(Education Code 46010.1). Please do not call the school. The Governing Board believes that it is useful and necessary to keep accurate, comprehensive student records, as required by law. BullardHS@fresnounified.org . If the waiver indicates that the parent/guardian was unable to obtain the services for their child, then the reasons why should be included in the waiver. It also fosters racial and cultural understanding and tolerance, which are particularly important in a diverse society such as ours. The notice shall indicate that the student and parents/guardians of the student will be required, along with the referring person, to meet with the SARB or probation officer to consider the proper consequences for the referral. I have questions about my childs IEP, whom can I contact? When possible, siblings could be allowed to attend the same school. 18. 830.1. 49452; B.P. Transfer requests are kept on file for up to one year. Any information maintained for the purpose of second-party review is considered a student record. Please note if the absences are not listed above they are considered unexcused. The third time a truancy report is required within the same school year, the student shall be classified a habitual truant and may be referred to, and required to attend, a SARB or a Truancy Prevention Program. Please email your request to SPED.RecordsRequest@FresnoUnified.org. Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee declaration of residency executed by the students parent/ guardian; voluntary inspection of residence by school district personnel. By faxing in your application to (559) 600-7706. Access to student recruiting information: Notwithstanding section 1232g (a) (5) (B) of this title and except as provided in paragraph (2), each local educational agency receiving assistance under this chapter shall provide, on a request made by military recruiters or an institution of higher education, access to secondary school students names, addresses, and telephone listings. If you have questions, please contact the Benefits Department at 559-457-3520. The updated attendance zone, which will pull students from . Applications can be mailed to: P O Box 1912, Fresno CA 93718. Approval may not be at the requested school site. CAIR operates centralized, computerized, confidential immunization information registry system (SYSTEM) containing vaccination histories. Medications brought to school without following the above guidelines will NOT be given at school. It shall be the primary responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school district in which the student is temporarily residing of their presence in a qualifying hospital. In addition, research shows that integrated education expands post-secondary opportunities for diverse populations and helps to provide greater equality of opportunity. If student does not meet any of the criteria previously stated and desires to attend a Fresno Unified School District school, the Inter-District Transfer Request allows students that reside within the boundaries of a school district other than Fresno Unified School District to attend a school with Fresno Unified School District. If the student needs to go home for an injury or illness, nurse or designee will contact the parent. Any school district requesting such a transfer of a record shall notify the parent/guardian of their right to receive a copy of the record and a right to a hearing to challenge the content of the record. Each student so excused shall attend school at least the minimum school day for their grade for elementary schools, and as provided by the relevant provisions of the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education for secondary schools. The parent/guardian is given information regarding the advantages and disadvantages, and any other explanatory information about the effect of this early admittance. Whenever any part of the instruction in health, family life education, and sex education conflicts with the religious training and beliefs of the parent/guardian of any pupil, the pupil, on written request of the parent/guardian, shall be excused from the part of the training which conflicts with such religious training and beliefs. Information concerning a student shall be furnished in compliance with a court order or a lawfully issued subpoena. Tobaise Brookins. 48205; E.C 48216; E.C. That the parent/guardian must send their child to school; That parents/guardians who fail to meet this obligation may be guilty of an infraction and subject to prosecution; That Alternative Educational programs are available in the District; That the parent/guardian has the right to meet with appropriate school personnel to discuss solutions to the students truancy; That the student may be subject to prosecution under Education Code Section 48264; That it is recommended that the parent/guardian accompany the student to school and attend classes with the student for one (1) day. The Fresno Unified Governing Board believes that all children should have the opportunity to receive appropriate educational services. Initiation of antibiotics within the past 24 hours. Phone Number: (559) 248-7538 Fax Number: (559) 248-7481 Email: TransfersDepartment@fresnounifie d.org Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm (Monday - Friday) Location: 4120 N. First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 (South of the corner of First Street and Ashlan) Transfers Staff Directory. This system provides the ability to review and accept open sub assignments. In the 202324 school year, children who will turn five between September 2 and April 2 are eligible for TK. ATLAS Portal Help; EduText; Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center; Project Connect; . School Districts Schools. The total number of children enrolled in first grade; The number of children who have had a health screening examination, as evidenced by the certificate required by Section 124085; and. The Governing Board of any school district offering a fingerprinting program pursuant to this article shall assess a fee to the parent/ guardian of the fingerprinted pupils. A student will be excused a maximum of one day for live head lice. Thereupon the child shall be exempt from any physical examination, but whenever there is a good reason to believe that the child is suffering from a recognized contagious or infectious disease, he/she shall be sent home and shall not be permitted to return until the school authorities are satisfied that any contagious or infectious disease does not exist. Each school district shall adopt procedures for the granting of requests by parents/guardians for copies of all pupil records pursuant to Section 49065, or to inspect and review records during regular school hours, provided that the requested access shall be granted no later than five (5) business days following the date of the request. Fresno Unified School District. newly enrolled in that District. (559) 457-3000. 99.34; E.C. Providing students the opportunity to transfer to schools within the District; Providing students the opportunity to attend special programs, such as charters, magnet, specialty, and thematic programs; Providing extracurricular and co-curricular experiences, including multi-cultural education pursuant to B.P. www.fresnounified.org/dept/earlylearning. Assurances that the district will not release information to third parties for immigration-enforcement purposes, except as required by law or court order. The districts SARB shall provide support to improve student attendance and behavior through proactive efforts focused on building positive school environments and improved school connectedness, early identification and immediate intervention to re-engage students with poor attendance or behavior, and intensive intervention with students and families to address severe or persistent attendance or behavior issues. 4120 N. First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 . recommend the middle or upper ranges of coverage plans. How do I enroll my child in Career Technical Education programs? Anaphylaxis is a rapid, severe allergic response triggered by insect stings, foods, medications, latex materials, exercise, or in rare cases by unknown causes. This information will be distributed in the seventh grade packets provided by each school site with seventh grade students. Transfers are available year-round. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any school district, including any county office of education or Superintendent of schools, may participate in an interagency data information system that permits access to a computerized database system within and between governmental agencies or districts as to information or records which are non-privileged, and where release is authorized as to the requesting agency under state or federal law or regulation. Additional information regarding the appeal of denied inter-district transfers only, is available through the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools. No student shall be excused from school for such purpose on more than four (4) days per school month. Whenever a pupil transfers from one school district to another or to a private school, or transfers from a private school to a school district within the state, the pupils permanent record or a copy thereof shall be transferred by the former district or private school upon a request from the district or private school where the pupil intends to enroll. Therefore, all children residing within the district shall have immediate access to district schools and services. Principal: Armen Torigian . E.C. The City of Fresno PARCS Department through our dynamic and dedicated staff, enhance the quality of life for the community by providing safe, clean, accessible parks and community centers offering diverse programs and recreational activities and fostering meaningful community partnerships. Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721; Fresno Unified School District. Schools, and pre-kindergarten facilities are required to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports. 5125. Homeless children shall be enrolled with or without a permanent address. . Similarly, the parents/guardians of a school-age child who are residents of another district may request a transfer to Fresno Unified. High School students from Fresno Unified School District will be able to request a 31-Day Student Pass from their respective schools and simply swipe the pass and show their valid student ID. Fresno Unified School District is soliciting Request for Proposals for Event Planner Services. In addition, ScribOrder ensures the District is supplying student information to authorized individuals while creating a secure way of transferring data. This section and Section 48904 shall also apply to the state special schools, as described in subdivision (a) of Section 48927. Address: 2309 Tulare Street, Room 218, Fresno, CA . The Fresno Unified Board retains the authority to grant or deny a request for an interdistrict transfer to Fresno Unified in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy . Are there alternative programs to suspension/expulsion? Fresno Unified School District InterDistrict Transfer Request TRANSFERS OFFICE 4120 N. FIRST STREET, FRESNO, CA 93726 (559) 2487538 - FAX: (559) 2487481 NEW RENEWAL REQUESTING TRANSFER FROM FRESNO UNIFIED TO 2309 Tulare St. Fresno, CA 93721-2287. These include: Therefore, the Board of Education believes that a policy that supports quality education for students in diverse learning settings will have a positive effect on our students who will live and work together in a diverse society. Serving Central, Firebaugh-Las Deltas, Golden Plains, Kerman, Mendota, Orange Center, West Fresno, West Park, and the southwest portion of Fresno Unified. C.F.R., Title 4, Sec. 46601, 46602, 48024(b); A.R. If the final decision of the Governing Board is unfavorable to the parent/guardian, or if the parent/guardian accepts an unfavorable decision by the District Superintendent, the parent/guardian shall be informed and shall have the right to submit a written statement of their objections to the information. What are the required state tests that my (elementary, middle, and high school) children will need to take? Any student without the required evidence of immunization shall be excluded from school until the immunization is obtained or until the student presents a letter or affidavit of exemption from their authorized health care provider. If the student does not successfully complete the Truancy Prevention Program or other similar program, the student shall be subject to subdivision (d). Those in high school may continue through 12th grade. Intradistrict and Interdistrict transfers, including magnet school placements, could be subject to revocation if it is determined that a student has violated a condition of the transfer. School authorities may excuse any student from school to obtain confidential medical services without the consent of the students parent/guardian. Procedures for maintaining the confidentiality of student records shall be consistent with State and Federal laws. Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721; Fresno Unified School District. Phone Number. All applicants remaining on a waiting list will be assigned if additional space becomes available at the school requested. The disclosure meets the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section. Phone: 559-457-3416. A Pre-conference call regarding the . The second time a truancy report is required within the same school year, the student may be assigned by the school to an after-school or weekend study program located within the same county as the students school. Diversity is thus a valuable resource for teaching students to become citizens in a multi-racial/multi-ethnic world in which men and women study, work, and govern together. Contact Main Office. 1350 M St. Fresno, CA 93721. The Administratioin building is a former 1927 former post office located at 2309 Tulare Street The Unified Offices are located at 2348 Mariposa Mall designed by Franklin and Kump in 1936. The District is committed to working with students and their families to ensure that poor attendance does not adversely impact their academic success. Fresno Unified is pleased to offer a variety of school choice options that allow for families to attend a school beyond their neighborhood school. E.C.46014. What an awesome accomplishment We are so proud of our students! SmartFind Phone Line (24 hrs): (559) 264-7642 Teresa Martinez-Trevino. This is a life-threatening allergic condition, requiring immediate treatment. A snapshot of Fresno County. The Governing Board may contract with any public or private agency, including any civic or community organization if determined to be appropriate by the Governing Board, to perform the fingerprinting. Fresno Unified School District - Human Resources - Fresno Unified . 2313, Correa, Chapter 748 of the Statutes of 2000. Parents/guardians will be contacted for injuries of serious nature or if a student is too ill to remain at school. What services are available for Title 1 schools. Within five (5) working days of the notification, the school district shall determine eligibility, and shall, if eligible, place the student within an additional five (5) days in an instructional program. Contact your childs teacher or English Learner Services. Pension on Higher Salary: Online application for validation of Joint Option. For more information, please contact the GATE Office (559) 457-6073 or . The only exemption now accepted is a Medical Exemption written by a California doctor for students through CAIR-ME beginning January 1, 2021. 1111 Van Ness Ave. Fresno, CA 93721-2002. Upon a students initial classification as a truant, the school district shall notify the students parent/guardian, by first-class mail or other reasonable means, of the following: If any minor student in any district of a county is a habitual truant, or does not attend school regularly, the student may be referred to SARB or to the probation department for services if the probation department has elected to receive these referrals. The department shall adopt rules and regulations concerning obtaining private funding and volunteer assistance, and develop fingerprinting standards, as approved by the Department of Justice, to be followed in the fingerprinting of children pursuant to this article. 5125.2, E.C. Same access to students: Each local educational agency receiving assistance under this chapter shall provide military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as is provided generally to post-secondary educational institutions or to prospective employers of those students. Appropriate persons in connection with an emergency if the knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a pupil or other persons; Agencies or organizations in connection with the application of a pupil for, or receipt of, financial aid; The county elections official, for the purpose of identifying pupils eligible to register to vote, and for conducting programs to offer pupils an opportunity to register to vote; Accrediting associations in order to carry out their accrediting functions; Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction; and/or. Links. This requirement does not apply to any school district that has only one school or any school district with schools that do not serve any of the same grade level. Refer to Head Lice Guidelines on the FUSD Health Services Website. Students selected must meet the approved academic criteria, which may include test scores, grades, and writing samples. PayrollMainLine@fresnounified.org Payroll Questions and Issues EmployeeServiceCenter@fresnounified.org. The SYSTEM provides immediate access for authorized users to an individuals current immunization status. The exam may be obtained from your authorized health care provider, Fresno Unified Health Services (457-3294) or the Fresno County Health Department at 600-3281. Enroll in Direct Deposit or Change existing Student record is any item of information other than directory information, gathered within or outside the district, that is directly related to an identifiable student and maintained by the district or required to be maintained by an employee in the performance of their duties. The CHDP program provides state-reimbursed health examinations at no cost to eligible students, including those who (1) are certified as eligible to receive Medi-Cal, (2) are not certified as eligible for Medi-Cal but have a family income at or below the level established annually by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), or (3) are attending a Head Start of State Preschool program. Important Links. Early Learning Enrollment Office. Phone Number. In the event that a nurse or trained unlicensed volunteer is not immediately available, staff will also call emergency 911. When a student has had a pattern of chronic absenteeism due to illness district staff may require physician verification of any further student absences. Jennifer Mason. California Education Code allows qualified district employees (stated in sections 49452, 49454) to administer routine vision, color vision, and hearing screenings to each student enrolled in schools within the District. 6141.6; Creating attendance areas with diverse enrollments; and. Fresno Unified School District Workers Compensation Office. Mailing Address. fresno unified transfer office number roslyn high school alumni conduent texas lawsuit fresno unified transfer office number 16 de junio de 2022 Check the Fresno Adult School webpage at www.fas.edu or call 457-6000 for current course offerings and details. However, there are a number of organizations associated with education, such as the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), which have a continuing need for names and addresses of students they represent. While some factors contributing to the diversity in the schools are under the control of the administration, other more powerful factors are due to the communitys economic and demographic conditions. Transfers are free and allow you to transfer for unlimited transfers for 90 minutes on all routes in any direction. To find out more about all options, please call the Educational Resource Center (ERC) office at (559) 457-3190. 48904.3 (a). Transfers denied due to lack of space at the requested school or program may not be appealed. If the Superintendent or designee sustains any or all of the allegations, he/she shall order the correction or the removal and destruction of the information. . Contact (559) 451-4320. These schools are specialized in offering credit attainment as well as personalized educational plans to meet the diverse needs of our students. Skip to main content. Fresno Unified School District Back to School Profile Directory. If risk assessment is positive, student will be required to submit results of a negative skin test/bloodwork. . Office 365. Application deadline for all program types is December 1, 2022 for the 2023-2024 school year. 48904.3; A.R. Must be renewed annually, beginning on April 1st for the following school year.Please contact the Transfers Department at (559) 248-7538 for TransfersDepartment@fresnounified.orgfor more information. The Superintendent or designee shall establish regulations for the Board approval governing the following: The District shall annually notify parents/guardians in writing of their right to inspect student records. Local health departments operating countywide or regional immunization information and reminder systems and the California Department of Public Health, unless the parent/ guardian has opted out. Children whose enrollment would increase an overcrowded condition shall be provided free transportation to a school with adequate space. Google Map. Information about a student shall be used judiciously and in ways that contribute to the students welfare. The College and Career Readiness Department plays an integral part in achieving the Districts mission of preparing career ready graduates. If the student attends the following schools parents may discuss participation in the program at the school site: Students are selected for the schools listed below by academic admission criteria: Available seats are proportioned by the percentage of each high school regions elementary population and a random lottery is conducted by high school region of all eligible students to fill seats at Manchester and Yokomi GATE programs. and the student after the filing of either of the reports required by Education Code Section 48260 or Section 48261. E.C. 18066). . 5125, 5125.3. 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM District Office: 559-274-4700 Transportation: 559-275-9734 Operations: 559-275-9560. Effective January 1, 2015, Senate Bill 1266 amends California Education Code 49414 and now requires school districts to obtain and stock emergency epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPen) at all school sites. The epinephrine auto-injector rapidly delivers a pre-measured, sterile, single dose of epinephrine by direct injection through the skin. 99.31 (a) (2) shall: An educational agency or institution may disclose an education record of a student in attendance to another educational agency or institution if: The Board of Education of the Fresno Unified School District believes that providing students the opportunity to attend schools with diverse student bodies has inherent educational value. Inter District Transfer Request Fresno Unified School District TRANSFERS OFFICE 4120 N. FIRST STREET FRESNO CA 93726 559 248 7538 FAX 559 248 7481 School Year Requested 20 to 20 NEW RENEWAL FRESNO UNIFIED . Make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent/guardian or eligible student at the last known address of the parent/ guardian or eligible student, unless: The disclosure is initiated by the parent/guardian or eligible student; or. Link opens new browser tab. We encourage you to participate in any one of our low . The Fresno Unified School Office and Admistration Building are 2 seperate buildings. (Education Code 49061, 49062; 5 CCR 430; 34 CFR 99.3). Fever of 100.0 degrees F or greater within the last 24 hours. Contact your child's principal or vice principal. (E.C. Interventions for students with serious attendance problems shall be designed to meet the specific needs of the student and may include, but are not limited to, health care referrals, transportation assistance, counseling for mental or emotional difficulties, academic supports, efforts to address school or community safety concerns, discussions with the student and parent/guardian about their attitudes regarding schooling, or other strategies to remove identified barriers to school attendance. How can I transfer my child to another school? Phone: (559) 265-3010 x3210. Service as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Elections Code 12302. General Information. Classified Employees' Transfer Request forms can be located in the Human Resources office or on the Human Resources Website. Attendance at religious retreats for no more than four (4) hours per semester. Immediate family shall be defined as mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, spouse, son/son-in-law, daughter/daughter-in-law, brother, sister, or any relative living in the students immediate household. Website The Board retains the authority to release a Fresno Unified student to attend another school district in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy. An unsubstantiated personal conclusion or inference; A conclusion or inference outside of the observers area of competence; Not based on the personal observation of a named person with the time and place of the observation noted; In violation of the privacy or other rights of the pupil. Apply online 24-hours a day, 7 days a week by going to our Benefits CalWIN website, www.MyBenefitsCalWIN.org.

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