You may, for instance, get twice as much caffeine if you add more. According to experiments conducted in test tubes, the number of free radicals produced increases with sodium benzoate concentration. As a result, your flavored water won't cause an insulin response. [deleted] 9 yr. ago The artificial sweeteners used in MiO are zero-calorie and technically do not contribute to weight gain. The labeling of the product is deceptive. But evidence actually shows that artificial sweeteners aresurprisingly ineffectivefor weight loss. While the evidence is mixed, some studies suggest that taurine supplementation may improve athletic performance. The MiO product lines have a variety of flavors, ranging from black cherry and lemonade in the Original line to iced java and aai berry in the Energy line (2). SNAP EBT eligible. If you try making fruit infusions, let the ingredients steep for about 4 hours. Yes, Mio is keto-friendly if consumed in moderation. A mutagenic agent may increase the risk of DNA mutations and cancer in your body. 2.2mg-4.8mg per 20g serve MILO. However, both animal and human studies have now shown that sucralose is partially digested and alters blood glucose and insulin (9). MiO contains the artificial sweeteners sucralose and acesulfame potassium. 5 out of 5 stars with 4 ratings. Here are 15 questions Ill be exploring about MiO nutrition. Our natural spring water is chock full of naturally-occuring minerals too! If MiO fits your budget and flavor preferences, it may be safe to use regularly. Dehydration happens when your body doesnt have enough water and other fluids to perform its regular processes because you use or lose more fluid than you consume. Therefore, this product should be avoided at all costs. Pick fruits and vegetables like lemon, apple, cucumbers, or oranges to infuse into your water to give it a natural flavor. MiO water enhancing products provide a flavored refreshment that may contain electrolytes and vitamins, like vitamin B3, B6, and B12, that positively affect the health, but is this liquid water enhancer good for daily intake? Water, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Gum Arabic, Sucralose (Sweetener), Contains Less Than 2% Of Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Natural Flavor, Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate, Yellow 6, Sodium Benzoate And Potassium Sorbate (Preservatives), Rosemary Extract (To Protect Flavor). Some, such as Mio Energy, also add caffeine to help give you the lift you're looking for; some, such as Mio Fit, boast supplemental vitamins and other health benefits. Just keep in mind that there are natural alternatives like herbs and fruit that dont include unnecessary sweeteners and preservatives. Hydration makes you feel full, which helps you avoid overeating. Ive made dedicated posts about each of these artificial colors before. Anyway, the real question is: Should you even care? Here is a caffeine comparison table, to help you get a feel for just how much caffeine you get per squeeze of MiO Energy: As you can see, MiO Energy only has1/5 of the caffeine of a Bang Energy Drinkper serving. That's where liquid water enhancers come in, a relatively new player in the market that some experts see as a $1 billion business by 2020. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Harmful to your health. While mio itself does not cause weight gain, the treatments for mio can. However, there are plenty of other drinks and healthier alternatives to flavor your water besides MiO and similar artificial water enhancers. Its interesting to compare MiO vs soda, because they both have a mix of multiple controversial or unhealthy ingredients. Science Is Coming After Our Precious LaCroix with Accusations of Weight Gain, 7 Healthy Drinks for Kids (And 3 Unhealthy Ones), The 10 Best Flavored Water Brands in 2022, How Artificial Sweeteners Affect Blood Sugar and Insulin, Artificial Sweeteners May Actually Cause You to Gain Weight, orange slices and vanilla bean or vanilla extract. The more accurate comparison, however, would be between MiO Sport and Gatorade Zero. This implies that MiO will not break your fast. So, although something may be rated an 'A+', overconsumption/overdoing can bring unwanted effects. The short and simple answer is no. For instance, a 2020 review showed that Ace-K remains in the environment for a long time. Studies in the 1970s suggested acesulfame K, One breakdown product of acesulfame Kacetoacetamide, In a study of lactating women, acesulfame K was the artificial sweetener. 2. Additionally, MiO contains artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and acesulfame potassium which provide sweetness without adding calories or sugar. Supposedly over 12,000 animals died in the testing of sucralose. While these ingredients are FDA-approved and found in many foods and beverages, there are a few ingredients that may potentially . Note that there's a limit to how much B vitamins you can consume daily. However, MiO has artificial sweeteners and artificial colors, which make it controversial for health in its own right. Today, let's go in detail and answer the question: Is MiO healthy? Here's what your tongue is tasting in water and what else affects water's flavor. The content on is intended only for informational and educational purposes. Youd be more likely to get too much salt from canned foods like frozen TV dinners, soup, and the like, though. It is neither good nor bad for your health.Try to look for healthier liquid enhancers like lime, berries, cucumber, mint, etc., as they give you some nutritional value. All rights reserved. Things rated a 'B' may have some harmful qualities to pay attention to. Translation: It only has the nutrients vegans areactually low in. Its long-term health consequences remain unknown. This product should be avoided completely. How much caffeine is in MiO energy drink? The best nourishment that you can get is a large glass or purified spring water. In recent years MiO has become a popular substitute for plain water. Spam free, Youll only be hearing from our experts. Category 'D' is typically for things that are more harmful than beneficial. A TikTok user named Kaitlyn Anderson shared a viral recipe for a "healthy Dr. Pepper" that includes MiO for the flavor: Our Healthy Flavor Enhancer Recommendation Its a natural approach to sweetening water without artificial sweeteners while also adding flavor and micronutrients. However, the most natural product would likely be Crystal Lights Pure line, which is free of all artificial sweeteners and colors. 1. Guarana is frequently known for its capacity to improve memory and learning while boosting energy. MiO is Bad for you. MIO products are caffeine free, and it contains Vitamin b3, b6 and b12. Another preservative used in MiO that is approved by the FDA is sodium benzoate. Does that defeat the purpose of flavored water? Everyone knows water is healthy for your body, but honestly, it can get really boring that's where MiO comes into play. Summary Most MiO products are caffeine-free, made with artificial sweeteners, and contain . Learn more. Each product has a variety of flavors in it.For example, MiO Energy flavors are Green Thunder, Strawberry Pineapple Smash, Tropical Fusion, Acai Berry Storm, Black Cherry, and Wicked Blue Citrus. According to MiO, three of its product lines - Electrolytes, Vitamins, and Energy - provide 10% of your daily vitamin B3, B6, and B12 needs. It is loaded . (Review the evidence about this above.). But here are some of the specific health concerns people have: All of these artificial colors are still being tested on animals to determine their safety. Things in this category should be avoided as much as possible. It is functionally the same as drinking water unless you are unable to control your food intake because of a psychological association with the sweet taste. Made by brands such as Mio, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light, and available in flavors from berry pomegranate to . It is packaged in a small 1.52-ounce plastic bottle. Is propylene glycol safe? One explanation is this:Artificial sweeteners keep youaccustomedto sweet foods. There is still a debate over the safety of these colors, even though the Food and Drug Administration concluded that these do not cause considerable harm to human health. Very healthy and numerous health benefits. Fasting decreases insulin levels, triggering a fat-burning state. Last medically reviewed on July 19, 2021. A mutagenic substance may raise your bodys risk for cancer and DNA mutations. Some experts have been quoted saying that if you drank the pure, undiluted form of MiO, it could indeed be unhealthy. The fermentation process used to produce it may be especially beneficial, potentially boosting digestion, aiding the. Take your pick of Green Thunder, Black Cherry, Wicked Blue Citrus, Tropical Fusion, Strawberry Pineapple Smash, Acai Berry Storm, Iced Vanilla Java, and Iced Mocha Java . BodyArmor is the unusual drink for focusing more on potassium. It comes in many flavors with four product lines (2): All options are kosher and vegetarian-friendly. Of course, is mio healthy said Mr. Foster. Watch the free Food for Health Masterclass here. MiO is a liquid water enhancer manufactured by the Kraft Heinz food company (2, 3). When another glass of water sounds too boring to even contemplate, pick a MiO flavor and use it to enhance your water. MiO is a blend of fruit juices and fruit extracts and the FDA approves the same. So you still get cravings forsweets And if youre not careful, youll probably end up eating more calories from something else. (source). If youre looking for a healthy alternative to soda, you may want to tryseltzer water. However, as is common with food additives, some people are concerned about its safety anyway. It has three artificial sweeteners and numerous artificial colors. If you've ever set foot in a grocery store, then you're familiar with all of the most popular water enhancers that are on the market right now. One big concern with this particular sweetener is that because it possesses a bitter chemical-like taste, it is rarely alone. Youd expect that switching from sugar to zero-calorie sweeteners would lead to significant weight-loss but inmost studies, they causelittle to noweight loss. What is it? Today, lets go in detail and answer the question: Is MiO healthy? When it comes to coloring, most Crystal Light has artificial colors like Red 40 and Blue 1so its on par with MiO. Personally, after researching all this,Im notthatworried about the safety of sodium benzoate. Most flavors contain the artificial sweeteners acesulfame potassium (Ace-K) and sucralose. There have been some studies suggestingpossiblytoxicitywith propylene glycolbut nothing showing that it should be a major concern. It may raise levels of inflammation, oxidative stress, or even risk for ADHD (source). Some Internet headlines have caused concern over the idea that MiO contains a strange ingredient also found in antifreeze. A tiny amount (tsp) of the concentrated liquid can be used to flavor an entire bottle of water. Such headlines are referring to propylene glycol, which is used in food and cosmetics, and antifreeze, and more. SNAP EBT eligible. Table of Contents show. In these cases, they usually contain about 60 mg of caffeine, which is less than a cup of coffee. To unlock unlimited content and other premium features, become a member for just $5 per month. Its actually hard to find good credible sources on which of these dyes are actually banned in which countries. One MiO product line, MiO Energy, contains caffeine. Use it within 30 days of opening. When it comes to sweeteners, most Crystal Light has aspartame, although it varies by product. Spice it up a little by putting some fruit in it! MiO is an extremely concentrated liquid containing some chemical ingredients. 1,593 Likes, 39 Comments - ISA Healthy Life (@isapgraffe) on Instagram: "Ho smesso anche di mangiare pur di perdere peso Non ero per niente a mio agio con me stessa. Eat This! Although its 50350 times sweeter than regular sugar, its not cariogenic, meaning that it doesnt cause tooth decay (11, 12). It is frequently acknowledged for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This is thebest vegan multivitamin Ive foundin my 14 years of being vegan. All flavors of MiO are generally considered vegan. Written by DeeAnne Oldham Most MiO products are caffeine-free, made with artificial sweeteners, and contain vitamins B3, B6, and B12. It is also possible that artificial sweeteners could cause an insulin response throughanother mechanism. However, investigations on both humans and animals have now demonstrated that sucralose is partially digested and affects insulin and blood sugar levels. According to the packaging and manufacturer, MiO contains vitamins B3, B6, and B12. It is important to note that even the best things in life can become bad in immoderate amounts. Be careful not to overdo it, especially at night, because the caffeine in MiO may prevent you from sleeping at all. MiO Berry Grape Liquid Water Enhancer - 1.62 fl oz Bottle. MiO has no sugar and zero calories, which makes it appear relatively healthy. Experts advise picking goods with stevia leaf extract because they are the healthiest and less likely to cause you any health issues if you want to stay healthy.But always keep in mind that despite being free of sugar and calories, artificial sweeteners still have the potential to be harmful to your health, particularly if you already have certain illnesses like diabetes.Therefore, take into account your dietary needs and general health before using MiO. There has only been one documented case of propylene glycol toxicity from food, and it resulted from someone consuming amuchhigher amount than usual. Flavored water is a healthy alternative to sodas and juices. This product should be avoided completely. If you consume this in moderation, the number of carbohydrates you consume will not be enough to cause spikes in blood sugar levels. This article discusses, Researchers say the sugar substitutes added to foods and drinks can lead to long-term weight gain as well as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart. This sweetener is usually paired up with another sweetener that often has a worse reputation. It is packaged in a small, 1.52-ounce plastic squeeze bottle and comes in quite a few flavors. MiO Energy is the lone intersection note that contains caffeine. You can find various artificial colors, associated with hyperactivity, distractibility, carcinogens, numerous allergies, and much moredepending on the specific colors added. $6.39. MiO Big Bottle Acai Berry Storm Liquid Water Enhancer - 3.24 fl oz Bottle. Is it possible for carbonated water to spark an appetite? Its also worth noting that in mice studies, Ace-K increased weight gain in male mice and disrupted the gut microbiome. Each product has a variety of flavors in it. The most established problem ishyperactivity in kids. If you click a link on this page and buy something, I may receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. The main artificial sweeteners found in MiO are sucralose and acesulfame potassium (ace-k). Dont expect it to do all the work for youbut it shouldnt prevent progress, either. Click any of them to skip aheador keep scrolling to read them all: Lets start by actually looking at some MiO ingredients. It can affect everyone, but it is particularly dangerous for small children and elderly people. Drinking enough water is important for good health and well-being (1). 04-18-2016, 04-18-2016 Artificial sweeteners found in MiO may be harmful to your health, especially if used frequently and in excessive amounts. Each bottle of MiO contains just 1.62 ounces (48 mL) but provides 1024 servings depending on the product. 2. Read myfull review of Future Kinds multivitamin here(with 10% discount). MiO is Bad for you. Water also naturally flushes caffeine from your body and keeps you hydrated . Category 'C' usually denotes to both good and bad qualities. (source). Use this list to help yourself drink more water, not avoid a new flavor of it . Finally, MiO Vitamins strives to give consumers an extra lift of nutrients through the addition of three different B vitamins (B3, B6, and B12). Each product line has multiple flavors. Except for MiO Energy products, the majority of MiO water enhancers are caffeine-free. According to animal research, sodium benzoate consumption directly correlates with the bodys ability to activate inflammatory pathways. Things rated a 'C+' are typically a bit more on the beneficial side. It contains no fat or sugar, making it an ideal option for those trying to maintain a healthy health profile. Three of the four MiO product lines Electrolytes, Vitamins, and Energy advertise that they provide 10% of your daily needs of the vitamins B3, B6, and B12 (2). The FDA has stated that thelevels of benzene in softdrinksare not a risk. Three of the four product lines are caffeine-free, and all are kosher and vegetarian-friendly. Your submission has been received! Still, some people have health concerns. Well, what many people dont realize is that electrolytes include basic table salt. Miso is a nutrient-rich, versatile condiment definitely worth keeping on hand. MiO Energy also has some B vitamins to help provide a feeling of energy. Sucralose is regarded as safe by health authorities; however, studies have raised doubts on how it may affect your health. With moderate intake, MiO liquid water enhancers are not bad for you. Long-term side effects of 'F' items are usually very serious. However, MiO has artificial sweeteners, which come with other possible risks. Although the evidence on whether they are harmful to your health is conflicting, it is still better to avoid them if you want to maintain your health as much as possible. A few harmful qualities may be associated, but only under certain circumstances such as an allergic reaction. (Guilty by association?) 12 Things You Should Know.]. So in that sense, MiO may be healthier than Crystal Light. You have successfully subscribed to our newsletter! . Given that it is categorized as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), experts believe it to be safe when used as intended. Dehydration puts added stress on the body and, according to Exas, "can impact blood sugar balance . So, that sounds much better to me. It is free, pure and accessible. 51. A "healthier" alternative to a regular soda, it's not an exact flavor copy, but it does . Further, a small mouse study suggests that sucralose may be a weak mutagenic. Considering all this, MiO is not theworstthing for sodiumbut its not free of sodium, either. I didnt find any peer-reviewed research directly on whether MiO raises blood sugar. 'N' stands for neutral. Is MiO Healthy? Drinking a few cans a week is fine; downing one 6-pack a day could spell trouble for your teeth. Plus, a few basic ways to change the taste if you don't like it. If you're okay with artificial sweeteners and dyes (as the FDA is), then no, it's not bad for you. The artificial sweeteners used in MiO are FDA approved and generally recognized as safe, but some studies suggest potential health risks for each. Please turn your Ad Blocker off to see this content. . MiO is likely safe for regular consumption, although it shouldn't be your go-to for hydration. Its limited by theFDAto make up only 0.1% of the weight of the foods its added to. Stevia is the least studied LCNS to date. Further human research is needed to determine if it also has detrimental health effects in humans (8). Cans of soup can have 1,000+ mg of sodiumover 13 times as much as a serving of MiO Sport. Mio, which is short for myocardial infarction, is a medical term used to describe the death of a portion of the heart muscle. There seems to be misinformation online about this. At this time, its estimated to pose a low threat to aquatic life (4). Some people claim that Mio Energy is healthy because it contains vitamins and minerals. MiO original uses artificial sweeteners and flavors to enhance plain water, MiO Vitamins contains B vitamins for better health, MiO Energy contains caffeine, and MiO Sport is a sports drink in concentrated form. Conclusion. . MiO Sport is designed to help replenish electrolytes during moderate physical activity for one hour or less, according to the brands website. Side effects are rare. Infact, MiO is a healthy alternative to artificial sweeteners and preservatives and has even been certified as fit for human consumption. MIO is a healthy liquid enhancing product that adds flavor to your water with no added sugar or calories. Some skeptics (generally the same ones who think diet sodas are bad for you, etc.) After all, there are still some natural flavors to your water intake. Can MiO Make a Healthier Soda? Yes, you can buy a water enhancera little bottle of colorful liquid to squeeze in your water that marketers say add B vitamins and other vitamins and mineralsbut let's be clear, most of these flavor squeezers are just artificial chemical concoctions that don't do anything to enhance the properties of water. Short answer MiO is Bad for you. This product should be avoided completely. Electrolyte drinks like MiO Sport replenish your bodys salt while sweating and exercising. Category 'F' is for things that fail to bring anything beneficial to the table, and are very harmful to your health. It comes in eight flavors two of which contain coffee and contains 60 mg of caffeine per serving. However, these flavored beverages, including bottled flavored water, contain high amounts of sugar and sweeteners that can cause your blood sugar to spike. MiO is a liquid water enhancer that Kraft Foods introduced in 2011. Still, long-term research in humans is needed to determine if these findings apply to humans (9, 10). It can cause nausea, headaches, liver problems, mood disruption, hypoglycemia, and possibly cancer. Moderation is important. Below, well explore the ingredients, nutrients, and possible side effects of MiO. But for many people, the risk feels hazardous anyway. There was a2005-07 study showing that 10 of 200 soft drinks tested had more than the allowable levels of benzene (5 parts per billion). (source). Moderation is extremely important. 6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of . The main artificial sweeteners found in MiO are sucralose and acesulfame potassium (ace-k). Still, moderation is important. MiO is actually owned by Kraft Foods. Mio - Healthy Is Tasty, Varese: See 9 unbiased reviews of Mio - Healthy Is Tasty, rated 5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #124 of 383 restaurants in Varese. The rest is normally broken down by your body intolactic acid. Ill also compare it with Crystal Light, soda, and Gatorade! If you have been to the grocery store lately, you may have noticed Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. All that saidyes, MiO infused water intake achieves pretty much everything plain water intake achieves. Drinking plenty of water also is associated with better skin health, digestion, nutrient absorption, joint function, cognition, reduced headaches, and more. Sucralose is not absorbed in the small intestine like normal sugar, so it ends up in the large intestine. (Weve already reviewed the potential risks with those above.). The three artificial sweeteners within the beverage enhancers pose grave concerns. Though MiO doesnt have any direct side effects, there are some primary ingredients present in this concentrated liquid that can have some side effects. MiO is a great choice for those looking to reduce their fat and sugar intake. For instance, MiO Original makes things sweet with a combination of acesulfame potassium and sucralose (Splenda), while Crystal Light Classics contains one of the most common artificial. Stevia is a sweet powder formed on the leaves of an herb. Another sweetener people sometimes have questions about is xylitol, especially since it is bad for dogs. However, if you can, attempt to limit your intake. Initially, it was thought that artificial sweeteners did not affect blood sugar or insulin levels because they were not absorbed by the body. Both beneficial and harmful qualities associated. What about MiO vs diet sodawhich is healthier? It might be safe to use MiO if you can afford to buy it frequently. If consumed in moderation, MiO isn't harmful to your teeth and shouldn't cause tooth decay or cavities. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. But neither MiO nor soda are really healthy drinks. MiO. Whereas vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) is crucial for producing DNA, the molecules found inside cells that contain genetic information, as well as for red blood cell creation, cell metabolism, neuron function, and other processes. Studies show that consuming coffee may temporarily increase blood pressure, usually in those who already have hypertension. But thats not the intended use of the product. But this only applies if you stick to a certain serving size and follow an otherwise healthy diet. However, MiO also has artificial sweeteners and artificial colors that could potentially elevate the risk of developing insulin resistance, hyperactivity in children, or other issues. MiO boasts of being a first-of-its-kind water enhancer. While miso is a nutritious food with some potential health benefits, it also has some drawbacks to consider. MiO is also free of phosphoric acid and caramel color, two potentially harmful ingredients in cola. Propylene glycol, a form of mineral oil, can cause a mild allergic reaction in the skin in those with eczema. 18 tips for weight loss without counting calories, Is Sugar-Free Red Bull Healthy? All other product lines byMiOincluding Original, Vitamins, and Sportare caffeine free. Its also used in antifreeze, paint, and e-cigarettes. When deciding if MiO is a good fit for you and whether you can drink it daily, your overall diet and health should also be taken into consideration. Really, these are quite similar nutritionally, with artificial sweeteners and artificial colors being the main concerns for most people. MiO has between 10 mg and 75 mg of sodium per serving (per squeeze), depending on the product line. MiO is calorie-free, so you can drink it without worrying about excess calories and weight gain. Its extracted and purified from the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant, native to South America. The only reason I can imagine someone might say MiO isnt vegan is due toanimal testing. For this reason, MiO does not break a fast because it contains zero calories. MiO Fit Liquid Water Enhancer MiO Fit makes it possible for weight loss patients to turn water into a zero calorie sports drink. Original, vitamins, and possible side effects of ' F ' is for things that fail bring! Option for those trying to maintain a healthy alternative to soda, and Sportare caffeine free, Youll be... Coffee and contains 60 mg of caffeine per serving ( per squeeze ), experts believe it to your... Shows that artificial sweeteners aresurprisingly ineffectivefor weight loss patients to turn water into a zero sports... It frequently and disrupted the gut microbiome sucralose may be healthier than Crystal Light, soda, and available flavors... Treatments for MiO can and Gatorade animals have now shown that sucralose may be safe to MiO. It may raise your bodys risk for cancer and DNA mutations ' may have some harmful qualities may rated... 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