Bthory was born into prominent Protestant nobility in Hungary. Wikipedia, 2019, s.v. Countess Elizabeth Bthory de Ecsed (Bthory Erzsbet in Hungarian, Albeta Btoriov in Slovak; 7 August 1560 - 21 August 1614) was a countess from the renowned Bthory family of Hungarian nobility. Raised in a noble family, Bathory knew a life of privilege from an early age. Hungarian countess Elizabeth Bathory is thought to have murdered hundreds of young women in the early 17th century. [19] Her family, which ruled Transylvania, sought to avoid the loss of Bthory's property which was at risk of being seized by the crown following a public scandal. It took 35 years and 650 girls for the King of Hungary to take action. According to the contemporary reports and the stories told long after, Elizabeth Bathory tortured girls and young women in unspeakable ways. Her family betrothed Bathory to Count Ferencz Ndasdy when she was 11 or 12. Countess Elizabeth Bthory de Ecsed ( Hungarian: Bthory Erzsbet, pronounced [batori rebt]; Slovak: Albeta Btoriov ; 7 August 1560 - 21 August 1614) [1] was a Hungarian noblewoman from the family of Bthory, who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary (now Hungary, Slovakia and Romania ). The evidence against Bathory has flaws: Of 289 witness accounts, more than 250 offered either hearsay or no information whatsoever. There is a rumor that Elizabeth became pregnant by a peasant right before she married Nadasdy, and he castrated the peasant and gave his body to wild dogs to eat. However, this is a fairly contemporary copy of that original, probably painted in the late 16th century. Elizabeth Bthory, or Bthory Erzsbet in her native Hungarian, was born in Nyrbtor on August 7, 1560. Elizabeth Bthory (or Erzsbet, to use the Hungarian spelling) was born into a Hungarian noble family on the 7th August, 1560. He had also received the castle Bujak from King Albert of Habsburg. For other uses, see, "Batory" redirects here. Instead, she was isolated perhaps walled up in Castle achtice, where she remained until her death in 1614. The evidence gathered by Thurz also included 289 witness statements. Bathorys husband enjoyed killing so much, especially during wars, that he received the nickname Black Knight of Hungary.7 Nadasdy taught Bathory new techniques or tricks when torturing her servants. Transylvanian Countess Elizabeth Bthory "The Blood Countess" (1560-1614) is often described as the first atypical and very rare, pathological hedonist lust female serial killer, as opposed to the more typical profit-motivated "black widows . I really liked your article! She used tools such as knives, razors, and wax to torture them.12 She would also bite pieces of flesh off of her victims.13 The people who lived in the same town as Bathory saw the girls that she tortured while they ran errands. Another indication that I am an irrelevant old fart! Great job! Uncanny parallels between the two. Her mother's brother Stephen (or Istvn . The Early Life of Elizabeth Bathory. The third son, Stephen V (d. 1493) excelled as a military commander and was made Voivode of Transylvania, the first of a long line of Bthory rulers of that country. While Nadasdy taught her how to torture, yet another person in her life would teach her how to kill. Answer (1 of 8): Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God, He is more than a prophet or a saint, He never married because He considered all women as His sisters and daughters and men as His sons and brothers, He is pure hearted and completely innocent unlike people today. On December 30, 1609, Elizabeth Bthory and her servants were arrested. Despite being a noblewoman, she was a famous serial killer. Witnesses claimed that Bathorys favorite method of torture was using scissors to mutilate her victims bodies and faces. Katarna Benick received a life sentence after evidence showed that she'd been abused by the other women. It was only when noble girls started disappearing and dying that he demanded Thurzo to look into it. Omissions? After Nadasdy died in January 1604, Bathory took control of her extensive estates. Anna Bthory was the widow of the last descendant of the Dragfi family and George now seized the castles of the Dragfi. It is also interesting to note that the King of Hungary only took notice or sent someone to investigate the disappearances of young girls when it was young noble girls disappearing. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! [2] Her servants were put on trial and convicted, whereas Bthory was confined to her home. This article was incredible! . Although in modern times she has been labelled the most prolific female serial killer in history, her guilt is debated. She told her guard that her hands were cold, and the next day the guard found her dead.20 She was buried somewhere around her castle, Cachtice. [10] Legends describing her vampiric tendencies, such as the tale that she bathed in the blood of virgins to retain her youth, were generally recorded years after her death and are considered unreliable. But although this story is by far the most memorable, its also extremely unlikely to have been true. Stephen VII first proved himself as Count of Temesvr and in 1519 was elected Palatine of Hungary, as which he had to contend with the opposition of the nobility. Some accounts of her life include her giving birth to an illegitimate child, fathered by another man, before her marriage. According to Thurz's letter to his wife, his unannounced visit found one dead girl and another living "prey" girl in the castle,[19] but there is no evidence that they asked her what had happened to her. She was a bloodsucking demon sent from Hell to murder young women. [citation needed] Some chronicles also indicate that the couple had another son, named Mikls Ndasdy, although this cannot be confirmed, and it could be that he was simply a cousin or died young, as he is not named in Bthory's will from 1610. Seeing that from a young age she would laugh at the torment of the servants I think it wouldve been only a matter of time. I think it wouldve been a little more beneficial to focus on a specific killing story of hers if there was evidence of one. But not everyone is convinced of her guilt. Considering the mythologized elements of Bathorys alleged crimes, it begs the question of how much of her bloody story was actually true and how much was made up just to take a powerful and wealthy woman down. [1], There are counter-arguments made against this theory. Where did Elizabeth Bathory grow up? [4][6][24] Two trials were held in the wake of Bthory's arrest: the first was held on 2 January 1611, and the second on 7 January 1611. She spent her childhood at Ecsed Castle. Make 2023 the year to let that wonderful you-ness shine. [18] This does not contribute to the notion of a Catholic/Habsburg plot against the Protestant Bthory, although religious tension is still a possible source of conflict, as Bthory was raised Calvinist, not Lutheran. Anna was born roughly in the year 1585, and Katalin approximately 1594. She became a leading public health activist during her lifetime. At times, Bathorys husband went away at war, but when he was at home, he shaped Bathory in how she killed.6 Nadasdy enjoyed torturing peasants and servants in brutal ways. While facing fraud charges, she was publicly revealed to be a transgender woman. 2 She came from a wealthy, Protestant family that were significant landowners in Hungary. By 1578, Ndasdy had become the chief commander of the Hungarian army and embarked on a military campaign against the Ottoman Empire, leaving his wife in charge of his vast estates and the governing of the local populace. Abridged from Female Serial Killers: How and Why Women Become Monsters by Peter Vronsky. Bthory was born into prominent Protestant nobility in Hungary. The exact circumstances of Elizabeth's final imprisonment are unknown. Corrections? She was born into a powerful and very well connected Transylvanian family. Elizabeth I was a long-ruling queen of England, governing with relative stability and prosperity for 44 years. 25 of the Most Evil People the World Has Ever Seen. Countess Elizabeth Bathory was a member of the aristocracy in Hungary. Elizabeth Smart spent nine months in captivity after being abducted from her home at age 14 in 2002. Bthory was born into prominent Protestant nobility in Hungary. Ladislaus, Count of Szabolcs, married Anna Meggyesi and received Somly as dowry. Countess Elizabeth Bthory de Ecsed (Hungarian: Bthori Erzsbet, pronounced [batori rebt]; Slovak: Albeta Btoriov; 7 August 1560 - 21 August 1614) was a Hungarian noblewoman and alleged serial killer from the family of Bthory, who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary (now Slovakia).. Bthory and four of her servants were accused of torturing and killing hundreds of . The citizens of Hungary did not even speak Bathorys name for hundreds of years.18 Conspiracy theories argue that Bathory was actually innocent. In an attempt to maintain her vast network of servants and victims, she began luring peasant girls to her estate with the promise of work. If all the stories about her are true, then she is likely the most prolific and vicious female serial killer of all time. I wouldve expected her to get decapitated or more severely punished. [citation needed]. Enter a grandparent's name. . Peasant girls looking for servant work in the Csejte Castle were disappearing, and no one knew why. Elizabeth Bathory (1560-1614) was a countess who lived in Transylvania, then a part of the Kingdom of Hungary. Elizabeth Bthory, or Bthory Erzsbet in her native Hungarian, was born in Nyrbtor on August 7, 1560. Elizabeth Bthory, by Gavin R.G. For years, citizens were frightened of Elizabeth Bathory. The fact that a large debt owed by Matthias to Bthory was canceled by her family in exchange for permitting them to manage her captivity suggests that the acts attributed to her were politically motivated slander that allowed relatives to appropriate her lands. Although it is commonly believed that Bthory was caught in the act of torture, she was having dinner. Bathing in pure girls blood is heard from a lot in movies but Ive never heard it happening in real life. Serial Killer Elizabeth Bathory (aka) The Blood Countess, The achtice Countess, was active for 20 years between 1590-1609, known to have ( 80 confirmed / 650 possible ) victims. Inside her castles, there were torture chambers. And when Bathorys husband died in 1604, these views became much more widespread and dramatic. [9], In 1578, three years into their marriage, Ndasdy became the chief commander of Hungarian troops, leading them to war against the Ottomans. The most famous relative was Istvan (ISHT-vahn) Bathory (1533-86). There is no evidence that she actually committed the crimes she of which she was alleged. Transylvania is also infamous for the reputation of . People grew more suspicious after she killed one noble girl. Vitus killed it with three thrusts of his lance and as a reward received the castle. This page has been accessed 12,844 times. Then, discover the true story behind the real-life Bloody Mary. The King of Hungary, King Matthias II, ordered Gyorgy Thurzo, Palatine of Hungary, to look into the rumors and accusations about Bathory. Through her mother, Elizabeth was the niece of the Hungarian noble Stephen Bthory (15331586), the King of Poland, the Grand Duke of Lithuania of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, and Prince of Transylvania. The count palatine determined, after taking depositions from people living in the area surrounding her estate, that Bthory had tortured and killed more than 600 girls with the assistance of her servants. The Countess came from a very influential family. The first mention of Bathory's blood baths came 100 years after her death and thus seems to be an invention. Tony Thorne. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Actress Elizabeth Taylor starred in films like 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' and 'Butterfield 8' but was just as famous for her violet eyes and scandalous love life. Bathory, a scion of a powerful Hungarian family and the product of inbreeding between Baron George Bathory and Baroness Anna Bathory, called the Csejte Castle home. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to graduate from medical school in the United States. English: The original portrait of the Countess Elizabeth Bathory from 1585 is lost (spirited away in the 1990s). Although never tried, Bthory was confined to her chambers at Castle Cachtice. I have never heard of this story, it was very interesting to read and learn about! [3][6][7][bettersourceneeded] Both make for a compelling story even if only one of them is actually true. She has since gone on to become an accomplished activist and author. I also did not know that part of the reason for her sadism came from her upbringing and husband. She was initially buried in the crypt on her estate, but her body was likely moved afterward. The Somly branch, on the other hand, supported John Zpolya, whom the greater part of the Hungarian nobility had elected King. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. There is no evidence that she actually committed the crimes she of which she was alleged. [5][bettersourceneeded] Ladislaus' younger brother George II is the ancestor of the Simolin family, later called Bthory of Simolin (see below). Erzsebet Bathory, known more commonly in the Western world by the anglicised name Elizabeth, was born August 7th, 1560, the daughter of Baron George Bathory and Baroness Anna Bathory. The Csejte church and the castle of Csejte do not bear any markings of her possible grave. [citation needed] He had been married to Bthory for 29 years. [26], On 25 January 1611, Thurz wrote a letter to King Matthias describing that they had captured and confined Bthory to her castle. During this time, no laws protected servants or peasants from being tortured. [2] She was from a very important family that included kings, cardinals, knights, and judges. What struck me the most was how they had seen a girl run out of her castle with a knife still in her foot but did nothing because she was a peasant and only did something once she killed a noble girl. [30] She was buried in the church of Csejte on 25 November 1614,[30] but according to some sources due to the villagers' uproar over having the Countess buried in their cemetery, her body was moved to her birth home at Ecsed, where it was interred at the Bthory family crypt. [3] She was well- educated, beautiful and wealthy. George strengthened his alliance to Stephen by marrying his sister Anna, uniting the branches. Luke possessed wide estates in Szatmr and was granted by King Charles Robert the lordship of Ecsed, where he built the castle called Hsg (loyalty). [5][6][7] Other writers, such as Michael Farin in 1989 have said that the accusations against Bthory were supported by testimony from more than 300 individuals, some of whom described physical evidence and the presence of mutilated dead, dying and imprisoned girls found at the time of her arrest. Elizabeth was raised on Ecsed, an estate in Transylvania. [4][32] Nagy argued that the proceedings against Bthory were largely politically motivated, possibly due to her extensive wealth and ownership of large areas of land in Hungary, which increased after the death of her husband. [37], Bthory has been labelled by Guinness World Records as the most prolific female murderer, though the number of her victims is debated.[38]. As a wealthy noblewoman, Bathory evaded the law until 1610, according to the History Channel. [citation needed] Thurz, along with Paul and her two sons-in-law, originally planned for Bthory to be sent to a nunnery, but as accounts of her actions spread, they decided to keep her under strict house arrest.[22]. This role usually included responsibility for the Hungarian and Slovak people, providing medical care during the Long War (15931606), and Bthory was charged with the defense of her husband's estates, which lay on the route to Vienna. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain was the longest-reigning monarch in British history. Ancient Origins - Elizabeth Bathory 16th century deranged serial killer or victim of betrayal. According to SyFy, this claim didnt even appear in print until after shed been dead for more than a century. Highly interesting and indulging article that I enjoyed reading. Lancer's True Name is Elizabeth Bthory (, "Erzsbet Bthory"), the virginal fourteen year old aspect that had yet to become the monster Carmilla like her older aspect. This is thought to be one of the reasons she became obsessed over blood. Her family contributed to her sadism by torturing their servants and peasants.4 One story suggests that after Bathory witnessed a man being sewn into a horses stomach for theft, she laughed at the sight of it.5 Bathory saw her family members torture their servants for fun, and this turned her adolescent self into a full-blown killer. The family divided into two major branches, which descended from the sons and grandsons of Yes, there are descendants of Elizabeth Bathory that are living today. [31] The location of her body today is unknown but believed to be buried deep in the church area of the castle. She had an elder brother named Stephen. That evidence included numerous bodies and dead and dying girls found when the castle was entered by Thurz. It pains my mind just to think of it! Want to Read. Elizabeth Bathory was technically a subject of the Habsburg crown. Although it is commonly believed that Bthory was caught in the act of torture, she was having dinner. 1590 is when she was said to have started her crimes. She pled innocent to each crime. If so, login to add it. And Bathory's support of her nephew Prince Gbor Bthory of Transylvania, who was in conflict with the ruling Habsburgs, potentially placed her in danger. I had never heard of this story/person prior to reading this article, how disturbing! Her mother was Baroness Anna Bthory (15391570), daughter of Stephen Bthory of Somly, also voivode of Transylvania, who was of the Somly branch. Instant DIGITAL DOWNLOAD . The Elizabethan era is named for her. She also supposedly kidnapped local girls in the area who would never have come to the castle of their own free will. She was forty-three at the time of Ferencz's death and known to be terrified of growing old and losing her beauty. After Ndasdys death in 1604, rumours of Bthorys cruelty began to surface. This branch, since they retained the possession of Btor, are sometimes called of Btor or, as the younger branch, Nyrbtor (New Bathory).[3]. The couple's first child was born 10 years later, in 1585. There is still no physical evidence to this day that proves she is innocent or guilty. Countess Dracula: The Life and Times of Elisabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess (Unknown Binding) by. However, she was bricked up and isolated in a room at Csejte Castle, where she remained under house arrest for four years until her death in 1614, according to History Today. Great job! Though previous accounts of the murder of peasant women had apparently been ignored, the claims in 1609 that she had slain women from noble families attracted attention. Updates? However, it's possible Bathory was not guilty of all the crimes that have been laid at her feet. [8][9] Some scholars have suggested that she served as one of Bram Stoker's influences for writing the novel Dracula but the evidence to support this is slim. She descended from multiple noble lineages and included the King of Poland and the prince of Transylvania among her relatives. Yes, there are descendants of Elizabeth Bathory that are living today. After taking a lover at age 13 and giving birth to a secret love child, Elizabeth was married shortly before turning 15 to a nobleman named Ferenc Nadasdy. [8] In a 2018 article for Przegld Nauk Historycznych (Historical Science Review) Aleksandra Bartosiewicz stated that when Bthory was persecuted, the accusations were a spectacle to destroy her family's influence in the region, which was considered a threat to the political interests of her neighbors, including the Habsburg empire.[9]. She remained there until she died. [citation needed], Ferenc Ndasdy died on 4 January 1604 at the age of 48. Countess Elizabeth Bathory, or Erzsbet Bthory, was a wealthy and powerful Hungarian noblewoman whose relations included an uncle who was king of Poland and a nephew who was prince of Transylvania. Elizabeth Bathory may have had a secret love child At the age of 11, Elizabeth's family betrothed her to 15-year-old Ferenc Nadasdy, the son of the then Palatine of Hungary. Darvulia supposedly implanted in Bathorys mind that if she killed young virgins and bathed in their blood, she could maintain her youth.9 Bathory confided in Darvulia and took interest in learning more about witchcraft and Satanism. Elizabeth is 24 degrees from Margaret Atwood, 26 degrees from Jim Carrey, 25 degrees from Elsie Knott, 27 degrees from Gordon Lightfoot, 30 degrees from Alton Parker, 29 degrees from Beatrice Tillman, 27 degrees from Jenny Trout, 23 degrees from Justin Trudeau, 27 degrees from Edwin Boyd, 24 degrees from Barbara Hanley, 33 degrees from Fanny Rosenfeld and 27 degrees from Cathryn Hondros on our single family tree. Countess Elizabeth Bathory. Also known as Bthori Erzsbet, Elizabeth Bathory was born to an incredibly powerful family on August 7, 1560, in Hungary. [2][13][16] Born into a privileged family of nobility, Bthory was endowed with wealth, education and a prominent social rank.[17]. To cure her epilepsy, her family took blood from servants and put it on her lips. At the age of 13, before her first marriage, Bthory allegedly gave birth to a child. Instead, she was diagnosed as criminally insane.17. She eventually was put on trial. [20] By October 1610 they had collected 52 witness statements;[19] by 1611, that number had risen to over 300. in order to explain Bthory's cruelty later in her life is that she was trained by her family to be cruel. Elizabeth Warren is a Democrat from Massachusetts who was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012 and ran for her party's presidential nomination in 2020. This diary, however, appears to have only been a legend. It turns out that King Matthias II owed Bathorys late husband, and then her, a sizable debt. Countess Elizabeth Bthory, (Erzsbet Bthori in Hungarian), was born in 1560 in Nyrbtor in Royal Hungary. She was sentenced to life imprisonment (but living in relative luxury) in one of the Bthory castles, instead of being executed, due to her family's influence. While she lived unharmed by any authority for years, many young girls went missing or ended up dead. Imprisonment allowed family members to take control of the powerful widow's possessions (her sons-in-law knew beforehand that her arrest was coming). The Myth of the "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Bathory. An Examination of the Life and Trial of Erzsbet Bthory", "The falling sickness. [19] On 31 December, Thurz went to Csejte Castle and arrested Bthory along with four of her servants, who were accused of being her accomplices: Dorotya Semtsz, Ilona J, Katarna Benick and Jnos jvry ("Ibis" or Fick). Impressed by Stephen, George VI Bthory, of the Ecsed branch, was persuaded to change his allegiance from the Habsburgs to Zpolya, for which the Habsburg king deprived him of his castle Bujak. According to widespread misbelief, Elizabeth Bthory was one of the most notorious serial killers in history, supposedly murdering over 600 women in her castle during her lifetime. I wonder if she wouldve grown up to be different if all these people in her life wouldnt have helped her torment her servants. There were many suspected forms of torture carried out by Bthory. On December 30, 1609, Bthory and her servants were arrested. The most common motif of these works was that of the countess bathing in her virgin victims' blood to retain beauty or youth. Thurz ordered two notaries, Andrs Keresztry and Mzes Czirky,[19] to collect evidence in March 1610. So, Hungarian King Matthias II sent his highest-ranking representative, Gyrgy Thurz, to investigate the complaints against her. Many of the witnesses who spoke against Bathory were beholden to Thurz, who oversaw the entire investigation. One girl even came running out of the castle with a knife still in her foot.14 The king showed no compassion or care for the peasants or servants being killed. American serial killer Israel Keyes is thought to have murdered at least 11 people before his 2012 arrest. From being tortured take control of the aristocracy in Hungary who spoke against Bathory flaws... 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elizabeth bathory living descendants