They began on the road near the farmhouse and walked the two branches of Middle Creek. Details of the examination are being withheld for investigative purposes. An official website of the United States government. But if age and maturity arent enough to get people to talk, perhaps the $100,000 reward will inspire some people to do the right thing and talk. Alonzo Brooks was killed. Brooks, who lived in Gardner, Kansas, rode to the party with friends. They reported that the water was at most 3 feet deep, so that teams of three were going all the way across and clearing out brush. Brooks mother, Maria Ramirez, believes her son was targeted for his race. For starters, according to the NYTimes, Mitchell was pushed to resign from his post as the medical examiner of Onondaga County NY because he overstepped his authority and mismanaged his office. No Thanks I believe the investigation didn't really go anywhere because the police were covering up for someone, probably their own kids. Alonzo was an excellent football player, and his friends say that he was an absolute beast on the field but when hed come off, you could just sit and talk for hours. Thank you very much; we appreciate this. Alonzos family continues to search for answers in his case. Did you encounter any technical issues? Traumatic, you know," Brooks' father, Billy Brooks Sr., told KMBC in the days following his son's disappearance. It wasnt until a month later, after a group of his family and friends organized their own search, that his body was found on top of a pile of brush and branches in the creek, according to the FBI. Logan smith. One by one, Justins closest friends began calling it a night and making their way back home, leaving just Justin and Alonzo at the party. Now, when it's windy outside and my hair get messed up, Ill say All right, stop it, Alonzo. It's time for answers.. He was the youngest of 5 children, and though it frustrated him to be the baby of the family when he was young, it made him especially close with his mother Maria Ramirez. Im be been left behind st a party before in a very similar series of miscommunications. Agents have spoke with partygoers who have never been interviewed before, and recently began administering polygraphs to witnesses. The examiners report concludes that the cause of death was homicide. Justin popped in and said hi to his mom, and he remembers specifically that Alonzo was lacing up his boots extra carefully with his sock rolled for some more support, because the week before hed twisted his ankle playing basketball and it was still bothering him. AND JUST TSHOWO THAT WE ARE STILL THINKING OF THEM. Raccogli, seleziona e commenta i tuoi file. And, I'm confident that we're going to get there. A Warner Bros. Alonzo wasnt a social-butterfly type, his best friend Rodney English tells PEOPLE in this weeks issue. [1], On July 1, 2020, Brooks' death was featured in the fourth episode "No Ride Home" of the fifteenth season of Unsolved Mysteries TV series. You can leave an anonymous tip about the incident with the Crimestoppers tips hotline. Yes, but the soft tissue was gone. He was the youngest of 5 children, and though it frustrated him to be the baby of the family when he was young, it made him especially close with his mother Maria Ramirez. How come Adam missed Alonzo? He was one of only three African-American men at the party, which 100 or more people attended. At some point, among the small town gossip, the FBI became involved to investigate the possibility of a hate crime. The body of Alonzo Brooks was exhumed last summer, 16 years after he was found dead. And if there were nearly 50 people at the party, Im sure it was chaotic. He would have been way more decomposed and naked. None of them were thinking right at all, let alone about the safety of their friend. You have to wait 48 hours. In interviews with his mother and childhood friend Rodney English, both assert again and again that "Zo"was relatively introverted and not prone to go off to a party with a lot of people, especially if they were strangers. There's also Tiffany Boone who is shady af. emailStay Connected They learned that the property was a rental, and the tenants had been evicted. He is the son of the judge. Dumping his body there was not convenient. His friends all woke up to their phones going off while everyone was reaching out to each other to find Alonzo. He also says that as they were searching in the brush on the side of the road, someone came down from the farmhouse on a four wheeler and told them to leave. His body was transported to Dover Air Force Base for examination by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner after it was exhumed, according to the news release from the Federal Bureau of Investigations Kansas City Division. 2. Eighteen years later, there have been no arrests, no charges and no answers for what happened to the young man. 192 201 201 comments Best Add a Comment Artisticbutanxious 2 yr. ago I feel like someone from that party knows something but doesn't want to come forward. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Alonzos 3 sisters and brother describe him as a kind, sweet, a little shy but playful kid who was loving and fun. The Mysterious Disappearance of Australian Prime Minister How a suspected police chief murderer avoided capture for David Pena arrested for 2007 disappearance and likely For anyone following the Seth Rich case, here is a filing Press J to jump to the feed. Alonzo Brooks is the focus of an episode of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries (Photo: Netflix) . He was described as being mild-mannered and a good-humored person. Share on Twitter Twitter Milioni di immagini, video e musica di alta qualit ti aspettano. The Linn County Sheriff's Department launched a search. Theyd ask for updates, and beg to go search the area themselves. A lock () or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. In fact, an anonymous source reported thatBrooks and his friends had been drinking since noon that day, and they heard of the party through a loose connection. Andrea Cavallier is a Digital Producer for Dateline NBC. Acting U.S. Attorney Duston Slinkard stated that while the FBI knew that Brooks died under very suspicious circumstances, the autopsy ultimately proved that his death was not an accident. I don't believe everyone from the party has kept quiet for so long. In his own words, he says I took a wrong turn out of the driveway, got stuck on a gravel road, and ended up 30 minutes north of where I was supposed to be. Alonzos best friend Rodney from Topeka came to town to help track him down. A month later, family and friends organized their own search and found Brooks' decomposed body within an hour lying on top of a pile of brush in the creek bed. Justin realized he was leaving Alonzo a little stranded, so he called his friend Adam who was still there and asked him to drive Alonzo home. According to the release, the new autopsy focuses on injuries to parts of Alonzos body that the examiner concluded are inconsistent with normal patterns of decomposition. Husband Allegedly Hired Brother to Murder His Ex-Wife, a 4th Grade Teacher and Mom to 2 Sets of Twins, L.A. Offering Large Reward in Unsolved Murder of Tioni Theus, Teen Found Dead Along Freeway On-Ramp, Sheriff Offers $500K of His Own Money for Info About Kendrick Johnson's Death After Releasing Unpopular Report, Suspect Identified in Fatal Stabbing of UCLA Student Brianna Kupfer, 24. He didn't know many people at the gathering, and was one of three persons of color in attendance in what has been called an aggressively racist area. It was a horrible experience, says Roberts. His body was found in a creek a month after. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Was he hoping to find a open store? No information from the hundred or so people at that party led to an arrest. I thought he was with you, when did you see him last, who was he with, who drove him home. We knew that Alonzo Brooks died under very suspicious circumstances. He's my son. Traumatic, you know," Brooks' father, Billy Brooks Sr., told KMBC in the days following his son's disappearance. Billy said You do all these searches for weeks and dont find him, we do a search and find him in 30 minutes? Make it make sense. Since the episode aired, the Alonzo Brooks case was reopened and his body exhumed. Share on Facebook Facebook The stories are what his sisters and the rest of his family have leaned on for years. Whenever possible, actual redditors have participated in investigating the events. I mean, think about it. Subscribe In an interview, Susan Schmidt [viaReddit],a blogger forCold Case Kansas,discussesan article written for her site about Brooks in September of 2010. "It's important to keep him alive and to show that we are thinking of him," Roberts said. His closest group of friends that he went to the party with all say they were interrogated for hours a day, for days on end, and were all more than willing to cooperate in any way possible. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Nothing can describe that pain.. They radioed the group of searched Weve got him, weve got Zo. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. A month later, his body was found in a creek in LaCygne, Kansas, not far from where the party he attended had happened. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. KANSAS CITY, Kan. (KWCH) - The death of a Kansas man . He was the sort to always call in and check with his mother, and he was a responsible and measured man. Another is that he improperly stored skeletons and body parts. 2023 Getty Images. Spreading out across the area, Alonzos uncle Edward Ramirez headed toward a white shed nearby to have a look. According to the friends, Adam went to collect him to leave, couldnt find him, heard he left already, and headed home. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Indoor & Outdoor SMD Screens, LED Displays, Digital Signage & Video Wall Solutions in Pakistan As a result, his body was exhumed for another autopsy. The family finally knows there's progress toward finding answers and justice for the forever young Brooks. What you are about to read is not a news broadcast. NEXT: Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About The Oslo Plaza Woman. Looks to me like he was tortured and killed and they concealed the body in the freezer till they could just dump it. So hes mixed. WSLA OF DTHEA THAT ALL CHANGED THREE YEARS AGO WHEN THE US ATTORNEY IN KANSAS PROMPTED BY QUESTIONS FROM PRODUCERS OF A DOCUMENTARY FILM ABOUT ALOONS ASKED THE FBI TO TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT HIS CASE. He kept in touch with lots of his friends from the old neighborhood, but also branched out and made many new friends in Gardner. 12:18 AM EDT, Tue April 6, 2021. From the beginning of his case, rumors swirled that Brooks was a victim of foul play. A lot of recent focus has been on the friends particularly Justin Sprague who leftBrooks at the party despite having heard racial slurs being bandied about. I am really curious about the what did local kids say about Alonzo and Adam. After a period of investigation The KBI sent a letter to the family that said, in part, that no evidence or information came from the investigating indicating that his death was a crime, for this reason the investigation into his death was closed But many people simply didnt agree. "I don't know how they got Alonzo there. Furthermore, Mitchells testimony on a murder trial in NY was called into question when he changed the time of death at trial, when the prosecutions entire case had been based on his original testimony. Justin and Alonzo headed out to make the LONG drive because La Cyne was actually quite a hike from Garnder, over an hour. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Almost a month later, Alonzo was still missing when his family organized a search party of approximately 50 volunteers. RELATED: Unsolved Mysteries: How The Original Series Is Still Solving Murders. His brother mentioned his ankle being bad and he wouldn't want to walk on it let alone barefoot or that far from home. Funny-Eagle4368 6 days ago. Billy got a call from his uncle with his location, and he ran down toward his brothers body. But I have a feeling they will do something this time and get the people or the person who did this to my son., I know he would have had a family and he would have been a good dad, she adds. Like, finally, like, you hear us." The local law enforcement sounded shady as hell though. His case was featured last year in Dateline's online series Cold Case Spotlight.. In the autopsy, examiners stated that there were injuries that would not be consistent with decomposition. He rode to the party with friends, but they left before him, leaving Brooks without a ride. In 2004, Brooks, a Black man, went missing after attending a party. Alonzo's death was a suicide or that he somehow accidentally tumbled into a relatively shallow creek . But after years of anguish, the family has new hope. We knew that Alonzo Brooks died under very suspicious circumstances, said Acting U.S. Attorney Duston Slinkard in a news release. There is a $100,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case. Perhaps they saw the situation differently in their young, naive minds, and are now starting to wonder if some things might need to be shared. The personal items that were found on him were also in pretty pristine condition given the circumstances- papers, receipts, cards in his pockets and wallets all in legible intact condition. . Some said Brooks may have flirted with a girl, some said drunken white men wanted to fight an African-American male, and some said racist whites simply resented Brooks presence, the FBI said. Billy says that his brother was not at all bloated like hed been in the water, and his color even looked almost normal, as if he was still alive. Alonzo Brooks Birth 20 Mar 1852 Death 5 May 1891 (aged 39) Alonzo Brooks, 23, of Gardner, vanished from a party April 3, 2004, at a farmhouse near La Cygne. After nearly a month, the family was finally given permission to go search the property themselves. None of them were really close with anyone at the party, just a couple acquaintances I think, but it was something to do. Gardner was suburban and quiet, without the city life and diverse population he was accustomed to in his early years. I had a friend killed and it was very similar, nobody involved would talk. Attendees left the party after a fight broke out, then headed to the farmhouse where Alonzo was last seen. My thought is he was strangled. Investigators have been tight lipped about what the party guests report that night, but they did make it clear that all of the rumors matched their interviews on one factor- a thread of racial tension. He's my baby, you know." The Corrupt World Behind the Murdaugh Murders. Brooks' body was found by his father nearly a month later in the nearby Middle Creek. Another point made aboutBrooks that was later denied by his friend English was that the racial tension going around at the party didn't upset him. On the first day of the search effort, Brooks' body was found on the banks of Middle Creek adjacent to the house where he was last seen a month earlier. The death of 23-year-old Alonzo Brooks, whose body was found in a Kansas creek in 2004, has been ruled a homicide after his body was recently exhumed as authorities investigated his case as a. The next morning at home, Maria answered a phone call from someone looking for Alonzo. By the time Billy and Cindy made it to the farmhouse to investigate, the property was completely vacant and looked clean and bare, as though no party had even occurred. They were always told to stay away from the search area, and at one point Cindy claims she was told to stop calling and let them do their job. AS A RESULT ALONSOS BODY WAS EXHUMED FOR ANOERTH AUTOPSY A FEW MONTHS LATER HIS DEATH RULED A HOMICIDE. Ottimizza il tuo flusso di lavoro con il nostro miglior sistema per la gestione dei contenuti digitali. Find him. Alonzo Brooks. When Alonzos big brother Billy came to the area to help search with his wife Cindy, they felt much the same way. They describe the crowd as being a lot more country than they were used to, pointing out especially how many cowboy hats there were. IE 11 is not supported. Alonzo Brooks was killed. ", RELATED: Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About The Jack Wheeler Murder Case. Could it be that black people were unexpected in the white community? I genuinely believe his friends, because my friends and I have been in those situations at parties before. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Alonzo was having a great time that night, playing card games and flip cup, eating and socializing. Alonzo's other boot was found in a creek bank nearby later in the investigation. April 26, 2022. The circumstances surrounding Brooks's death are mysterious, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to investigate whether or not he was a victim of a hate crime. The documentary seriesUnsolved Mysterieswas rebooted by Netflix, premiering on July 1st, 2020. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? I did not like Dr. Eric Mitchell AT ALL in his interview. They began on the road near the farmhouse and walked the two branches of Middle Creek. The new autopsy focuses on injuries to parts of Brooks body that the examiner concluded are inconsistent with normal patterns of decomposition. Dr. Eric Mitchell feels differently though, saying he could have just been caught up on a branch in the creek elsewhere and floated down. Get FBI email alerts I believe someone hid the body somewhere, and when the sheriff finally let the family do their own search, that person was tipped off and staged the body by the creek. Now a doctor in Kansas. Law enforcement were called and searched the area but couldnt find Brooks, who was only one of three Black men at the party of 100 or so that night. Justin is full of s***," English said. TheUnsolved Mysteries episodedoes not mentioned that Sprague did not leave the party alone, but had a friend with him. Brooks' mother, Maria Ramirez, told KMBC in the days following her son's disappearance. On an April night in 2004, this remote setting may have witnessed the. Almost a month later, Alonzo was still missing when his family organized a search party of approximately 50 volunteers. KMBC 9 Investigates is cracking open the unsolved case file of Alonzo Brooks.The 23-year-old went to a party in 2004. RELATED: Unsolved Mysteries: Why DNA Can't Solve The Oslo Woman Case. HED BEEN TO A PARTY NEAR THE TOWN, BUT NOBODY SAW HIM LEAVE. The TV dwarfs the photo of Alonzo Brooks in size, but the photo still holds your attention. As part of a continuing federal investigation of Alonzo Brooks death, his body was exhumed and transported to Dover Air Force Base for examination by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner. Both Ramirez and English say that Sprague's story was never the same through years of interviewswith law enforcement. Justin says he could hear Alonzo ragging on him in the background for getting lost, that Adam said no problem, and that was that. To find my boy like that. Alonzos father said he and a family friend were the ones who spotted him. KMBC cold case: In 2004 Alonzo Brooks went to a party, never to make it home again, LONG WAIT FOR JUSTICE. As they approached the shed, something behind it in the creek caught their eye. "No Ride Home," directed by Michael A. Clarke, made a solid attempt to talk about Alonzo's character. According to Meurer, she was contacted by an entomologist who suggested looking into the maggots found on the body: "She was looking at these photos of Alonzos clothing and there were maggots on that clothing. There's just nothing that makes any sense that it would have been some kind of an accident on his part or voluntary, says McAllister. They obviously didnt see the trouble Alonzo was in and thats a shame, Im sure they carry a lot of guilt about that night. The Alonzo Brooks episode ofUnsolved Mysteriesdid not include English's rebuttal to that sentiment; as he toldDaily Mail"Somebody calls Alonzo the n-word and he's ready to go or ready to fight. According to authorities, the new investigation is focused on determining whether Alonzo, an African-American man was the victim of a racially-motivated killing. His body was found a month later in a creek. People also wrote in to attest to how racist the town could be. Maybe one of the people that did something to Alonzo that night was a kid of someone in law enforcement and they proceeded to cover it up. No Thanks The mysterious death of 23-year-old man Alonzo "Zo" Brooks is highlighted inUnsolved Mysteries, and while the episode offered a thorough review of the case, many details were omitted. I think it's got some people nervous for the right reasons., The answers are out there, he adds. We need to find out what happened.. As the party continued, Brooks's friends left the party at La Cygne at different times, accidentally leaving Brooks behind due to a perceived misunderstanding on how he would be getting a ride home to Gardner. On the evening of his disappearance, he had been left alone by the friend who drove him to a party 50 miles away from his home with no way of returning. It's a murder mystery that has remained unsolved for 18 years. Who in town has a big enough freezer? . I agree. All of the searches turned up not one speck of evidence that could be linked back to Alonzo, or any indication of what could have happened to him. Murdered in Texas: The Case of Amber Hagerman, Missing in Texas: The Case of Patty Vaughn, Unidentified in Virginia: The Case of the Christmas Tree Lady, Missing in California: The Case of Khadijah Britton, Unidentified in Texas: The Case of the Galveston Doe, Seeds of Hope: The Closed Case of Mostly Harmless, Missing in Tennessee: The Case of Summer Wells, Missing in Pennsylvania: The Case of Kortne Stouffer, Welcome to the Lost Souls of America Podcast. KMBC 9 Investigates is cracking open the unsolved case file of Alonzo Brooks. She has been declared legally dead. I do not know the cause of his death, whether it was an accident or whether it was purposeful involvement. The KBI and their evidence recovery team did an extensive search for Alonzo Brooks, which also included the creek bed. She said those maggots often can tell a story of how long that body had been exposed"[R29]. And I know they did. They killed two. Were going to start first and foremost with the ick factor, the bad vibes, the lack of compassion that raised my spidey senses- one Doctor Eric Mitchell and his analysis of the investigation. emailStay Connected His cause of death remains contested: his body was well-preserved upon its discovery, despite having apparently rested in a creek for a month. Details of the examination are being withheld for investigative purposes. TELL ME YOU KNOW WHERE HE' AT. It wasnt how we wanted to find him, but at least we did.. In the interview, Sprague says that he took a right when he should have turned left and ended up on some gravel roads where his car ended up in a ditch. Where did Justin go to buy cigarettes then? One such rumor was that a white girl at the party had been flirting with Alonzo. I guess that's what they were talking about. Alonzo Brooks was killed. He didn't drown. Patricia "Patti" Adkins, a 29-year-old single mother from Marysville and supervisor at the Honda of America plant, disappeared at midnight, June 29, 2001, after clocking out from work. Advertisement. HE NEVER RETURNED TO HIS GARDENER KANSAS HOMEOR F A MONTH FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Laughter follows most stories told of Brooks, even from his nieces and nephews. The FBI added that his death was being investigated as a potential racially-motivated crime. Neither of them had ever been before and had no idea what to expect but were up for an adventure. So according to the people, it was the Boone's brothers who did it. After Alonzo had been missing for almost a month, a group of his family and friends organized a search. I think the friend that left for cigarettes knew something was going to happen. Boones have been known as a criminal element in this county for decades before this murder. From FBI CNN The death of Alonzo Brooks, whose body was. McAllister says this triggered him do take another look at the closed file, and it raised enough concerns for him to bring it to the FBI for reopening. So if he was drunk, perhaps tripped and fell WITH his shoes on. I find it hard to believe the murder of Alonzo is an open secret in La Cygne - even in a small town of ~1000 people or so, someone would have talked by now. In the initial investigation, a coroner in Linn County said he was unable to determine a cause of death and witnesses interviews failed to produce any arrests. That's why he abandoned him and cant talk straight. That changed three years ago when the U.S. attorney in Kansas, prompted by questions from producers of a documentary film, asked the FBI to take another look at his case. He has since been reburied. Advertisement. While they havent revealed much about the contents of their interviews with party goers, theyve made it clear that there seems to be a code of silence among many of the kids who were there that night. So we dont know the cause of death, which is what physically killed him, though we can assume there was some sort of trauma to the body based on that statement, injuries and wounds of some kind. "Just really emotional. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the FBI Kansas City office at 816-512-8200 or the Tips Hotline at 816-474-TIPS or submit a tip online at He must have passed out [on the way there] for him to be in a car more than 45 minutes to go to some place he'd never heard of," said English in an interview with Daily Mail. [12] On November 16, 2020, Unsolved Mysteries stated the FBI had learned of a second party in La Cygne the night Alonzo Brooks disappeared. Il design di Getty Images un marchio di Getty Images. He's faintly smiling, dressed in a tux. Affidati allesperienza internazionale di Getty Images, alla nostra capacit di analisi dei dati e alla rete di oltre 340.000 creativi per creare contenuti in esclusiva per il tuo brand. Alonzo Brooks was born May 19th 1980 in Topeka Kansas. Alonzo was 23 years old at the time of his death. A month later, they found his body in a creek that flows a short distance from the farmhouse where the fateful party took place. I really didnt understand why they searched the creek at night either why not come back in the morning and do it during daylight? They were surrounded by cornfields, and woods when they approached the farmhouses long gated driveway. I think he seemed defensive of his exam, which makes sense given the criticism he soon would face after this report. The next day Brooks did not return to Gardner and was deemed to be missing. If hes been beaten, theres nothing left identifiable. His report was as follows: Alonzo wasnt in the house, we walked the creek bed that night, there was no indication that he was there. His older siblings doted on him, and Brooks never strayed too far from the home he shared with his mom, stepfather and stepbrother in Gardner, Kansas. Laughter follows most stories told of Brooks, even from his nieces and nephews. How Brooks went unnoticed in plain . As they got closer to the party, the roads became more and more rural. There is also at least one more case in the county of this particular investigation, where the defendant was sentenced and is now appealing, based on the defense that Mitchells theory of what happened in that wrongful death of a child case had no reasonable medical or scientific basis, that his testimony was little more than storytelling. [7], On May 1, 2004, the Brooks family was allowed to search the property for their son. I genuinely believe his friends, because my friends and i have been way decomposed! Wanted to find him, we do a search party of approximately 50 volunteers hell though a,... Sheriff & # x27 ; s faintly smiling, dressed in a very similar series of miscommunications search. His location, and recently began administering polygraphs to witnesses was deemed to be.! 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