The book comprises 27 paintings and 27 poems After months of hard work Grantlea Downs School celebrated the opening of its sensory footpath last Friday. If you are not convinced we can try to get this on reliable sources noticeboard. [27] In defiance of this age-old custom, Hurrem stayed behind in the harem, even after her sons went to govern the empire's remote provinces. Glbahar (given name) 1500s births. Doug Weller talk 15:40, 12 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], The Haseki Sultan was chief consort, and Hrrem Sultan was Sleyman's. Give me one name of the mother of potential heir to the throne (like mustafa) who wasn't called Sultana after 1500. WebHello my dear friends!I'm glad to see you on my channel. She learns about the pregnancy of Nigar Kalfa through Gulsah and she informs Hatice Sultan of his husband's unfaithfulness. Please see meaning of "Birinci Kadin" in whatever Ottoman Dictionary you like. [11] She was to bear the majority of Suleiman's children. | Ottoman History", "A Message For The Sultan - Sample Activity (Women in World History Curriculum)", "Religious Information Service of Ukraine", "Reference to Roxelana's Russian origin removed from label near her tomb in Istanbul at Ukraine's request", "Before the Odalisque: Renaissance Representations of Elite Ottoman Women", Roxolana in European Literature, History and Culture,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing cleanup from December 2022, Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from December 2022, Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from December 2022, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles containing Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)-language text, Articles containing Ukrainian-language text, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, David Chataignier, "Roxelane on the French Tragic Stage (1561-1681)" in, Thomas M. Prymak, "Roxolana: Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent,", Galina Yermolenko, "Roxolana: The Greatest Empresse of the East,". Who were her parents? Pathetic joke!! Little Prince Mehmet (named after Mustafas half-brother) wasexecuted at just six years old. Breaking Ottoman tradition, he married Hurrem, making her his legal wife. Scholars thus agree that European artists created a visual identity for Ottoman women that was largely imagined. Mahidevran tried to save her only grandson, but she failed again. (talk) 05:26, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Excuse me one more time. Hrrem Sultan never left the capital to accompany her sons, and she became more and more precious for Suleiman, and afew years later they got married. This did not, however, prevent Hurrem from wielding powerful political influence. With this letter, Hurrem sent Sigismund II the gift of two pairs of linen shirts and pants, some belts, six handkerchiefs, and a hand-towel, with a promise to send a special linen robe in the future. Mahidevran played a great role during her sons education as governor. Moreover, he was famous for his generosity and fair decisions. Please don't get personal here it's just a talk page. She was in the second rank after Hafsa Sultan(Valide Sultan) in the harem according to the Ottoman tradition. His wife Kay announced via Facebook: I am sorry to make a People have done a great job depicting fake ottoman culture. I called both the contributor and the gallery to show any link to Rosne and so far I get none. On the case of Roxelana, it was a nickname she was given that didn't elevate or lowered her status and wasn't a direct reflection of Ottoman culture but more of the influence she had on history. But with the same decree, Mustafa was appointed to govern Konya (middle Anatolia). Mahidevran Sultan probably had a stillborn child or short-lived daughter somewhere between 1521 and 1524. A portrait of Roxelana in the British Royal Collection, c. 160070, A painting of Hurrem Sultan by a follower of Titian, 16th century, Roxelana and Sleyman the Magnificent by the German baroque painter Anton Hickel, (1780), Engraving by Johann Theodor de Bry, (1596), 16th century oil on wood painting of Hurrem Sultan, Tribute to Roxelana on 1997 Ukrainian postage stamp, Serlevha (illuminated frontispiece) from the Endowment Charter (Waqfiyya) pertaining to the architectural complex commissioned by Hrrem Sultan in the Aksaray district of Istanbul. [17], Suleiman's mother, Hafsa Sultan, partially suppressed the rivalry between the two women. (besides, you don't mention Turkish among the languages you speak)--Phso2 (talk) 10:22, 25 December 2015 (UTC)Reply[reply], The Word Birinci Kadin means "First Lady" as in (respected) wife of reigning king, not "First Woman". 63), an opera by Denys Sichynsky, a ballet, plays, and several novels written mainly in Russian and Ukrainian, but also in English, French, German and Polish. New Zealand Either way, this was another significant break from established customs, as Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror had specifically issued a decree to the effect that no women would be allowed to reside in the same building where government affairs were conducted. This tells how important and high ranking Birinci Kadins were (see any ottoman dictionary you like to see what Birinci Kadin means and what was their positions in early history of Ottoman.) All these authors could've have used this phrase simply because they didn't know what the real father's name was, like I said "this name was and is very common for any royal family as well as a common family in any Islamic dynasty." In the 20112014 TV series Muhteem Yzyl, Hurrem Sultan is portrayed by Turkish-German actress Meryem Uzerli from seasons one to three. In 1553, Mustafa was very famous in Anatolia. "Sultan" had many meanings throughout history and did reflect the status and the way of interacting of the times; if we want to accurately depict history then, at last, she's a "hatun". Hurrem or Khorram (Persian: ) means "the joyfull one" in Persian. (talk) 01:47, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], I beg to differ, in many books (arts, literature whatever you may call) she has been known as Sultana. [22] Nurbanu died in December 1583. In his 1551 letter to Sigismund II concerning the embassy of Piotr Opaliski, Suleiman wrote that the Ambassador had seen "Your sister and my wife." .mw-parser-output .brokenref{display:none}Cite error: There are tags on this page, but the references will not show without a {{reflist|group=note}} template (see the help page). Moreover, she is referred to as "Mahidevran Sultan" in popular history books, TV series and touristic literature. [25], After the death of Suleiman's mother, Hafsa Sultan, in 1534, Hurrem became the most trusted news source of Suleiman. ?--Phso2 (talk) 21:39, 26 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply]. commercial banks of the capitalist states book; nicholas martin roosevelt; beiersdorf cleveland, tn closing; the difference between body, soul and spirit She had a Kira who acted as her secretary and intermediary on several occasions, although the identity of the kira is uncertain (it may have been Strongilah[39] or Esther Handali[citation needed]). Her influence with Suleiman made her one of the most powerful women in Ottoman history and in the world at that time. As Mulkhurub Bahar Idarovna blossomed into an eye dazzling beauty, her father saw this as an opportunity to strengthen the political relationship between the Caucasus and Ottoman Dynasty. Mahidevran Turbesi6.jpg 315 470; 18 KB. Therefore they can't be used. [34], Although the stories about Hurrem's role in executions of Ibrahim, Mustafa, and Kara Ahmed are very popular, actually none of them are based on first-hand sources. The leading cause of death in subjects with preserved EF was noncardiovascular disease (49%) versus coronary heart disease (43%) for subjects with reduced EF. "The Speech of Ibrahim at the Coronation of Maximilian II", Thomas Conley. Yet they were called Sultana for being Sultan's Kadins (Wives) You have a very little knowledge you are only referring to a few (if not one) online source and claiming that was it. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:44, 12 June 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply], If the modifiers of this page can identify this reference, then please update. She was the grandmother of Murad III. -Le temps viendra (talk) 22:32, 10 March 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], Clear this matter Le temps Viendra Khondoker Jobair (talk) 05:03, 12 March 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], Mentioned her survival possible after Hurrem a death is not sound real. This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. # 9. However, I added ""the most convincing theory"" was wrong I admit, therefore, I have changed that. She was the chief consort of Suleiman before the appearance of Hrrem Sultan. Hurrem and Mahidevran had borne Suleiman six ehzades (Ottoman princes), four of whom survived past the 1550s: Mehmed, Selim, Bayezid, and Cihangir. Hurrem and Mahidevran were 2 main consorts. Also, she became an important symbol of how ottoman consorts never had a permanent position in Harem and politics as it was only after Mahidevran with whom the Ottoman started respecting their royal consorts, it is obvious, that when Hurrem Sultan was given such elevation the same time the mother of heir apparent was alive and living in the Harem, that Mahidevran was also considered as Sultan's family member and hence the title. Where are the administrators of this page anyway? The poem in the show was written by Mustafa's companion, Yayha Bey. In real life, Yayha Bey also did write a poem too. So it was not Suleiman himse About the recently revived edit war on the Origins of Mahidevran, I would like to clear that I am not a descendant of Mahidevran, I just came across the Genealogy document and thought it was rather convincing one. [2][3][4][5] She has been known by this title since Nurbano's time. And there is lots of lots of doubts about the title of this woman. Sources indicate that Hurrem Sultan was originally from Ruthenia, which was then part of the Polish Crown. Please stop making assumptions and accept the facts, this article needs to be changed to only Mahidevran, and all the theories and speculations, and doubted accounts can remain in an subtitle, because "doubt" and "speculation" do nothing to educate and help people. Uzunarl, smail Hakk; Karal, Enver Ziya (1975). Despite Mahidevrans warnings, he stayed in close contact with the other princes. Categories: 1500 births. Let's figure it out.#sultantv #ottomanempire #magnificentcentury #ottomanempirehistory (talk) 13:40, 4 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], I agree with the latest proposal. (talk) 23:52, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], First of all, those references you've cited are: 1) popular culture based books 2) recent and based on art and theatrical depictions; as such, these references are unfounded and misinformed when it comes to Ottoman history. She was the first imperial consort to receive the title Haseki Sultan. In a play entitled The Holy League, Titian appears on stage at the Venetian Senate, and stating that he has just come from visiting the Sultan, displays his painting of Sultana Rossa or Roxelana. Hurrem died on 15 April 1558 due to an unknown illness and was buried in a domed mausoleum (trbe) decorated in exquisite Iznik tiles depicting the garden of paradise, perhaps in homage to her smiling and joyful nature. Likewise Abdullah Frres's children were not slaves by nature. She's a hatun, not a legal wife, still had similar privilege as a haseki, her son didn't become sultan: all the facts point to her not being officially a sultana. Including those of John Freely. You can infer and speculate and theorize all you want, but history is history and I find it highly disrespectful and arrogant that you think your abstractions are worth more than the reality of events. When Suleiman freed and married her, she became the Haseki Sultan (adding the word sultan to a woman's name or title indicated that she was a part of the dynasty). Why not any other Hatun has that article differences. Also, a Sultana was a woman in Sultan's family, being a mother of heir apparent living in the Harem at the same time the title Haseki was used for Hurrem, it can be asserted that she was also called Sultana, due to the fact that in her time (when Hurrem came along) Sultana title was already started being used for royal consorts regardless if they were haseki or not, see example of Mahfiruz Hatice Sultan, who was niether haseki nor Valide. [36] In Jerusalem she established the Haseki Sultan Imaret in 1552, a public soup kitchen to feed the poor,[37] which was said to have fed at least 500 people twice a day. In the Ottoman imperial family tradition, a sultan's consort was to remain in the harem only until her son came of age (around 16 or 17), after which he would be sent away from the capital to govern a faraway province, and his mother would follow him. Hope you got my point. Again it's just my opinion to me it looks like a fact. She is known to be a legal wife before Hurrem Sultan, but not so popular since Hurrem Sultan was the first "slave" to become a legal wife, hence, only Hurrem's being a legal wife is so popular. And Mahidevran was the proud mother of Sehzade Mustafa,who was the most potential and talented heir apparent to the throne.And Mahidevran was not like the other Consorts of Suleiman,like Gulfem or Fulane.After the death of the sons of other consorts by diseases She was the mother of only son of Suleiman the magnificent and according to the ottoman tradition sje was Suleiman's Bas kadin,which was the most powerful position for a Sultan's consort before creation and after abolition of the title Haseki Sultan.As Leslie P. Pierce said that during Suleiman's reign the title for Queen mother, Princesses and Sultan's chief consort changed to Sultan from Hatun.And other ordinary consorts of Sultan held the title Hatun.And Mahidevran Sultan was favorite and chief consort of Suleiman before hurrem,and she was the mother of crown prince of the ottoman empire. WebMahidevran Turbesi3.jpg 315 470; 22 KB. Her love of poetry is considered one of the reasons behind her being heavily favoured by Suleiman, who was a great admirer of poetry. 18th century portrait of Hurrem Sultan kept at Topkap Palace. I shall wait for your response until few days then revert your changes, if you are unable to prove that this "Abdullah" was indeed a slave and not a free person, in which case, M would have been a "gifted wife" (married to S not legally but rather tough Nikah 'urfi). She's only ever referred to as Mahidevran Khatun or Hatun in sources, see The Imperial Harem, pages 55, 61 and 367. Meanwhile, another woman grabbed the eye of Suleiman; she gave birth to her firstson (Mehmet) that same year and endangered Mahidevrans position. She was given many honours after her death. Learn more about merges. She did not spend her last years in poverty, as her stepson, [20] She pleads with the King to trust her envoy Hassan Aa who took another message from her by word of mouth. (talk) 20:52, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], It is stated that kadins and hasekis carried equal rights in the harem, so why are you so passionate to call her sultana if she wasn't married to Suleyman? Even so, a Sultan was NOT allowed to have more than 4 Kadins at a time (Brinci Kadin, Ba Kadn or Sultan Kadin was the first ranking wife), but can have as much concubines as he liked. On the contrary, I sympathize with Mahidevran Hatun. There have been novels written in other languages: in French, a fictionalized biography by Willy Sperco (1972); in German, a novel by Johannes Tralow (1944, reprinted many times); a very detailed novel in Serbo-Croatian by Radovan Samardzic (1987); one in Turkish by Ulku Cahit (2001). This practice was called karde katliam, literally "fraternal massacring". Now Mahidevran became a chief consort as a mother of the only prince in the Empire. Meanwhile, another woman grabbed the eye of Suleiman; she gave birth to her first son (Mehmet) that same year and endangered Mahidevrans position. This new woman was the famous Hrrem Sultan. In 1520 after the death of Selim I, Suleiman moved to Istanbul to succeed his father, his court followed him afew weeks later. Page contents not supported in other languages. "[29], Hurrem Sultan is known as the first woman in Ottoman history to concern herself with state affairs. This is your own point of view that just because she was called cariye she was of non-notable family. Hurrem acted as Suleiman's advisor on matters of state, and seems to have had an influence upon foreign policy and on international politics. The Venetian painter Titian is reputed to have painted Hurrem Sultan in 1550. She became one of the most powerful and influential women in Ottoman history as well as a prominent and controversial figure during the era known as the Sultanate of Women. If you ask about Istanbul, the city still suffers from the plague; however, it is not like the previous one. My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. She frequently accompanied him as a political adviser. At age 26 Suleiman takes the throne. Depriving someone of their last name or title for your own satisfaction is NOT just, it's highly misleading and causes conflict with Ottoman history. Jobair khondoker (talk) 17:41, 2 March 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], "But Leslie P. Peirce also very clearly said that in 16th and 17th century(during Suleiman's reign) tge title hatun for a valide(Queen mother),Sultan's(emperor) chief consort and princesses was replaced with Sultan.As Mahidevran was the first chief consort and Ba Kadn (chief consort) according to ottoman tradition so it's very easy to find out that she held the title Sultan from the very beginning." If you all come to an agreement earlier let me know. Mahidevran was: theoretically, the daughter of a hatun, a birinci kadin, but never a sultana: she didn't legally marry Suleyman. Just Skip that Cariye part as everyone knows even the princesses who were lawfully wedded to Sultans of Ottoman dynasty, Shah Jehans of Mughal emperors and Sheikhs of Arab, were all considered slave to their husbands. I, lover of the tormented heart, Muhibbi of the eyes full of tears, I am happy. sultanas. [1] WebA cause of death is determined by a medical examiner. With Suleiman, she had five sons and one daughter. [11], Aside from her political concerns, Hurrem engaged in several major works of public buildings, from Makkah to Jerusalem (Al-Quds), perhaps modelling her charitable foundations in part after the caliph Harun al-Rashid's consort Zubaida. Birinci Kadin was used for wives only, Brinici Kadin was not used for concubines or ordinary consorts, Birinci Kadin meant First Wife/Senior Consort. It is clear you don't have the intention to make this wikipedia page historically accurate. [14] She is the sultan's consort with the most portraits in her name in the Ottoman Empire, though the portraits are imaginary depictions by painters. What matters is, as Nurbanu wasn't a legal wife, she was still a kadin; she is mentioned as a sultana in wikipedia because she became Valide Sultan. Hurrem's birth name is unknown. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. [6] (talk) 02:19, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Popular culture and Ottoman court etiquette are two different things. I guess the authors were inspired by Illuminatis;) (just a joke, no offense) Anyway, I can't argue with you, I can only simply ask for an admin's attention to all of your WP:OR. +64 3 687 9228. With many other revolutionary movements like these, she had started an era in Ottoman Empire called the Reign of Women. [23], Hurrem became the first consort to receive the title Haseki Sultan. Although he never visited Istanbul, he either imagined her appearance or had a sketch of her. In the Istanbul harem, Hurrem became a rival to Mahidevran and her influence over the sultan soon became legendary. Hatun is not a Title at all. Isn't that important by the way for the authors to mention that M was a convert slave instead of giving this information in a subliminal message form like "M, the daughter of Abdullah"? Mahidevran madegreat efforts to protect her only son from assassinations, but she could not prevent his death. In 1546, one more half-brother was on the governors market; Prince Beyazt. 'the Ruthenian one'; c. 1500 15 April 1558), also known as Hurrem Sultan (Turkish pronunciation:[hym sutan], Ottoman Turkish: , romanized:urrem Suln, Modern Turkish: Hrrem Sultan), was the chief consort and legal wife of the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. An extra piece of information, in 15th century, the Tatars, Caucasians, Albanians, and Russians were all considered part of ""Circassia"". Now Mahidevran became a chief consort as a mother of the only prince in the Empire. Born in Ruthenia (then an eastern region of the Kingdom of Poland, now Rohatyn, Ukraine) to a Ruthenian Orthodox priest, Hurrem was captured by Crimean Tatars during a slave raid and eventually taken to Istanbul, the Ottoman capital. Phone: [41], Hurrem is known to have been very generous to the poor. While "XXX son of Abdullah" maybe a son of a convert slave, you cannot say that Khalid son of Abdullah or Hussein son of Abdullah are also slaves. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 12-14 George Street Manisa was the most important province, and according to the tradition, only the favourite prince could be appointed there. Does the translation really say she was from Euboea?? However, if you feel otherwise, you could always simply revert the changes or add the "unreliable source" template with reasoning. Instead, he attended it. Of these, Mahidevran's son Mustafa was the eldest and preceded Hurrem's children in the order of succession. Among her first foundations were a mosque, two Quranic schools (madrassa), a fountain, and a women's hospital near the women's slave market (Avret Pazary) in Istanbul (Haseki Sultan Complex). Also note the rank Kadin or Birinci Kadin ended with Mahidevran, this rank changed to Haseki Sultan (logically this is what happened). Learn how and when to remove this template message, CrimeanNogai slave raids in Eastern Europe, De moribus tartarorum, lituanorum et moscorum, "2 Reasons Why Hurrem Sultan and Empress Ki were similar", "Ottoman Empire History Encyclopedia - Letter H - Ottoman Turkish history with pictures - Learn Turkish", Constantinople: City of the World's Desire, 14531924, "Hrrem Sultan: A beloved wife or master manipulator? Thank you. (talk) 11:54, 4 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], I think both theories are correct, general logic can be used in Wikipedia IF the sources available contradicts each other, but even if she was called Sultan there is no need to mention it in the Title. In 1541, when Mehmet (Hrrems first son) reached the proper age to be local governor, tensionsbetween two women rose again. The one denying a deceased person of it's possible Title, a full name you may call. This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 12:59. Not interested? Mustafa was later accused of causing unrest. (talk) 01:30, 4 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Actually you are the one making subjective propositions here. Even as a consort, her power was comparable with the most powerful woman of the Imperial Harem, who by tradition was the sultan's mother or valide sultan. (talk) 18:52, 28 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Dear Keivan.f, If you see above, I and 2 other users have written a novella on the "chief consort" subject. Hurrem's contemporaries describe her as a woman who was strikingly good-looking, and different from everybody else because of her red hair. [20] After the death of Mustafa, Mahidevran lost her status in the palace as the mother of the heir apparent and moved to Bursa. I do NOT understand. I'm a bit puzzled that when it was first added on Turkish WP, the year was 1581. I think it is obvious that the exception would have been made at that time for a non-Haseki consort to be called a Sultan. WebAccording to some reports he died of natural causes, while others say that Mahidevran, the mother of Sehzade Mustafa gave the order to kill Sehzade Mehmet because he could take As far as I knowWorldandhistory (talk) 09:53, 6 April 2016 (UTC) One of the alledged theories points to her mother being addressed in that manner. She built numerous mosques, madrasahs, hammams, and resting places for pilgrims travelling to the Islamic holy city of Makkah. WebMahidevranwas born on January 01, 1500 (died on February 03, 1581, she was 81 years old) in Bosporus. Everyone has a right to put their opinion and I just put mine. However, some argue that she has Albanian roots. For a non-Haseki consort to be called a Sultan hammams, and from! The tormented heart, Muhibbi of the Polish Crown did not, however it. Short-Lived daughter somewhere between 1521 and 1524 deceased person of it 's just a talk page [ ]! And there is lots of lots of lots of lots of lots of doubts about title. 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