With speeches, you will need to ensure you are dynamic enough to keep your audiences attention from straying. The in-person briefing (or virtual meeting) is the preferred method, according to CAPR 160-1. The book is written in two parts, which makes it a fast read. Typical minimum procedures require the following: 1. notify employees affected, 2. shut down equipment, 3. isolate the source of energy, 4. attach the lockout device, 5. release or restrain any energy stored within the machine, and 6. verify the lockout. Not to mention getting them to actively relate to and understand the topic and then being able to apply the message to their own workplace behaviors. The Key to Building a Strong Safety Culture is Continual Reinforcement, Get Help Running Effective Safety Meetings and Keeping Safety Top of Mind for Your Employees, Strengthen Your EHS Reporting: Two Steps To Get You Started in 2023, OSHA Reporting Forms: Which One Should You Use and When? Whenever possible BNSF did make the process relevant to the situation as opposed to general safety topics. The aim is to make them feel more informal and personal than a typical meeting. Note that a safety meeting is not the same thing as a toolbox talk. Next was mentioned using handrails when using stairs in other portions of the hotel. First, I will discuss what they did and I will finish the article with why I am so excited about it. Copyright 2023. This is a concern in many industries particularly when shift work comes into play. 5 Examples of Unsafe Bad Habits. Personnel Safety Briefings . As a safety speaker this week, I joined the BNSF Road Way Equipment Safety Leadership Team in Dallas, Texas. Your employees should understand how to report incidents and accidents (in a perfect world, through their EHS software.). If virtual meetings are inherently difficult, the current environment the health and economic threats, the overwork, and the social unrest makes them even more so. The tool thereby triggered a richer, more candid dialogue, followed by brainstorming and action planning in the midst of national protests on systemic racism. Breakout rooms. The bottom line is your company should be conducting these talks on a regular basis as well as giving thought on how to continually improve on giving them. Accidents happen throughout businesses and industries. 1.6 Chemical Safety. The information gathered through such cookies is used for measuring the activity of the website, platform or application and for profiling the navigation of users of the website, platform or application, in order to improve the website based on that analysis. Safety talks are short safety messages for the members of a work crew prior to work beginning. In conclusion, the safety briefing can help provide a quicker, and more controlled, response from attendees and foster better preparation in the event of an emergency. However, toolbox talks are a highly recommended way to advance your workplaces health and safety beyond the bare minimum. Safety meetings are an opportunity for workplace leaders to reinforce safety standards, introduce new safety requirements and increase employee awareness of potential risks. Locations of taped down cords for projectors, etc. Educating employees on these sorts of safety topics is pivotal to the success of your safety program. Exercise. As for tripping hazards, it does not always require an unexpected object to trip over. You can disable third-party cookies in your browser settings. John Drebinger Presentations The Biggest Mistake Safety Teams Make in Choosing a Safety Speaker Special Report #01. The existence of the weekly safety briefing, especially for a virtual team, is not one. Our favorite memorable safety slogans include: "A spill, a slip, a hospital trip." "When you gamble with safety, you bet your life." "Falling on objects can be brutal, wear your hard hat to protect your noodle." Feel free to make up an acronym, quote, or rhyme to keep the topic at the forefront of their minds. Normally, this would be the job of the teams EHS manager. Dividing the group into 10 different five-person breakout rooms for a portion of the session gave everyone time to share an insight. Take proper steps when handling electrical issues or defer to the experts. Meet the KPA team of safety and compliance professionals dedicated to helping you protect your people and the elements of your business that matter most. Send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. Its imperative that any worker exposed to hazardous air knows how to protect themselves by using a respiratory device. All this can thwart our ability to read social cues and stress our cognition in subtle ways. With dozens of potential topics, making a choice can feel overwhelming. It can help save lives, hinder temporary and long-term disabilities, and prevent any emergency situation from becoming worse. Back Stretches. Without documenting these efforts, there is no actual proof they were done. Use visual aids as needed to help get your message across. 1 100+ Safety Topics for Daily Toolbox Talks. Loads can fall and crush people. Thousands of employees have been taught how to approach others regarding safety concerns using this innovative and trademarked communication technique by safety speaker John himself in live presentations. Handle glass safely. An investigation into the side effects of working from home on work-life balance | Emerald Insight, Job stress among workers who telecommute during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Japan: a cross-sectional study | medRxiv, Stress can cause a cardiac event that resembles a heart attack The American Institute of Stress, Chronic stress can cause heart trouble | American Heart Association, How remote working can increase stress and reduce well-being (theconversation.com), Avoiding Stress & Burnout when Working from Home | Remote Work Guide (wrike.com), Three Warning Signs That Your Remote Employees Are Starting To Crack Under The Stress Of Working From Home (forbes.com), Dealing With Stress as a Remote Worker | SkillsYouNeed, Bowel Obstruction In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Tips (akc.org), How to Prevent Pets From Chewing on Electrical Cords Efficient Electric (efficientelectricphoenix.com), The 5 common working from home injuries Law Partners, Work From Home Injuries May Be Next Workers Comp Trend (iwpharmacy.com), Are telecommuters covered under workers compensation? For example, if someone can't connect, simply tell them you'll miss them and remind them you will send a meeting summary. Its so important, its covered in multiple spots in the top 10. To replicate informal water-cooler moments, managers can use text, phone, or email, to give reinforcing or redirecting feedback. Personalization cookies are those that enable a user to access a website and receive services that are catered to that user's pre-defined characteristics, such as language, browser type used to access the service, regional configuration from where the service is accessed, etc. $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["57a88d0a-5ddd-4a6a-93de-ba5c49768835"]); }). Asbestos. One was a traveling Notary Public service; the other was a Census surveyor. Take KPAs Chemical Spills and Leaks Pop Quiz. This site has one of the largest libraries of free topics found online today. Well help you plan and conduct safety meetings, educate your employees on critical EHS topics, keep track of compliance, and much more. Here are signs of an imminent heart attack. Excessive heat, natural disasters, and other major safety concerns unique to this season often rear their ugly heads on our job sites. John These talks can be as short as a few minutes or longer than 20 minutes. designed to help employees improve their performance on the job and improve compliance. If you dont have a copy, you should get one as soon as possible and also get copies for your corporate leadership. For more information about our use of cookies and to opt-out of cookies at any time, please refer to our website Legal & Privacy Statement. (Bulk Discounts are available for quantities over 50 books) Dont let your employees or your organization become statistics. We came up with a safety solution which was to have someone in the front row stand and assist anyone leaving the stage. Amazingly, The DVT risk from sitting all day can be mitigated by not sitting continuously all day. If youre keen to upgrade your workplace safety and the way that your team members discuss their practices, you can find more great resources below. Required cookies are those that are used solely for the purpose of transmitting a communication and those that are absolutely necessary for a website to provide the service that a user is requesting. By incorporating regular safety talks into your workplace routines, you are putting your workforce in the best position to minimize preventable workplace accidents. Have you witnessed bullying in your workplace? Your number-one sign, and pet-produced clue to the solution is vomiting. Consider covering these topics in your safety meetings. There are indications a digital nomad lifestyle works better as you age.Telecommuting may be more beneficial to the employer if the employee is a workaholic.A job, while able to be done remotely, may be less stressful when in a central office.Schedules and focus requires self-discipline. As a software developer it is an easy match. Its also a great way to sincerely express the importance of the topic you are covering. The DVT is a serious risk, particularly for desk-jockeys. It was also an atmosphere where it felt comfortable to contribute. As to us telecommuters who must contribute to this periodic ritual, I have compiled helpful topics to share, should you be called to the podium. Breakout rooms, with specific tasks or topics assigned to different groups, provide a psychologically safe space to test ideas and build relationships. assess hazards, and control risk in a wide variety of scenarios. The content cant be adapted to suit your workforce and your unique situation. You can pick the location with the topic in mind. Strengthen your safety reporting for 2023 by improving data-collection and defining KPIs with your team. This webpage providesresources you can use to create meaningful presentations that will reinforce member understanding of risk management processes, educate members on the CAP safety program, and help members feel comfortable and confidentusing risk management in their CAP activities and in their daily lives. While many workers would view these discussions as boring and/or a waste of time, the safety briefing has potential to be the most interactive, enlightening, and intriguing part of the work day if properly planned and executed with meaning. A culture in which your entire workforce is engaged and invested. Contaminated air in your facilities can cause health problems ranging from bronchitis and emphysema to cognitive issues and cancer. For more inspiration, check out OSHAs library of free safety training materials which include: Given the current situation, its important to cover this particular safety topic in a bit more detail. The warning and danger are as persistent as gravity and our negligence. Practice, practice, practice thats the way to build safety muscles across your workforce. Are they prepared to act quickly in the event of an emergency? Think about this in terms of the impact we have on the environment as well as the impact the environment has on our workforce. OSHAs pretty transparent about what theyre citing in different industries. Recently, Governor Gary Herbert extended the "Stay Safe, Stay Home" directive during the COVID-19 pandemic until May 1, and announced that Utah K-12 schools will remain closed through the academic [] You can always find the time for a super quick 1-minute safety topic. This article offers tips for how team leaders can use the functions on online platforms to overcome this barrier and make virtual meetings more productive. The tools obvious limitation is that not all issues are binary in nature. You dont need to have a fixed location for these talks, either. block. In an ideal world, safety talks should take place daily. Your mileage may vary. Naturally, I am biased to the virtual worker way of life. Marines with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit receive a safety brief from the MEU commander while deployed to the Asia-Pacific region. For the full-time office worker, remote or at the corporate cube-farm, being sedentary is unhealthy. Thats enough to keep safety knowledge fresh on everyones mind and build the foundation of a strong health and safety culture. Be sure to give Diane Weiss a call at +1 209.745.9419 so I can present to your teams and brag about you in future newsletters. Share some winter weather tips to keep your folks safe. All rights reserved. Lets take a look. Regardless of your industry or where youre located, there are some issues that impact your workforce across the board. Just click on the subscribe button or Click Here. Take advantage of our nationwide coverage, 35+ years of experience, and 100+ certified EHS experts. Building psychological safety in virtual teams takes effort and strategy that pays off in engagement, collegiality, productive dissent, and idea generation. Another important factor for effective safety briefings is to make them interactive through . Do your employees know how to safely depower dangerous machines? manager for this is essential and should be expressed prior to testing the Safety Briefing and reinforced repeatedly with staff. There are many things you can do to hold a better meeting. For Ascending/descending, stairs going up and down from the stage (Which did not have handrails! If you often work from home, invest in a proper ergonomic setting. It allows you to engage with your audience and encourage their participation. Some Useful Suggestions It gives me the opportunity to study marital arts, be a caretaker for my family in times of need, allows spontaneous creativity at work, and I can travel as a digital nomad. Nobody wants a painful and all-to-real Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). help you have the best experience while on the site. Always make it a Safe Day. This is your chance as designated leader to make the virtual meeting employ a physical activity. 1.2 Behavior Safety. were pointed out. They were: Here is what audience members called out as issues attendees needed to be aware of to stay safe at their safety meeting. This is your chance as designated leader to make the virtual meeting employ a physical activity. Small toys, dangly bits from clothes, furniture, sticks, or any vital document is at risk of becoming an after-dinner snack. For example, motivation can be enhanced by a pleasurable incentive system, like enjoying your coffee as a reward for a morning walk. On several occasions I have seen changes in others ultimately requiring medical attention. Establish Ground Rules Make sure you're taking the proper steps to safeguard the well-being of your employees while protecting your bottom line. All rights reserved. Make sure that the time and effort that goes into making this document is worthwhile. Thousands of companies like yours depend on KPA to minimize risk and maximize workforce safety. Separate Talks by Category: BEHAVIORAL | CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY | GENERAL INDUSTRY | OFFICE | MOTOR VEHICLE | SPANISH. Engage your virtual teammates by asking them to stand up and get circulation going in their legs. I try to plan ahead when traveling, researching what I will have available and what I may need to bring in order to be comfortably supported. View our. Nearly 13,000 American workers suffer an injury every day; each is preventable. Resources for Meeting New Year Weight Loss Goals DOD Aims to Shield . Social Media / Sharing Cookies are third-party cookies that are used when you share information using a social media sharing button or "like" button on our website or you link your account or engage with our content on or through a social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. This was easy for people to call out as they were already listed at the top of five wall size post-it notes in front of the room. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. The simple advice; stand while taking calls. It was a healing gesture and helped me recover my life. The human attention span has been dwindling since the mass-adoption of the Internet. Every unit safety officer is required to provide their members with a safety education briefing each month. Then each sub-group nominated one example to be shared back in the main room. Safety briefs serve as important reminders for all Service members to be mindful while enjoying their time off (Photo by: Army.mil). Thats it. The Safety Briefing is designed to occur during the normal work shift and thus will take staff Consider tripping hazards, loose handrails or flooring, dangling cords, kids toys, and pets as an unmapped minefield waiting for discovery. As with training, audits, incident response, recordkeeping, and reporting, safety meetings are a core component of a safety program. A toolbox talk is usually informal, brief (about 5 or 10 minutes), and centered on a hazard workers are likely to face that day or week. What are common injuries in this line of work? Metro's leaders plan to hold a virtual briefing to address what they discussed in a closed-session, emergency meeting Sunday after a safety watchdog detailed lapses in operator training. PPE such as goggles, masks, harnesses, and gloves protect your employees from various hazards and injuries. The common belief is a digital work life is a more balanced life. That requires an understanding of the different kinds of respirators, knowledge of fit testing, an awareness that regular medical evaluations are required, and more. There are good reasons to worry. No other safety book has sold more copies than Mastering Safety Communication. This book provides corporate leaders, safety professionals and safety teams the communication skills they need to get significant safety results. Monthly Safety Education is the key to helping ALL members understand and apply risk management processes. They began their meeting, as many companies do, with a safety briefing. I will take a swing at it. Getting workers to listen for the entire duration of the talk is a challenge in itself. Beyond industry-specific topics, OSHAs focused on regional topics as well. First aid in case of burns safety tips for a hotel worker. Instead, use that time to continue furthering your safety program! If your team is going through a busy period, you can also decide cut down the time that these talks last for. My friends practically dragged me to visit for a meal each week. When Covid-19 was recognized as an emerging public health crisis earlier this year, tens of thousands of employees were sent home from offices around the world to start working from home for the foreseeable future. Theyre more than a short conversation or a heads-up. A safety meeting may take 2045 minutes and involve multiple formats, such as a presentation followed by an interactive activity or a group discussion. I will be speaking at ten more BNSF safety meetings over the next few months and I cant wait to meet more of their outstanding team. To help you out, weve narrowed it down to a manageable list of 3 key areas that impact your employees, with some ideas to expand up on from there. This should only be done if the work area is comfortable, safe, and convenient for all involved in the talk. Do your employees know how to prevent spills, leaks, and other forms of toxic chemical exposure? Mental health is of importance when working in isolation common of telecommuters. A lot of value can be added in a short amount of time if the talks are completed often. Companies often settle on conducting daily or weekly talks. BNSF went way beyond that in just about the same amount of time. Safety precautions while working with a crane. A safety meeting may take 20-45 minutes and involve multiple formats, such as a presentation followed by an interactive activity or a group discussion. While many safety speakers focus on being fun or entertaining, John focuses on being effective and getting results. this website. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Team Management. Below are answers to some other common questions individuals may have about conducting these types of talks for their work crews. For example, OSHA requires that employers make employees aware of the hazards of the work that they do and how to eliminate them. You can customize your cookie preferences by clicking "Cookie Settings". Last winter after reminding myself of this, I spent more than a month working from bed as I recovered. Rested, healthy workers are a win-win situation. The DVT is a serious risk, particularly for desk-jockeys. . Is your organization doing enough to avoid the most common OSHA citations? As a full-time virtual worker, you may not be around people often enough for someone to notice an abrupt change. A safety meeting is more or less what it sounds like: an event to go over and discuss one or more hazards in the workplace. To thrive, people need occasions to socialize, celebrate, communicate. A safety briefing is a little bit of pre-planning that may save a life if you think ahead, keep your head, and communicate with others in advance. The responsibility at many companies, however, falls onto the safety officer or EHS manager instead. The idea was adopted across multiple medical centers. Attitudes to Workplace. Our combination of EHS software, expert consultingservices, and award-winning training makes it easy to unite your employees around your safety program and build a genuine safety culture in your workplace. Besides, speaking to your workforce about the risks presented by COVID-19, and how you can mitigate them, is a great topic for a quick, 5-minute safety topic. Its crucial to bring attention to these issues by making them a part of your safety meetings. Workplace violence training typically covers effective prevention strategies as well as how to respond to disgruntled employees, active shootings, bomb threats, and suspicious packages. She's a HUGE sugar junkieand usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily. Interested in participating in our Sponsored Content section? On this weeks episode of the Safety Meeting, Erin reconnects with Zach Pucillo, EHS Regulatory Compliance Manager at KPA. The EPA has numerous requirements governing the handling of hazardous waste. They set their schedules, worked where they wished, enjoyed meeting new people, and were at or away from their homes as desired. Seemingly straightforward, the hand-raise function helps people signal that they want to speak aloud. All fall into one or more categories, a Venn diagram of Exercise, Mental Wellbeing, and Dont Do Stupid Things.. Safety meetings are longer and more formal than toolbox talks and tend to focus on larger issues. Conversely, being away from the corporate office affords an opportunity to seek help and treatment privately. Topics to cover include heat stress and how can you avoid it? Check the area for trip hazards such as electrical cords, toys or misplaced furniture. This is far more intuitive and considerate than what could be achieved by a long meeting spent reading from a binder. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. You should base these safety minutes in a place where everyone feels at-ease, while still firmly focused on what youre saying. To save you some digging, here are the top ones for specific industries: Across the board, here are theOSHA Top 10: Learn why OSHA violations happen, what you stand to lose when you get hit with one, along with warning signs to look out for. Only take the time necessary to cover the topic; do not drag it out. With the abundance of short safety topics that the Internet has to offer, you have just about enough resources to make even a 2-minute safety talk effective. A safety briefing emphasizes key safety concerns on the incident and is presented at each briefing session. Meeting rooms or break rooms are common areas where companies choose to hold their safety meetings. Get the audience involved by asking for stories or examples relating to the topic. The DVT can quickly lead to more serious issues like a pulmonary embolism or stroke. A sore limb, a wet feeling in the breast, an odd change in personality all lead to long-term care. Be conversant with the software There are so many platforms you can use for your virtual meetings. Safety while using a ladder. Polls. Leaders may want to encourage view options in which one face is center stage while speaking and others recede to the background. Soft, chewy, durable, and now missing. The overarching purpose of a safety job briefing is to identify, evaluate, and control hazardous situations. The good news is that the very technology that thwarts candor and mutual understanding also offers ways to offset these losses. In this weeks newsletter: - Instilling Safety As a Value[], Water Safety Tip - Summer is Here by Safety Speaker[], Always Ask For Help When You Need It! Setting norms about brevity can help, but chats also can distract from the spoken conversation. 2023 Civil Air Patrol. . Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. Safety briefings are short talks that detail health and safety hazards that workers will face and should be attended by everyone who will work on the particular site (including sub-contractors and key members of the supply chain). Volunteers serving America's communities, saving lives, and shaping futures. Involve as many people as possible and change who does the briefing. 9 Steps to Plan an Effective Safety Meeting, Safety Speaker John Drebinger's Presentations Immediately Get Results, Instilling Safety As a Value in Our Children by Safety Speaker John Drebinger, Water Safety Tip by Safety Speaker John Drebinger Summer is Here, New Safety Book Goes To Press Safety Speaker John Drebinger. SAFER is a multifaceted, comprehensive effort aimed at helping employers prioritize safety as they return employees to traditional work environments and schedules in a post-quarantine world. It is also the same five exposures they consider before they perform any job or task. KPA offers award-winning training courses that are. The time spent conducting these talks also goes a long way toward reinforcing prior training efforts. Perfect for a quick, yet effective safety talk. Health and Safety. Finally, to foster engagement in meetings that will seek input for consequential decisions, consider interacting with participants in advance via such means as anonymous polling or one-on-one interviews. Your employees should be aware of fall causes and risk factors (such as wet and uneven surfaces) along with how to protect themselves and minimize the chances of a fall. All great except There is one challenge here. Although there can be slight differences between companies or industries. Every unit safety officer is required to provide their members with a safety education briefing each month. The following are in no particular order, and they are for the most part serious, although maybe a bit tilted for my own amusement. They can provide the supervisor with topics, materials, or information for the talk, as well as chime in as needed to add value. So, how do you make a short safety talk count? Plus, the flexibility of these talks allows you to branch out beyond the topics that OSHA requires you to cover. Dont use your office chair, especially the rolling-swivel-rocking kind, in place of a proper step-stool. Print them off to use for your next safety meeting or moment with your employees. Browse the 250+ completely free safety talks below! 1.7 Office Safety Meeting Topics. Alcohol Awareness. 2 Minute OSHA Safety Talks. Forklifts, which OSHA likes to call powered industrial trucks, are useful vehicles. Its absence of non-verbal communication sharpens the need for proactive inquiry to lower hurdles to speaking up, such as, On a scale of 0-to-10, what do you think about or If you were to force-rank these five items, which ranks first and secondand which rates last? Further, participants must resist the urge to multi-task, and leaders can be explicit in requesting their full attention, while trying to design engaging, interactive virtual sessions. Her persistence gnaws on me. Conducting the talk in the work area itself can help employees visualize the information being conveyed, as well as allow the presenter to point out specific examples of what they are discussing. If youre not able to go ad-lib confidently, visual aids to guide your talk are a very useful crutch. Safety tips while on a holiday. Hopefully, these will help keep your idea bank full for the foreseeable. Copyright 2023 Innovative Safety Products LLC. Its easy to stay consistent with your safety talks when you have a reliable backlog of quick safety topics for you to choose from. Today is[]. One tip which may help carry you through the door is to build a system for success. What I loved about this briefing was people who day after day do this process alongside a railway and near their equipment were able to actively use the same process in an entirely different environment. Here are some of the points you can cover within this particular topic: You can pick and choose from any of these topics and adapt your safety discussions accordingly to best suit your workforce. For the digital nomad, the talk is either utterly unrelated to my work or is a rehashed public safety notice from the local fire department. This are not meant as exhaustive nor as expert medical advice. Another setting that can be even more effective is the work area(s) themselves. I broke my toe, and sprained my ankle, in separate incidents, running up and down the stairs. This is the most fluid option. The third-party cookies procedures are managed and controlled exclusively by each provider in accordance to their own privacy policies. Use text, phone, or any vital document is worthwhile speakers on... Stress our cognition in subtle ways the largest libraries of free topics found today. Are managed and controlled exclusively by each provider in accordance to their privacy! Talk are a very useful crutch office | MOTOR VEHICLE | SPANISH a Census surveyor OSHA... Talks into your workplace routines, you are dynamic enough to avoid the most common OSHA citations moment your! And how to safely depower dangerous machines episode of the hotel goes into making this document is.! As electrical cords, toys or misplaced furniture traveling Notary Public service ; the other was a gesture... 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