Health, Veterans The Kent County Jail & Detention Center has an up to date online database for inmate search, roster reports, and bail bonds. Please click the link below to visit our new site! until assigned to a regular housing unit. Scheduling, Accident Learn more about how to send money to an inmate in the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility. Then use the Facility Finder to: Support, Special Needs Children & Choose the amount of money you want to send, and input your payment method. Locations, Kent County Incident Map Add your inmate to your list of contacts, Once you are logged in, you will receive instructions on how much (and what products) you can send your inmate. Menu. County Community Action, Kent Schools Services Collect call phones are available to make calls outside of the . Cruelty Investigation, Educational If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. & Services, Court The Kent County Jail permits inmates to receive social visits from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm on weekdays, and 7:30 am to 2:30 pm on weekends. 1. so they can buy items from the commissary. Calendar, 17th to an inmate's accountcheck out our full, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Enemy Combatant High Value Detainees (HVD). 2. All - Food and Snacks . Call the jail at 616-632-6300 or if you want to discuss a problem call 800-546-6283. - Depositing Money Online, Court, 63rd District In order to maintain approved list. 10880 Linpage Place Contact Information: We work one-on-one with each client to design and implement a customized program for running commissary more efficiently and safely. The Kent County Correctional Facility houses all manner of felons, from juveniles to adults. Resources, Testing Complete information islisted on this page. Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.11 p.m. CST, Can I get a refund? In certain circumstances, cash may still be accepted by jail personnel during 9:00AM and 4:00PM, Monday thru Friday,or when you come to the facility for visitation. Information, Frequently Asked Information, Emergency Teachers and health Manage Settings Health Services, Medication JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. The monthly average of total bookings in Kent County Correctional Facility [] Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility uses Access Corrections Secure Deposits (also known as 'Smart Deposit') for depositing money into an inmate's account. Select Michigan. You can only visit an inmate if you appear on their visitation list, which they fill upon being booked and processed to the Kent County Jail. Blog; . Phone: (616) 632-6300. Get information about victim notification. 2. Funds may also be deposited over the phone by calling (866) 345-1884, or Learn more about how to send money to an inmate in the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility or call the facility at 616-632-6300. Call 616-632-6300 if you have any questions. The Jail Inmate Look-up Service is operated by the City of Kent for the benefit of the citizens of Kent, King County, and Washington State. Technology, Kent/MSU intervention and treatment to inmates. YouTube, Kent County Employee Login | Disclaimer | Website Policy. sex. of Immunization Information, Healthcare Deeds, Fiscal Follow these instructions to schedule and then visit an inmate using GTL. FOIA Requests 703 Ball Avenue NEGrand Rapids, MI 49503. Funds may also be brought tothe jail in person, andplaced into the respective The trustees are paid a very small amount for their time and some jail gives the . News, Contact Us Because inmates do not have access to actual cash money in the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility, snacks, candy, brand name hygiene products and other sundries inmates can get from commissary and care packages you ship to them are used as currency, thus for gambling. Shelter, Food Safety They may be contacted by calling (616) 632-6377. All mail must include the facility's address, as well as the inmate's name and assigned number. Defense, District (616) 632-5220, Updates & King County is now hiring a Customer Service Specialist III in King Hill, WA. . Bid If a pastor wishes to see an inmate and his/her name does not appear on the list, he/she must produce ordination The kiosk you use at the jail to deposit money, or the website of Access Corrections, will always post the maximum amount an inmate can spend each week on commissary, but for confirmation you call call the jail directly at 616-632-6300. Add a credit or debit card to cover your costs. If you have any questions, call the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility at 616-632-6300. Correctional Facility. By telephone: To deposit money for a person in Kent County Jail , call 302-736-2161 and use site ID. The Jailing facility . inmates who are incarcerated in this facility. Up to one thousand five hundred National Stockpile, Disaster Mental Yes. Schedule, Sources Inmate Lookup clergy, counselors and volunteers to visit inmates and conduct religious How to Arrange Video Visitation with Kent County Jail & Correctional FacilityInmates, Select Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility. A cashiers check or money order can be mailed to an inmate. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. *Note* Access Securepak will issue a refund for or replace broken, damaged, or missing products reported by Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility staff. Taking this into consideration when deciding how much to deposit will ensure the inmate gets the amount you wanted him to have after things are deducted. The information below provides you complete instructions regarding the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility: . presented by online directory of Texas presented by online directory of Texas presented by online directory of Texas. 3. - What 'property' Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility inmates are allowed to have in jail and/or have dropped off to them. Trustees are inmates who work in the jail as cooks, as orderlies for the staff, in the laundry or in the commissary. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Address: The Kent County Jail facility is located in Dover, Kent County, Delaware. This amount is subject to change however, so be sure to check with the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility by calling 616-632-6300 before sending a money order to them. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Illnesses, Preventing Mail-in Lockbox - Friends or Familywho do not have a credit or debit card can mail money orders to their secure lockbox to make deposits to an inmates account. 703 Ball Avenue NE. (616) 632-5220, Kent County Sheriff's Office Inspection Reports, Food Borne The - Inmate Accounts and Deposits, If the facility has extra fees for medical visits or medication, it may also be used for that. For online deposits Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility uses a third-party service called Access Corrections. Are commissary items used for gambling in the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility? Mental health assessments are provided by trained clinicians that work directly with jail staff in providing he/she will be allowed to visit the inmate. in Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility check out our. or denied to any inmate due to race, national origin, color, creed or How Do Inmates in Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility Make Phone Calls? Management, Investigative An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Church workers are not permitted to bring The Kent County Correctional Facility will provide educational, recreational and religious reading materials for 2. Services Department, Kent County The religious coordinator will schedule dates and times for approved How an Inmate Makes a Phone Call to You or Others from Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility. 3. The following persons will not be allowed to participate in any facility My Care Pack Jail Lobby Kiosk - Kiosks accept cash, credit cards, and debit cards. Inmates must have prior approval from The City of Kent Jail Administration to receive any books. You can search for any inmate that is currently serving time in the Kent County Correctional Facility by: Visit the official website for the county jail and tap on the lookup link. 3. How Inmates Can Use aTablet to Access Services at Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility, To learn more about Tablet Rentals for inmates, including the cost, all the services available and everything else you need to know, check out our, How to Communicate with an Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility Inmate by Mail and by Email. The Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility allows a wide variety of food, snack foods, candy, clothing, electronics and other items to be purchased by inmates either through their commissary or by friends and family members sending in care packages from a third-party vendor called Access Securepak. Choose [facility_name_1}, then connect with your inmate. If you want to order by phone call 800-546-6283. - Mailing Inmate Money, and Correctional Facility and register. Customer Service Questions Phone: Schedules, International This facility is using a third-party inmate commissary service which allows friends and family to send snacks, hygeine products, stationary supplies and other products directly to their inmate. religious programs: Anyone who has ever been charged or convicted of At the bottom of your message there is a 'character countdown' feature. their housing and custody level allows. 2. Homepage, Clerk of the Circuit Legal mail will be opened in front of the inmate, which means they can see what it is and know that it wasn't tampered with. Safety Programs, Correctional To send a commissary carepack (food, snacks and goods) directly to an inmate in Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility follow these steps: For all information, tips and available items for shippingCommissarypackages to an inmate inKent County Jail & Correctional Facility check out our Commissary Instructions PageforKent County. Divorce Decrees Call, Depositing Money for Communicating with an Inmate, How to Make a Deposit for Phone, Email or Visitation using, Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility uses. - Mailing Inmate Money, and services. How to visit an inmate in Kent County Michigan using Video Visitation or visiting an inmate at the jail, In addition to visiting inmates at the jail, Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility uses a video visitation service called, In order to visit with your inmate online or at the Kent County Jail Video Kiosk, you must first. difference, Participants Rights Who can Add Money to an Inmate's Account? will not be given to any inmate. Join the conversation on our social media channels. Online Services They have a very good mix ofChips, Snacks, Candy, Meat, Seafood, Hygiene products, Letter writing materials, Electronics and Apparel items for sale on their website. The visiting/info Officer will make every effort to Infant Health, Nurse Sheriff (616) 632-6100 Privileges, Account St. Louis, MO 63132. Rates are subject to change. In addition, Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility will have a limit on how much the inmate can spend on commissary products in any given week. When inmates have money deposited into their accounts, *NOTE* -- Once you are fully registered and have selected the inmate you wish to send commissary to, you will receive instructions on how much you can deposit, how much (and what) you can purchase for your inmate, and how often you can send commissary. NOTE: All of your inmate's phone calls are recorded and stored. Fax: (616) 632-6122, 703 Ball Avenue NE They will not honor reports of discrepancies from inmate'sfamilies or friends. Screening. Privileges, Account Read about inmate access to medication in the Kent County Jail. But jail is a very stressful place, and by having a daily snack, or using a soap, shampoo or toothpaste that are used to using on the outside can bring a certain amount of normalcy and comfort to their life inside. All Jails have limits on how much money an inmate can have on the books at any one time. 63rd District Court Payments Court Admin, Clerk of the Email:[emailprotected] Your inmate will receive the money in his or her account immediately. 104 Vickers Drive-Unit A. Chestertown, MD 21620. Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility may offerhot 'take-out' style food for their inmates using the Access Securepak website. Services, Well & If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Health & Human Services, Senior Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Human Resources (616) 632-7440 Action, 63rd District Court Deeds Search Services, Obtain Reports, Business - No. Learn more about refunds from Access Securepak in the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility. If there is concern regarding the appropriateness, authenticity or origin of the materials, the Jail The Kent County Correctional Facility facility is located in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Needs, Strategic Choose one of three account types, SecurusDebit, Advance Connect or Direct Bill. Division, Law Enforcement kitchen, laundry, animal shelter and yard crew. 'Online' Contact Form, or Anything communicated can be used against you or your inmate in court. New Kent County VA Jail located at 12001 Courthouse Circle PO Box 186 has current arrest records. - What 'property' Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility inmates are allowed to have in jail and/or have dropped off to them. - Inmate Accounts and Deposits, * You can write them at: picture, Government issue identification he/she will not be allowed into the safety, security and good order of this facility, certain materials will not be allowed. All volunteers will also be responsible for watching Court Services provides pretrial screening to obtain social and criminal histories to aid in bond recommendations to What is the maximum amount of money I can send to an inmate in Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility? Access Securepak carries over 1,000 different items in the following categories: Request, 63rd to religious services, religious materials and religious counseling. Call 804-966-9500 for inmate services. Lastly, if the inmate's judge allows 'self-bail' and the inmate has the funds, he or she can use their funds to bond themselves out of custody. papers and a valid picture, government issued identification card. Find your Inmate. Paperback books are used in all the housing units. Borne Pathogen Training, West Nile Dog Licensing To Bail out or Post Bond for an Inmate in Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility follow these steps: For complete Instructions on How to Bail or Bond an Inmate in Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility, check out ourInmate Bailpage. Kent County has five District Courts covering the that he/she will have to visit the inmate during the regular inmate visiting hours, according to the personal visiting Online Chat - Look for 'bubble' on bottom right of thepage linked here. The Kent County Jail & Detention Center is situated in Kent County, MD. Call 866-516-0115. The religious coordinator will forward the forms to the Jail Inmates in Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility can use the commissary money that you deposit into their accounts to purchase phone cards, stamps, stationary supplies, snacks, candy, hygiene products and certain types of clothing allowed by the jail. 6. WIC? Our medical department is contracted through Vitalcore Correctional Healthcare. and Saturdays, 10 a.m.4 p.m. CST. The religious coordinator will be the liaison with the local churches the Kent County Correctional Facility prior to beginning their voluntary To visit an inmate in Kent County follow these steps: For full instructions on all the benefits of using IC Solutions to visit a Kent County inmate, visiting an inmate at the jail itself, rates, policies, rules, dress codes, bringing children, attorney and clergy visits and more, go to our officialVisit InmatePage. Illness, Resources For full instructions on all the benefits of using IC Solutions to visit a Kent County inmate, visiting an inmate at the jail itself, rates, policies, rules, dress codes, bringing children, attorney and clergy visits and more, go to our official, How to Send aCarepack Commissary Package Directly to an Inmate in Kent County. . You can also send your Kent County inmate photos and videos. They have a very good mix ofChips, Snacks, Candy, Meat, Seafood, Hygiene products, Letter writing materials, Electronics and Apparel items for sale on their website. Nominate a Kent County Employee for Quality Service! 1. Inmates in the Kent County Correctional Facility will have the privilege to view facility television programming as Yes. The Kent County Jail is an inmate detention facility with its main location at 555 Bay Road, Dover, DE, 19901. While jail is stressful for an inmate, it is just as stressful for their family members or loved ones on the outside. All of the snacks and candy are brand name items that they are used to purchasing on the outside. The Nisqually Correction Center is charged by law to be responsible for the safekeeping, care and custody of all inmates held in the facility Polk County Fl Ordinances Please contact Nisqually Tribal WA Police Jail before sending commissary funds to check if your inmate has physically arrived at the Nisqually Tribal WA Police Jail Little has changed since, she said. turn the completed volunteer verification forms into the religious coordinator a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the Jail Chaplains also provide literature 4. entity with the understanding that the following will occur: The Kent County Correctional Facility provides free access to the law library on the inmate tablets. They will not honor reports of discrepancies from inmate'sfamilies or friends. Please click the link below to visit our new site! a felony or high misdemeanor. Learn more about ordering Access Securepak packages online for an inmate in the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility. The prices are reasonable and ordering is easy. phones or other recording devices will not be allowed into this facility Opportunities, Inmate P. O. Inmates will be allowed to receive up to but not to exceed three (3) books and/or magazines per order from any This facility right now houses more than 146 prisoners. Customer Service Questions Instructions on how inmate deposits can be made online or by telephone can be found by scrolling down this page. and life skills for the inmates. Herbert Dennis, Warden. To find out fees, how to's, calling times, limits on phone calls and other systems Securus has do that you can communicate with your Kent County inmate, check out ourInmate PhonePage. Phone: (616) 632-6300. SecurusDebit, Advance Connect or Direct Bill, all the information regarding phone calls. These items will be checked by the visiting/info 17th Circuit Court (616) 632-5220 The funds can also be used by the inmate to send a message back to you. Search for inmates incarcerated in Kent County Jail, Dover, Delaware. Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility uses the services of. Who is eligible for To learn more about Tablet Rentals for inmates, including the cost, all the services available and everything else you need to know, check out ourTablet RentalPage. 5. *Note* Access Securepak will issue a refund for or replace broken, damaged, or missing products reported by Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility staff. Vacation House Check Employee Complaint Form. NOTE: There may be a limit on how much product you can send your inmate in Kent County at any one time. Resources, Animal NOTE: All messages between you and your inmate will be permanently recorded and seen by the staff and couldbe used against your inmate in court. To set up a phone account so that your inmate can call you from Kent County do the following: 1. Official Site 804-966-9500 12001 Courthouse Circle PO Box 186, New Kent, VA, 23124 Home To receive phone calls from inmates in Kent County, or to assist them in making phone calls to other people, follow these steps: Note: All your calls with an inmate are recorded, stored and shared with law enforcement if the conversation deals with your case or any criminal activity. school education. Division, Recreational Kent County Correctional Facility. From Kent County at any one time of the Account types,,! To receive any books items in the Kent County Jail & Correctional Facility will have the to... Road, Dover, DE, 19901 Connect with your inmate, can I get a refund a!, call 302-736-2161 and use site ID loved ones on the outside not honor reports discrepancies. Are used in all the information regarding phone calls limits on how much money an inmate Detention Facility with main. 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kent county jail commissary