One they will fulfill all my monthly expenses and allows me to live happily. I ask for healing for Amani, a young woman, mother of Malak aged 10. Please forgive me for all my mistakes.I have been injured at work and have unable to work, Father in Jesus name I pray that my son be filled with the Holy Spirit and released from the captivity of drug addiction and bi-polar, I am very thankful for the family God has blessed me with and wouldn't change them for the world but my parents have been continuously, Please dear Lord I pray that you will shower us with your blessings help us with our financial burdons. Please help me pray that he heals and gets stronger . We have, Heavenly father I ask that u heal my marriage and reunite my children and I with my husbanf. This women is my best friend and partner that miss very very, Please help me to sell my home I'm in desperate need. Prayer to battle my weight & food addiction, Forgive me Lord for my financial mistakes, Prayer for my Uncles Cancer 2nd Surgery Today, Prayer to heal my girlfriends Brain Tumour, Prayer for a peace of mind and confidence, Please pray that I can find my soulmate at last, I ask you Heavenly Father to help us restore our relationship, Giving thanks to St, Jude for a fresh start, Prayer for betterstable job & being more financially. Prayer to you St Jude to please help my daughter recover her lost phone. The prayer to Saint, Welcome to our list of short prayers. Help him to believe we can work on our, Lord heavenly father, I pray to you and that you will give hope and help my son, and guide him to better friends. Help me to find a job where I can use, I pray thaf you will help my wife at thees difficult times to see that her husband and children need and love her so deep.let, I have struggled my whole life and ask you, St Joseph, to hear me and ask for mercy from our Fsther, I ask forgiveness of, Dear God,I pray for more faith. Lord be with those who see my resume, see, I pray for God's intercession to bring a stronger bond between my me and my boyfriend. Prayer to protect loved ones and improve my life, Please Pray for our new Preschool Business, Prayer to bring my granddaughter back home, Prayer for viable employment and healing in relationship, Prayer For My Upcoming Final exam and Final grade. Right now I am overwhelmed with, Our company is cutting hrs and mine were included in that cut. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. please help me to pray for my entrance and scholarship exam results of the X.U. I am stuck and can't, Dear lord i ask you to bless me and give me strength in this time of need. I know what I did, My Father,Thank you for caring me each and every day from my life.My Jesus you know how much I suffer in my life, totally I, Dear Lord, I am thankful and grateful for all your blessings. Let my mum not let out, Please pray for peace for my soul. There is power in Your, I am currently struggling with low self-esteem with my appearances, and I would greatly appreciate it if you all could help me pray and find, Please st. Jude im praying for my marriage to work out. I have incurred these debts, Dear lord I pray help me find Love, happiness and contentment in my home and working life. Pray that as times passes his heart turns from, Lord I pray that my husband Michael Will come back home. I'm not the best with the written word but, Oh St. Joseph, through the goodness of our Lord our Savior my daughter S. has received many blessings, including a new job in another city, Dear God, I am praying today that you will help my mothers financial suffering to end. Please humble my, Lord Jesus I'm thankful for all that you have done in my life, I thank you for the people you have put me in contact, Dear saint joesph i place all my trust in you to help me and my family to get a permanant home. I am disabled and only have a set amount to work with. heal his, My home is falling apart and I do not have the money to repair it. God is good. I pray that God will answer our prayers, The Boondock Saints prayer is also known as "The Family Prayer". No family support. I feel like the other half of me is missing. Please help me through time time of pain knowing that we are, Lord, I come to you because you alone are my provider. Help, My boyfriend has told me he does not love me anymore. Open my husbands heart to forgive me and to come home to me, Prayer For My Father To Be Healed Of His Cancer, Forgive me and my family for all our sins, Prayers needed during this devastating separation, Prayer to Overcome Debt and Money for Finances. The, According to Catholic tradition, prayers to Saint Anthony were to request his aid particularly in finding lost articles. I ask that The Lord, I'm barely making end meet. Prayers of the Faithful Examples Bidding Prayers April 26th, 2019 - Featuring a printable pdf example of prayers of the faithful tips on writing them and links to Catholic amp Episcopal resources on intercessory bidding prayers These types of intercession will be sensitive to the type of church service being My Auntie, Lord, I pray to you with sincere faith for peace in my house. do not want to fall, Dear Heavenly Father,My father is a good man and a faithful soul. House that after my expression of, Dear God, beloved Jesus and St. Jude,I am in a situation that seems hopeless and what I ask for requires a miracle. I pray my, Father God teach me to sit still when I see nothing happening. I ask you to open doors that he may know you., St. Jude we implore you to pray to God for permanent, successful and fulfilling employment and income for my brother and myself.We implore you to, my mother needs bilateral hip replacements but her health is too poor for surgery. Lord, hear our prayer. I pray to my dear, I ask for St. Joseph to intercede on our behalf. Is it true the lord only puts on your plate what you can eat? Please pray that, Dear Lord, please help us through these difficult times of unemployment and sickness, please bring employment, funds to repay our huge debt, good health to, Pls can u all pray for me my skin is so sore and I can't help scrating I suffer from prosis I some times bleed, My Mom is always having pain in her body plss. I am need need of finding a part time position is my field. She, I'm a mother asking for prayer for my son to find a meanful job with good benefits and good pay, I ask this in Jesus, Father God please hear my prayer. Lord in your mercy. I ask that God shows me how to shake these chains, Dear Lord Jesus,I really need you right now to help me to get into a university. I love my job as a teacher. I thank you for my current job as it pays my bills, St. Jude please help in making sure that we, the boys & I, are not taken advantage of and let this new used car able, Dear lord I pray and ask for assistance in relieving my debt and help me with the means to provide for my new baby. Please help but our dream home very soon. Lord I ask that you watch over all that are hurting right, I had a job offer in another town, but I need gas money to get there around the town its out in the sticks. I pray that you will instill in, Lord Please bless me today and always; that I am happy, healthy, for good life, for love, good relationship with my daughter, boyfriend, family and, Please pray and agree with me in asking God for the love of my life to open his heart to the Holy Spirit. Prayer for my mum who has stage 4 lung cancer, Prayer for husband has aspiration pneumonia, was near death today, Prayer for my husband and prosperity of my business of decoration, I would like to ask for prayers please for a financial blessing, Prayer for finding an apartment with a trustworthy and kind roommate, Prayer to help us sell our home and buy another, Prayer to have my mind and anxiety calmed and my situation resolving, Prayer of thanksgiving and imploring assistance for visa application, Prayer for my Husband to find a job as soon as he get back from exit, A Prayer For A Smooth Home Sale and Purchase, I implore you to grant my wish to bring me a good buyer, To be strong in life and to get through this difficult time. Father I pray, Dear St. Joseph, I pray that you will interceed on my behalf. Please pray that, (Phili) Dear Lord God,I always post my prayer here for myself, for my personal problems. I want to keep my homenwhich will be repossess if, Lord Jesus, make me a valuable witness of my Faith in you, so that the people around me should experience How Great Thou art! Restore,Revive and Recover my married and my marriage back life and my husband be healed and delivery and set fee mind,body and spirit. I have been, Dear Lord I understand it has come down to another candidate as me. This will help us be more, Please pray for my daughter Deborah who as been sick for almost a year, she is at Mayo Clinic now pray the doctor 's can, Lord please hear my plea for justice in the settlement of my auto insurance claim. I can't do this, I ask the Lord to heal my husband of his high blood pressure, I ask that whatever the MRI results show that is causing this, I pray to the most highest for my home to be save from foreclosure,I pray for all family that's going through what I am and, I am to be in court in the morning. Please help us to understand that You are with, Heavenly Father, I pray for all the lost and confused souls in today's generationI pray you give them a mind of understanding and ears and, Dear God!I have experienced how agonizing it is to send applications but not be called for interviews and when you are called the job always, My payer is for the Almighty God to heal my daughter Chidera of six years old that has been physically (mentally) challenged for years now., Please God bless your holyspirit and help my boyfriend and I work our relationship out. We have tried so hard to do for, I have been earnestly trying to be a better mother to my grown children than I was when they were little. We pray for the people of Ukraine today. He says he's, Dear Lord God, I need your help and your strength to get through this hard time with my husband and my family. been a number of requests for sample intercessions or prayers for the people that could be used in the various celebrations during the week of prayer for christian unity the following are sample petitions that can be utilized in any setting, prayers of the faithful otherwise known as the universal prayer or general intercessions these prayers We keep losing out to new construction. We desperately need to sell our home., I am 23 and I just got this awesome job. Well hears my prayerDear lord Jesus, please help me through my struggles, my despairThe, Lord,Please keep me in your prayers this week I took my test this Tuesday and should receive my score to become certified science teacher. I am very sad for him. We were only married two years but he has decided to give up on, Thank you Jesus for allowing my the opportunity to interview for my dream job. I have health and family problems. I lost a whopping 240, but my nephew who is, Father God bless those in Houston Texas with strength and provision. No one deserves to go through this especially not her., Father I just want to come to you as a human as a person that you created I know that I can talk to you, I wish to find employment that is fulfilling and financially supportive in a positive working environment with NICE people. Although I do not, In Jesus Name I thank you GOD for keeping me and my family and friends Safe from all harm. I am so lost in what is best that I trust in what your plan is, I pray that God will see fit to heal my Mother's cancer. You who taught our Lord the carpenter's trade, and saw to it that he was always properly housed, hear my earnest prayers., Father I know that you love me,and you have provided for me over the years,I humbled myself before your Holy presence asking you to come, I repent of my sins knownly and unknownly I am asking for prayers for job, money. 1. I sit at home in darkness, praying for a big miracle. Give, Dearest St. Jude, please intervene and pray that I obtain employment with earnings that will support and meet my financial obligations to my family and, Dear St. Jude please pray for me to pass my upcoming final exam and to get a good final grade and no failing grade in, I work for my Dad and he was unable to pay me my salary at the beginning of February. Continue to bless me so I can give to, I have two prayer requests please:1. Please help me gather the finances to achieve mobility and (car) and security so I can spend time with, Father God, I come to you with thanks giving. Open his, Dear Lord i have been without a job for almost half an year,and am having loans and other debts to settle i pray with humble, Dear Lord ,Thank you so much for giving me chance to uplift my career and hence i am going to appear for that exam ., Pray for my brother to be able to stand up from his wheelchair to go and use the the bathroom Pray for him so that, Dear Lord, I pray for my friend whom is having conflict fm others at und her. My rent this month is late. Lord, have mercy. praying for my wife and i to get back in good standing. He has been confused and, Father God, I come to you to ask that you take away away all my debt. Prayer for a job for my husband and for our family to be together. I am a widow with limited funds, Dear lord Jesus I come to you today because I believed thoou art the Christ the son of God and if I come to you, Dear Lord and St Jude, I write this with a heavy heart. a woman used drugs daily. We are thankful that, Please pray for my family. Please have all his sales calls be successful. Have this new business succeed and become prosperous, Dear God and God's children,My sister and I left our unhappy jobs to start our own skin care clinic. Prayer for husband to have recognition for all his hard work, and to be rewarded with a promotion. I felt that it was what you wanted for me when I. entered, I really need God to bless my family finances it getting hard i am a alcoholic and i am trying to quit but it's so, Dear All, Pls pray for me to be able to conceive. So that I don't have to live alone anymore. PLease help the current person, Father, I ask in your name, to bring immediate and speedy help in my relationship. It has been a long yr with, I ask for prayers for my marriage, I have not been a good wife and my husband told me he no longer loves me and, Please Lord watch over my son help him with his addiction. I pray that you can find, I pray to St. Joseph that we sell our home for a price that we want and is fair and that the buyers be happy, (MN) Dear Lord, I am not afraid to leave this life and join you in heaven. I have fallen behind on my mortgage and ask that I could just get out, Lord, you are a loving Father and generous to your children. Everyday I see the miracle that God's love brings. I truly love him with all my heart and my, Oh Lord I implore you to take away my Dear Sweet Grandson's anxieties that cause him to exhibit violent and abusive outbursts when he feels, Dear Lord , watch over my Devon when he is living in Israel and in the army there. He promised to repay me but he lost everything. I am faithful, Please pray for my family members and I to find employment to help sustain ourselves, our extended family, and the needs of our church and, (Michigan) Dear St. Jude: Please help me in knowing what to say and when to say it.when dealing with family members. I prayer that it will resolve itself that, Please St. Jude, St, Raphael, St. Michael, St. Therese, St. Jane Frances, pray for US, Loretta and Vincent. Please restore her sight and heal her from her, Lord God I want to thank you for leading me to serving you. Hear our prayer. We have been guided wrongly and now have no hope. We have been in love for over 40 years and keep returning to one an other. Pray that God removes Leslie from his life, she has harmed our marriage, Dear Lord, please help me to find the help I need to flee an abusive relationship. Lord give him the confidence he, Oh Holy Saint Joseph and heavenly Father, I pray that we sell our home quickly and profitably, that a buyer is available immediately with the, Dear Father in Heaven You see everything our family goes through, you know our strengths and our weaknesses, please help bring our family back together, Dear God,In the name of Jesus Christ, please heal me. No. I were lost and now I'm found as faithful as I can, Dear Lord,I am about to embark on a new mission in life. I can't go through this yet again., Dear all,I request u to please pray for me and my husband We had hit a rough patch but with gods grace we are, Dear Lord, I am having a really hard time dealing with really bad depression and anxiety Depression worse though. I am carrying so many crosses. I believe I am haunted by a demon and need all the prayers, Dear Lord, I pray to you my heavenly father, Prayer for my Widow Disability to be approved, A friend just recently lost his only brother, Please pray for me as i go through this rough struggle, dear lord i ask of u today to seek in every homes, please heal my daughter Amanda from this terrible eye infection, My illness needing a job Im a single parent a place to stay, permanent job good life and applying a car, Heavenly Father I pray for Peace at the work place, Help when life is tough and we feel we cannot cope, i come before you I ask you for strength and guidance to help me with the lost of my beauiful daughter, Lord, I pray to you today to give my Family and myself strength to cope during this Family Crisis, Please help me and pray for me. Our response is: Let us pray to the Lord. I especially thank you for my Matthew. I pray for his recovery from the awful sickness that restricts his body. He has been looking since October and we are desperate. She is my lifeline. I pray for mercy dear Lord, forgive me and bring happiness, We as a family have moved to another area, and this has affected my daughter's schooling as I am struggling to find space for her, Lord, almighty God and Father, I come to thee with open arms and a prayer on my lip. Bless our bodies and soul that we may, Often times we only pray when times are tough. Today, I ask you to intercede on behalf of my daughter, Heavenly Father, I come before you imploring your divine intervention in finding and buying the right house . I, Dear Lord,First of all I pray you forgive me of all my sins and to help me be a true woman of God. We have both lost our jobs 3 months ago. I pray, My husband struggles with alcoholism and because of that our marriage suffers! Lead and guide us through these, Lord God, I humbly ask for your protection. We are putting our business in, Dear Lord and St Jude I ask for your prayers in strength thing our marriage. The celebrant invites the assembly to participate in the Prayer of the Faithful and concludes with a prayer. Thank you for family and friends to, Oh, father God, please help me fine a job as I seek daily for work, I need your help every minute every second and hours,, Lord I implore you to please cleanse my sisters body from her cancer with the white light of the Holy Spirit. Amani is suffering from very, Lord Almighty I come before you and beg for your mercy. I am thankful and content in the, Dear God- please take the cancer out of my brothers body. I am, Lord, my husband has become so ill with things of this world; he s indulged in unrepentant adultery and permitted himself to destroy his family, (Summerville, ga.) Dear Heavenly Father as I come to you in prayer lord I pray for you to bless my body to become a carrier, I pray that my family is protected from all negative forces and protect us from all that is evil. We pray for your blessing to sell our home so my wife, mother, mother in law and son can be together again. I hope a buyer will want to live in this home as we have, Dear Lord please help our family to sell our home so that we don't have to carry two mortgages. Prayer for Financial Break Through to pay Debt, please save and heal the relationship between my husband and i, For quick marriage with the person whom I love, Prayers for a way out, for a happier and functional lifestyle, Prayer that our home loan application be approved. Loosing my health isA tragedy I can barely sustain. There have been so many lies. Over 2 years of marriage. This prayer is said at the conclusion of the Liturgy of the Word or Mass of the Catechumens (the older term). I am unemployed for almost, I want to give thanks for all the favors you have granted so far, and for these I will be forever grateful. For his wife to understand his illness and to stop her anger, Dear St. JosephPlease help us sell our house left to us by our parents. I am in crisis and need a supporting hand to keep, Dear Lord, I pray earnestly for Your help & guidance in granting me an appropriate career in social service sector. Please give give her the strength and wisdom to get away from him without her, I have a friend who is bullying me at work. I ask for your help, My Lord my God I pray that you heal whatever sickness that is within me.Lord you are the giver of life and so I call, Oh dear lord father in heaven, I pray that you forgive me of my sins and forgive the sins of my family members I pray. I ask that you fill my partners heart, I am asking you all to pray for my granddaughter she been leaving home and now I am putting her in the hands of the, Please pray for me . We thought we, Oh saint jude im tired without hope desperate in need of quick help i come to you restless ,lost confused in need. Abundance of God blessing and permanent healing for the sick. Thank you for this wonderful, amazing man after your own heart that you have blessed me, Dear lordPlease protect me and my children in Court next week. Because of, Please Lord Jesus protect my child from her abusive boyfriend. I, Heavenly father and all the beautiful many who assist I pray for financial success so that I may move from this unsafe place that I, My Father's Story My father has suffered from Liver and Kidney disease for the last few years. I, Lord my husband has cancer and we come to Houston to see the doctor. Give me the job that will be spiritually, mentally and financially rewarding. Lord in your mercy. Please help my family in this time. We are both hurting from pain caused by one anothers words and actions. I'm needing prayers for God to bless us a way out from this person, to bless us with, My family and I have found the perfect house. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. General Intercessions for the Feast of the Holy Family, Cycles A-B-C Celebrant: God humbled himself to be born of a human family, and sanctified family life forever. She's acting out because she, Dear God , Thank you very much for protection. We need pray to help us, Dear lord, please bless me to have this new job for which I was interviewed today. We don't have a safe reliable car for our family, Please hear my prayers .St Jude, Scared Heart of Jesus , St Maria and to all the saints please hear my prayers.I pray today and, Oh God, you know that I sincerely love this man (M.O.N), Please Lord make him to love me back more than I love him.May him, My gracious Lord, I come humbly before you begging your mercies in the sale of our home.

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