Sheep are members of the Genus Ovis and have 54 chromosomes, while goats are members of the Genus Capra and have 60 chromosomes. Every species has a specified number of chromosomes in its genome. . blood cells present on the cloth or is the result of contamination from exogenous sources. William Reville is a senior lecturer in biochemistry and the director of microscopy at the University of Central Coast (UCC). However, the Ophioglossum (fern) of the flora has the majority of the chromosomes, which number 1260. God said that Jesus is his Son (and this is supported by Jesus DNA). Your email address will not be published. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain twenty-three chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one "Y" chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 . As a result, the mother contributes 23 chromosomes and the father contributes 23 chromosomes. Your email address will not be published. How many chromosomes did Jesus have? The blood of Jesus has the ability to set you free from your prison of sin. The fascinating finding in this blood was that instead of 46 chromosomes, there were only 24. In 1971, scientists studied one such host, from the 8th century in Lanciano. What do you say sir? In the entire chapter, the bread and the meat being mentioned refer to the word of God. If not why not? As a result the blood found on the Shroud was type AB, and had both X and Y chromosomes. The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. Consequently, semen is derived from the Latin word seed, which means seed, and stuff for life, which is derived from the Latin word matter. The male seed, on the other hand, was elevated to a higher pedestal in patriarchal societies throughout history, particularly in the Middle East and later Europe, to the point where it was considered to be the life force, with the female seeds fluids in her womb serving as the gross matter necessary to sustain that life force. Such events have been reported, even in ancient times, and they defy explanation. It is hypothesized that parthenogenesis evolved in some species as a fall-back mechanism to allow females to reproduce in situations when males are not readily accessible, such as when females became geographically isolated from men. In order to maintain Gods righteousness and justice, sin must be punished. This study scientist asserts that Jesus biological Father is God, according to his findings. Ron Wyatt discovered the ark of the covenant and found the Blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat at the site where Christ was crucified in Jerusalem. In 1999, the bishop of Buenos Aries sent the host to the United States for testing. Many individuals feel that Jesus was most likely who he claimed to be based on probability. Here, we report the main findings. The results of the study shocked the world. JESUS IS ALIVE Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark of the Covenant, and, as a totally unexpected second discovery, to his astonishment found the blood of Christ on its Mercy Seat. On this page you may read the complete text of one of his numerous sermons. Antibody reactivity: Capable of hemolysis Rh antibodies rarely activate complement. Assuming that Jesus was a healthy male human (species: Homo sapiens sapiens), each of his somatic cells would have had 23 pairs (or . What aspects of Jesus DNA do you believe distinguish it from the DNA of any other human being? Thus Jesus is Jewish, and the Hebrew version of His name is Y e shua Hamashiach = Jesus the Messiah. The DNA of Jesus is 96% from Mary rather than 50% from Mary as would be normal. This scientific discovery should have made international front page news, but was largely blacked out by the corporate news media, but was quietly but excitedly reported on by Christian news networks. (I assume an upper bound to the rate of virgin birth is 1/300. As we approach the holiday season, when a large portion of the worlds Christian population commemorates the birth of its central figure Jesus Christ, who is claimed to have been both man and God, and to have been born of a virgin, it should be interesting to consider the question: Who provided the other half? Despite the fact that goats and sheep seem similar and sometimes be seen mating, they are members of separate genera in the subfamily Caprinae of the family Bovidae. Jesus, being fully man, must have had a Y-chromosome, but since he was born of the Virgin Mary, where did it come from? Journal: Missionary Teaching Trip to Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by Dr. John Oakes. The number seven comes into play once more, since Jesus blood provides at least seven separate advantages that allow us to complete our salvation: The grace of sacraments, represented by the blood and water from His side pierced by a spear (John 19:34), represents aid and forgiveness (cf. This is a common question fielded by skeptics. Again, I strongly advise you to be more skeptical (although you did the right thing to send the question!). The scientists involved purportedly converted to Christianity as a result of their findings. Skeptics have scoffed at this idea since its inception, but scientific research appears to have silenced them. If you believe in the Bible, Jesus would have had less wealth than the average person if he lived today. Jesus Chromosomes are a kind of chromosome that is found in Jesus Christ. All the animals looked like their kind, but man looked like God (Jesus). God. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. Then the probability of a virgin birth of a male with 2 Y genes is 1/ [300] [20,000] [20,000] = 1/120 billion.) God created chromosomes in every male and female creatures as a means of preserving their existence in conjunction with all other species/species on the planet, and as a result, there is no other alternative for carrying forward their lineage in all male and female organisms. According to Ron Wyatts lectures, the blood that he discovered and tested contained just 24 chromosomes, indicating that it was a single cell. How Many Chromosomes Did Jesus Have According To The Bible? It is the blood of your Messiah, he said further. In this clip of an interview from the documentary film Revealing God's Treasure (1998), Ron Wyatt exposes false claims by the Israeli Department of Antiquities, and why they know that both the blood of Jesusand the Ark of the Covenanthave been found, and reasons why the Israeli authorities do not want Israelor the worldto ever find out about this discovery, which is scientific proof of both the existence of the historical Jesus and His divinity. Saint of the Day for Saturday, March 4th, 2023. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus' biological father was 'non-human'. The DNA in blood degrades within a few days except in extremely rare circumstances, none of which would ever apply to the blood of Jesus. Do you have a copy of Gods genetic DNA so that He might assert His paternity against you? Females are XX, so they can only contribute an X chromosome to their offspring, whereas males are XY, which allows them to contribute either an X or a Y. Youre watching this video. An episode of Korina Sanchezs television show from last year featured a teen-aged girl who lived in the boonies of Cebu province, who claimed that a troll (dwende) in their garden fathered the child she was carrying in her womb merely by starring at her as he perched on his mound of dirt. Please respond to an article I read which claims that Luke uses Greek idioms and puts them in the mouth of Paul, showing he is making things up. If Jesus was ONLY human we would expect 46. Gen. Amir Drori Upon his retirement from the IDF he was appointed head of the Israeli Ministry of Education's Department of Antiquities. Representational Theology. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the. He then said that on one of the crosses there were human bones and blood that had dripped down into the sand. The technicians from the laboratory in Tel Aviv approached Ron Wyatt and inquired as to where he had gotten the blood from. The mitochondrial DNA (DNA passed down from mother to child) of people found in the dust of the shroud was recognized by the team of researchers. The director-general is Shuka Dorfmann and its offices are housed in the Rockefeller Museum. Christ gave his life as the ultimate atoning sacrifice for our sins as well as the sins of the entire world to atone for our sins. So, the bottom lineand the big pictureis that the Rockefeller family, descended from the Illuminati lineage, is working on behalf of Satan and his New World Order to stifle the spread of truth. Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human' Jesus Saves 1.5K subscribers Subscribe 790 29K views 4 years ago A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic. | Theme by SuperbThemes.Com. 2. Spitzer's Universe and asks if any genetic testing has been done on blood from the Shroud of Turin or Eucharistic miracles. Tad Lindley contributed to this article. The blood of Christ tastes like wine. First of all, because the person making the claim is a know repeat liar and charlatan. April 22, 2017. Otherwise, you are considered to be an XY and consequently a woman. Ron also exposes the corruption of the Israeli government by offering proof of their lies, showing the media photographs of him taken with one of the multiple heads of the Antiquities Department that Ron had met withwho had previously denied ever having met with Ron after the authorities had confiscated remaining artifacts and analyses and apparently classified the discoveries as Top Secret. If God is an immaterial being, how could he have randomly created the Y chromosomes and additional 23 chromosomes to constitute the 46 chromosomes needed for an embryo out of nothing? Ron Wyatt hadnt told the group where or how hed obtained the sample. Ron expresses himself as follows: What I was informed by the individuals I worked withand if you have a photographic memory, youll remember their namesAmos Kloner, Joseph Gat, Dan Bahat, and General Droriwas that the U.S. The most crucial point to grasp here is that GOD was the source of the fathers portion of Jesus DNA, which is perfectly compatible with the Biblical portrayal of God as the Father of Jesus. Sheep are members of the Genus Ovis, and they are chromosome-positive. Jesus Christ represents humanity in His obedience, sinlessness, and spiritual and physical life. This one had a full set from mom, and then a single Y chromosome, definitively proving its authenticity as the blood of Jesus. If you believe in the Bible, Jesus would have had less wealth than the average person if he lived today. The scientists involved purportedly converted to Christianity as a result of their findings. June 23, 2016. For the same reason, the Gospel authors asserted that Jesus was The Messiah (the savior) of the Jewish people, as had been prophesied for centuries, he was also, at least theoretically, the son of Joseph, whose ancestry was traced down to King David in both the Old and New Testaments. The 23 chromosomes helps to form a baby and the fathers chromosomes decides gender of a baby, But Watt claims in Jesus blood they found an extra chromosome. There are two possibilities: either Mary was impregnated miraculously and gave birth to Jesus as a result, or the event occurred in the traditional natural way and the story of the virgin birth was invented to make money. Across the centuries, there have been reports of communion bread and wafers turning into flesh and blood during consecration. This absolutely applies to the completely fabricated claim that genuine blood of Jesus has been discovered! Because Jesus Christ was a normal human being, he should have had 46 chromosomes, of which 23 came from Mary and 23 were given miraculously by the Holy Spirit. Watch on. The cellular portion of blood is made up of three major blood cell types: red blood cells (erythrocytes) which contain hemoglobin, important for oxygen transport in the body; white blood cells that function in defense against foreign organisms and disease, i.e. Also, I saw a recent you tube channel which also concluded Jesus blood is still alive. Three days after Jesus died, the Lord God of Israel resurrected and glorified him (made Him immortal). The other possibility is that God used 22 chromosome pairs and one X chromosome from Mary, and created one Y chromosome. He is an expert on the Temple Mount, Herod's Palace, and the 1,600-foot tunnel that runs under the western retaining wall of the Temple Mount. Chromosome analysis or karyotyping is a test that evaluates the number and structure of a person's chromosomes in order to detect abnormalities. What are your thoughts on the phrase divine DNA? The term alleles refers to genes that are found on chromosomes. d) Only the Blood of Jesus can Redeem Us Blood of a child is determined and contributed to by the male chromosomes not female. Im going with 46 because its the same as the average age of modern humans. Purification. True believers dont need proof, but in lieu of the scientific evidence, it should be clear to unbelievers that Jesus Christ is the genetic offspring of the God of Abraham. Lord Jesus is clearly the Son of God and prophesied Messiah. Which is the true religion: Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism, and why? 'Help Give every Student and Teacher FREE resources for a world-class Moral Catholic Education', Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting: The Three Pillars of Lent. These are actually 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. Phylogenetic analysis has revealed that humans have 46 pairs of chromosomes, 23 from your father and 23 from your mother, the former of which is contained within sperm and the latter within the mothers egg. Understand also: How Old Was Jesus When The Wise Men Came? . The Blood of Jesus Christ and the Ark of the Covenant have been discovered by Ron Wyatt and a team of Archeologists underneath Golgotha in Israel. Ron Wyatt has only shared his findings with a small group of close friends. What is the relationship between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant? Is it safe to believe that Jesus blood has been discovered? I assume you mean Ron Wyatt. Each of your chromosomes, which are minuscule in size, contains the instructions for proteins to multiply and mix in such a manner that they build up your brain, your heart, and the rest of your body. Ron says, "What I was told by the men I worked withand if you have a photographic memory you'll remember their names [he jokes]Amos Kloner, Joseph Gat, Dan Bahat, General Drori. A prophecy was given through Isaiah (7:14) that said, Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. Dr. Copyright 2022 . People usually have 44 somatic (22 from the father + 22 from the mother) and the pair of sexual chromosomes. For example, someone with an A type blood possesses only the A antigen on their cells. A team of research scientists working for a private facility in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to belong to Jesus, concluding that Jesus biological mother was a normal human female, while His father was not a human male (Jesus apparently has DNA twice as sophisticated as a normal human beings). There is an "X" chromosome in the blood, but no "Y" chromosome; proving that the person whose blood it is, had a mother, but no father. This excerpt from an interview from the documentary film Revealing Gods Treasure (1998) features Ron Wyatt debunking the Israeli Department of Antiquities false claims about the discovery of both Jesus blood and the Ark of the Covenant. Mary possessed solely the X chromosomes. Lk1:35 Mary was impregnated with male chromosome - came from God. So, someone is covering it up. He is a charlatan and a self-serving self-promoter, and Christians would do well to not use any of his material. The blood found on the Shroud of Turin is believed to be the blood of Jesus on the day of his death. Upon completion of their analysis, the lab technicians asked Ron whose blood he had submitted for study, and he replied, "this is the blood of your Messiah". LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) -- If the bread and wine offerings become the body and blood of Jesus Christ at Mass, then what was Jesus' blood type? Where did Jesus Y chromosome come from, and what is its significance? Here, the potential and limitations of modern molecular biology techniques . In the Eucharist, we commonly speak of "receiving" Christ in Holy Communion. And he claimed to have found the blood of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus is clearly the Son of YHVH and our prophesied Messiah. Prayer Cards 15% off The Eucharistic miracle from Buenos Aries was sent to the USA for testing. A infant with Down syndrome has 47 chromosomes, which is the normal number. Mosess Y chromosome came from his father. "The blood is human blood, of group AB, male, and was found to be identical in the two samples tested, the blood from the tears from the Icon of the Virgin and the blood that appeared of the Face of Jesus are the same," the team reported, adding that "the configuration of the genetic features found in the Y chromosome does not correspond to any of the configurations present in the world wide . After successfully conducting a genetic analysis on the ancient blood sample widely believed to have belonged to the historical Jesus of Nazareth (discovered beneath Golgotha by the Ron Watt excavation team in 1981), a group of Tel Aviv-based research scientists came to the conclusion that Jesus biological father was a non-human. Ron Wyatt had kept the location and method of obtaining the sample a secret from the rest of the crew. His response (paraphrased), I have to make money somehow. I strongly urge you to not use Wyatts material and if you have published anything on line, you should take it down and perhaps apologize for putting out unreliable material. A few modern cases can be dismissed as fungus or mold, but then there are cases of bloody hosts that date back 1,200 years and remain preserved. Other tests from hosts around the world show up as the blood type AB. The Bible informs us that Jesus Christ was born to his mother Mary as a virgin 2,000 years ago, and that he was the son of God. Underground chamber reveals Temple treasures. It is the bread which came down from heaven that gives eternal life to anybody who will receive it. If you donate just $5.00, or whatever you can, Catholic Online could keep thriving for years. Under his guidance and leadership the department was expanded and restructured, in 1990 becoming the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) with Drori as its first director general. However, the sheer quantity of relics that have been claimed as genuine is so overwhelming that it is evident that the vast majority of them are fakes. This certainly applies to this totally bogus claim about finding actual blood of Jesus! My Y chromosome was inherited from my father, who in turn inherited it from his father, who in turn inherited it from my great-grandfather. I highly advise you not to utilize Wyatts material, and if you have published anything on the internet, you should remove it and possibly issue an apology for putting out untrustworthy information. The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. Jesus had 24 chromosomes Jesus had 24 chromosomes. It is determined by the number of chromosomes that the Holy Spirit has. To all our readers, Please don't scroll past this. Ill quickly clarify this: Im aware that there are some physicians, nurses, and other individuals around who are knowledgeable with the handling of blood. Question:I heard about Ryan Watts finding of Jesus blood on the ark of the covenant, and Id like to know more. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism: Which is the true religion and why? Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The inspiration for todays piece came from a recent query from Dylan. Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. If you are one of our rare donors, you have our gratitude and we warmly thank you. Doctors and scientists around the world are simply lying about their findings because they like the Catholic Church enough to take the risk. Show the volunteers who bring you reliable, Catholic information that their work matters. Forensic Science Proves Jesus is Who He Said He Was, Scientific Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus, God Said Jesus is His Son (So Does Jesus' DNA). ARTICLES NEWS INFORMATION STUDIES OF THE LORD JESUS DIVINITY, August 6 The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, JESUS NEVER SINNED AND JESUS'S SINLESSNESS: ARTICLES, MARY MAGDALENE AND MARY OF BETHANY AND THE SINFUL WOMAN AND THE ADULTERER WOMAN ARE DIFFERENT WOMEN, Seven Ways Christ Is the Good Shepherd by Colin Smith, THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD JESUS AND THE PENTECOST SUNDAY, The Birth of Jesus Is Only The Beginning by Kyle Golden, THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 14 SEPTEMBER, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW: CHAPTERS 3 AND 4 BAPTISM TEMPTATION AND BEGINNING OF MISSION, THE JUDAS'S BETRAYAL-LORDS THE LUST SUPPER-THE PRAYER IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE AND THE ARREST OF THE LORD JESUS- ST.LUKE CHAPTER 22, THE LEGAL TRIAL- CONDEMNATION- CRUCIFIXION OF THE LORD JESUS-ST.LUKE CHAPTER 23, THE MESSIAH ALREADY APPOINTED FOR YOU JESUS WHOM HEAVEN MUST RECEIVE UNTIL THE TIMES OF UNIVERSAL RESTORATION, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) - Solemnity, THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: ACTS CHAPTER 1, THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: ST. LUKE CHAPTER 24, THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD JESUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. After scientific investigation, a eucharistic miracle in Poland was recently confirmed as authentic by the local bishop of the area. If there are any genuine relics amid the large quantity of fakes, how can you tell which ones are genuine and which ones are not? Representational theology is at the heart of the answer to your DNA question. First and foremost, because the individual making the claim is a well-known liar and charlatan who has lied and deceived many others in the past. Plant cuttings are little pieces of a plant that are taken from a larger plant that are planted and grow into a new plant that is a clone of the plant from which the cutting was originally cut. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome, and one Y chromosome in the human population at the time. The result is amazing: that blood has 22 somatic chromosomes, plus a pair of sexual ones: X + Y. Given that Alexander was the son of Philip and so the legally recognized heir to the kingdom of Macedonia, he was able to defeat the numerous other contenders for the crown. 1:35 (Luke 1:35) The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, the angel said. The angel was one step ahead of her and had the answer: The Holy Ghost will descend upon thee, and the power of God will be overshadowing thee, the angel said to Mary, as the Holy Ghost descended upon her. A genetic analysis of Jesus dried blood proves that his Father is non-human. The Book of Matthew 1:1-17 describes Jesus' bloodline, which spans 42 generations. The Eucharistic miracle from Buenos Aries was sent to the USA for testing. Adam represents humanity in his disobedience, sin, and spiritual and physical death. Jesus actually shared his DNA with Adam. When scientists studied the dried, two-thousand-year-old dead blood, they were surprised to discover that they were able to study its chromosomessomething that could only be done with living blood at the time. In addition to Jesus's mother, the Virgin Mary, there was Mary's cousin . Because the typical person has 46 chromosomes, Jesus could only have 23 chromosomes, according to genetic theory. Most of the time, the children of a sheep couple perish. The number of chromosomes in a human cell is 46, which are organized into 23 pairs by the genetic code. Adam's "contribution," his "gift" (notice the implied . And this is part of the proof that I have physical evidence that I've been asked not to share." Who is the Mechelsadeck? Animals have 48 chromosomes. They discovered that this Blood did not include the typical complement of 46 chromosomes, but rather only had 24 chromosomes in total. See the video. Through the prophet Isaiah (7:14), it was revealed that the Lord Himself would give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and she will name him Immanuel (God with us). Are there any natural mechanisms that might account for this occurrence? Or: A brief history of the Jews . Hybrids are extremely unusual, despite the fact that sheep and goats share a large number of pastures, demonstrating that the species has a genetic gap. Jesus, who was both completely man and fully God, would have possessed a complete set of human DNA in addition to his divine genes. She turned it into her priest who placed it in water to dissolve it, per Canon Law. I would thus characterize the incident as miraculous on several levels. The globe was taken aback by the studys findings. I like either one of these possibilities. The DNA of Jesus is 96 percent derived from Mary, rather than 50 percent derived from Mary as would be expected under normal circumstances. This blood has only ONE Y chromosome and it is not . Diary 299). Jesus did not have a human father! The Ark of the Covenant Special Article . True believers do not require proof; nonetheless, in the absence of scientific evidence, it should be evident to nonbelievers that Jesus Christ is the genetic son of the God of Abraham, regardless of their religious beliefs. The bishop who sent the sample was Jorge Bergoglio. 2. just before Jerusalem's fall in 586 BC. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus biological father was non-human. As the Roman Soldier pierced the side of Christ with his sword the blood run out and down. Site design and hosting by . Over time, chromosomes mutate quite a bit, and most of those mutations don't hurt anything. Wyatt made the following statement: We performed tests to ensure that it was blood.

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