Hotline: (804) 225-2564 Email: Fax: (804) 225-4250 Payment Withdrawal From Setoff Request [PDF] Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Top of page Contact Information Hotline: (804) 692-0473 Email: Inquiries only Mailing Address: Department of Accounts EDI Unit PO Box 1971 Richmond, VA 23218-1971 5. 101 North 14th Street, 2nd Floor Hotline: (804) 692-0473 . Popular pages Enter decentralized agency Prompt Payment data online. Fax: (804) 225-4250. State Payroll Operations is responsible for running the largest of the state's payroll and leave systems. This system is the property of the Commonwealth of Virginia. James Monroe Building Nadine Charity, CPA, You will need to re-enter it again after receiving your temporary password. Enter your 9 digit Payroll Identification number, including any preceding zeros. Online access to view or print your personal earnings and benefits information as of any payday is available at the Virginia Department of Accounts Payline website! Fixed Asset Accounting and Control (FAACS), Remittance Electronic Data Interchange (REDI) Virginia, Subrecipient Monitoring Secure Portal (SMSP), Statewide Financial Management and Compliance (Quarterly Report), Environmental Impact Report for Agencies & Institutions, Virginia Truth in Revenue Source Reporting, American Rescue Plan Act Recovery Plan Report, Agency Risk Management and Internal Control Standards (ARMICS), Financial Statement Directives and Authoritative Guidance, Fixed Asset Accounting and Control (FAACS) Monthly Production Schedule, Statewide Indirect Cost Allocation Plan (SICAP), Virginia Department of Labor and Industry, Agency Strategic Planning and Performance, 2023 HCM SM, MTH and BW Payroll Schedules, 2019 Budget - Appropriations Act - pg 645 Comptroller's Authorization to Mandate Electronic Payment of Wages, Employer Guide Reporting Lump Sum Payments, Maximum Deferral Calculation Spreadsheets for Special Pays, Memorandum to Fiscal Officers - Payroll Stop Payments - February 1, 2003, Post Retirement Life Insurance Calculation Worksheet for ORP Retirees, $3.8 billion in annual gross payroll processed through CIPPS, 162 individual federal identification numbers - 941 tax reporting. Email: 8. The way to protect against this is to maintain current Anti-Virus and security patches. All requests for changes must be made to the Payroll Office of your employing agency. Financial Reporting Project Lead document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Reporting Excellence. The Payroll Office or the Office of Human Resources can provide this number if you do not know it. The Cardinal Program is the Commonwealth of Virginia's statewide initiative to implement and leverage Oracle's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) management system. Web Policy. The Prompt Payment system provides Commonwealth of Virginia agency personnel the means to: Hotline: (804) 692-0473 Richmond VA 23218-1971, Fixed Asset Accounting and Control (FAACS), Remittance Electronic Data Interchange (REDI) Virginia, Subrecipient Monitoring Secure Portal (SMSP), Statewide Financial Management and Compliance (Quarterly Report), Environmental Impact Report for Agencies & Institutions, Virginia Truth in Revenue Source Reporting, American Rescue Plan Act Recovery Plan Report, Agency Risk Management and Internal Control Standards (ARMICS), Financial Statement Directives and Authoritative Guidance, Fixed Asset Accounting and Control (FAACS) Monthly Production Schedule, Statewide Indirect Cost Allocation Plan (SICAP), Report on Statewide Financial Management and Compliance, Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP), Agency Strategic Planning and Performance. ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS Availability or unavailability of the flaggable/dangerous content on this website has not been fully explored by us, so you should rely on the following indicators with caution. Copyright Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP) as well as other information. Once EDI payment transactions Second, instead of printing from the Payment Information page, you can click on 'View Pay Stub' and print the pay stub facsimile that does fit on a portrait page. Voice: (804) 225-2245 Fax: (804) 225-4250. All requests for changes must be made to the Payroll Office of your employing agency. WCAG 2.0 FOIA, Main: (804) 225-3038 After reading, press Continue. All inquiries related to the balances of the leave transaction detail must be directed to the Human Resource Office of your employing agency. 377 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<390F41E1EA3C766E02905019F81DFADA><406C564B5F079649AA409381D2154574>]/Index[359 40]/Info 358 0 R/Length 89/Prev 60225/Root 360 0 R/Size 399/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream This is an excellent result, as only 5% of websites can load faster. Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 - Ultimativer Test Beliebteste Modelle Beste Angebote Smtliche Vergleichssieger JETZT direkt ansehen. Press Log On. Before you use this Web Follow the prompts generally clicking on 'Accept' at each question. Millennium software. By using Payline, you will have: As more employees enroll, the State and the University will also realize significant savings due to reductions in the costs of printing and postage and the amount of staff time spent handling notices. prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Voice: (804) 225-2414 A: If you stored a hint or email addresses in your security record, you can view your hint or request a new temporary password to be emailed to you. Our site provides information about the various services and publications our office provides. Your social security or Banner ID is not the same as your payroll identification number. Follow these instructions: 1. View Help pages on each Reportline screen. Reset your browser settings in Internet Explorer: Click on the "Reset" button in the "Reset Internet Explorer Settings" section (at the bottom of the panel), Check the box next to "Delete personal settings", After the reset has completed, click the "Close" button. your session has timed out after 20 minutes of server inactivity. Invalid Activity Authorized Use This system is the property of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Once all the information entered is acceptable according to the new security features, you will receive a message confirming the updating of your security record. malicious code that collects your personal information. with the means to view and print personal earnings, leave, and benefits information as of any payday. Add the site to Internet Explorer trusted sites: Select Tools, Internet Options from the menu, Click on the "Trusted Sites" icon in the security zone selections, Type the url of the application (starting with https://) in the "Add this website to the zone" box. $\A@%(e Q# $HC?C[ ? Once you establish a permanent password, you can set up hints (to remind you of forgotten passwords) and an email address so if you can't remember, have a new temporary passwords sent by email without the wait. site to conduct business with the Commonwealth, please ensure your personal computer is not infected with Fax: (804) 414-9896. documentation by localities for the Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) Subrecipient Monitoring effort. A: As long as your employing agency has not mandated a removal of earnings notice print, you can elect to once again receive a printed earnings notice by simply changing your election in the "Rec Earnings Notice" field to a "Yes" in the same manner as described above. Federal and State tax elections and associated withholdings based on your W-4 and VA-4 information. W2's available on Payline EagleEye Jan 15, 2016 . A: The leave information in Payline is reflective of the information found in the centralized mainframe leave system. Fax: (804) 225-3499. Fax: (804) 225-4250, Susan Jones, Acting Director Voice: (804) 225-3051 The Main Menu is the primary navigation page for Payline. Fax: (804) 225-4250. WCAG 2.0 FOIA, Main: (804) 225-3038 101 North 14th Street, 2nd Floor Voice: (804) 371-8912 PO Box 1971 WCAG 2.0 FOIA, Main: (804) 225-3038 Fax: (804) 225-2430. Payroll deductions for Miscellaneous Insurance Policies and Pre-Tax Annuities (where authorized) are administered by a Third Party Administrator (TPA), Enter agency Accounts Receivable data online. These financial and statistical reports will provide you with a financial picture of the Commonwealth. Select the Forgot Password/New Account box on the left side of the Payline homepage. Any unauthorized access, use, or abuse of this system or the information contained therein shall be reported to appropriate authorities for investigation and 101 North 14th Street, 2nd Floor training users. Only persons authorized shall be allowed access to this system. Access to two years worth of earnings and deductions history. A: An email will be sent to the Payroll Officer of your employing agency for subsequent distribution to you. The Fixed Asset Accounting and Control system allows agency users to collect and manage their fixed asset inventory. for federal and state tax compliance. copy (2) of en. Richmond VA 23218-1971, 2011 Calendar Year Payroll Operations and Leave Processing, General Guidelines for July 2017 Salary Increase, Payroll Processing - Calendar Year End 2016, FYE Bulletin Revised May 17, 2016 -- Final Approved Retirement Rates, 2016 Calendar Year Payroll Operations And Leave Processing, PAYROLL PROCESSING - CALENDAR YEAR-END 2015, 2015 Calendar Year Payroll Operations And Leave Processing, PAYROLL PROCESSING - CALENDAR YEAR-END 2014, 2014 Calendar Year Payroll Operations And Leave Processing, PAYROLL PROCESSING - CALENDAR YEAR-END 2013, 2013 Calendar Year Payroll Operations and Leave Processing, PAYROLL PROCESSING - CALENDAR YEAR-END 2012, Fixed Asset Accounting and Control (FAACS), Remittance Electronic Data Interchange (REDI) Virginia, Subrecipient Monitoring Secure Portal (SMSP), Statewide Financial Management and Compliance (Quarterly Report), Environmental Impact Report for Agencies & Institutions, Virginia Truth in Revenue Source Reporting, American Rescue Plan Act Recovery Plan Report, Agency Risk Management and Internal Control Standards (ARMICS), Financial Statement Directives and Authoritative Guidance, Fixed Asset Accounting and Control (FAACS) Monthly Production Schedule, Statewide Indirect Cost Allocation Plan (SICAP), Agency Strategic Planning and Performance, Payments to Mission Square Outside of HCM for MOFs, 2022 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, General Guidelines for July 2022 Salary Increase, 2022 Fiscal Year-End Processing: Release 3 Agencies, 2022 Calendar Year Payroll Operations and Leave Processing, Payroll Production and Certification Schedules, CALENDAR YEAR-END 2021 - Reconciliation and Certification, PAYROLL PROCESSING - CALENDAR YEAR-END 2021, Dependent Care Deductions in Excess of IRS Max, 2021 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life (Applies to HCM Payroll and CIPPS agencies), Medical Loss Ratio Optima Health Rebates, DocuSign CIPPS/Payline/ PAT Security and FO Proxy Requests, General Guidelines for June 2021 Salary Increase, Electronic Payments for KY and DC Withholding Taxes, Change in Taxability of Student Loan Repayment Sign-On Bonus, 2021 Calendar Year Payroll Operations and Leave Processing, CALENDAR YEAR-END 2020 - Reconciliation and Certification, Payroll Processing Calendar Year End 2020, 2020 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, Wage Employees with Defined Contributions Update Employment Separation Date in EZLink, Update to IRS Lock In Letter Changes for 2020, Employees Eligible for 457 Deferred Comp Plan, Quarterly Certification/Reconciliation Reminders, Virginia State Employee Loan Program Reminders, Temporary Workforce Reduction (TWFR) Payroll Guidelines, Payroll Operations Calendar June December 2020, Emergency Family & Medical Leave Expansion Act, Direct Deposit Mandate Effective Immediately, Special Pay Code for Public Health Emergency Leave, Auto-Escalation for Hybrid Voluntary Contributions Effective January 1, 2020, 2020 Calendar Year Payroll Operations and Leave Processing, Reminder Net Pay Direct Deposit Policy, Payroll Processing Calendar Year End 2019, Summary of Quarterly and Year-to-Date Reports, Change in Process for Handling Unadjudicated Flex Account Claims, 2019 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, Change in Refunding Employee Healthcare Premiums, Non Cash Recruitment Bonus Processing (SP 057), Change in Cert Deadline for July 5 Bi-Weekly Pay Date, Payroll Operations Calendar June November 2019, New Quarterly Certification Procedures and Forms, Attachment HE-6 Optional Retirement Plans Data Retrieval, 2019 Calendar Year Payroll Operations and Leave Processing, Payroll Processing Calendar Year End 2018, Reclassification of Taxable Income for Flex Reimbursement Card Payments, 2018 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, New Special Pay 057 - Non Cash Recruitment Bonus, Guidelines for Issuing Employee IDs for New Hires, New Parental Leave Codes (CIPPS Leave Agencies), Employee Loan Reminders/Change in Handling Returns, New Virginia529 (VA529) Payroll Deduction Assistant, Payroll Operations Calendar June November, 2018, CIPPS Conversion Requirements for Person Data, SUI Reporting for Employees Working Out of State, U190 VNAV/CIPPS Duplicate Transactions Report, 2018 Calendar Year Payroll Operations and Leave Processing, Enhancements to the VNAV to CIPPS Interface, PMIS Role Codes for Political Appointees in DHRM Job Classification, VRS to Automate Enrollments to Fidelity and DCP, Holiday Schedule for Bi-Weekly Wage Certification, Changes to SUI Gross and SUI Taxable Calculations, Payroll Processing Calendar Year End 2017, 2017 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, General Guidelines for September 2017 Salary Increase, Payline Garnishment & Vendor/Payee Request Reminders, U053/U077 PMIS/CIPPS Data Discrepancy Reports Run Schedule, Payroll Operations Calendar - June - November, 2017, Bi-Weekly Certification Schedule and Update, Monitoring 401(a)(17) Compensation Limits for ORPHE, "VRS-VSDP-Worker's Compensation and Payroll-Exploring the Jungle", Hybrid Employee 457 Contribution Fact Sheet, Auto Escalation for Hybrid Voluntary Contributions Effective January 1, 2017, Changes to Optional Retirement Plan for Higher Education Effective January 1, 2017, Mandatory Bi-Weekly Pay Cycles for Hourly Employees Required by FY18, 2016 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, Fiscal Officer Proxy for Payroll Certifications, Payroll Operations Calendar - June - November, 2016, CIPPS/FINDS No Longer Available When CARS Decommissioned, Developing a Basic In-House Training Program, 2015 Imputed Income for Terminated OPR Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, Collection of Flexible Reimbursement Funds Outside of Payroll, General Guidelines for August 2015 Salary Increase, Hybrid Request For Adjustment Review Form, Deduction Refunds: Employer along with Employee, Weight Watcher Reimbursements -- New Schedule, Reminder: Deferred Comp/Annuity Deductions from WC/STD-WC Benefits, Best Practice: Healthcare Payment from LWOP/WTA Employees, Roth 457 - Additional Supplemental Retirement Option, Changes in State Payroll Operations Staffing, Payroll Operations Calendar - June - November 2015, Earnings Reclassification with Reciprocal State Taxation, 2014 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, Administrative Fee on Hybrid, 457 and Cash Match Adjustments, PMIS to CIPPS Interface Enhancement: New Hires, VRS Hybrid Opt-in for Plan 1 State Employees, Deferred Compensation Processing Reminders, VRS Deduction Reminder - Less Than 12 Month Employees, Payroll Operations Calendar - June - November, 2014, Newest Member of State Payroll Operations, Virginia State Employee Loan Program (VSELP) Changes, Revised Payroll Operations Calendars, March - May, 2013 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, Name (e.g. WCAG 2.0 FOIA, Main: (804) 225-3038 Virginia Department of Accounts 101 North 14th Street, 2nd Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219-3638 (804) 225-3038 click on the. Hover over to find out more about who we are! document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Fax: (804) 371-8587, Department of Accounts Report on Statewide Financial Management and Compliance 7. Reportline This message will appear, Send new password to my agency (00215) Payroll and HR Officers. Requires the entry of first 3 letters of [your] last name: _____. Only persons authorized shall be allowed access to this system. Voice: (804) 225-2257 suffix) and Address Formatting Requirements, VRS Benefit Corrections Policy for Administrative Errors (not Insufficient Funds), Health Care/Automated Update Changes for July 1, 2013, Change in Utility Field for Pre-tax Deductions, Payroll Operations Calendar - June - November, 2013, PAT 1500 Hour Reports Adjusted for Affordable Care Act Changes, VRS Processing for Adjustments Occurring Before October 2012, Special Considerations for ORP Eligible Employees During the Election Period, Interpreting the Automated Reconciliation Reports, How to Process the Automated VRS Reconciliation, 2012 Imputed Income for Terminated ORP Participants Eligible for Continued Group Life, Reclass of Taxable Income for Flex Reimbursement Card Payments, VRS Policy Change - Long-Term Disability Deduction, VRS Policy Change - 60-Day Election Period for ORP Eligible Employees, VRS Modernization - No Payment Process Required for CIPPS Agencies, VRS Modernization - Working Examples Updated, VRS Modernization Changes - Part 4 of a Series, Insufficient Funds for Member Contribution, Review Online Pending File Employer's Statement of Wage Earnings, New VRS Legislation Prompts "Act Now Campaign", Modified Calculation Spreadsheets Reflecting VRS Modernization Rules, VRS Modernization Changes - Part 3 of a Series, Processing Instructions - VRS Modernization, VRS Modernization Changes - Part 2 of a Series, Less than 12 Month Employee Transition Period 8/10-24/2012, VRS Modernization Changes - Part 1of a Series, Retro Payments for Earnings Prior to 6/25/12, U075 - Flex Reimbursement Account Error Report Runs Each Pay Period, Deduction End Date for Plan Year 12 Flexible Reimbursements, Changes to Deductions for Flexible Spending Accounts, Important Garnishment Fee Processing Change Effective June 13th, Processing Child Support and Garnishment Fees, New Report Writer Report 907 - Missing Child Support Fees, Group Life Processing When Employees Retire During the Severance Benefit Period, Quarterly Reporting with Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), Payroll Operations Calendar - June - November, 2012, New Support/Garnishment Processing Features, PAT 1500 Reports - Employees with Multiple EIN Records, Processing Assistance for CIPPS or Payline, Updated VSDP and Pay Dock Spreadsheets Available on Web, Health Care Incentives to be Paid through CIPPS, Additional "Deactivate VRS Deductions" Retirement Codes, FY 12 Retirement Rate Changes Effective 3/25/12, H0BUO Required Fields - Contract Length and Number of Pays, Pay Type "3" for Non-Benefited Flat Rate Employees, Why Refunds for Weight Watcher Fees are Taxable Income, New Tax Laws - Employees who Live and Work in Pennsylvania, Health Insurance Plan Awards/Incentives are Taxable Income, Collection of VRS Benefit Amounts over Contract Period, Reclassification of Taxable Income for Flexible Reimbursement Card Payments, Deferred Compensation and Optional Retirement Plan Errors, Elimination of Health Insurance Codes for LWOP, LT code on HMCU1 turns off Imputed Life on H10AS, IRS Qualified Transportation and Commuter/Transit Pass Limits for 2012, Taxability of Cell Phone Stipends/Allowances, Retirement Code LT Deactivates Optional Group Life, Disposable Earnings: Solution Includes Mandatory Retirement Deductions, Contract Lengths - 9, 10, 11 Month Employees, New Field for Group Insurance and Retiree Credit Only, Prior Service Credit for VSDP Work-Related Short-Term Disability, 60 Day Election Period for ORP Eligible Employees, Social Security Number Protection Act and IRS Payment Agreements, Understanding Creditable Compensation & Report 869, How Creditable Compensation Affects CIPPS Processing, Retirement Contributions When Pay is Docked, Coming Soon - Other Transactions Affecting Retirement Contributions, Special Pay 075, Dock & Ben and Special Pay 076, Dock Pay, Deferred Comp Enrollment for Employees Re-Hired from WTA-Status, How to Process Retirement Plan Code Corrections, New - Report 869 - Employees Not Paying Member-Portion Retirement Contributions, Change in Benefit Base for Retirement Calculations, Creditor Garnishments - Disposable Income, Tracking Recognition Leave Earned - 4/22/11, Payroll Processing - Fiscal Year-End 2011, Payroll Operations Calendar - June - November, 2011, Social Security Number Protection Act of 2010, Garnishment Processing - Disposable Income, Special Processing for Prior Year FICA Tax Adjustments, Reduction in Miscellaneous Fields in CIPPS. 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