SCHROEDER: When you`re in a game room like a, and you`re talking to people, you can also pull to a little side table, and your little avatar can actually go to the side and you can have a private chat to talk one-on-one which is -- GRACE: You mean the fake people talk to other fake people? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Calls herself a beautiful 18-year-old blonde. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the world of cyberspace, it was just one chance encounter. I`m Nancy Grace. ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Yes, Nancy. We are taking your calls. Miss Schroeder, thank you for being with us. Rather, it was Jessi's mother, Mary Shieler who opened the door to the officers. So shocked a mother could do this, so pissed she can't be charged with anything. But how does the young 22-year-old, the real kid in this picture, the 22-year-old Brian Barrett, who ends up dead, how does he get into the love triangle? Many tasks have been easier to complete as a result of the development of the internet and various social media platforms; nevertheless, this has also led to an increase in the number of crimes committed. Don`t take Tommy!" Aug. 27, 2011 -- The Internet is known as a breeding ground for illicit affairs between people often hiding behind fake names and handles. Ken did such an outstanding job of narration that I don't even want to watch the series. Just 22 years old. Why not a conspiracy charge? So he went through this whole charade, and she manipulated and kept egging him on and kept luring him back in, drove him crazier than some people feel that he already was. Mary Shieler also pursued an education -- she took classes at a community college in West Virginia. How do we create a person's profile? "And on his way back, he was saying, 'I'm going right past your house. Austin Lee Edwards, 28, of North Chesterfield, Virginia. BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, he`s perverse obsessed and he has a compulsion, and the underlying compulsion is to create the sense of the ideal life, love and admiration, and he needs it constantly like a fix. She is not tall, hot, blond. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "That is up to you, Jessi. Wish you had a better relationship? And then the tipping point. Jessi flirted with Barrett, whom she goaded into humiliating Montgomery at work and online. We went camping for the weekend and came home Sunday morning, and realized when we walked through the door something was wrong because Brian had not been home to feed the cats. (CROSSTALK) GRACE: Peter. SCHROEDER: Well, in talking -- we actually talked with Mary Shieler after all this happened, and I asked her, you know, how -- what were you thinking, and he was her justification for lying online. However, fate caught up with him as his wife Cindy found a package that 'Jessi' had sent to Montgomery which led her to his secret pile of photos, underwear and letters from West Virginia. However, what Jessi, whose online name was Tallhotblonde, didn't know was that her 'sweet sexy Marine' was actually a 46-year-old married father of two from Clarence, in upstate New York. She was wrong for cheating on her husband. I want to go out to Jean Casarez, joining us tonight, legal correspondent, "In Session." Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Go ahead, Nancy, I`m sorry. So -- (CROSSTALK) GRACE: Off the physical computer itself. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? TALHOTBLONDBIG50: Life was so much better when you were my Tommy. 22:15 GMT 23 Jun 2012 After that, Cindy sent a response to Jessi that included a snapshot of them. Was there any way to have saved the victim in this case, Brian Barrett? david kramer landlord ithaca; melissa carone testimony video; are robert chambers parents alive 1. Why don`t you try being an adult now, and you tell me why! She keeps luring him back in. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you first see it come up and she says hello, and it says Talhotblond, what are you thinking? Late one night after leaving work, Brian Barrett was shot to death, executed with a sniper rifle. MARINESNIPER1000: Then you begged Brian to stay with you when he told you to leave him alone? Passed away after a short illness. Learn About Thomas Montgomery Documentary - Talhotblond Talhotblond is a 2009 documentary that apprehends an Internet love triangle story that resulted in a real-life murder. Online-bullied Montgomery after it came out that he had lied about his identity, and encouraged Brian to do the same. That is a formidable injury. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "So it`s time for Tommy to be put to rest." Larry Getlen is a regular contributor to the New York Post, and has also written for Radar, Maxim, Variety, and Esquire. We know all about getting text messages, but how do police go back and obtain, for instance, chat room transcripts? Our son was just a great kid. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Biography submission guide. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "No, Tom." I guess it kinda makes sense for the Montgomery's attourney to go after Shieler but holy hell how does the show allow that kind of bigotry and idiocy?! Montgomery began to go into a downward spiral. He chose to kill someone; she didn't make him do it. GRACE: OK. That`s what an avatar is, like your little mascot, right? Jan. 31, 2018. Telling her what had happened and how they desperately needed to speak to Jessi, Shieler broke down in a wail of tears and confessed her whole elaborate deception of Montgomery and Barrett. Again, don't get me wrong, she was absolutely fucking wrong for lying about who she was. Montgomery and Shieler were both lonely people who reached their mid-forties with their best days behind them, who then created deadly deceptions in the hopes of recapturing the glory of youth, and of finding real intimacy by fervently denying their true selves. Mary Shieler (Shieler) Morbid: A True Crime Podcast (@AMorbidPodcast) November 22, 2021 There is a striking resemblance between the profile image and the handle detail of a lovely girl who was 18 years old and played both basketball and softball. Like, hard. A West Virginia senior in high school, a softball player, calls herself Tallhotblond on line, takes to the Internet to strike up a romance in a teen chat room with Marinesniper, a handsome 18-year-old set to deploy to Iraq. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know. Encouraged and enjoyed the drama and attention she got from having two guys get jealous and fight over her. And in the end she`s a -- I guess a worthless piece of meat out there, and a civil suit would do nothing. ELEANOR ODOM, FELONY PROSECUTOR, DEATH PENALTY QUALIFIED: Well, the law just doesn`t -- GRACE: Aiding or abetting. Jessi texted him at the last minute not to visit, but Montgomery, who had learned of the plan to meet, was incensed. mary shieler interview. When Tallhotblonde began instant messaging Montgomery on a gaming chat room site, the Sunday School teacher was concerned about how it would look if he replied. You`re not going to forgive this one." Jessi told Montgomery they were through, and seemed to take up with Barrett again. Her daughter had never communicated with either of the men. E. ODOM: I agree, Nancy. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Giving himself the moniker 'MarineSniper', Montgomery told 'Jessi' that he was a young, handsome Iraq-bound Marine, while she claimed to be a softball-playing high school senior from West Virignia. I mean, that`s -- that`s really how I see this. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "It`s not worth it anymore." UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don`t go creeping up on me like that, Carol. The documentary Talhotblond was released in 2009 and examines a love triangle scenario that originated on the Internet and led to a real-life homicide. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What on earth are you doing on there? But as the investigators dig deeper, they discover that the killer isn't the only one who pretended to be someone he's not. At one point, Montgomery told Jessi that Barrett had "made a very deadly enemy," and that by continuing contact with him, "u have done what I feared mostturned my heart ice cold." I just keep feeling a sense of injustice, Mr. Barrett. They were a team, inseparable, getting nails done together and prom shopping for not just one, but two dresses. "That it would end, fall off and that would be the end of it.". They say that she "drove" him to commit the murder, that she's responsible for what happened, and that she should be put in prison for what she did. 51w. But there`s just one problem. That`s what they are. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tallhotblond. MARINESNIPER1000: After what I read, you don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about me or your Tommy. GRACE: OK. Barbara Schroder, you interviewed this guy behind bars. Funeral Home Services for Mary are being provided by Dodd Payne Hess Funeral Home. Thomas Montgomery Murder: Where Are Jessi Shieler And Mary Shieler Right Now? Infuriating Press J to jump to the feed. But there seems to be no suggestion as to what such laws would look like from lawmakers in New York. But when police arrived at her home, they were in for another surprise: A woman named Mary Shieler opened the door. They each think that they`re communicating with a hot teen on the other end. It escalated to full fledged uncontrollable rage when he overheard Brian tell co-workers that "talhotblond' had chosen him, Brian, to "pop her cherry. She was actually a 45-year-old part-time secretary with a teen daughter. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "I wish I had a perfect life like you and Brian do. To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." I can`t explain it, Carol. GRACE: worked together. The DVD will be released in January 2013. They`re out there -- GRACE: That doesn`t mean it`s right. It was later discovered that Shieler had flirted online, as 'Jessi', with other men too, and once pointed a videocamera up her unaware daughter's skirt for a video she sent to several men with the question, 'guys, do you like it?'. But all of the defense that was aimed at Montgomery would have been much more appropriate to aim at Shieler. "), there has been no legal recourse to try Shieler, who has said she plans to write a book about the dangers of the Internet. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. talhotblond portrayed herself to be an 18-year-old high school student. Plus: Check out more of the latest entertainment, fashion, and culture coverage on Sexy Beastphotos, videos, features, and Tweets. He portrayed two characters on the acclaimed HBO series "Deadwood": Jack McCall and Francis Wolcott. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); HolySmoke provides a reviewer toolkit, platform, and communication setup for consumers, concerned citizens and bloggers to collaborate, investigate and publish in-depth reviews and analyses without the risk of any retribution. Daddy wasn`t playing poker on line. GRACE: Thank you. GRACE: Not what I asked. Talhotblond told Thomas Montgomery her name was Jessi, and said she was a softball-playing high school senior from West Virginia. Tallhotblond set in motion a chain of events, the natural result of which had to be murder, and she knew it. She actually sent this guy her daughter`s underwear. Her husband divorced her over her deception and her daughter Jessi cut ties too, moving in with relatives in Virginia, where she was attending college. It`s actually almost laughable until that on-line teen love affair ends in murder. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. We had a gentleman running it out his computer company and we actually went back and we`re able to retrieve all that to get him terminated from his job. Then she made a startling confession. Theme: jennifer by SiloCreativo. The Internet is known as a breeding ground for illicit affairs between people often hiding behind fake names and handles. "I mean, it oftentimes shocked me when I saw the names that he would call her.". TALHOTBLONDBIG50: I know. In reality, Montgomery, of Buffalo, N.Y., was a balding 46-year old married father of two. SCHROEDER: Yes, that`s where Thomas Montgomery started playing his game. A Pretend Web Romance, Then a Real-Life Murder 22-Year-Old New York Man Murdered After Being Drawn Into Internet Love Triangle He was later arrested, pleaded guilty to murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison. And the minute it goes away, he tries to neutralize it by getting it back again. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How would I know? He was having an on-line love affair with who he believed to be Tallhotblond, a teen girl. And on weekends, him and his best buddy, Joe, would get together and do what 22-year-olds do in western New York, find a place that serves chicken wings and maybe a beer and a pool table. It`s not true." Mary sent her prey sexy red silk g-strings and love notes. You didn`t commit a crime. Do you miss it. Why they`re not looking at her GRACE: She knew that they PETER ODOM: is just amazing to me. She continued her talking to Montgomery online: Marinesniper: my heart aches to hear you call me your tommie, Marinesniper: i wish i could be that 19 yr old marine for u, "In his mind, this was the jackpot," said Barbara Schroeder, who documented the bizarre relationship in a documentary called "Talhotblond." Part of HuffPost Wellness. I'll just play the game with her,' said Montgomery, whose tragic story has now been turned into a Lifetime Movie directed by 'Friends' Courtney Cox. You must log in or register to reply here. Bookkeeper 1942-1943. This is my husband. I`m concerned about the on-line temptress, Tallhotblond, the 45-year-old -- let`s see Tallhotblond, the 45-year-old -- come on. And for two years, they carry on about having sex and being nude and the magic, blah, blah, never knowing that each other is lying? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The electronic love triangle soon becomes very real when the furious rivalry ends in cold-blooded murder. Montgomery pled guilty to first degree manslaughter and was sentenced to 20 years, although he's now appealing, claiming that his plea was coerced. 14K 1MM OVAL CABLE CHAIN. Mary was thrilled with all the attention. So did you say I will tell you GRACE: It`s not legally crazy. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just to reiterate what the specialist just said -- I saw the documentary and Courtney Cox`s (ph) movie. "They were then going into these chat rooms, and letting people know that he was actually 47 years old," said Case. 'MarineSniper' and 'Talhotblond's' IMs - a 47yo married man (who pretended to be 18), murdered his 22yo co-worker over a love triangle with "Jessi", an "18 year old girl" whose screen name was talhotblond. A West Virginia senior in high school, a softball player -- she calls herself Tallhotblond on line -- takes to the Internet. GRACE: Wow. JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": That`s the most important part of the story, Nancy, because Talhotblond, she`s instant messaging one night Montgomery, and lo and behold who`s on the computer but Montgomery`s daughter. JOHN LUCICH, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR, PRESIDENT, E FORENSICS: Well, unfortunately, depending upon what that person has done to that computer, it may or may not be retrievable. Fate finally took a hand. What -- how did he strike you? What the fuck! UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Stare." GRACE: Well, you`re accurate about that. This woman certainly started GRACE: I never called it that. do frozen strawberries have bugs; top 10 strongest dinosaurs in dinosaur king; why did michael gallant leave er For the movie, Mary Shieler's name was changed to Beth Brooks, played by Molly Hagan, pictured here. "Unfortunately in New York State, you have to do a little something more to be criminally liable.". Watch the Documentary about Thomas Montgomery Called Talhotblond for More Information. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "I`m leaving." And let me tell you something. So I`m a little bit shocked that she wasn`t charged with those crimes. In 2005, a jealous 46 year old machinist and Sunday School teacher named Thomas Montgomery killed a younger coworker, Brian Barrett. PETER ODOM: Yes, Nancy. The pair then seduced each other for months, as "Tommy" shared tales of combat in Fallujah, which Montgomery learned about by watching the news, while Jessi sent sizzling bikini photos and a split heart pendent that said "Jessi and Tommy forever." Talhotblond who professes to be a beautiful young teen girl, she`s actually a 45-year-old secretary, and she`s using her teen daughter`s photos to lure this kid online. In March 2006, Montgomery told "20/20" one of his daughters was using his computer when Jessi happened to instant message him. Mary Shieler currently lives in Ronceverte, WV; in the past Mary has also lived in Oak Hill WV. It was herdumpy 45-year-old housewife Mary Shielerwho used sexy photos of her own daughter to seduce both men, including having cybersex with them using her daughter's name and image, and eventually driving one to murder the other. BARRETT: Well, we were gone for the weekend. Three hours, you two were talking about me." They should both stew in the same pot together, Peter Odom! But there`s only one problem. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "Tom, stop! Brian Bennett just involuntarily gets included, and Montgomery decides, I`m going to take somebody out allegedly, and I`m going to kill him so I can get Jessi back. Jean, you didn`t tell me he was impotent. Thomas' coworker, Brian Barrett, a handsome man of 22. He is moving to West Virginia to be with the love of his life.'. "I kept thinking, well, we're never going to meet. I`m not going to bother, since you are a famous producer. I'd love to get together.'". By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Together, Brian and "Jessi" bean to expose Thomas' in the chatrooms they had . And she`s not, either. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "What would you do?" CASAREZ: That`s the way I understand the facts, yes. Mary Shieler didn't come away unscathed. One where SHE used her daughter's pictures, videos and underwear to lure men into a sex charged Internet web of lies. By all accounts, Mary Shieler was a perfect mother, one who loved and spoiled her breathtakingly beautiful teenage daughter Jessi. "Brian will pay in blood," Montgomery instant messaged Jessi at one point. The heartbroken Jessi sought revenge by befriending, in the same chat room, a 22-year-old co-worker of Montgomery's named Brian Barrett (IM handle: beefcake), for whom Montgomery had been a mentor. It's just yeah, that whole thing was just insane. She`s a 45-year-old secretary. I call it malice murder. 37w. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Montgomery`s wife Cindy (ph) discovers her husband`s terrible secret. Prosecutors said their discovery of Montgomery's DNA on a peach pit found at the crime scene and a photo of Montgomery family's gun cabinet -- which showed the type of old military rifle that police believe was used to shoot Barrett -- were key to their case against Montgomery. TALHOTBLONDBIG50: No, I remember. Now that's FUBAR. Ruth Shuler Dieter: Student 1937-1940. Peter Odom, what is a 46-year-old man doing trolling online for 18- year-old girls while his wife is upstairs asleep and his two daughters are asleep? This is the photo he used on line. SCHROEDER: Sadly, after he -- after he killed Brian. "There was virtual sex going on in there between her and Tommy," he said. Catfishing, trolling/causing drama, and online-bullying are all super-common on the Internet. like pictures her daughter had taken for her boyfriend at the time. GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army 1st Lieutenant Jared Southworth, 26, Oakland, Illinois, killed, Afghanistan. 'Brian will pay in blood,' wrote Montgomery at one point to 'Jessi'. GRACE: She sent her daughter- Kirby, before you`re polluted by Peter Odom on this one, let me just try to reason with you. It was later learned that Shieler had flirted online, as Jessi, with other men as well, even once having pointed a videocamera up her daughter's skirt for a video she sent to several men with the question, "guys, do you like it?". Montgomery, using the handle "marinesniper," sent talhotblonda lithe, fresh-faced 18-year-old West Virginia girl named Jessia 30-year-old picture of himself in military dress. And she sees this instant message seductive from a woman, she tells her own mother who is Montgomery`s wife, Marinesniper`s wife. As police questioned Mary Shieler, she revealed a shocking truth: She was the one who had been sending messages to Thomas Montgomery and Brian Barrett, under the handle: "Talhotblond." They found out Jessi resides in Oak Hill WV she had no clue about the communication. She poses as a teen on line, and on line seduces what she believes to be another teen, pictured here. This is the victim, Brian Barrett, 22 years old, gunned down. GRACE: You can call it "starting stuff" all you want to. That's why his impulse toward her was murderousfrom a psychological perspective, she engaged in cyber homicide.". Talhotblond for more Information and underwear to lure men into a sex charged Internet web lies. From having two guys get jealous and fight over her. `` Jean, you have to do little! Brian will pay in blood, ' I 'm going right past your house `. N'T make him do it. `` ken did such an outstanding job of narration that I do n't want! They should both stew in the world of cyberspace, it was one. 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mary shieler interview