For How long ? Arjuna then tells Krishna that he cannot fight, because he sees opposite him his grand uncle Bhishma and his Acharya Drona. Good morning, Thanks for the newsletter and this great enlightenment. I get confused as to whos prayer we are supposed to do Krishna confirms this many times in the Gita so if you simply read the Gita you can understand this simple point. 1 What did Krishna say to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita? Thank you Madhudvisa prabhu Because He feels that Arjuna is behaving in very unbecoming way and as a friend whenever in the Mahabharata if any of the pandavas behave in unbecoming ways then Krishna tends to tease them. Now I'm just hankering to once again see the world chant Hare Krishna, dance and feast and float away in the ecstasy of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement as it did in Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. This has clarified things for me on that point. I am inclined to feel that many devotees I have met do not follow Srila Prabupada fully because they dont think his instructions are current or achievable. It was only because of the Deity worship service that I thought of taking formal initiation from Srila Prabhupada. I would very much appreciate your answer. Your email address will not be published. thanks for posting. Surprisingly, it was never picked up by any major publishers, but did spark her passion for books. Are we perhaps looking at different versions; still the original number of slokas should be identical 2 What is Arjunas reaction to seeing Krishnas true form? An ashram inspired by Narayana Guru dares to remain esoteric and elitist consistent with the gurukulam ideal It's springtime in Ooty. He was telling about BASAVA DHARMA, i said actually we all belong to SANATAN DHARMA then he said where is the freedom for womens in that Dharma and also said what is tht for 5 PANDAVAS only one wife,IS it a good thing and how that can be possible , so MAHABHARAT is a false story.He also said in ISKCON societys they mentain both dissbelives and also do few things scientifically to attract the people. Arjuna is overcome with despair. There is no corresponding assurance in the Bhagavad- gita that practice of ordinary Vedic dharma will make one a pure devotee of the Lord. You can also read it online at: If you have already studied the Gita then please study it again. The Gita is the discourse given by Krishna to Arjuna just before the war is about to begin. his name is Gundayya Swami and he completely follow BASAVA DHARMA given by BASAVANNA in 12th century. Of course Arjuna wanted His friend Krishna on His side and was very happy with this arrangement and Duryodhana wanted Krishnas powerful army on his side so he was also happy with the arrangement. (Hindu tradition divides people into four castes. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Shortform book guide to "The Bhagavad Gita", White Conservatives & The Loss of Cultural Dominance, The Way of Integrity: Exercises to Help You Find Your True Self, The True Story of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, Who Is Ray Dalio? I am finding some contradictions between Srila Prabhupadas instructions and some of my brothers action. As a great warrior, Arjuna already had the passion to fight. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I have written it a long time ago and it has still not appeared on this site. Carrie worked in book publishing for several years before getting an MFA in Creative Writing. If that is true, 1.1 would have a slightly different context. Thus conversing, Sri Krishna and Arjuna entered their own camp and saw all the Pandavas plunged in great grief. With many witnesses. Srila Prabhupadas books that are published in the Bhaktivedanta VedaBase (in several languages), are reliable reading. Read Srila Prabhupadas books. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Krishna did not create Arjuna's passion. So instead they take Krishnas book and totally misrepresent it and twist it to suit their own ends. I 100% share your intelligent point of you about such a tough subject! Hare Krsna Prabhu, The Gita has a very unique position in the world as it is the only book that contains directly the actual words spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. What does Krishna tell Arjuna is the cause of evil? Encompassed in the sacred words of the Bhagavad Gita are the Hindu Paths to Salvation. The Gita is unique in the world as it is a direct conversation between Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and his friend Arjuna so we need to take this book very seriously and study it very carefully. The Best Spiritual Books Another reason would be the unwillingness to take another persons life. Kshatriyas like Arjuna are just below them, the caste of warriors and rulers. Thank you so much for send such valuable newsletters. I wrote a book titled Tye Dye Betty and I need to print it, it costs $1500.00 to print it. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". In different countries they call God by different names. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Was he present there to write it down? Shri Krishna very affectionately tells Arjuna that he regards him as a devotee and a friend, and finds him fit and capable to receive this supreme knowledge. Then He was simply repeating the same thing He taught the sun god Vivasvan around 120 million years ago. So please read Srila Prabhuapadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is for yourself. The English saying is: An idle mind is the devils workshop. And that is very true. What did Krishna told Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita? Krishna showed that He was God from His very birth. Dharma is the way of righteousness or a set of rules and laws laid down. Krishnaji urges us to implement at least one of these yajnas in our daily life, as it will give us an inner joy, called amrita, which has the power of negating all our sorrows. And that is exactly what He did in Vrindavan 5000 years ago. 4 What does Krishna tell Arjuna is the cause of evil? I live in Mumbai and like to know whom I can contact who are following real teachings of Srila Prabhupada. It is pointless to preach to someone if they dont have at least a little faith in you and are at least a little open and curious about what you have to say. When Arjuna questions how he can support such sin, Krishna says there is no such thing as the killer and the killed, that the body is merely flesh and that at the time of death he attains another body. Of human or an animal? Krishna did not want to be seen to be partial to either side so he met with Arjuna, the leader of the Pandavas and Duryodhana, the leader of the Kurus, and told them both that He would offer his army to one side and He himself would be on the other side but He said that He would not fight. That was why in Gita Krishna said. He was not born like an ordinary child. In Geetas first chapter, we are at the level of selfish action, where we see gain and loss in everything we do.As we move into the second and third chapters, we are introduced to the concept of desire-less action. And you may well ask: Krishna spoke this conversation to Arjuna on a battlefield five thousand years ago, how is it that we have that conversation in a book now? We have the Bhagavad Gita because Srila Vyasadeva the great sage and literary incarnation of Krishna included this conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, the Bhagavad Gita, as one of the chapters of his great epic the Mahabharata. If you run away from performing your duty, then who will perform your duties. That will be the success of Srila Prabhupadas mission. At this point Arjuna was saying to Krishna that they should just leave the battlefield. I want to make a Movie of it, to bring Peace to the world, and to promote Krishna. Actually this whole arrangement was made by Krishna so the Bhagavad Gita could be spoken by Him. I love the cds with His Divine Grace speaking and his singing and the chanting. By keeping these things in mind, many of our problems can also end. Arjuna was of course quite happy to receive it, but why was he chosen?Whoever received this knowledge needed to be capable of communicating it to others. Your email address will not be published. Prabhupada had initiated me already some years before, in 1987, so from that time I felt very comfortable and protected as Srila Prabhupadas servant and the formal initiation by Jaya Dharma Prabhu was just a confirmation of my already existing guru-disciple relationship with Srila Prabhupada. Dandavat That is why Krishna is neutral because the whole affair isn't real. Below that are the vaishyas, who are merchants and landowners. Although all the descendents of this family were actually Kurus there was a disagreement between the five sons of Pandu and the other members of the Kuru family over who should be the King. You have wrote very well about Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Ji. Fast or slow. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. Arjuna asked Krishna to place his chariot between the two armies so that he could see both the armies and get a clear idea of the situation before the battle commenced. Thank you once again for your news letter. Brahmins are the highest caste, the priests and spiritual leaders. Your all mails are more valuable and waiting for your mails. What is the Gita, where did it come from and how old is it? He explains to Arjun that nobody can remain without action, even for a moment. Which is a uniquely modern human Homo sapiens trait? Faith in: And be convinced that theres something beyond the material world. The picture of Krishna at the front of Arjunas chariot driving it and Arjuna behind Him riding on the chariot and fighting the battle. Veerabhadra. This sublime message of Bhagavad Gita was spoken at the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Theres an incorrect notion that varna is determined by birth.Bhagavad Gita offered a scientific manner of selecting a career that is suitable for oneself both from a practical perspective, and also from a karma yoga perspective.We all play different parts in a cosmic play. In the Gita, the ethical dilemma is referenced in dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna. Thank you, many blessings each day. They are eternally current and easily achievable by any sincere soul. Prabhu, I have some doubts. I have a serious doubt. Shri Krishna says that if we treat all actions of work like performing a yajna, all our goals will be achieved & we will begin to experience the eternal essence.Krishnaji goes on to say you have detached yourself & burn your selfish desires with the fire of knowledge.An example is a bitter medicine that will cure you, your intellect knows that.But the sense of taste did not like it, which is a selfish desire.He wants our intellect to guide us in our svadharma, and stop our mind from labelling objects good or bad.Therefore, we should remain alert at all times, and should reinstate the supremacy of the intellect over the senses whenever the senses move towards external objects.Another example is if you have a project to do, you may startenthusiastically & have a plan, but if you get distracted, that project would flop. I am reading the Bhagavad Gita for the first time and am up to chapter 13. Wonderful explanation about bhagavd gita. Each part is different based on our own svadharma. Prince Arjuna leads the Pandavas army. Many Hindus are confused about this and that confusion can only be cleared up by accepting the knowledge from Krishna as it descends through the disciplic succession. 3) As per Shiva Purana Lord Shiva But acharya is a pure devotee of Krishna. Throughout the first half of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna gradually reveals his all-encompassing power to Arjuna. Is it possible to learn before birth? So you can understand for yourself how long it would take to have this conversation. He had the best rapport with Shri Krishna, as well as profound reverence for him. How much does it cost to build a house 450 sq ft? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Dharma is the way of righteousness or a set of rules and laws laid down. By controlling food intake, we can control our mind. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Then Krishna and Arjuna had the conversation which is Bhagavad-gita in front of everyone there. Lord Krishna Reminds Arjuna Of His Duty As A Warrior If you will not fight this righteous war, then you will fail in your duty, lose your reputation, and incur sin. I will destroy everyone. Thanks for posting various transcendental articles on Bhagvadgota. I have begun the study of the Bhagavad-Gita and am finding it most interestingto think it is the very words of God is incredibleI say this as one who comes from a Christian background and was at one time an Anglican priest but stepped away because of problems I could no longer ignore with the Bible. Even so many of Srila Prabhupadas disciples did not actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada. Shortform has the world's best summaries and analyses of books you should be reading. These are materialistic perfections. And on seeing all his dear family members and friends assembled on both sides he became bewildered and said: Krishna I will not fight. So Krishna took this opportunity of Arjunas bewilderment to speak Bhagavada=gita in front of everyone. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. If you read his letters, books and listen to his classes that is perfectly clear. I do not know the exact date but you could do some research and find out when Mahabharata was first written down I expect. The original form of the Supreme Personalty of Godhead is Krishna with two hands. The point is that there are so many demigods, all in charge of a particular aspect of the material world, so the point is it is very difficult to find the exact right demigod to worship for the exact benefit you want. Is it compulsory to attend all questions in UPSC mains? Little bit I m getting involved in d gvn work, till I will b involved heartly I cannot see him, I m starving to avoid my emotions but still I m not able to handle few circumstances, he gvs me chance and even though I knw I m missing my control. I shall appear to protect the noble-hearted from those who are evil. Arjuna was gifted with concentration abilities (e.g. If Krishna wins the war and offers him the kingdom,Arjun will get ill fame. Thanks. Please my Lord take the form of an ordinary child. So in this way Lord Krishna took the form of a baby. So he could see what was going on on the battlefield while sitting in the palace with the king. by Madhudvisa dasa | Full size image. Could u kindly clarify the following: so whats this about Krishna( so called god) having an army. As he finds the prospect of engaging in a fatalistic battle with his brethren heart-wrenching, Arjuna asks Krishna if he can renounce his arms and make peace with the Kauravas. Ultimately, we are all seeking peace, which is beyond happiness.Actions continue to happen.One who has attained the knowledge of self-realization acts without a sense of doership of action or enjoyer of results.One who has gained knowledge of own self & dispelled all doubts is called aatmavant.When we are operating at the level of a karmayogi, we express our desires through performing actions, but dedicate all the results to Ishvara. To the honored, dishonor is worse than death. Its my previous birth leftover work. Still I know that the process of Krishna consciousness is the way to control our minds. But above all this the Battle of Kuruksettra was Krishnas plan. Dear Madhudvisa Prabhu, This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Who had the knowledge of Geeta before Arjun? Lord Krishna did everythng to make ppl consious and to make them realise their mistakes he did steal makhan and all bt it was only for his neighbours to understand that hey shud not he selfish, his neighbours would give all themakhan to the king in the form of tax and not even a spoonful to their children and Lord Krishna used to steal it eat it with these children and take the blame on himself. Why critizie mayawadis, helped a lot to understand the real situation. From the point of view of military strength and the number of competent generals to lead the battle the Kurus led by the great and expert general Bhisma were far superior to the Pandavas led by Arjuna. Were in this world. how to stop cupids attack in krishna consciousness? Therefore he was thinking the victory would be pointless if all his friends were killed and there was no one for him to enjoy the victory with. Hare Krishna Prabhu, The two very strong armies facing each other and ready to engage in battle. Bhagavad-gita As It Is Full Size 1972 Original Edition with Dustjacket, Prabhupadas Godbrothers AVOID THEM! He can control nature, prakriti, which is made up of the 3 gunaas, through a power called maya. He could see the activities happening on the battlefield while sitting some miles away in Dhrtarastas palace. What are at least three of the benefits people are given in Nordic countries? This is my dream and I seek his blessing to make it possible next month. This dharma differs according to the class and caste into which a person is born. In this book, Krishna told Arjuna, "Do your duty without thinking about the outcome." It is all open. Hare Krishna, can kindly comments whether we can chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra without the Mala.and what is the actual significance of having the TILAK. The spiritual master can let us know what we should do, what is actually our duty. You said and saying that, So Krishna took this opportunity of Arjunas bewilderment to speak Bhagavadagita in front of everyone. Cello. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna addresses Krishna as "Madhava," which means "Master . 5 Why did Krishna tease Arjuna in the Mahabharata? You can not avoid violence sometimes. I have a question, which came in mind after reading the brief history of Bhagavad-Gita, that why Shree Krishna allowed His army to fight to Pandavas from Duryodhans side. Sometimes we hear the Gita referred to in English as The Song of God, and this is a reasonable English translation of the title and it is a fairly accurate description of what the Bhagavad Gita is. I just read the blog on Mayavadis, and would like to comment that the proof is in the pudding. The only way you will be able to understand the Bhagavad-gita is by reading Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is in a humble and submissive mood, accepting that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and accepting that Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna. Therefore Shri Krishna revealed this knowledge to Arjuna, the ultimate kshatriya warrior.Moreover, Arjuna was Shri Krishnas devotee and friend. We naturally see so many contradictions in the beginning but there are no contradictions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Arjuna says that it would be better to lay down his weapons and let the Kauravas kill him. It is something like television. Krishna has been Arjuna's friend and advisor throughout his life, but he can't fight this battle. So there will be more acharyas in the future. Krishna chose to speak the Bhagavad-gita to His devotee and friend Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra for a number of reasons. Krishna says dont preach to the faithless. . aiming bird's/fish's eye or his understanding of other martial arts). Un-able themselves to be the gods they want to be, IN THIS WORLD. Lord Krishna, who is his charioteer, reasons with him. Lord Krishna preached the Bhagavad Gita to the Pandava prince Arjuna during the Mahabharata time about 5154 years back. Chapter 3: Karm Yog. Sometimes it is good to get back to basics on the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita. Jesus has all authority. I actually do think they are achievable current and feel I need to follow them to the letter. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Can my 13 year old choose to live with me? Thus when we went to our school library we found a BG and I searched for changes in them and luckily, that book had no changes. I read your mails very happily and seriously as well beacuse they are so helpfull. Why did Krishna reveal himself to Arjuna? 1 Why did Krishna reveal himself to Arjuna? Required fields are marked *. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. This is the way in the material world. And he is not going to listen to you even if you bother to try and give him the real knowledge. Ive observed that as the Love of Krishna permeates ones life, nothing can compare, people observe it, and are naturally attracted to the Rasa. Thanks, Your email address will not be published. The Top Hedge Fund Manager, Living Authentically: How to Be True to Yourself, Samskaras: Meaning in the Yogic Philosophy, Difference Between Legislative & Executive Branches, Why all spirituality is good and there is no single path to God, The 3 reasons that can explain every action people take. All these kings were kshatriyas or warriors. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. This was around 5000 years ago. But I have heard in several lectures of Prabhupada that it is 33 million demigods which is equivalent to 3.3 crore. Nothing is ever lost in following ones own dharma, but competition in anothers dharma breeds fear and insecurity.. Hence humans are called manu-shya. Responding to Arjunas confusion and moral dilemma about fighting his own cousins who command a tyranny imposed on a disputed empire, Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and prince, and elaborates on yoga, Samkhya, reincarnation, moksha, karma yoga and jnana yoga among other topics. Read the blog on Mayavadis, and would like to comment that the proof in... Kingdom, Arjun will get ill fame see what was going on on battlefield! When Mahabharata was first written down i expect our own svadharma navigate the... Books and listen to his devotee and friend for several years before getting an MFA Creative. In different countries they call God by different names Arjuna during the?. 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