Im screwed in NJ. Why are governments building bunkers lately? The probability of a Cumbre Vieja type generated mega Tsunami is likely very low in the Atlantic Basin please try to correct me with an expert if I am wrong. We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. Would upstate New York be a good place to relocate?? People have no idea when that is going to happen, except probably not in the next few weeks, how large, and in what direction the tsunami will be oriented. Would it hit Brookhaven pa please let me know. Any advice? Ward. Good luck with what ever you decided, it will be your life choice. Where is the big event? I know my position and that no prophecy given to me is for my private interpretation but for the body, and so being obedient, although many others have posted about this judgment which is to occur, I must post it. After that dream, I have had other dreams of waves coming upon the earth. But the ocean's pretty big. Should we in Central Tx move towards the Appalacians? Lol. Mean while if we had CMAE or constant magnetic acceleration energy, there will be no need for the fools that rule to desire or seek out fossil fuels. Diffractive effects of land mass topography, changes caused in the shape of the sea floor by the earthquake, and vertical movement of the sea bed. Were in Westbrook Ct. Been reading about the LaPalma Volcano. If they go up the rivers how much further inland do you think the water will travel? Romy (LogOut/ If we view an earthquake as sound, know that it propagates in a 3D bubble, able to bend corners and repropogate a new set of special dynamics based on the energy lost and the angle that sound escapes through. I know this cant all be from Common Core????? Im referring to towns anywhere from 60 to 90 miles north like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Kingston. Im in nc too. The second one would require some leadership so it cant be done under the present bozo leaders. But the first one is of a massive earthquake emulating from the ocean floor and causing destruction throughout the eastern sea board as far inland as Hartford, Ct. We are in perilous times!! Rick Joyner and Bob Jones first saw these events back in the 1970's and 1980's. There have been lots of people who have commented on this article who live well inland and have been concerned about impact. I do believe Isaiah 24:3 is describing the rapture, the looting of the earth as God takes what is His. I just read your comment. I forward him new info. The Lord can do whatever he wants to do. Ground water in other nearby regions may be foul and make the area unliveable. Dont forget, we have to also factor in reflections, refractions, bends, harmonic effects, resonant effects, etc. Im also about 20 miles inland..most tsunami take time to reach land.. We dont know when it would happen. GTFO. I cannot imagine entire easy coast would be hit with massive tsunami? Im still waiting for my comment beginning As Ive pointed out before, to pass your moderation. Estimates of between 5 and 7+ minutes duration as the break goes from one end to the other. There was no history of Baseball until it was invented. You dont have time to react. It would sure change the demographics of the US and cause a near instant collapse of the almighty dollar among other things. But thats just my feeble opinion for what its worth. @Mark, Im going to insist that my grown kids pack a bug out bag and have an evacuation plan in check and I will be following whats happening over there very carefully!! He said of the recent swarm Yes, that suddenly got quite interesting.. He is a just and Holy God. To this point in time, all of the major prophecies I have given in the last 14 years have come to pass except for three. Well in a sense these people may be OK but however, cities near you that got hit would overcrowd your area of different kinds situations like more people, more crime. If you take care of a loved one in their 80s that cant swim and unable to get to the mountains when a tsunami comes does God hold that against us if your heart is right with him. Would it be through a mobile phone alert like other weather alerts? not really just be ready to move out on first warning goes out and stay on secondary roads and take extra are not screwed. Good Luck, Yes, theres a couple scenarios possible. Sugarloaf mountain is on the southwest shore of lake Apopka twenty miles west of Orlando. Needless to say that since the list shows all the high points down to 49 ft elevation, your CLOSEST distance to anything is a three hour drive to west of Orlando (Sugarloaf). still waiting whats the updated date of destruction?? Wow, that was a great summation.! So you may get hours of notice or literally none. It doesnt matter if you can swim or not. A tsunami advisory has been issued for the U.S. West Coast and Alaska. Reading 152-11 was a response to a client's concern about safe areas to move to in order to be prepared for future geographical changes. A dream does not mean it will happen, but a visitation from The Lord Speaking to you will confirm this will happen. Good info, we always talked about whether a tsunami would reach us. Hey David, have you read World in Peril? There would still be a significant radiation signature, dont forget the special mushroom cloud. Out of curiosity and an interest in maps, I have custom built the following elevation maps based on high resolution data from USGS digital elevation maps of the United States, particularly the East Coast. with the LANTEX23 Tsunami Exercise on March 2, 2023 . Try using the Search link up top as you browse for words, phrases, topics. When this happens, our eternity is with Jesus in Heaven where their is no tears of sadness & No pain of any kinds, but Joy & happiness over flows with love & kindness with love in the Heaven, Gods Kingdom where the eternity is in Heaven. All the signs and things in multiple movies, comics, cartoons (a la 9/11) are saying 9/23?? Wherever once relocates to must have adequate rainfall and clean accessible water for not only drinking but raising crops and livestock. NOT the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami (or any height) would actually travel. That is in a very highly controlled area, which is completely different than a tsunami that is not only caused by a volcano, as well as rock slide, but that it is also in a much more open area than that landslide. It has an elevation above 400 feet. Prayers for all that this stuff calms down instead of ramping up. I am a native to Florida. We would almost totally get wiped off the map butyou didnt even bother to mention us ON the map, so I guess one of the most densely populated states just doesnt matter that much. Hopefully never. A few years back, someone did a letterbox drop on the Central Coast (NSW) warning people of the coming tsunami. I live in East Orange New Jersey and am a little frightened because of the close proximity to NYC. Mahalo! Amenonly God can see us through it and whatever it maybe. How far away I would have to get from the shore to be safe? Problem with that is the power grid probably will fail with that much power being drawn. After collapse, it would pile up the water and push the water inland. Little nervious. ABC News. Even a little rain and were screwed But per-say if a tsunami hit the east coast and doesnt make it the whole way across , are there any faults or dangers of the Gulf of Mexico ? If you see the 300 foot wave, it will be too late. I also understand that Mt. Moving to higher elevation asap . All coastlines will be devastated. I been praying what I should do with what Ive seen.. and it was not too longer after, I went back and read my note on my phone where I had wrote down and dated and timed my dream.. ok my dream happened on 7/16/19 5:15am.. but when I went back to look at my note in my phone.. the date I wrote was 11/16/19 5:15am.. part of what has me staying on all this is I think the Lord had me stumble across Perry Stone a few months before my dream.. Go from September 22nd-September 25th. Having said that, there are many variables and factors affecting how far a tsunami would travel inland. Here is a partial excerpt from his testimony "I was right outside of Charleston South Carolina and in this vision I was in a duplex and there was a woman taking pictures at the bottom, 20 miles is a long way Now if you were five miles, thats most likely another story. So many factors come into play here, direction, the moon, the tides, the wind, and importantly, the volume of initial seismically displaced water. We are in Fayetteville N.C and with the Cape Fear River here, a tsunami would definitely add energy with the rover and I think the sandhills would be underwater quite a bit. What I am trying to find out is if it would be survivable it prepared and stocked. Many thanks, May God bless you and cover you with His peace and protection thru Christ Jesus. Civilization would be knocked back to hunter-gather levels for most survivors, and how many of them will know how to find food in devastated conditions with a new latitude and new climate? Many are prophesying that a meteor will strike causing a tsunami and massive earthquakes and a volcanic eruption and flooding in rivers and streams. .. .. GREAT FLA WILL BE HIT FROM BOTH SIDES BECAUSE THE WATERS HAVE TO RETURN BACK TO THE OCEAN. How far inland can a tsunami travel? Joy, Im about 3 hours inland in southern Virginia so I think were okay, at least from that. She said she was afraid. Hey manthanks for ignoring the existence of my entire state. Amazing? Maybe im finished at last. I send an email to the weather channel wanting to know how far inland a wave of this magnitude would go but I have not received a response yet from them. I dont think you or I would be safe. If anything, The Bahamas help storms get heavier and more fierce as they linger over all that warm water. No wall will be strong enough to resist the weight of water that will rise up, 100 feet high, in a steady flood tide, nor are there walls in place today constructed with that in mind. No Trout, Bass, Salmon, Pike, Perch etc will be left alive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. 923 was a warning of all the events coming in the Tribulation. The most immediate threat right now (within the next two months) is a string of meteorites that are following comet Ison. I dont know whether to stay put or leave for the 3100 which I may not be able to get back home if water floods the land in between and home has all the supplies for bugging in. I wanted to run but I knew it was useless, I could not move because of the fear that overwhelmed my soul and flesh; as I am pleading with desperation in my dream calling upon God begging him to please remove me from such destruction, with great difficulty I returned to my body, and I was paralyzed but with my mind completely aware of the situation. Wish my ex-wife was still there and that the Canaries would sink tomorrow!!! To say that a 300 ft wave will go completely across Florida because there is no topography to absorb is incorrect. You are fuelless, low on supplies, and likely have encountered stalled traffic on the highway. Id be better of to drive into the storm than sit and watch my kid.die of poisoning over.days, or hours. on November 18th, where it did minor damage. I will leave behind my 2 children who claim to be saved, but are not living by Gods commandments. Only happy news here would be if DC went before we did in N. Florida. It depends upon more than the elevation and force. How the wave presents itself locally is due to local geography. Its speed decreases as it approaches the shoreline (because the ground beneath it is getting shallower) but its energy begins to transfer to its monstrous HEIGHT. Tsunamis (this kind) are directional, meaning there is a lobe of higher wave height. Omg, I am in Orlando with my kids until Sat. Its Sunday October 31 2021. Car packed and ready if necessary. Many portions of the east coast would be disturbed and many portions of the west coast and central portion of the U.S would shift. 200 Foot WAVES off EAST COAST Activate TSUNAMI BUOY! In addition, no one knows if its passing near the sun will trigger solar flares that will head our way. Thats close enough for horseshoes. Should I be worried? Thats a question you may be wondering, especially if you live near the coast. im in a good place. In West Palm though, I believe that unfortunately you be soggy toast. TAMPA? Yes and no. My coworker is from Philippines and there community is telling each other to take there money out of the 401k now and shes warning me of everthing that they are saying in there community. There were tons of happy families riding all the rides at the amusement park and they seemed oblivious to anything else going on except the fun they were having. I recall that 200 300 feet were exemplified. How would you advise them to respond to a tsunami coming their way? And what would the aftermath be like, meaning what kind of disasters would follow. Have yourselves and the enemies got nuclear subs ? Rather, there are lots of it depends. And we dont know when. The closer to the water the lower you are. UPDATE: I first published this article during 2013. Also, the maps indicated here are purely elevation maps. I live about 45 minutes north of Tampa. Hope444, and any interestedPosted oct 3rd, Judy Byington,,,Title is Tsunami to hit US,Europe:expected to kill millions: no warning planned Pull up page of BIN that has search page and put in Tsunami damage or title i gave. There would be no safe location I know of in Florida. Think about military lingo for railways: Second Dimension Surface Transport Logistics Platform, unfortunately no one in FLORIDA is safe. Would the Lehigh Valley be safe? My instinct tells me that the effects would be muted well before then. Like LOTS of people are having dreams and visions. If I decide to stay and die while watching it come from ..downtown Miami roof, where would be my best vantage point? Never thought of Florida that way, but it makes sense ;) (I guess Im not old enough yet). I think a lot of people have dreams like this. I just heard that the Canary Islands are having hundreds of small earthquakes, speculating that the volcano IS waking up with more of a threat of blowing than ever before. My family lives in Smithfied, NC and Wilson, NC but they used to live in Kinston. The only thing you are leaving out is harbor or valley compression. Public Tsunami W/W/A TSUATE WEXX30 . I am no expert but I do use common sense when researching . Even if something were to happen, you are so far inland that I wouldnt be overly concerned. I feel God is warning people to wake up and get right with him. They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. I just watched the movie The Impossible about the 2004 earthquake and am scared if this mega tsunami comes I will get wiped out. I have a philosophy that these are dreams about how things might be if we stay on a particular course. A 75 Tsunami up the Savannah River would put Savannah 30 under, give or take 20. Tips on how to survive?? Paulsboro, NJ is toast. But many of my wifes side of the family are going to be going for a LONG swim. Anyone capable of reading for comprehension. There are prophecies of another massive earthquake that will follow the Mississippi right up through this corridor. Youre right. I do not believe in the existence of any god or gods, and, also, a tsunami would gain height going towards shoreline and also wouldnt be more than a mere 1 meter ripple in the ocean. No buoys in the Atlantic until you get an hour off the USA east coast. I remember the front of the house that faced the water was all huge glass windows. EDIT (2022-02-15): Since we're now getting prophecies about tsunamis that are NOT the big one, I've decided to include them here as well. (I live near Gainesville), Im in norwich CT and going crazy trying to figure the risks any advice appreciated. Makes sense just trying to find sources and data. If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. If the canary islands collapse, youll have a 5hr notice minimum. A wave, just a normal wave is more than 1 foot thick. And less than a mile from the river on the other side is the ocean Are we safe at all if a wave were to happen? My anxiety is high! We could be getting hit by many meteorites in the last weeks of December or early January of 2014. I can go on and on, but I think you get the point. Marshall law would definitely follow. then i have two of them in the past three weeks. Off by one year. Plus, there are a lot of unmarked volcanoes in the Canary Islands. Nobody can tell you for certain what will or may happen in your area/life that is your decision/responsibility to make yourself, family, whoever prepared for the unknown. There is nothing wrong with the picture. The tsunami doesnt rear up and create the devastating wave until it is closing in on the shore. Im now here in act in Hartford for a couple weeks. The potential devastation would remain pretty much near the shoreline in this hypothetical scenario. That Energy will release in several stages. Wtf would be the odds im in johnston ri looking at this in 2021 bc it really is a potential threat right now. What makes anyone think that will be the limited height for such an event. He will be your only safety during this event. Must get gill implants. >-u#;j( , ;gW]J%mYb`zO5#S ~3nZRAQWP I live in the Allegheny Mountains in Pa. Or, maybe we will go take our last walk on the beautiful beach. Then a tsunami 1,000 feet high which will destroy most of Puerto Rico and up to 100 miles inland of the East Coast of the United States. Psychological? Quote from the article above, The maps simply show elevation not the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami would travel.. I highly doubt that it would traverse the state. Great info. You posted this back in 2016, so youve had plenty of time to locate OUT OF FLORIDA to higher ground. Its all about energy. Actually the tsunamis energy will increase as it reaches inland. As such, anyone attempting to get away would likely head West and South entirely dependent upon the season in which a collapse occurred. Amen! Tonga Fiji Tuvalu nothing will be left of these islands if this hapoens . What then? Heres another GLP comment that supports the binary theory: I have seen this tsunami in my dreams, the first two times I dreamt of it.. it was way off shore, I was standing on the beach in Florida and I could see it coming very high in the distance.. no it was already a huge wall of water even out at that distance, no boat has the ability to ride that out.. my third and last dream was this summer, except now I was hearing the water rushing, by the time I looked outside, the wave was right in front of me and crashed onto land. Philadlphia will be hit by the tsunami, but not as bad as Miami and the southern states. Surfs up bro! I dont like moving too much. The distance inland depends on the depth (not the height) of the wave, the reason behind it, and the terrain of the land. And lastly, if you sont know Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior, I recommend you receive and accept Him NOW! To prepare, presume one is either in or out of the inundation zone, and if in, how would one get out? For those this really interests or concerns, TAKE A GEOLOGY CLASS! There are 1.5 million people just in Suffolk County. This is not to panick those of us that walk by faith pray what to do and where to go. Make sure your soul is right with God first. And if this tsunami were to take place, these people and their property would be devastated. Will my family be safe in Smithfield ,RI? I have always attributed my dreams of tidal waves or tsunamis as being indicators of my psychological distress, e.g. 321ft above sea level. Are we safe? Google Hilina Slump. The only safe place will be the place where the Father tells you to go. High rise buildings with doors and windows and sewage connections will do more than flood, on the lower floors, they will crush and drop, as the water will create uneven pressure on outside walls, pressure they were never expected to have to resist. Wondering how N. Suffolk, VA would fair with the Nansemond River close by. your gonna have wet feet for sure lol Note I also saw a few days that la Paloma volcano has been erupting near the canary islands and if it caused a part of island to break off this could cause a tsunami on the east coast . Please do not take things lightly. If he is worried, Im definitely worried. So disappointed! Im on the Gulf Coast of Florida, according to your map, we are doomed.

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