Ellery Schempp (born Ellory Schempp, August 5, 1940) is a physicist and is known for being the primary student involved in the landmark 1963 United States Supreme Court decision of Abington School District v. Schempp which declared that required public school sanctioned Bible readings were unconstitutional. Abington Friends School has stood on its . Note - for more complete lists, by year of induction, please see: The AHS Hall of Fame - NOTE: This is an external link. Amar Bose - (1988) Founder and Chairman of Bose Corporation, a leading manufacturer of audio products. 500 Club - The 500 Club is comprised of alumni and teachers who have contributed $500 or more to the association. Abington Friends School. Home > On Jay- Zs latest album, 4:44, he referred to Afrotech on his closing track Legacy, with this, We gon start a society within society / Thats major, just like the Negro League / There was a time America wouldnt let us ball / Those times are now back, just now called Afrotech. It was a super validating moment for my team and introduced our brand to a wider audience. His debut solo album, The Eraser, was released in 2006. The generosity of our community has allowed our school to thrive in good times and in challenging ones. I am happy and proud to say that we are now recognized across the country. Erik, who graduated from AFS in 2000, received a bachelors degree in computer science and mathematics from Oberlin College. We look forward to hearing from you soon! More than 80 alumni returned to the AFS campus for Homecoming 2018. Abington Friends School has stood on its original campus in the Abington Township neighborhood of Jenkintown since 1697, and is the oldest primary and secondar. AFS operates under the care of Abington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Once a Roo, always a Roo! Faculty & Staff Directory | Abington Friends School Current Parents Students Faculty & Staff Alumni Calendars Contact School Admission Academics Arts Athletics Connect With Us About Us Giving Faculty & Staff Faculty & Staff Directory Filter by Department / Division Search Faculty & Staff Adam Serfass Maintenance Staff Contact Email Adena Dershowitz Website: Abington Friends School Phone: 215-886-3950 Email: admission@abingtonfriends.net Grade (s): 6-8, 9-12, K-5, Pre-K Location (s): Pennsylvania School Type (s): Boarding, Private The school's minority student enrollment is 53.0%. It has taken me deep into some of the poorest communities in the world andto the podiums of the White House; however, this yearhas been the most challenging year to date. Abington Friends School has grown in extraordinary ways since itsfounding as a one-room schoolhouse more thanthree centuries ago. Make payable to Abington High School Alumni Association. HBOs Last WeekTonight with John Oliver featured our products as thecall-to-action to end the waitlist for kidney transplants,and outlets like The New York Times and Oprah havelauded our work as some of the more significant effortsin social change in the past year. The Early Childhood and Lower School Program at AFS serves students age 3 to 4th grade, the Middle School Program 5th through 8th grade, and the Upper School program 9th through 12th grade.[4]. This directory is not just composed of graduates of this school, as some of the famous people on this list didn't necessarily earn a degree from Abington Senior High School. Our current senior class will be invited to join in the spring, so get started today and help welcome our next generation of AFS alumni! Register here to join your class. - Miles Orion Butler '09. You can also mail a check to: AHSAA, P.O. If you're willing to help, please click the Association Contact link. His family lived in Scotland before settling in Oxfordshire, England, where he formed Radiohead with his schoolmates. Notable alumni - A few of the notable Abington alumni from over the years. People on this list must have gone to Abington Senior High School and be of some renown. As of 2017, Forbes ranked Schwarzman at 117th on its World's Billionaires List. Yorke's solo work comprises mainly electronic music. Please contact Lisa Budd, at 215-576-3968 or alumni@abingtonfriends.net with any questions, thoughts, or ideas. In addition to drums, he provides backing vocals, synthesizers, along with occasional guitar and lead vocals, for 7 Worlds Collide. JOAN G. DOYLE (Geiger) DOYLE JOAN G. (nee Geiger), 83, of Medford, NJ, died on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, at home. The school was a two-year high school known as Abington South Campus from September 1964 until June 1983. He also provided the voice of the future Ted Mosby on the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother from 2005 to 2014. 575 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, PA 19046. He is a singer, songwriter and musician for Radiohead, mainly playing guitar and keyboard. Construction update as of April 27, 2021 - Note: This link is to an external site. In 1977, along with five classmates from fiber art classes at the New School, I started an informal textile study group for the exchange of ideas and examination of our current work. E-Book Overview. We cant wait to welcome you back to campus! Rachel Tilden 1992-1996. athletic director is Jeff Bond, who was a two-sport player (baseball and basketball) at Williams College. Request More Info; Visit Us; Apply Now; Tuition & Value; Tuition Assistance . I feel very proud to be a part of an event that brings together the best and brightest innovators in my community, while connecting students with employers and startup founders with venture capitalists. Stephen Allen Schwarzman (born February 14, 1947) is an American businessman and philanthropist. You can also mail a check to: AHSAA, P.O. Boys occupied the first floor room, while girls were instructed in the upstairs room. For the first 20 or more years, I served as president. In a culture of intellectual and creative ambition we cultivate fearless, curious learning.. Make payable to Abington High School Alumni Association. Abington Friends School was founded in March 1697, when John Barnes, a wealthy tailor who belonged to the Abington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, donated 120 acres (49 ha) of his estate "for and towards erecting a meetinghouse for Friends and toward the maintenance of a school under the direction of Friends." My role at Blavity includes driving sales revenue and creating strong business relationships with top brands, including Comcast, Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, Amazon and Snapchat. He is the chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm he established in 1985 with former chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers and US Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson. Abington Senior High School is a three-year co-educational high school in Abington, Pennsylvania, United States. Please contact Lisa Budd, at 215-576-3968 or alumni@abingtonfriends.net with any questions, thoughts, or ideas. (1984). The lessons learned and the examples set at AFS made me aware of the problems and foibles of others and the need to live with it, and help if I can. - You can make a donation of your choosing by clicking the button below. Be sure to join today to be entered into the drawings! We award a scholarship to a graduate student in the field of fiber arts. Reflecting the remarkably cohesive nature of our on-campus community, the AFS Alumni community includes all former students, both graduates and non-graduates, as well as alumni parents, alumni staff, and alumni faculty. AFS Athletics Spirit Day vs. Masterman High School. By the mid-18th century, Abington Friends School admitted African American students too. Abington Friends School is an independent Quaker school in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, United States, serving students from age 3 to grade 12.Abington Friends School has stood on its original campus in the Abington Township neighborhood of Jenkintown since 1697, and is the oldest primary and secondary educational institution in the United States to operate continuously at the same location under . On March 30, Abington Friends School launched AFS Everywhere, our comprehensive educational program that will sustain vital connections for students, families, faculty and staff. [7] His classmate Kenneth Johnson transferred in 2014 to MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta. Find Alumni in Pennsylvania > Stephen A. Schwarzman (2005) - Founder, Chairman, and CEO of The Blackstone Group, one of the largest asset management groups in the world. Abington Senior High School Store - The store at the senior high school has a variety of great Abington items. Whether you attended for a semester, are a recent graduate or you can recall your days on campus when we were still called Ogontz, we encourage you to stay connected with us at Penn State Abington. You can also request the latest update of your class database as well as mailing labels. Class Links - If you have a class online presence please let us know by clicking the "Contact Association" link below. Mini Racker 14, Maria Sperger 18 and Sasha Rojavin 11 joined Upper School History teacher Drew Benfers "Partisan Politics" classes. Bill Swenson 1978-1982. If you have questions about your Alumni Association status or about the Alumni Association, please click the Contact Association link. - If you would like to volunteer there are several areas where you can help. Under the leadership of headmaster Adelbert Mason, the school's facilities expanded, with new buildings for the lower, middle, and upper schools. Every year Westtown welcomes back alums as guest speakers, performers, and presenters. Once Blavity offered me a full-time position in Los Angeles, it took me all of two weeks to pack my belongings and travel across the country. Choral, instrumental and music classrooms and an electronic music studio, featuring Apple and Roland recording software and hardware, Athletic Facilities that include the fully furnished Thode Fitness Center, four soccer fields, six tennis courts, and several baseball and softball diamonds, This page was last edited on 18 November 2022, at 10:45. Selway is well known for his precision and proficiency in various styles and unusual time signatures, being named the 26th greatest drummer of all time by Gigwise in 2008. Stuyvesant High School , Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, etc. The induction year is in parentheses following the graduate's name. of Abington Friends School find and contact you. Mr. Probst is also Chairman of the United States Olympic Committee. Sandra Vananglen 1957-1961. The Textile Study Group of New York consists mostly of members from New York and adjoining states. The new school was opened in 1887 on the triangular property bordered by present-day Greenwood Avenue, Jenkintown Road, and Meetinghouse Road. The AFS Alumni Association is for all former students, alumni parents, and alumni faculty or staff of Abington Friends School. High academic standards. Read the full story here! Saget is also known for his adult-oriented stand-up routine. The AFS academic program builds deeps skills in writing, analysis and research. We evolved from the first five who talked about our work to an organization which meets monthly from September through June with a scheduled speaker in the field of textiles; puts on juried exhibitions in museums and galleries, some of which have traveled to many states and recently internationally. Boys were responsible for supplying firewood for the stoves in each room and the girls collected drinking water from the Jenkintown Creek behind the meeting house. [1][2] The school draws students from approximately 75 ZIP codes around the greater Philadelphia area, as well as international students from many regions of China.[3]. You can also mail a check to: AHSAA, P.O. Currently on faculty at the Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University, Dolby leads Peabodys Music for New Media program, which enrolled its first students in the fall of, The Greatest Singers of the Past 30 Years. The student population of Abington Friends School is 530. We know you will loveAFSconnectand as a bonus for being among the first to join, we will be choosing one alumni member each week from November 17-December 15, 2021 to receive a $10 gift card to Target. Reach out to Domi Waldron, Director of Alumni/ae/x Engagement, for more information at 610.399.7914. Abington Friends School has stood on its original campus in the Abington Township neighborhood of Jenkintown since 1697, and is the oldest primary and secondary educational institution in the United States to operate continuously at the same location . Reflecting the remarkably cohesive nature of our on-campus community, the AFS Alumni community includes all former students, both graduates and non-graduates, as well as alumni parents, alumni staff, and alumni faculty. AFS instilled in me a commitment to service, which iswhat Ive built my career around. . Alumni are invited to attend Homecoming. Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Abington Bachelor's DegreeEnglish, American Studies, Theater 2005 - 2009 Activities and Societies: Penn State Alumni Association, English Honor Society,. This directory is not just composed of graduates of this school, as some of the famous people on this list didn't necessarily earn a degree from Abingdon School. In the 1780s the school moved to a structure of its own, the present day caretakers house adjacent to the meeting house on Greenwood Avenue. Ms. Francia graduated from AHS in 2000. Home Page | Contact Association | Contact Webmaster, Copyright Abington High School Alumni Association. The School has been continuously operated on the same plot of land since its founding in that year, making it the oldest school in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with such a claim. Others asked to join and now 40 years later, we are an incorporated non-profit group with about 200 members. We invite you to join Head of School Rich Nourie in a time to be still, to listen, to reflect and to share your thoughts with others. Century Club - The Century Club membership is comprised of alumni and teachers who have contributed $100 or more to the association. Reunions information - If your class is planning a reunion please send us your information using this reunion information form. A Vibrant Quaker School for students age 3 to grade 12 Serving students who live in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs Reaching beyond established approaches to teaching and learning 1 2 3 News Introducing the Strategic Plan for Abington Friends School 2022-2027 Register as an alumni from Abington High School and reunite with old friends and classmates. We are not related to nor associated with: https://www.alumniclass.com/abington - nor any other free alumni Web sites. The boys basketball team has been the school's most successful team, winning numerous Friends School League titles under the coaching of National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and Museum selection Steve Chadwin. Comprised of members of Abington Monthly Meeting, parents and alumni or past parents Read more about School Committee Head of School - Rich Nourie Coeducation was not the only way in which the School observed the Quaker testimony of equality. K Club - The K Club is comprised of alumni and teachers who have contributed $1000 or more to the association. notable alumni - Abington High School graduates of note. Our Preschool, Lower, Middle and Upper School buildings and athletic facilities sit at the center of our campus, a verdant 50 acres that includesa creek, meadow, historic Quaker Meetinghouse and extensive playing fields. People on this list must have gone to Abingdon School and be of some renown. Lawrence F. Probst III - Chairman Electronic Arts, a noted video game maker. Mr. Schwarzman was on the June 2016 cover of Forbes magazine. Share your memories by posting photos or stories, or find out about your next class reunion! Blavity, which was founded in July 2014, has quickly grown to become one of the fastest-growing digital media outlets on the web, reaching more than seven million millennials a month. . Make payable to Abington High School Alumni Association. Ive always believed that the world is something to be explored and excavated. You can use a PayPal account or a credit card. More than three thousand alumni, friends and students gath-ered to see the anniversary program, which was arranged by a . You can use a PayPal account or a credit card. Famous Abington Senior High School Alumni. In the table "T" indicates Teacher. In February 2018 it was announced that Mr. Schwarzman was to donate $25 Million dollars to Abington High School. Abington Friends School @AbingtonFriendsVideo 903 subscribers Subscribe http://www.abingtonfriends.net Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Channels About Shorts Best Private Pre-K through. 11 a.m. Abington Meetinghouse Bringing the AFS Alumni community together in the Meetinghouse reinforces our connections and brings comfort and peace to many. 575 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, PA 19046. Whether it is through volunteering, attending a school event, mentoring a student, planning your reunion, calling for the Annual Fund, networking with other members of our community, or attending an athletic game we hope that AFS will remain an integral part of your life. Alumni - Abington Friends School Alumni Make a Gift Contact Us Greetings from the AFS Alumni Office! You can use a PayPal account or a credit card. Verena Visser 1971-1973. List ranges from Thom Yorke to Jonny Greenwood and more. They forged a bond based on a love of poetry and the written word and their relationship has been a lasting and rewarding one. 1 2 3 Jabril Trawick was on the Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team. Founded in 1697, Abington Friends School is the oldest school in Pennsylvania to have operated continuously on the same parcel of land, and one of the oldest schools in the nation. Alan Yarmark 1963-1967. This list of distinguished Abingdon School alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most recognizable celebrities who attended Abingdon School are at the top of the list. Location & Hours 575 Washington Ln Jenkintown, PA 19046 Get directions Edit business info In the table "T" indicates Teacher. The Greatest Actors & Actresses in Entertainment History, People Who Should Be in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Mr. Schwarzman graduated from AHS in 1965. Register to let other graduates of Abington Friends School find and contact you. Robert Lane Saget (May 17, 1956 - January 9, 2022) was an American stand-up comedian, actor, television host, and director. She came to prominence in the 1980s with Smithereens, the first American independent feature to be screened in Competition at the Cannes Film Festival. Philip James Selway (born 23 May 1967) is an English musician, singer, and songwriter best known as the drummer of English rock group Radiohead. - Support your Alumni Association by becoming a member or upgrading your membership. This portion of our site is dedicated to you. Joan graduated from Abington Friends School in PA. She is survived by her loving . A Q&A with Mary Lynn Ellis, Upper School English Teacher, English Department Chair and Lucy Silbaugh 16 (Yale University Class of 2020). Ree Botts 11: A Leader Finding Their Voice, Homecoming Draws over 80 Alumni for a Day of Reminiscing, 575 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, PA 19046. AFS is a culture of intellectual and creative ambition. Abington Friends School 5.00 (3 reviews) Tel: (215) 576-3950 575 Washington Ln Jenkintown, PA 19046 www.abingtonfriends.net REQUEST INFO SAVE SCHOOL At Abington Friends School, we approach education with bold convictions. In the table "T" indicates Teacher. Along with my stellar team at ORGANIZE, an organizationI co-founded in an effort to solve the organ-donationcrisis, we were able to quickly rebuild our policy strategyto continue to make progress in an Administrationwith which we had no relationships. Abington Friends School. Register to let other graduates of Abington Friends School find and contact you. Abington Friends School is a Preschool through Grade 12 Quaker school located five minutes outside the border of Philadelphia, in Montgomery County. He was drafted in the first round of the 1996 NFL Draft, and played professionally for the Tennessee Titans (both in Tennessee and in Houston when the franchise was known as the Houston Oilers). Check it out! You can also mail a check to: AHSAA, P.O. As a national leader in Friends education and one of the oldest Quaker schools in the world, AFS is well known for its deep and resonant Quaker identity and spirit of collaboration and community. Make payable to Abington High School Alumni Association. AFS alumni returned to campus last week to discuss their experiences in politics with students. Prominent graduates from Abingdon School include celebrities, politicians, business people, athletes and more. They also shared advice and perspective on life after AFS. [9], Last edited on 18 November 2022, at 10:45, National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, "Player Bio: Jabril Trawick - GUHoyas.com", "Ten Gettysburg College baseball players named to All-Centennial Conference team - Evening Sun", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Abington_Friends_School&oldid=1122588392, The Faulkner Library and Learning Center, a dramatic space which is home to a collection of over 25,000 print volumes, special collections including a peace collection and a leadership collection, The AFS Outside Classroom, the first nature playground and outdoor classroom in Pennsylvania to be accredited by the, A media and design lab, home to computer assisted design and engineering software workstations, The Wilf Center, which provides resources to enrich skills of active engagement, discernment, collaboration leadership, and continual learning, The Josephine Muller Auditorium, a fully equipped professional theatre, The Black Box Theatre, a flexible space for student-produced performances, cabarets, and open mic nights, Art, Ceramics and Photography Studios, housing multiple potters wheels, five kilns, and a fully furnished dark room and lab. Our school community is a richer place when our on-campus and alumni communities are connected. Submit class notes for The Westonian to alumniaex@westtown.edu. Living among different communities and different cultures has been the greatest learning experience for me thus far and its something I plan to continue in future. His personal fortune is estimated at $12.4 billion as of December 2018. The current[when?] By 1975 all grades, kindergarten through twelfth, contained both boys and girls. Thomas Morgan Robertson (born 14 October 1958), known by the stage name Thomas Dolby, is an English musician, producer, entrepreneur and teacher. We'll add a link on the Class Links page. The list of names is also useful for getting together a Abington Friends School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of Tell us one thing you learned at AFS that you havecarried with you throughout your life. Abington Friends School was founded in March 1697, when John Barnes, a wealthy tailor who belonged to the Abington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, donated 120 acres (49ha) of his estate "for and towards erecting a meetinghouse for Friends and toward the maintenance of a school under the direction of Friends." Chris DAngelo 98 Appreciates What Matters by Supporting the Fund for AFS, Alumnus, Miles Butler 09 taps into his Quaker education to bring music into prisons and correctional centers, A Lasting Bond Built Upon a Love of the Written Word: Upper School English Teacher Mary Lynn Ellis and Alumna Lucy Silbaugh 16, 575 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, PA 19046. Sign up early so your name is entered to win! Today, our dynamic teaching and learning environment includes the first interdisciplinary outdoor classroom in the state, new engineering, robotics and design labs, a multi-racial classroom pedagogy forged through a partnership with the University of Pennsylvania and much more. Abington Friends School is an independent co-ed Quaker school for students age 3 through grade 12. Thanks to our donors, our community has many stories of hope and perseverance to share this year. She also works in television and directed the pilot episode of Sex and the City. He came to prominence in the 1980s, releasing hit singles including "She Blinded Me with Science" (1982) and "Hyperactive!" [8] In the 2013-2014 season, AFS produced two 1,000 point scorers, Joe Robinson and Jordan Greene, at 20.7 and 22.3 points per game respectively. I was deeplydisturbed by the results of the 2016 Presidential Election,and after spending the past decade focused on socialimprovements, I was demoralized at the thought ofhaving to roll up my sleeves even further to protect what Ibelieve to be basic human rights. If you're willing to help, please click. Explore School Admission. For me, Abington Friends School instilled a great sense of community and stewardship for the greater world." List of famous alumni from Abingdon School, with photos when available. "I often reflect on how my time at AFS has shaped me. Susan Seidelman (born December 11, 1952) is an American film director, producer and writer. Ghost Stories Newsletters - We have some gaps in the issues we've been able to find. The school is staffed by a lay faculty and the Christian Brothers. Association Officers, Members, and staff Notable alumni - A few of the notable Abington alumni from over the years. Kathy Witlin 1982-1986. Mr. Schwarzman donated a new football stadium to Abington Senior High School in 2004, the Stephen A. Schwarzman Stadium. He was also the founder and chairman of Bose Corporation. This network is rooted in offering access to a network on any device, providing professional and social value to our alumni community regardless of their background or geography. Abington Schools Website - Note: This link is to an external site. This group is growing by leaps and bounds,. Saget's 2014 comedy album, That's What I'm Talkin' About, was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album. They are the highest-scoring duo in Friends School League history. Throughout the 18th century, AFS provided an education for the primary grades only, with enrollment fluctuating between 20 and 40 students, most of whom were Quaker. Refreshments and Conversation 12 p.m. Selway has released two solo albums: Familial (2010) and Weatherhouse (2014). Register to let other graduates The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Abington Friends Schoolin Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. Speakers form an international roster of artists in all textile techniques as well as scholars in various areas of textile history. Sign up today and you'll hear from us if you're matched with a mentee or are invited to participate in other AFS Alumni Mentorship Network activities. Bob Saget (1991) - Comedian and popular television celebrity. Please note that this is the official Web site of the AHS Alumni Association. Become a Class Connector or a reunion planner! Tell us about one accomplishment that makes you especially proud. She-Devil starred Meryl Streep in her first starring comedic film role and Roseanne Barr in her first feature-film role. Make payable to Abington High School Alumni Association. Box 55, Abington, PA 19001. It is finally here: the official launch ofAFSconnectour communitys new Alumni Network! 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abington friends school famous alumni