ice show, gala guests are Figure Skating Tickets - Beauty, Grace, and Athleticism. Show/Gala Hotline at 216.445.0804. Join us on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2021, for a remarkable benefit. Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice Tickets & Tour Dates 2023. Olympic Champion and figure skating icon SCOTT HAMILTON will host SCOTT HAMILTON & FRIENDS a cant miss celebration of life with superstar music performances alongside ice skating from World, Olympic and National figure skating champions, live from Bridgestone Arena on Sunday, November 20 at 5 pm. Gala Dinner and Dancing: 7:30 p.m. Located on 5th Avenue near Broadway, with a private entrance in the Bridgestone Arena. Backpacks of any kind are NOT permitted. Stub offers cheap Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice tickets for 2022 Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice eventsalong with Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice cost information. The third annual Nashville Ice Show benefiting the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation, will take place at Bridgestone Arena on Sunday, November 18 at 5 pm. Afterward, well attend Scotts after-party celebration at the Omni Hotel and sit together as one of the events sponsors. Form (Word Document). Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer at Snoopy's Home Ice. Fans won't want to miss this spectacular show on ice. ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; December 8, 2022, 6-8pm. The show takes place Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021 at 5 pm at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. Ice Show: 5 p.m. -Click here. Privacy Policy / Youll find it at the Patron Platinum Club. For more information or inquiries please emailreilly.hendrickson@heartlightministries.org, Music & Scott Hamilton on ice with friends, Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith Christmas Tour, reilly.hendrickson@heartlightministries.org. A sizzle from the 2018 event is available here. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); Scott Hamilton and Friends On Ice 2018 - Opening - YouTube 0:00 / 11:46 Scott Hamilton and Friends On Ice 2018 - Opening 25,730 views Nov 19, 2018 252 Dislike Share kim 1.94K subscribers. Scott Hamilton and Friends is a figure skating show created by the US Olympic Gold Medalist, Scott Hamilton. Over this weekend, you'll have the opportunity to see a once-in-a-lifetime event with Scott Hamilton and friends including Olympic, World, and National Championship figure skaters performing to a live music line up. Scott Hamilton & Friends. Olympic Champion,Brian Boitano The live music component, familiar songs, and the skaters, just the athleticism and the beauty and the speed and the power. Bridgestone Arena & The Omni Nashville Hotel, www.scottcares.org/scotthamiltonandfriends. Rules and regulations are set forth by each state and their legislative bodies. 2x Grammy Winner, Singer/Songwriter: Rodney Crowell Accessibility a carbonhouse experience, Proceeds to Benefit Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation, Lexus Lounge Norris Suite and Catfish Suite, Lexus Lounge Presidents Trophy Room and Vezina Room. For more information, visit ScottCARES.org. Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice Figure Skating Tickets Buy Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice Tickets & View the Schedule at Box Office Ticket Sales! The show, which will feature a bevy . To purchase Patron or SponsorPackage tickets to the Ice Show and After Show Celebration, contactinfo@ScottCARES.orgor 1-844-SCOTT84. Updated: Nov. 2, 2021 at 11:00 AM CDT. Award-winning music superstars will combine their performances with the most celebrated figure skaters. Get Scott Hamilton And Friends Tickets At TicketSmarter Today! The combination of live music and skating makes this show unique for both the audience and the performers. Scott Hamilton and Friends On Ice - Finale - YouTube 0:00 / 9:12 Scott Hamilton and Friends On Ice - Finale 20,408 views Nov 19, 2018 198 Dislike Share Save kim 1.94K subscribers Nashville. The performance supports the work of the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation, which funds cancer research. Ice Show Sponsorship and After Show Tickets. Then Just A Ticket offers just what you need! var alS = 2021 % 1000; Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice Tickets 11/20. Backpacks of any kind are NOT permitted. As one of the most reliable and trusted sources for premium event seating and Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice tickets, we offer a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for all our customers. For more information click here. However, his short stature was beneficial in figure skating. Site Map / Multi-Platinum Singer/Songwriter: Jewel Sunday. CARES stand for Cancer Alliance for Research, Education, and Survivorship, and the foundations goal is to change the future of cancer., Its the 25th show Ive done like this, with live music and skating, and its really fun. Privacy Policy / container.appendChild(ins); Looking for the hottest spot in Downtown Nashville to host a private event? Its a once-in-a-lifetime experience as music and ice skating come together to honor the work of the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation to fundraise for innovative cancer research. Renaissance Cleveland Hotel. CARES Initiative and to address Scotts biggest concerns: Health and safety policies may be posted throughout the Arena as well as on tickets and are subject to change as circumstances, regulations or guidance change. cancer education, research and survivorship. DisclaimerNotice:This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Scott Hamilton And Friends On Icein any way. Olympic Champions,Meryl Davis and Charlie White Terms & Conditions / Tennessee Valley Living. Tickets for reserved seating starting at $31.05 are available at Bridgestone Arena Box Office and ticketmaster.com. All proceeds benefit the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation, Print our Sponsor and After Show Ticket Commitment Form, Jason Scheff long-time lead-singer of Chicago, Madison Hubbell & Zachary Donohue, Double Olympic Medalists, 4-time World Medalists, Alexa Knierim & Brandon Frazier, Olympic Team Medalists, World Gold Medalists, Karen Chen, Olympic Team Medalist, US National Champion, Gracie Gold, Olympic Team Bronze Medalist, 2-time US National Champion, Katia Gordeeva, 2-time Olympic Gold Medalist, 4-time World Gold Medalist, Jeremy Abbott, Olympic Team Bronze Medalist, 4-time US National Champion, Marissa Castelli & Simon Shnapir, Olympic Team Bronze Medalists, 2-time US National Champions, Kaitlyn Weaver & Andrew Poje, 3-time Canadian National Champions, 3-time World Medalists, Alissa Czisny, 2-time US National Champion, Nam Nguyen, 2-time Canadian National Champion, Scott Hamilton CARES FoundationP.O. On November 4, 2006, Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative will host its seventh annual "An Evening with Scott Hamilton and Friends", one of Cleveland's premier and most elegant celebrity events. If you're wonderingwhat to bring to a concert, we've got you covered. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. FSO invites any interested volunteer web designers and writers to join the team. Just A Ticket - Bringing your favoriteScott Hamilton And Friends On Ice events directly to your doorstep! 9x Grammy Winner, Singer/Songwriter & Musical Host: Sheryl Crow On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 5 pm, Scott Hamilton & Friends will bring Olympic, World, and National Champion Figure Skaters to Bridgestone Arena for cant miss, family-friendly all-star performances alongside the biggest names in music. Please search for a new event or check out a popular upcoming event below. After Show Celebration tickets may be purchased via individual or sponsor packages. The event will raise money for the Provision CARES and Scott Hamilton CARES Foundations, which fund cancer research and supports cancer patients and their families. This website is a tickets marketplace and acts as an intermediary between ticket buyers and ticket brokers to facilitate the purchase and sale of event tickets. Schedule of upcoming and announced Broadway shows, See whats in previews, whats premiering out of town, and whats in development. Book your Scott Hamilton And Friends On Ice VIP meet-and-greetticket packages. Hamilton is an Olympic gold medalist and has dedicated his life to figure skating and serving others. To combine those two elements makes it so unique to anything else out there., Hamilton gets on the ice as the MC for the evening, and adds: It never gets old. What Hamilton, a cancer survivor, is doing now with his foundation (ScottCARES.org) could dwarf all of his other achievements. Saturday, November 4, 2006 That evening, youll have the opportunity to attend Scott Hamilton & Friends skating extravaganza at the Bridgestone Arenaan event that is raising funds for the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation a dedicated research foundation committed to changing the future of cancer. var pid = 'ca-pub-0718695615942520'; Some of Scott Hamilton's closest friends pay tribute to him and his iconic programs during the 1997 Scott Hamilton: Back on the Ice special celebrating his r. ACM Award Winner: Sara Evans, Skating Cast includes: Enter your name and email address to receive special offers, deals and updates. Proceeds from the concert benefit Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation, dedicated to changing the future of cancer by funding advanced, innovative research that treats the cancer while sparing the patient. Our tickets are 100% verified, delivered fast, and all purchases are secure. Theyre used to having screaming fans in front of their faces, and now they have skating. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The most recognized male figure skating star in the world, Scott Hamilton has won 70 titles, awards and honors including an Emmy Award nomination, induction into the United States Olympic Hall of Fame and a privileged member of the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame.He further inspires others as a speaker, humanitarian, and as a cancer and pituitary brain tumor survivor. For expedited entry, please leave bags at home. An Evening with Scott Hamilton and Friends Hosted by Henry Cho and Scott Hamilton, the Nashville-Chic attire After Show Celebration includes, dinner, dessert stations, live entertainment, a photo booth, a silent auction, a live painting by Nashville Artist Rob Hendon. Lodging provided at the Omni Hotel. The 6th annual Scott Hamilton & Friends Nashville Ice Show, benefitting the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation, will take place on Sunday, November 20, 2022, at 5:00 pm at the Bridgestone Arena. Award-winning music superstars will combine their performances with the most celebrated figure skaters. Terms & Conditions / number is 47-2328142. Crow and Hamilton, both cancer survivors, will be joined on stage for performances by GRAMMY winning artist KENNY LOGGINS, multi-platinum singer/songwriter GAVIN DEGRAW, lead singer of American Music Award-winning band MERCYME, BART MILLARD, JOHN ELEFANTE, former lead singer of KANSAS, and JOHNATHAN CAIN of JOURNEY, backed by highly acclaimed Nashville touring, recording and songwriting veterans, SIXWIRE. For the seventh year, local philanthropist Accessibility a carbonhouse experience, Tickets for reserved seating start at $35.90 plus applicable service charges and preferred seating of $50 and $77 will be available at Bridgestone Arena Box Office and, Lexus Lounge Norris Suite and Catfish Suite, Lexus Lounge Presidents Trophy Room and Vezina Room. Friends On Ice t icket listing and see the entire 2023 Schedule starting at $ 31.05 are available at Arena! @ ScottCARES.orgor 1-844-SCOTT84 Home Ice affiliated with or endorsed by Scott Hamilton and Friends On Icein way! 31.05 are available at Bridgestone Arena & the Omni Nashville Hotel, www.scottcares.org/scotthamiltonandfriends with the celebrated... Cancer research a sizzle from the 2018 event is available here sorry no! Makes this show unique for both the audience and the performers available here us Olympic Medalist. Fso invites any interested volunteer web designers and writers to join the team purchases secure. 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