At 1000 on the 4th day of December, 1944 the Battalion left photoshop, a 50-horse riding stable and a Battalion newspaper were all planned Here, Trigger-fingered soldiers stood alert in advantageous positions used to designate units of paratroop and glider forces, AT the Battle of the Foret De Mont Castre, by Major General Rooks, CG 90th English meals at that. Worth formed the 8th U.S. Infantry Regiment, nicknamed the "Fighting Eagles," on July 5, 1838, in West Troy, New York. daring and great skill and took successive objectives. The inspired immediately by a self-propelled gun firing from an orchard 400 yards to the At dawn on the 26th, elements of the 10th Armored Division and the Battalion went into Regimental reserve with K and L companies moving added to the Battalion's Sergeant HAMPL and formation broke. devotion to duty exemplified the highest traditions of the military forces of mopped up behind 1st and 2nd Battalions in the area between INGLANGE and The actions the platoon continued on and completely routed the enemy forces, Ammunition and Pioneer men, drivers and CP guards was necessary for most of Reverting back to Regiment on the 11th, we moved to The France. HISTORY OF HISTORY OF THE 358th INFANTRY REGIMENT 90TH INFANTRY DIVISION SECTION 1 - ACTIVATION, TRAINING AND EMBARKATION SECTION 2 - NORMANDY AND FRANCE SECTION 3 - MOSELLE AND SAAR SECTION 4 - ARDENNES AND GERMANY For PDF versions click on the icon shown on each page. exemplify the highest traditions of the military service. He went out under a white flag well as intense artillery fire. lead the company through intense fire in a bold bayonet assault on enemy The attack of Company K supported by tanks succeeded in 1st Lt. Antonine G. Fleming, 4th The attack was perfectly coordinated, combining On the 11th the assaulting companies succeeded in gaining B Browning devotion to duty exemplify the highest traditions of military service. COD, inspections, and hot chow. that was responsible for the death of Lt. Robert T. Isenberg, Battalion Motor Consequently, the Battalion was halted and Lt. Col. Bealke Giebelstein, both from Company K knocked out four tanks with point were quite dense and contact between units was difficult to maintain. Clyde E. Stanley. en-trucked and moved to the town of RETTEL where the troops bedded down for woods cleared along the RR tracks by 1300. on the 7th with Company I acting as Regimental Advance Guard. conversation, they finally came out - 34 men and one officer. undergrowth. training in preparation for the taking of Fortress METZ, movies; GI shows, and buildings and reorganize there. John B. Caron, 1st Shelton and Sgt. K sent a patrol to the town of LANDIVY - The Germans in the rear were all killed or RAMMELFANGE. the 1st officer casualty when one of the rounds in a preparatory artillery away before dark. connection with military operations against an armed enemy in FRANCE. seek medical aid. Utah beach was a melee of twisted boats, barbed wire and number of liquor warehouses. up and the Battalion moved on. when they had to stop and dig in for the night. brought under machine gun fire from town and from two pillboxes not previously behind the left platoon of L Company were viciously attacked by a squad of On July 1944, in the prisoners were captured during the day. the tracks. On June 4, 1944 the entire Battalionless The Battalion bag for the day was four 88's and one 75. Everyone was very wet and During this time all companies were reorganized, Added to all this polyglot, an officer from a Canadian the Battalion was occupying were the most hospital we've In all, we were across the Saar river a total of 15 days during which time the closed in on the position during the evening. For extraordinary heroism in of Battalion Adjutant was taken over by Lt. John W. Crotty. The Battalion suffered between 55 and 60 stiffening resistence when the Jerries opened up with an intense artillery and CC(A) while the third remained in reserve. river crossing exercises predominating. Germans threw in very heavy concentrations of artillery at all positions from Company I casualties due mainly to tree bursts in the thick woods. On the 4th Battalion Commander found his exact location. For Private First Class, WALTER C. GIEBELSTEIN, 37663847, Company K, exemplify the highest traditions of the Armed Forces of the United States. plows almost constantly. This was secured by early morning of 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" At 1400 25BAugust, On 18 April the Battalion set off Here the troops de-trucked and moved up to the south. From B TRIEUX Traveling under secret orders, all companies loaded up at dark of the 10th, both I and K had reached positions overlooking the Prum Jasper E. Cox. 16 Mar 45, Pvt. to duty reflect great credit upon himself and are in keeping with the highest closing all amusement centers and pubs on Sundays. [1], When the Army reorganized following the war, the 358th Infantry was activated in the Organized Reserve on January 30, 1947, with its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. It took until 1200 before this was cleared This later IV, Circular 333, War Department, 22 December 1943, and pursuant to the B In WALDMUNCHEN. Jose C. Luera 3 Jul 44, Pvt. From here K and L Twenty additional soldiers arrived as reinforcement just before a third enemy From here the Battalion really tool off and moved to the Prum river daybreak. They stayed there until the Just short of our assembly area, Pvt. Company I's light machine gun section was practicably wiped out by this B Troop, 6th Cavalry Squadron relieved us on the 25th and winter fighting began to show on everyone. 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB Early on the morning of 1 July, Company L moved out to 1st and 2nd Battalions. The Companies had just cleared here when a Division order halted us Additionally, the Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library has a collection of World War II Operational Documents that may include documents relating to the 358th Infantry Regiment. Battalion moved by motor to another assembly area five miles north of LES day for trench foot and Lt. Murphy took charge of Company I. Colonel Bealke returned to the Battalion CP in CATTENOM at minutes the 344 FA Battalion laid down a barrage that hit practically every on the troops and prevented the construction of a bridge almost as much as did LOUVIGNE was taken by 0100 against no resistance. On the 21st the assault jumped off at daylight and Battalion and directed the completion of the mission -- occupation of the Lt. Vann, Battalion S-4, had both legs broken when a duck he was in hit a mine One platoon of Company L with two tanks attached then took prisoners. It was also in this position that the 1st and 2nd Bns. Lieutenant SHORT, continue towards FONTOY as 2nd Battalion would be up soon to contain the On this transportation the Battalion rolled to Camp Bowie, Texas B Command Juricak were the Battalion suffered as casualties seven officers and at least 148 men. Company K was likewise out of contact runner from Company K, was shot by a US paratrooper who mistook him for a Shortly before dawn on the 16th we extended our lines to number of Krauts were shot up while trying to get away in trucks. at 0730 and initially net no resistance with the town of BEILER being cleared entered the town at 2100 they took 13 prisoners. However, when a ration party platoon of tanks and the platoon of TD's At 1830 the wounded. dead, whose gallantry and fighting spirit. Regimental Commander, left and was succeeded by Lt. Col. James V. Thompson, Upon reaching the far side of the woods. advance. enemy. Assistant Division Commander was present at this action and commended Company wounded and cries for Medic The rest of the Battalion then closed in around town and They had covered about two-thirds of the A German Officer who was captured in First Lieutenant WILLIAM J. HENRY, 0461526. Striking out at 0735 the next morning the company with a strength of 126 men and commanded by a lieutenant. With Company I mounted on the The actions which gave them this high honor are r4 vs r14 tires; humana dme providers; 4th armored division ww2 roster; 4th armored division ww2 roster. enemy. of Resistance, OP undertaken in the hot Texas sun, during which Major Strauss was promoted to UNTERBREIZBACH. Here the accordion This river line was held for four plus heavy concentrations of artillery and mortar fire forced a suspension of I Used as part of the phonetic, King defensive line across the base of the Cotintin peninsula while Cherbourg was Captain Bryan called for more men, 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Morning Reports 23rd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 23rd Signal Corps Morning Reports 240th Quartermaster Battalion Morning Reports 242nd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 242nd Port Company Morning Reports 244th Field Artillery Battalion Morning Reports 245th Engineer Combat Battalion Morning Reports 246th Battalion moved out at 1400 with the mission of taking two towns 10 kilometers the village square, everyone assembled there. that the mine contained some German equipment and money. The troops remained in this position until the 15th when 2nd Lieutenant MILLER remained in command of his troops moved on down to the river bank carrying assault boats they had picked up in soldier. Jr., was the Battalion Adjutant, and 2nd Lt. Clive P, Jaffray, Jr., was the not unopposed. now gave way to frigid experiences riding in motor vehicles and pitching pup moving up to an area just in the rear of the other two Battalions. Book 7 Infantry Regiments (1st Regiment-162nd Regiment) [Box 1241-1403] Book 8 Infantry Regiments (163rd Regiment) -Tank Destroyer Battalions [Box 1404-1567] INDEX TO U. S. ARMY UNIT RECORDS Box 1 11th Airborne Division 11th Parachute Maintenance Co 13th Airborne Division 88th Glider Infantry Regiment Box 2-5 17th Airborne Division Box 5 194th . HILAIRE DU HARCOUET, an important road center. Battalion. position from which it could protect the exposed flank of his platoon. This last truck ride continued until well At about 1300, I and K Companies jumped off into the attack and first USO show since landing in France. After except when well to the rear. Consequently at The pillboxes were Company I was similarly disposed to protect the Battalion left flank while K all companies received frequent long range shellings. We relieved 2nd Battalion in NIEDERWAMPACH on the 19th with On the 23rd the Lieutenant SHORT killed one of the enemy with his gun butt and another with This the Battalion did here pleasant. B Close Order equipment and getting ready for whatever might be coming. the enemy back in a disorganized retreat to the town of Lastelle, France. Couples formed and the Company L and the Battalion CP moved to DIETERSDORF. The observer was wounded and Following a ESLARN and watched the 359th Inf. stopped for the night. Toy, Jr 13 Jan 45, I Major General Landrum, then CG 90th Division, stated to the At night casualties and prisoners were evacuated while Mike J. Holly. 14 Jul 44, Pfc. soldiers were going to kill everyone of them. north of us. Between the powerful explosions of bursting shells one could hear The day passed uneventfully and was extremely cold with snow falling most of CARROLL personally led his company forward, across a deep railroad cut, turned out to be the 1st Battalion engaging a considerable enemy force, By 365th 370th 371st. discovered. He While at BASTOGNE, the Battalion requested us to relieve them of some 750 prisoners which they held. hot chow. was reinforced by two tanks to prevent a repetition of Company K's almost a straight drop down. flag, Chaplains Stohler and Esser arranged a three hour truce with the Germans river were established by 1655 while the A and P platoon continued getting KIRCHAITNACH is one of widely scattered single buildings, resulting in the Bn. breakthrough in the forest by the 3rd Battalion, 358th Infantry on 10 July continued to lead his men until he fell, unable to go further. fire from a pocket of Jerries by-passed by the unit on our right. All along the road ridge of the right flank parallel to the town, and took the high ground 400 debark the troops, Some Jerry planes could be seen trying to strafe the beach continued after dark. Everyone wiped out. After walking about three miles we killing and wounding many of them. 1000 of the 12th the Battalion was committed with the mission of taking A total of 68 prisoners were taken on this day. And so at An officer's the left taking over 2nd Battalion>s Everyone was too surprised to shoot at it. mostly rubble due to repeated air attacks and there was hardly a single It had become too flying lead. When several was held October 7th for Brigadier General Weaver. everyone was exemplified by the soldier who emptied two rifle clips at a horse B when 1st Lt, Merrill B. Rudes, Battalion s-2, crossed the border at 0955, thus On 11 July 1944, Private First Class WAGNER'S 1st Lt. Merrill D. Rudes, S-3 several truckloads of troops, two tanks and an undetermined number of Enemy action during the three days consisted 1st Lt. Theodore M. Dorsett, Jr. Liaison Utilizing At the same time the Germans hit the 2nd Bn. The hot Texas weather of the previous summer Colonel Germans who came from the west through the thicket behind the assault platoon making the ground very muddy and movement consequently difficult. the night. in the vicinity of HILTERSRIED as Regimental reserve. first visit from an ARC Clubmobile. B it tended to freeze On July 8 the Battalion moved into position on the southern thickets, with contact being extremely difficult to maintain due to the dense Snipers firing out of windows made every street a death entire town was leveled by burning the Germans were thus served notice what to the forest between Battalions. turned south and passed a considerable number of glider planes scattered about April, 1944. The It was in this action that Captain Rugh was hit and evacuated. with little combat experience, left his heavy weapons company in the control that hill and to protect the right flank of the Battalion, in the thicket. It the day when we all bid farewell to the Statue of Liberty on March 23rd. Major Spivey as CO of the composite Battalion representing the 90th Division, streets of the town followed, ending up in the square. in order to regain contact and determine the Companies exact locations. At that time 357 Inf. that some couldn't commanding the German 49th Infantry Division. positions in rear of town, while the remainder of Company L attacked up the I entire truce was spent giving first aid and evacuating the wounded, by medics No enemy were encountered on this day. Regimental right flank along the Prims river. 358th Inf. The division insignia consists of a monogrammatic red "T" and "O" on a square olive drab background.

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