On the return it departs Taveuni around noon on Friday and Sunday, arriving in Savusavu at around 5 pm. Laura is also editor of several other South Pacific travel guides. for a complete price list. Cost Suva: Ferry tickets can be purchased before hand (recommended) from Gounder Shipping office in Walu Bay in Suva or on the day, as you board from the wharf (for a slight premium). The best way to get from Natovi to Nabouwalu without a car is to ferry which takes 6h and costs . If you are in Savusavu and you wish to get to taveuni, there is a small ferry (50 person capacity) that goes from Natuvu (Buca Bay) to taveuni ("Korean" Wharf, near Naqara). Managing Director George Goundar says this is an initiative to boost their services to the public. Tickets Nabouwalu Jetty - Fiji Sun fijisun.com.fj "I always think about the people of Vanua Levu motivating myself to make sure everything is cleared properly befor. The Taveuni Suva Taveuni ferry transits through Natuvu & Nabouwalu wharfs. DIRECT BUS SERVICE FROM SUVA TO LABASA/SAVUSAVU (VISE VERSA) 164164. ISL is expecting to purchase its fourth vessel before the end of this year. Going this way is quite an adventure, so be prepared for it. Bookings in Suva are done with Patterson Shipping. The ferry departs every day from Puget Island, WA on the hour, every hour, between 5 am -10 pm. 2022-12-01. See How Much Do Water Taxis & Ferries Cost in Fiji? By using this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and terms of use within it which includes sponsored posts and affiliate links. Bus/Ferry service 3 days a week from Suva to Levuka. The coach drives to the Levuka Wharf (about 5 minutes), on to the ferry and takes about two and a half hours for the scenic trip to Natovi Landing, where it drives off the ferry and takes about two hours to arrive in Suva. The approximate prices for the Interlink Shipping Line ferries and bus services are as follows: Price Suva Savusavu: Adult FJ$55 / Child FJ$35 Price Suva Nabouwalu: Adult FJ$55 / Child FJ$35 Price Natovi Nabouwalu/Labasa: Adult FJ$45 / Child FJ$30 Price Suva Labasa: Adult FJ$55 / Child FJ$35. The ferry crossing between Natovi and Nabouwalu takes approximately 3 to 4h30mins, while bus travel is an added 1-2 hours on either end of the ferry crossing. Official Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Fiji, How to get from Luton Airport into central London. At Nabouwalu you can catch a bus to Savusavu (approximately 2 hours) on a well made road. Is there a direct ferry between Natovi and Nabouwalu. Learn more about taking the ferries to Fijis less-visited islands in the following guides: Compared to flying, ferries provide a cheaper way to get between the islands of Fiji. Tickets from Suva can be purchased from the Ticket Booth located at the Market Carrier stand beside Bio-security office. Natovi Jetty Natovi Jetty (situated on the east cost of Viti Levu) caters for vessels of the same type as Nabouwalu Jetty, and services routes to Nabouwalu, Savusavu and Ovalau. Services depart once a week. Fast catamaran ferries whiz between the mainland and the islands of the Mamanucas and Yasawas daily, while affordable passenger and car ferries voyage across to Fijis more far-flung islands on daily to weekly schedules. It usually departs Natuvu jetty around 11.30am -12pm. This article was reviewed and published by Laura, editor in chief and co-founder of Fiji Pocket Guide. Crossing to Ovalau is about 1-hour sea time followedby another hour on thebus toLevuka Town. Cost is currently F$30.00 per person one way. The air-conditioned coach departs Suva at 10.45 am from the Western Bus Stand opposite the Flea Market for the two-hour drive to Natovi Landing. Tickets can be purchased from Suit I & II, Epworth House, Nina Street in Suva, 15 Tukani Street in Lautoka and from their two offices in Labasa: one on Nasekula Road (opposite St. Marys Primary School) and the other in the Telecom Building at the back of the Post Office. (This service occasionally stops at Koro a nine hour trip). Weather, And Sports on Fiji's Best Radio stations. Find all the transport options for your trip from Natovi to Nabouwalu right here. The company also confirmed yesterday that they are only carrying vehicles to Nabouwalu. For the latest travel status, please check the official page for Fiji. Fiji Searoad Service operates a ferry from Natovi to Nabouwalu once a week, and the journey takes 6h. Read our range of informative guides on popular transport routes and companies - including How to get from Luton Airport into central London, Travelling to the UK: What do I need to know? Goundar Shipping To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. A one-way trip to taveuni from Suva in Economy will cost you FJ$67 (adult) and $41 (child) per person. Daily services also operate on longer journeys between Suva or Natovi in Viti Levu, Buresala in the Lomaiviti Islands, and Nabouwalu in Vanua Levu. There is widespread community transmission globally.Some travel restrictions are being lifted in Fiji. Rome2rio makes travelling from Natovi to Nabouwalu easy. Yes, there is a direct ferry departing from Natovi and arriving at Nabouwalu. For the latest travel status, please check the official page for Fiji. Mary on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Two ferries leave every day with the first ferry leaving at 7am and the second following with an hour or so. Goundar shipping services will next month commence its ferry services from Ellington wharf to Nabouwalu. The Royale Complex The Royale Complex, Nasekula Rd, Labasa, FijiCoordinate: -16.4303115, 179.3713294. Thats it from the guide to travelling in Fiji by ferry. There is currently only one direct ferry service operating to and from taveuni via Savusavu (Vanua Levu) from Suva and one indirect service from Natovi Jetty (Viti Levu) to taveuni via Nabouwalu in Bua (Vanua Levu) Savusavu and Buca Bay (Vanua Levu). It departs from Westport, Oregon on the quarter past hour from 5:15 am - 10:15 pm. Port Of Singapore Records The Second Busiest Year In History, MSAF Works on Restoring Floating Navigation Devices, Port Of Suva Scoop Award Amongst Top Ports, Vanua Levu Carbon Trading Project A First For Fiji, Minister Biman Prasad Defends FRCS CEOs Pay Increment, Epeli Nalaga Eyes A Spot On The Wellington Hurricanes Bench. You can opt-out at any time. FijiPocketGuide.com The Cost of the Ferries to Vanua Levu and Where to Purchase Tickets Taking a ferry to Vanua Levu is by far the cheapest way to get to the island. Ferries and water taxis can get you from point A to point B, or simply take you on a day tour around the islands of Fiji. Savusavu office: (679) 8850108 and mobile (679) 7775472 Ferries between Suva (Natovi) and Nabouwalu There is normally at least one ferry - and often more - plying this route daily. (If you email them, you may never get an answer! Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. This was revealed by management at the launching of Interlink Shipping Limited's latest addition, MV Ohana on Monday night at Port Mua-i-Walu. You connect by bus from Suva to Natovi and from Nabouwalu to Labasa. If catching a taxi, make sure you negotiate the fare before you get in, as the taxis in taveuni do not have meters. The average trip across the river is 12 min. Malolo Cat (Viator/Tripadvisor) and South Sea Cruises (Viator/Tripadvisor) service the Mamanuca Islands, while South Sea Cruises/Awesome Adventures Fiji (Viator/Tripadvisor) services the Mamanuca and the Yasawa Islands. How to Take the Ferry to the Mamanuca Islands, Boarding and sailing schedules for ferries to Vanua Levu can change with little notice, so we recommend double-checking ferry schedules on the Facebook Page or ticket office of your chosen company on the day of departure, The sea can get pretty rough on the journey to Vanua Levu, so this trip is not for the faint-hearted, Ferry trips also include bus travel between the main towns stated on the route. Ferry Travel Durations in the Mamanuca and Yasawa Islands. At Nabouwalu you can catch a bus to Savusavu (approximately 2 hours) on a well made road. Done with our first trip for today, Natovi- Nabouwalu/Savusavu/Labasa route. Phone: 3301020 and 3301021. A second, afternoon bus departs from the Western Bus Stand at 1.30 pm and proceeds to Natovi Landing, arriving at 3.30pm. Laura is also editor of several other South Pacific travel guides. Bus departs Labasa to Nabouwalu at 12am and vessel departs Nabouwalu at 4am. Rome2rio uses cookies to help personalize content and show you personalised ads. First 200 passengers booking their one-way trip from Natovi to Nabouwalu tomorrow will travel free on the new ferry MV Ohana. How Much Do Water Taxis & Ferries Cost in Fiji? Services depart once a week. Cost for one person is approximately F$25.00 each way. The trip passes through Nausori Town (where Suva Airport is located) up the Rewa River valley, and through Korovou village till you reach the Ferry Landing . The MV Ohana is a more modern and faster ship doing the daytime runs between Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, while the older MV Westerland does slower nightly trips. Booking and ticket office for the ferry to Ovalau at Patterson Bros., Epsworth House, Nina Street, Suva, For Labasa & Savusavu bound passengers from Taveuni, Princess Moana departs Taveuni at 7.45 am daily. Nole Reef Nole Reef, FijiCoordinate: -17.0166667, 178.85, 3. Some border closures are in place for Fiji due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). They operate regular ferries between Suva and Vanua Levu. There is widespread community transmission globally. The ferry, which departs at 4.00 pm, arrives in Levuka at about 5.30pm. ThePrincess Moana departs Taveuni at 4 amreporting time is at 3.30 am. For more information call the ferry hotline at (360) 795-7867. Suva Natovi Nabouwalu Labasa/Savusavu. The Crossing to Nabouwalu takes about 2.5 hours. Some of the links on this website contain affiliate links, meaning levukafiji.com may receive a small commission if you click and visit recommended websites. PH: 9990493 SUVA OFFICE Shop 907 Flea Market, PH:9992026 , 7897895 You can opt-out at any time. For the latest travel status, we recommend checking the official page for Fiji. To contact us directly, use our contact page. Boat fares include Taveuni-Natuvu $10 FJD; Taveuni-Savusavu $15 FJD; and Taveuni-Labasa $20 FJD. Tickets can purchased on board the ferry. The coach loads up in front of Outback Range Limited supermarket in the main street of Levuka at 7.00am (reporting time is 6.30am). Vanua Levu might be Fijis second-largest island but it is far less-travelled making for an authentic experience of lush tropical rainforest, Fijian villages and small Indo-Fijian towns. and Want to know more about Flixbus? Natovi Landing Fiji, Ferry from Viti Levu to Ovalau and Vanua Levu. Reporting time there is 7.30am and 3.00pm daily. Ferry Battle: Captains Suspended, MSAF Investigates This follows the near collision of their vessels MV Ohana and Lomaiviti Princess VIII near the Nabouwalu Jetty in Bua around 12pm on Friday. There are varying ferry experiences in Fiji between the fast modern catamarans to the slow cargo-style ships. All prices are approximate and for a one-way journey. Patterson Shipping Services has bus-ferry connections from Natovi Wharf (north of Suva on eastern Viti Levu) to Nabouwalu on Vanua Levu. Opportunities for water travel are almost everywhere in Fiji. Tickets can be purchased in Levuka from Ambalal & Sons (on Beach Street). The trip to Natovi Landing on Viti Levu is about two and a half hours. Phone: 3301020 and 3301021. Cabins are also available for a premium. Levuka- Suva: Departs from the Levuka Wharf daily at 3.00 pm. Yes, there is a direct ferry departing from Natovi and arriving at Nabouwalu. Trip Rates - cash only please Pedestrians: $2 Bikes: $3. Where are the coordinates of the Nabouwalu Jetty? For more tips, check out the 10 Tips for Taking the Ferry in Fiji. P: (+679) 330 1035 or visit their office in Tofua St. Walu Bay, Suva. 2022 Robert F. Kay. From Nabouwalu you catch a bus to Savuasavu (two hour ride on a sealed road). All of them provide bus and ferry services to get between the islands major towns. We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest mode of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much do tickets usually cost? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Interlink Shipping Line has two vessels that serve Vanua Levu. Clicking an affiliate link doesnt cost you any extra. Natovi is located north of Suva, the bus ride is about 2 hours. Suva-Levuka: The bus departs Suva at 6.00 am from the Western Bus Stand opposite the Suva Flea Market. What are the Ferry Passes to Travel Around Fiji? Patterson Brothers Shipping operates a daily service ($24 one way), which involves a bus ride (l 1/2 hours) from Suva (Western Bus Terminal, Rodwell Rd) to Natovi Landing, followed by a ferry to Buresala Landing (one hour) and another bus to Levuka (one hour). Taking a ferry to Vanua Levu is by far the cheapest way to get to the island. Known as the taveuni Princess it usually leaves every day except Saturday 1 1/2 - 2 hours to cross the Somosomo Straits. The $2 million MV Ohana bought from Okinawa, in Japan was launched locally four weeks later than its initial date on Monday. Explorers and Missionaries encounter Fijian, Explorers, Traders and the first philolgists, New release: Suva StoriesA History of the Capital of Fiji, Rethinking Tourism Its all about authenticity, Taveuni UpdateRoberta Davis reflects on the Covid Era in Fiji and reopening her property, After 44 years, SuvaA History and Guide is in print again. The bus ride is very scenic, through beautiful jungle and coastal scenery. Levuka to Suva: departs Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Rome2rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make an informed decision about which option will suit you best. Share. (Add an extra FJ$5 for the bus). Natovi is about an hour's drive from Suva, on the east coast of Viti Levu, while Nabouwalu is about a two hour drive from Savusavu, on the west end of Vanua Levu. DEPARTING LAUTOKA-ELLINGTON WHARF-NABOUWALU-LABASA. This article was reviewed and published by Laura, editor in chief and co-founder of Fiji Pocket Guide. The Lomaiviti Princess 7 owned by Goundar Shipping serves Levuka. Yes, there is a direct ferry departing from Natovi and arriving at Nabouwalu. by lusian tuimaisala The most affordable and local way to get to the Friendly North is via one of the ferries! The distance between Natovi and Nabouwalu is 74 km. Welcome/Bula! Bus for Levuka departs Suva Main bus Station at 1 PM (find Paterson Bus opposite the Suva Flea Market). Bus services are provided from Suva to Natovi and Nabouwalu to Labasa and vice versa where you would embark and disembark the MV Westerland. On April 9, Bligh Water Shipping Company Limited 's website announced changes on the ferry's schedule as it begins operating the Natovi- Nabouwalu route. Welcome/Bula! (Reporting time is 6.00 am). Some ships are more upgraded than others but depending on what ship youre on, passengers are usually sprawled between the cushioned seating areas, the canteen with tables and chairs and the floor. Note that some journeys also include bus travel. Feedback: karalaini.waqanidrola@fijisun.com.fj. The jetty is considered to be in a critical state of disrepair and the facility as a whole is in need of substantial upgrading or renewal. Rome2rio also offers online bookings for selected operators, making reservations easy and straightforward. The MV Westerland is back in full service after undergoing repair works last week. Buses depart the Suva office at 4.30am. From here the buses to either Labasa or Savusavu take about 4 hours. The whole journey is arduous, and it is recommended to take either first-class lounge sleeper or a cabin (where possible), so that you can lie down and sleep, rather than sit upright in economy. Il y a 4 aroports proximit de Robinson Crusoe Island. Island-hopping ferries service the resorts between Port Denarau on Viti Levu and the Mamanuca and Yasawa Islands. Fiji is an archipelago nation of 333 islands, so chances are, you want to see a few of those islands. Aroport recommand Nadi (NAN) 1h 36m Plus d'informations Autres aroports proches Labasa (LBS) 18h 36m Savusavu (SVU) 19h Taveuni (TVU) 22h 31m Autres destinations populaires Afternoon daily trips depart Taveuni at 1.45 pm and leaves Natuvu 3.15 pm for Taveuni in time for passengers to catch the last bus to both ends of Taveuni. Bligh Water Shipping Ltd. and Venu Shipping Ltd. operate ferries to Savusavu from Suva. Boarding time for passengers is around 4pm and departure time from Suva is usually 6 pm or sometimes midnight (depending on its schedule), and takes about 14-16 hours to arrive in taveuni (depending on the weather and the load it drops off and picks up from Savusavu). Again it involves a bus ride (1 1/2 hours) from Suva, a ferry trip (41/2 hours) and another bus to Labasa (four hours). South Sea Cruises and the Yasawa Flyer (Awesome Adventures) also have a travel desk, licensed bar and cafe onboard. Compare your options: plane, train, bus, car, ferry, bike share, driving and walking directions all in one search. For more information on schedules, booking and prices, e-mail at goundarshipping@kidanet.com.fj. She knows the islands inside-out and loves sharing tips on how best to experience Fijis must-dos and hidden gems. Want to know about travelling from Natovi to Nabouwalu? By proceeding, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our. taveuni Adventures 2004-2018 This was revealed by management at the launching of Interlink Shipping Limiteds latest addition, MV Ohana on Monday night at Port Mua-i-Walu. Patterson Brothers Shipping travels this route ($45 one way) on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sit back, relax on our air-conditioned ferry and let us make your journey a memorable one. The journey takes approximately 6h. In four years since 2016, he has diversified to shipping. Find all the transport options for your trip from Natovi to Nabouwalu right here. Find all the transport options for your trip from Natovi to Nabouwalu right here. Nabouwalu Jetty is located at: Nabouwalu Jetty, Fiji. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Goundar Shipping, also operating cargo, vehicle and passenger ferries, has a series of ships known as the Lomaiviti Princess. Ohana means family, and our motto is family means no one is left behind or forgotten, Mr Kumar said. September 26, 2019 12:20 pm. One way costs $40. Welcome/Bula! Suva Office: Shop #10 South Mall City, Suva Guide to the Best Eats & Restaurants on Vanua Levu, Information, Shops & Services on Vanua Levu, How to Take the Ferry to the Yasawa Islands, 10 Tips for Taking a Small-Ship Cruise in Fiji, How to Book Cruises Around the Fiji Islands. She knows the islands inside-out and loves sharing tips on how best to experience Fijis must-dos and hidden gems. For more tips, check out the 10 Tips for Taking the Ferry in Fiji. The company operates the bright yellow Yasawa Flyer, a large catamaran, which services the resorts in the Yasawa Islands plus some of the Mamanuca resorts. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Limited international flights leaving Fiji began to resume from May 9. By entering your email address you're giving us permission to send you news and offers. The Malolo Cat (more info on Viator and Tripadvisor), South Sea Cruises (on Viator and Tripadvisor) and Awesome Adventures (on Viator and Tripadvisor) ferries service the Mamanucas and the Yasawas from Port Denarau. Process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent travel in! Our air-conditioned ferry and let us make your journey a memorable one hour, between 5 am -10 pm door-to-door... And costs Oregon on the return it departs Taveuni at 4 amreporting is... The river is 12 min trip across the river is 12 min travel desk, licensed bar cafe! Making reservations easy and straightforward get to and from any location in the Mamanuca Yasawa... Published by laura, editor in chief and co-founder of Fiji Pocket Guide,! Without asking for consent Natovi- Nabouwalu/Savusavu/Labasa route are being lifted in Fiji by ferry day from Puget Island, on! Ferries, has a series of ships known as the Taveuni Princess it usually leaves every day with first... 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Suva office Shop 907 Flea Market undergoing repair works last week bus to Savuasavu two.
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ferry from natovi to nabouwalu