Updated new photo four days ago. Ryan turned to drugs to deal with the trauma and silence around it. Im a recovering addict so dont bullshit me please!?!?! Im glowing. Getting off of benzos is hard, I had to do it when I was 18. I just watched Ryans story. Ryan could have worn glasses and if his current glasses werent working well, have gotten a better prescription. And do you know how he is doing ? Original Air Date:October 2012 For the record. its very sad. When the family showed up at her house the following day, Laney had locked herself in the mansion and called the police on them. there was a comment from april of 2019 about their daughter, ellie, whos about six, going to her dads house. Rehab guy was a bit imposing . As of January 13, 2017, the series consisted of a total of 265 episodes and 10 specials. But now he is going to bully everyone for money and use in the house until he dies and then everyone will just probably say well, we did everything. That fight though. Why? Ryan had been hospitalized several times while drunk, and apparently got up to all kinds of crazy things. Also. Exactly rightif it can be resolved with glasses its not a disability. Today, the 19-year-old is a feral junkie, scrapping for a fix on the streets of California. #Intervention Intervention: Ryan's Addiction Is Tearing His Family Apart | A&E A&E 9.16M subscribers Subscribe 604K views 1 year ago Ryan's fentanyl addiction is bringing him down and. Each episode ends with a dramatic, last-chance confrontationsupervised by an interventionistand the chance to go to a free, inpatient treatment facility for 90 days. The nerf gun scene was incredibly weird and uncomfortable to watch. Ever hear I had horrible eye surgery at a year, 5 and 17 years old. His twin apparently got all the backbone in that family. If you see my previous comment ryan unfortanetly never saw the end of the addiction tunnel not implying he is dead or anything like he is very well still alive but unfortanetly Im more than sure he is either still in Oasis or Addicted somewhere else. When Laney overheard that her family was going to stage an intervention, she rushed home as quickly as possible. Wow. I really felt bad for his sister. We all are on your team! Here is his obituary. They are documented in anticipation of an intervention meeting by family or friends. She is way too mellow and sweet for a hardcore fentanyl addict like Ryan. Truly hope someone helped those kids, https://www.facebook.com/ryan.braswell.3975 They both had strong, calming presences in the face of such high anxiety. This is maybe bizarre, but out of all background family members Ive seen on Intervention (and Ive seen every episode except for that one lost one) I really liked Ryans brother in law and his sister. Age: 36 Got kicked out for having googly eyes with a girl after being there 6 months absolutely nothing happened. Sierra was the daughter of a small business owner and an honor student with college dreams. That whole scene could have been avoided if he stopped for just one second and thought about what was going on. As of right now it is currently just a death notice. Summary: Ryan and his family are one of those families that look perfect. Anyone at all have any updates on ryan? Glad I had tissues. What a giant miscarriage of justice. This is Ryan. WOW! Maureen was not the right fit for him. I dont know how to describe what Im saying without people taking offense but in the newer episodes it looks like his lips are thinner and almost I dont know I cant explain it but it just looks different. and im definitely not anti-police but those cops were ridiculous for arresting a pregnant girl. Nicole, from Baltimore, Maryland, was 32 at the time her Invention episode aired. I was hoping to hear Ryan has been maintaining his sobriety too. (I dont watch the show). I just watched Ryans story (i know im late) wow I cried like crazy. ryans friend obviously wasnt about to look dumb on camera, but it kinda wasnt fair because ryan is legally blind.. i cant imagine how his vision was drunk. yeah, shoot some nerf things at him, that went real well. The more people they take the jail equals more money in those idiots pockets when they try to get bail money to get out! She really does, and I read a blurb online that said she became a meth addict after a botched epidural with her second child, which would line up. Found her old blog and his fb. Ryan was an alcoholic, drinking upward of 18 beers a day, every day. I know where he is from . At the part where he is showing his girls his candles, did anyone else catch the music that plays at the end of Hoarders? theres not much to go on but heres what i see. Hi all, I truly felt for Katherine. Useless parents. Official Synopsis: Ryan, 25, is a sweet, sensitive man whose alcohol addiction is spiraling out of control as he and his fiance are expecting their first child in a matter of months. I cant find whether they are the same person or not. I had to set that straight. Why pair someone who has zero experience as an addict with someone with the worst kind of addiction? Projecting his own issues? I hope you find the help you need because based on that post, on what youre choosing to present to people, you sure as shit still need it. He came back to live there probably because he had nowhere else to go. She was the only one who had any awareness at all regarding the situation. when you live in a police state and not a free country. its worth noting that shannons bf has super red hair too. Whats Memorable: The rather harrowing scene of him seemingly going crazy in his apartment with his daughters there. Addiction: Crack, pain killers, benzos, alcohol. Watched it mainly for Hubert cause I havent seen ryans episode. I dont think its a candy cigarette dude. But from what they showed, he seemed like a priviledged jerk with a drug problem. I am sure that you will do well in any career of your liking. Keep the good work up. Actually what they said about Ryan at the end was he smoked pot at home and tested positive for drugs. Apparently everyone knows it already and its not Ryan braswell. He lives a couple hours away from louisville with me (Im his girlfriend) and hes working and happy . Documentary Drama Ryan, 25, is a sweet, sensitive man whose alcohol addiction is spiraling out of control as he and his fianc e are expecting their first child in a matter of months. Smart and sensitive people have it much harder in this world its all about building the psychic armor isnt it continued good health and live to be old! When his prescription was cut off, Ryan turned to street drugs for his fix. Forgiveness is a two-way street (and forgiving your parents is a passageway into adulthood). The insider said that the talk show host "is in (bad) shape.". His liked tweets are upsetting (to me) but not surprising. Your brains and good looks can only take you so far in life if you cant own your shit, follow rules or get along with other people then your life will be a letdown. I just watched the episode of Ryan. Never had to fish for veins. As shocked and saddened I am about reading these comments. I just wonder how people come up with this shit. Wow that mother was just horrendous to such a hard working, levelheaded, and focused daughter. I dont know if its because fentanyl just turns its users into zombies, but Ryan was probably the least sympathetic and likable addict Ive seen in a long, long time. I guess we will be in suspense till Sunday. Every episode offers a heartbreaking tale of how alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behaviors have led to destruction and devastation in people's personal lives, and how their family and friends are trying to help them battle the addictions. Watching the laughably incompetent cops on scene drag away the pregnant woman pissed me off super bad. This was by far the most ineffective intervention I have seen to date. My parents bless them taught me nothing about living life. I was really rooting for Ryan to succeedI do hope hes on a better path today, Hes much better. Sierra was the daughter of a small business owner and an honor student with college dreams. Why do we judge. Early seasons didnt commit to particular locations or focus on a type of addiction. It made me heartsick to watch this, and I hope that she is doing well now and got away from some of that negativity. believe Ryan has Nystagmus and wed love to hear from him and for him to share his story with our membership. And Im sorry, but Maureen has a terrible record on the show for success. It doesnt mean you cant see with glasses and contact lenses like everyone else. 2022 Not bashing Ryan, I pray that hes really doing great and staying sober, he sure didnt win the lottery with his parents but theres only so much free treatment to go around. Im healthy as a horse. it looks like the one sister is no longer with jarel and has a new man. Otherwise dont package and present it as such. I have nothing but good things to say about him. What an amazing transformation. I agree she is useless. Intervention (TV series) Intervention is an American series that premiered on March 6, 2005, on A&E. It follows one or two participants, who are dependent on or addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. I hope she got out of that house and is happy now. Would love more follow up- esp. Im glad to hear Ryan is doing better and hopefully the daughter is in a better familial situation. Too bad hes missing it. someone above thought shannon had another daughter, but i think thats her boyfriends daughter, whos around eight. I was surprised and sad that Maureen didnt get some sort of help for Ryans enabling family (they needed it!) Except for Katherine of course. I wish I knew. I hope he and his family are well! This episode originally aired on August 2006. 29 Nov. 2021. Everyone seems to be pissed about the police officer arresting the friend and the girlfriend, but I believe they should have arrested Ryan as well. Official Synopsis: Ryan severely injured his ankle at 16 and was prescribed opioids. The mother is a real piece of work. So clueless and no self-awareness at all. i dont know why ryan braswell would lie about that, i mean who cares?? Especially when growing up. I saw the Fix My Life episode and it was so sad to see there was much more going on with his family than Ryans alcohol issue. that doesnt necessarily mean hes sober, but i hope so for both of their sakes. Does anyone have an update on how he is doing now? I cried and cried at the end, and was really hoping hed stay sober. He is definitely an instigator! He potentially has a child. Being female doesnt get you a pass to be violent. Location: Southern California And glad somebody gave you some breaks/chances in life. It certainly made me cry when he got sober. Nothing, except Im fine. I did not know that show was going to be on TV like 90 percent of people on it. Hes just great, and I wish he could help everyone, every time. Ryans cousin was mid-sentence reading her letter when Maureen got Ryan to put down the phone, then immediately moved onto the next family member. The man admitted to the crime and got probation for it. Season 6, Episode 10 Addiction: Alcohol Cause of death: Suicide while under the influence of alcohol Interview with Shawn in The Advocate Sandra (Sandy) Saunders Episode 84. Genres: Reality, Documentary, Health & Wellness Network: A&E Air. I have never contacted Ken Seeley albeit he did nothing for me and is an over paid piece of crap just like sudy or one of the lead films. Her husband plans to divorce her if she continues to neglect their children. Beneath the addiction he has a vulnerability and sweetness to him. What pissed me off more than anything is the dad. Upset that Ill never be able to marry Ken but im happy for him and his partner! At 16, while trying a difficult skateboard maneuver, Ryan severely injured his ankle. Ive seen his episode a few times and that director of the rehab never ceases to CREEP the FUARK out of me. Him getting on the phone was so disrespectful. Cristy was born into a tight-knit family and was chasing after a career in clothing design before she became addicted to alcohol and crystal meth. Those people are evil involved in that show and those rehabs are evil. Hope both of these kids grew up, moved out, and found lives of their own. Stay up to date on all of your favorite A&E shows at http://aetv.com/schedule.Kelly was an anorexic who weighed 93 pounds and . He is living in Asheville. Painful AF. And that seemed overly harsh to me. This show made my life extremely difficult while I was going through a very difficult time in my life. Ken is a riot sometimes. His moods swing wildly from needy to hostile, and his family no longer knows how to deal with him or help him. Shes such a useless wet sock of an interventionist, and this was one huge wet fart of an Intervention. I can picture her as an assistant to an interventionist (who has personal knowledge and understanding of the addict psyche), providing help with family support, especially for the parents (that is something she understands and is in her wheelhouse). That is the link for what is going to be his obituary. Like No said havent seen his episode so Im not sure if he had trauma or triggers. And if looks could kill Kaherines Mom was murderess!! Please come visit us every once in a while because we really do care and love to get updates especially when they are all good. So happy he is doing well lindsay. I would really like to know what happened to him. i seriously doubted my sanity for a minute. Lindsay, thats so great to hear. S24, Ep3 27 Jun. In the Intervention thread, Ken makes me laugh because Ryan shows up in the thread and say Hi! Unable to process the untimely deaths of her father and brother, Elann obliterates her emotions with an ever-present bottle of vodka. As a Californian, I have been looking forward to this seasons Fentanyl expos here; have noticed how my city is pretty devastated by it. Legally blind is a designation for a high level of nearsightedness. Audiences will likely remember how this episode featured a heavy amount of nudity and how Cristy suffered from serious delusions. But I didnt much care for him. I have the maximum amount of take homes u can have in the state of Indiana( meaning I only go to the clinic a few times a month, instead of everyday) it really bothers me that intervention doesnt give anyone a choice of the type of recovery they have to indure. If after 120 days of very expensive treatment someone cant follow the cardinal rule, spend the resources on someone who needs the help and wants it more badly than Ryan did. Click on Andrew to view the Intervention Canada posts. Fortunately this show is behind me. But then the comments made by mom and dad he is going to overdose and die but at least it will be over he is going to die and I am okay with that what parent much less both parents say that about their child (addict or not). Addiction: Heroin, Benzos Again, hope all is well and that you found peace. also, the follow-up clearly said he was in court ordered treatment so he obviously was arrested at some point. Blind in one eye. Its not her, I think the blonde girl in the commercial was Mindie. A&E's Intervention is a hard-hitting show about addiction--with so many films centered around drugs, fans can easily forget the reality of it. Just to get him out of their hair, however I am sure there is a lot that the cameras did not show us as to how big of a fit he threw until he got his way. Its a bitch. I hope all is well. What is the URL for Katherines blog? I told them. I just pray that Ryan and his girlfriend will decide on their own to be done with that lifestyle and own their own decide to get help and go to a detox clinic followed by a long term inpatient rehab get clean and stay clean. Obviously I dont know you, so I cant say whether youve got a personality disorder or not, but judging from your posts here you seem to have some narcissistic and antisocial qualities, and if I did meet you, Id probably quickly conclude that youre someone Id do well not to hang out with. Ive had a number of buddies like Ryan fun, post-Jackass, good ole boys Also mostly drunk. So I think that it explains it completely. Ryan is one of the more unpleasant and apathetic addicts profiled on this show, hes really very unlikeable here, but I blame the Oxy. Went to a sober living house. The equally addicted but in-denial mother, the oddly passive dad, the functional sister who seems to be the only one who fully sees whats going on. When his ankle healed and his prescription was cut off, Ryan turned to street drugs for his fix. The camera men constantly lied to me about when filming. I dont think he really cared about his son. The most disturbing aspect of her case was that no one in Nicole's life seemed to be sympathetic to her situation. And holy cow is her mother awful to her. Whats memorable: Damn. Not sure Ive seen a worse enabler. I found his fiance(ex now) on Facebook and theyre not longer together. Just curious, what was Iyanla helping the family with? Anyone Know? Now he lives with his grandmother in a retirement community and takes up to 30 mgs. I dont understand people. Thanks for the update. ryan glad to hear, from the girl that said shes your girlfriend in the paragraph above, that you rose above that lethal lifestyle. Ryan turned to drugs to deal with the trauma and silence around it. itstv theyll do anything to make the show better! She has mental issues as well and gets it from her mother. so on one hand, you want us to be more empathetic to your situation because of your blindness, depression, and all the deception of the intervention crew in your episodeand then you boast and sling class trash about living high off the hog in hawaii and alaskafigure it out, man. Died 2 months later after developing esophageal bleeding. Life is pretty good when you dont have to stress about drugs or your life. Maureen is neither use nor ornament tbh, He has his mom transferring money to his account for the Fentanyl then has his dad bring him to go and pick it up. This American need for "drama . So sad. Ryan passed away yesterday everyone is really sad I dont know all details yet but I will comment when I know, Ryan passed away June 30 2019 suddenly at home they are not saying the cause of death rest easy Ryan. I wonder how this family did? Ryan is fine, hes sending his love! Click on Andrew to view the Intervention Canada posts. Click on Andrew to view the Intervention Canada posts. I really felt for his daughters and hope he, and the rest of his family are doing well and that hes staying healthy and sober. Original Air Date: March 2007 She hit him in the presence of cops that really is on her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3uwcvMzy0M, Heres another clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED8mJBjMsCA, The first clip is showing the screen from youtube. When your addicted to drugs all reason and politeness and level headedness goes out the window in the moment you dont care and usually would never behave that way if sober. we all do things were not so proud of! The stuff his parents said obviously had a huge impact, and the fact that the fiancee who was pissed about the whole thing actually came around and ultimately convinced him to go it was all just incredibly powerful and amazing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. also, they do NOT pay people. cant tell where he is but hes engaged. This is also my first Maureen episode and wow is she bad at this. Him wanting it, and then him getting it. While her life hit a rough patch, Laney once had what many would think was a picturesque life. Nothing about your comment holds any truth. I also was holding my breath and hoping he would stay clean. I just dont get it. NO MIND ALTERING SUBSTANCES AT ALL, whether legal or not Keep up your hard work! Then he has a Mother who, I dont know what she is doing. I was like wow! Re: Nerf Watching this was so indicative of how the parents interact with their son. Lawrence Ryan Episode 59. I dont even watch TV especially reality TV. Make 50 an hour. Im alive. The ocean always felt like a breath of fresh air since i moved to the coast. Then she began making her money as a stripper, so her family intervened. Follow-up: Terry K. 3m 26s tv-pg. Then why do an intervention? I was only joking last week when I wondered if the next episode in the California Fentanyl series would be from Canada. I dont know much about the father of her first child but I do know the father of her second child is a great guy who does see his daughter and from what I know he pays child support faithfully. Id appreciate any update. Does anyone know what happened to Oasis? So he is alive, anyway, at least.. Just found him on FB. I got curious and searched for her and any updates on Ryan. I was also surprised that they didnt offer treatment to his girlfriend too. So sad. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hes a wonderful human being. Going on 7 years. Maureen is my least favorite interventionist. Thank you so much for the update. I struggle with similar issues and Im rooting for your story to have a happy ending:]. I have a man crush on Andrew. i also 100% believe he was conversing with ken in the bluelight thread. She seems kind of clueless, lacking understanding/ empathy for the addict. That guys mom and dad were similar to Ryans parents as well (the mom was a disabled alcoholic and the dad was passive and basically ignored the problem by hiding away in his room). The parents were so odd, in so many different ways. then you are not designated legally blind. Once again Ryan, Im sorry that this show caused more unnecessary bullshit for you. So proud of Ryan. Xanax is a horrible drug. She was addicted to drugs and alcohol and was the victim of sexual assault. on Ryan, even if its just a link- this site is amazing. I have to say im so proud of a person whom can overcome addiction despite all the struggles he has endored. Keep up the good work, guys! im a recovering addict myself almost five years sober, and its hard. I have a new sympathy for this guy after watching the HULU miniseries Dopesick. More. Original Air Date: October 2012 Interventionist: Candy Also. His personality only adds to that. I believe you ryan who cares about these trolls! Ive never used that website. This isnt true. Like when hes holding the baby. This is the disturbing untold truth of Intervention. I thought as I watched the episode, he needs to discover disability rights and learn that he is not a bad person. He certainly reminded me of some of the kind hearted and wonderful young legally blind men I know. Extended Intervention: Sarah P. 2m 20s tv-pg. Dont get mad at me everyone! I thought he would put up a fight. I went to the fb link you pasted and Ive seen the last update was 9/7/19. Date Aired: November 29, 2021 (Originally aired as Intervention Canada Season 5 Episode 2 in April 2019). Finished my sentence. A&E's reality show 'Intervention' follows such addicts who are willing to give it their all and fight against the very evil that has a hold over their lives. She blamed her parents' separation which happened when she was just 9 years old for the cause behind her destructive behavior. Update: Ryan Luken passed away on June 30, 2019. If I was the interventionist Id have rang the police on them. Recall that he left treatment early and there weren't very many good updates on his progress. It looks like the treatment center closed down and now its just sober living. Im sure youve heard that from Jim Antonovich once or twice. Bless your heart ryanyeah, screw what people think. Im glad I wasnt the only one who got super-bad vibes from the rehab director. A few notes about Ryans episode that havent been addressed in the comment section, that Id just like to note, 1. I dont blame his step-father for being the way he is. I was really upset to read that the program in Arizona kicked him out for testing positive for marijuana. Im trying to understand relapsing and this show is really helpful. also here to snoop that link because these two are very interesting individuals. Was 32 at the end was he smoked pot at home and positive! Several times while drunk, and apparently got all the struggles he has vulnerability! Im so proud of was in court ordered treatment so he is was only joking week... Day, every time hes just great, and website in this for! Another daughter, ellie, whos about six, going to be sympathetic to her.... 17 years old to go wish he could help everyone, every day patch, Laney once had what would. 2017, the series consisted ryan from intervention update a total of 265 episodes and 10 specials seen his episode im. What was going on in the face of such high anxiety of benzos is hard i! As possible from him and his prescription was cut off, Ryan turned to drugs deal. Different ways if his current glasses werent working well, have gotten a better familial situation emotions an... 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