Sign up. I could just say Jesus is our model. But never discuss the Scriptures that show why Paul is NOT our model. How long was Paul in Arabia? No one. How many times did Jesus speak to Paul? But he also gave the Holy Spirit something to work with! He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. His training at the feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) according to the strict manner of the law of the Jews. He uses these references quite often throughout many of his books in the NT. For Chilton, it was the speech of Stephen that forced Paul to openly break from his teacher by participating in the stoning of Stephen (Rabbi Jesus, 43). Paul was a Pharisee. Considering the writing of the Mishnah and Talumd are collection of previous works from various Yeshivas (ie before the New Testament) clearly shows you have no idea what youre talking about in regards to Judaism and how the text was culminated. 3) the apostle Paul prides himself on having sat at the feet of Gamaliel. Neither Paul, nor James, nor Luke were with Jesus and the Apostles the whole time, so they were not qualified to be a witness with the Apostles of Jesus resurrection, which is what it means to be an Apostle. Ridiculous. Perhaps a foundation stone? Paul undermined Apollos and heretically claimed I became your father. He calls himself "of the people of Israel.". [1 & 2 Corinthians.}. Yes the Holy Spirit guided him in his writings, but part of being human is how we are shaped from our teachers and mentors. Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. What is an Apostle? Here is the answer based on the original sources: The words and actions of Jesus and the Original Apostles in the text of the New Testament. He tells his readers that he is "a Hebrew of Hebrews.". The Orthodox Muslim view of the Koran as self-evidently the Word of God, perfect and inimitable in message, language, style, and form, is strikingly similar to the fundamentalist Christian notion of the Bibles inerrancy and verbal inspiration that is still common in many places today. We cannot be completely certain exactly which Scriptures Paul meant in All Scripture, and what Paul meant by God-breathed. Why cant we be certain? But i am just speculating here. Well see in your other articles. However, there are other times when Paul puts his Christian beliefs and what Jesus has to say before the Pharisaical rules and is willing to break a rule or be mocked for something and instead, do something Jesus way. I dont know of a single church that simply teaches the Bible simply and preaches the whole counsel of God, including Pauls sins and mistakes. Thanks for the pointer. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about 6 at the earliest. I know! What is a common analogy for a permanent decision? [Acts 20:31 vs Acts 19:8-10], .4) Paul abandoning the Church in Corinth after a year and a half for no obvious reason, and going off on another long trip, mostly on his own, without appointing anyone else in Corinth as overseer, or giving anyone else any specific authority in the Church in Corinth. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. [Isaiah 29:13]. Gamaliel. It is an observation of fact that much of Matthew is simply copied from Mark. His most recent book is The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World (Rockridge, 2022). I have been looking and wanted to know about the Gamaliel , because in Nepal we have competition for the ranking and Im bit aware of this and I have burden for our people in Nepal not go this way and I want to teach as a teacher to be out from this kinds of Gamaliel position, who just want to be in the meeting not taking burden of their neighbor who need Jesus than taking a position in the Gamaliel meetings. section 8 rentals in oak grove ms Notice that at the Last Supper, when Judas lost his throne and Matthias was definitely absent, Jesus chose to speak of thrones rather than twelve thrones as he had previously. He was also a hellene or hellenized jew of the diaspora as part of the culture of the greeks so he was also schooled in Greek logic and would have been knowledgeable in the classics of Plato and Aristotle, Stoism and Epicureanism. One syllable, beginning with a consonant. Jesus was asked twice, by two different men, the same basic question about which is the most important or greatest commandment in the Law. Just as Muslims believe that Muhammad never intentionally disobeyed God, Roman Catholics believe Mary was sinless and Evangelical Christians think its heresy to state flatly Paul was WRONG., The Apostle Matthew recorded that at Jesus baptism, A voice from heaven said, This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. [Matthew 3:17], In Gospel of Mark (Mark recorded the teaching of the Apostle Peter), we read: a voice came from the cloud: This is my Son, whom I love. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Paul's education. . When P. Long said above that he was an ultra conservative reacting to what he perceived as a dangerous liberal view, it made me think of this situation more in terms of the present times. Is AARP PO Box 93143 Long Beach CA 90809-9720 a valid address? As Bible-believing Evangelicals, after 2 months of silence, we could ask ourselves. There is a fine line to be drawn, sure God uses who we are to accomplish his will, but Paul was changed at his conversion. Its no stretch to say Gamaliel was a Hillelite and Saul was a Shammaite. What does tents mean in the Bible? Your name never appears in the Bible after your appointment as the 12th Apostle in Acts 1. Dang, I wrote that and didnt respond to your last point. These towns created laws that anyone in the town must worship these gods in order to buy, sell, trade or commute in the city. I will call him a liar . It makes sense to affirm that the God Who made us gave us a revelation of himself that we can understand. Yeshua himself even quotes these writings directly. A better resource would be Shaye Cohen, The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties (University of California Press, 2001). Why is it so hard to give a straight answer to this simple question? Eryk, have you ever heard of dual citizenship? Some of its magic, some its tragic, but Ive had a good life along the way. -Jimmy Buffett. Did paul study under gamaliel? What ends up as what we call Christianity and Judaism today both some out of the turmoil of the first two centuries. Im horrified that youre taking Jewish writings and making crazy stories out of them. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. What was his first name? So no there was zero Christianity in the book of Acts. Without such a solid basis in the Torah and the Jewish Law that he got from studying under Gamaliel, I doubt Pauls conversion and ministry thereafter would have been as impacting or provocative. The people who Paul persecuted were diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and claimed that he was raised from the dead. Either way, by Acts logic every Christian should reject false doctrines but if a new teacher appears and preaches about God the One God, and is called a Prophet, if his mission is as wildly successful, sans the forced conversions Christianity depended on, IS FORBIDDEN at that, obviously Christians are the new Pharisees for rejecting and slandering Prophet Mohammed (saw) and adhering to oral traditions of their forefathers. If Saul is in fact a disciple of Gamaliel, then he seems to have a considerably different opinion on how to handle the apostolic witness when we meet him in Acts 9. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. I started following this discussion because I wanted to find out more about Gamaliel, but this thread has thrown up many more points about the Apostles and St Paul in particular. Was he not in the Sanhedrin when Jesus came before them? The Holy Trinity isnt Jesus, Paul, and Chuck. I pray that you will be blessed with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and Gods love through the cross for you. This is a good point, although I am not sure that the tradition is totally reliable. He sent Shaul to the gentiles to teach his message and he is a Pharisee. Pharisee Saul, inventor of Christianity, the new Pharisees. Bibliography: Bruce Chilton, Rabbi Jesus 28-47; Gamaliel in ABD 2:904. Perhaps Gamiliels views influenced Pauls personal comments on marriage in 1 Corinthians 7 (Polhill, Paul and his Letters, 30). It seems that Pauls upbringing and learning under Gamaliel would have to play some role in the way that he thought, taught, and formed his theology. Modern day Christianity has more of its roots in Constantine. See also John 17:17; Eph 5:17; Acts 2:41. The testimony of Jesus is the voice of Jesus, (The Red Letters,) recorded by the 11 faithful witnesses, the True Apostles that Jesus personally appointed and trained for over 3 years. Gymnasiums were built for these people who participated in game in which they engaged in sports naked. No accusation against the brothers No comments dark and obscure, Writing to the Church in Corinth that is what some of you were.. But we dont need to put words in the mouth of Jesus, we can let Jesus speak for himself, and we can listen to Him and obey Him. So we know that he is a Pharisee, is part of the Sanhedrin, and taught the man who would eventually pen the majority of the New Testament. For that matter, was he even n the observing crowd at the time of the 1st Pentecost speech by Peter? Which is the most important? Since I am teaching through Paul and his Letters again this fall, I thought I would revisit that older post and provide some additional thoughts on Gamaliel as background for reading Paul. We can now understand as they did then, what God wills, what Christ said, and His ambassadors taught. After Pauls conversion, his passion seems to push him to even greater lengths as he then proclaims the very Jesus he had persecuted! The people who Paul persecuted were diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and claimed that he was raised from the dead. But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a short time. This was where the institution derived its name, gymnos being the Greek word for naked. For Jews, nakedness was religiously offensive (11). By Paul being Jewish and involved in the gymnasium, he was going against the norm. (I dare you to use this in your class), I know a girl made of memories and phrases, lives her whole life in chapters and phases -Jimmy Buffett. Evidence for this more accommodating opinion is found in the book of Acts, although some (like Chilton) are not completely convinced Acts portrays Gamaliel accurately. My buddy has a new friend from a Baptist background that seems really smart and good with words. This gets Paul in trouble and that section of Acts is basically a dissertation by Paul stating he never taught against the law but adheres to it. I do not think, however, that Paul was a Christian Pharisee. [erase erase erase], Of course, you both are specifically mentioned in Acts 6:2. It generated a great deal of discussion, some of which was more heat than light. Then the Paulist Establishment church wont persecute me, but the other Jesus People will know that Im still keeping the faith and not inhaling., What I really need is a short catchy slogan to let my fellow hippies know what is expected of them in the Establishment Church now in 1973, regarding the issue of Paul the Pharisees sins. Just because Paul disagreed with Gamaliel on one tiny aspect hes therefore a from the school Shammi? / Line ID 0840450211. In fact, it is in this capacity where he is first mentioned in Acts 5. Maase Hatorah -works of the law 2. Well then, I will stop responding to you since you are not interested in learning anything which does not conform to your already-made-up mind. Plenty of time for him to get familiar with popular Greek culture in order to draw appropriate analogies. This is a question of fact about the content of the text in the 66 Books of our Bible. The Pharisee Gamaliel is mentioned twice in the New Testament (Acts 5:34; 22:3). Phillip, thank you. The second passage refers to Paul. If he didnt have the teaching and influence then he wouldnt of had such a bold and confidence approach when speaking to other people. Clinton. Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22.6). In Acts 5:34 he appears as an advocate of the nascent congregation of Jesus' disciples in Jerusalem and is called "a Pharisee, a teacher of the Law, held in honor by all the people.". Pharisee ruled that executions created a bloody Sanhedrin and if you had more than one a year, it was considered a bloody Sanhedrin. I need to refine that. There were no other New Testament books, and the Hebrew Scriptures were the Old Testament which was irrelevant, according to the heretic Marcion.) Happy Pentecost 2017 All praise be to Jesus. Gamaliel established a number of lenient ordinances, in particular . As a Roman citizen, Paul possessed a coveted status Listen to Gamaliel. I would think that he would include that in his self-description as the chief of sinners. I find it interesting to look at this perspective that you pointed out, PLong: He was an ultra-conservative reacting to what he perceived as a dangerous liberal view. Everyone seems to give Saul a bad rap (and rightly so) for his actions towards believers before his conversion, however, this at least gives us a context to understand him better. Upgrade to remove ads. Luke writes: They cast [Stephen] out of the city and stoned him. Paul, Silas, and Timothy, now joined by Luke, sailed from Troas to Greece and made their way to Philippi. Paul was actually heeding the words of his teacher Gamaliel, who had said to guard against being "found fighters actually against God" by rejecting his pharisaical life and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. . And what kind of a stone is the most solid, permanent, and unchangeable? Since November 2021, Reading Acts is edited by Sarah Westphal. If you think Im wrong, Jesus commands you (Matthew chapter 18) to show me my fault. George Clinton? maybe not. (The Hat is, what were Pauls sins?) Here are the basic steps- (there may be one or two other basic steps, but they are very similar to these. Gamaliel is not a Christian, but he certainly demonstrates that attitude in this story! Having other ideas that moves us away from the scripture is tantamount to adding or subtracting from the Word which we are forbidden to do. Not the Baptists, Lutherans etc. As to pauls seemingly at odds relationship with his teacher Gamaliel, it is no odd thing for a student to differ from a teacher, especially if the student is quite a zealous one. This does not seem so radically opposed to Rome. As for your denial of a range of opinions in the first century, I suggest a something on the Dead Sea Scrolls, representing a more conservative view of practice than the Pharisees or Sadducees. Not others in the future who will follow the risen Jesus Christ. Good point. Their cult leader is their hero he is always right, could never be wrong about anything specific, and he must be obeyed in all things and never questioned. When did Paul study under Gamaliel? | Reading Acts, Can You Be a Pastor without going to Seminary? I am not sure God as incarnate is the issue, that is certainly not what is preached in Acts 2-3. Imagine Wackyjesus in Wackyheaven, built on the foundations of 12 chalkboards: Matthias, you should have developed your skills in writing and public speaking. The reason why Paul is talking about athletics is due to Imperial Court. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these TWO commandments. [Matthew 22:36-40, Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18], But in contrast with Jesus, Paul the Pharisee didnt know the greatest, most important, first commandment according to Jesus. If probably, then how would we know whether Paul ever pulled a rare Justice Rehnquist move, where Rehnquist sides with liberal Justices and dissents against conservatives in weird and inexplicable single cases or two? Cool ! and to make a point in this conversation,where did you get the idea that Saul (Paul) was Jewish.? Deuteronomy 29:29. . (Also to other eyewitness testimony, recorded by Mark and Luke.) BOSS PAUL THE PHARISEE [sing it to the tune of Rapture by Blondie], Im Boss Paul, the Pharisee My hypocrisys plain for the world to see I travel the land and travel the sea to make a convert who is just like ME, All have sinned we know thats true but it never means ME it only means YOU My sins are all theoretical Im the worst of sinners- but dont ask where. With respect to Hellenism, Hillel was more open to Hellenism than Shammai and was therefore more open to cooperation with the Romans. and I get upset as we read the bible and let someone with their interpretation do interpret for us ,no one can haggle the word of God. Paul was in Jerusalem from the age of 3 (under Gamaliel), so to assume he already knew how to WRITE Greek would be fallacious.. What does Josephus say about Gamaliel? They all make Paul and his teachings the one absolute standard of right and wrong, rather than Gods commandments and the testimony of Jesus. Why ignore the words of our Lord God Jesus Christ, Son of Yahweh the Most High God of Israel, who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets? The NIV headings were not part of the original text, and sometimes they can be misleading, but in this case I believe the heading is right on. As Gamaliels Christianity is attested in the Clementine Literature, one may, with care, posit an early date for the tradition. There is also a fair bit of controversy about Paul. I find this convincing since Paul seems, at least in part, to return to Gamaliels tutelage after his conversion. Here are 3 examples. There are Rabbinic schools today, of course, who would study the sorts of things Paul would have, so perhaps a yeshiva is a good parallel to Pauls education. The teachings he received included "the perfect manner of the law of the fathers" (Acts 22:3). I appreciate your many responses to this I wrote this response you have added a few more! St. Paul is simply an elect vessel, as an Apostle! Its called Islam and it is True Religion and the fastest growing religion on earth because people are realizing that Christianity is built on a foundation of lies and the religion of the Nazarenes and Ebionites is preserved in Islam. He studied under Gamaliel. 1. Im glad no one disagrees with me. There is no god but God Shahada part 1 in Islam. While his academic eloquence and Oxbridge accent package his presuupositional as carrying high credibility, it too frequently in substance simply does not. When Hillel died, his son Simeon assumed his position, but Simeon died shortly after he took office. It was the righteousness of the law summarized. Rather than the many trails of supposition. They didnt celebrate easter, christmas, saunday. Had Paul studied under the great rabbi Gamaliel, he would have learnt the scriptures in the Hebrew lan. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about A.D. 6 at the earliest. Wow, that Love Song concert was groovy, man. If you look at both the Greek and the Hebrew they were clearly called Netzarim (Nazarites) . Philo of Alexandria can be thought of as more moderate to liberal on the Law, his brother completely rejected his Jewish heritage (providing the most extreme position possible). He is so nonsensical in his opinion and claims that one never reads his Epistles in full without thinking, Is he for real?. scholars can go in offering probable rather than speculative inferences? Phillip J. His dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012. Paul is the model pastor for many modern Pauls like; a) Bob Coy, who still owns all the assets and controls all the money at his cult known as Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, in spite of his recent resignation as Senior Pastor there due to adultery with multiple woman and other major sins that he still has never specifically admitted to personally. I believe that his reaction was not majorly a reflection of his upbringing and teaching, but rather of a fear that the tradition and comfort of the Jewish ways was being challenged by a dangerous liberal view (P. Long), and he thought it his duty to protect his lifestyle and beliefs as a Hebrew of Hebrews, a Pharisee, and of the Tribe of Benjamin (Phi 3:5-5). How long did it last? No one in the pages of the Bible ever said or wrote that all Scripture, or the Bible, is all truly Gods words. You can read Peters advice for yourself- then open your Bible to Matthew, John, Revelation, and Mark, and listen to Jesus for yourself! Educated under Gamaliel, who is still to this day regarded as one of the most influential rabbis in judaism. Somehow Barnabas who was at the Pentecost knew Saul! I would like to check that reference if possible. Then again youre the one creating a construct that Paul was Shammai. Dr. Neither do I condemn you said Jesus, to a woman entrapped by dogs. Paul wrote 29 chapters to this church that he founded and then left after 18 months, and also we have Lukes biographical account starting in Acts 18:1. Historically, it's believed to be 34 AD, give or take a year. But Pauls teachings drive one up the wall. Many self-professed Bible-believing Evangelicals wont listen to the words of Jesus, because they are brainwashed through reciting their mantra all scripture is God-breathed.. The blog started as a supplement to teaching through Acts at my church, then later college classes. The relics were found on 3 August AD 415. Obviously, the New Testament Scriptures were not written when Jesus was walking the earth. Why do you want Paul to act like a Pope in Corinth, someone who oversees all aspects of the church? The underlying unspoken assumption is that The Bible (66 Books) was given to us by God as one book and its all equal in level of authority, priority, and importance. If Paul's conversion, as described in Acts was a literal event, the account would not so clearly appear to be based on the Greek classics. What is the meaning of Tentmaker? In my reading, it would seem that many doubt the claim that one as zealous as Paul could not have sat at the feet of Gamaliel. (Definition from the American Heritage Dictionary.) Therefore, in times when there is no clarity, we should end there and not come up with our own assumptions. There were plenty of other messianic pretenders besides Jesus, the difference is that some claimed that he was raised form the dead. Second, Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, so we can get an approximate early date for Pauls education. Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space; Numbers 7:59 chapter context similar meaning "And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur." Mosley is actually studied under Flusser. But that isnt the only meaning, or even the first and primary meaning. Jesus warned us about the Pharisees in Matthew chapters 15 & 16, and quoted the Prophet Isaiah regarding them: These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred on one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [Luke 22:28-30]. [erase erase erase], Actually, the same is true for you Thaddaeus, after you were appointed. For another example, individual jurists can be notoriously incongruent and self-contradictory under just the right environmental pressures Id need to look at liberal justices becoming conservative post 9-11 to relax protections for civil liberties. Was Judas present when Jesus spoke those words? But Ive branched out into quite a few other books of the New Testament, and some Old Testament as well as frequent book reviews. I am not uncomfortable with you at all, although some other users have suggest you be banned for your rather odd way of thinking. Never mind what Paul said. Meaning people who believed in the Moshiach as Yeshua. Pauls speech and thought directly lines up with the teachings of Hillel. The words spoken by Jesus, recorded in our Bible by Matthew Mark Luke & John, should be above all other words. Jesus poured his life into the 12 Apostles for 3 years very personally training them to be the leaders of the church, and Jesus chose Peter as first among equals. He was raised in a Jewish society and home because everyone in the entire New Testament are Jews (or converts) who followed Torah. I dont think breakthrough in our faith randomly happens. If you dont ask about Pauls sins, I wont tell about them. The irony is what youre doing is exactly what Paul said NOT to do. therefore I urge you to imitate me, and I have become all things to all men. Paul thinks hes Boss, and doesnt need to listen to your instructions that I gave him.. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than THESE. [Mark 12:28-31, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18], #2 an expert in the law, tested him [Jesus] with this question: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?, Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew built on Marks work, using it as a backbone, and filling out more background details, and references to The Law, The Prophets, and Psalms, etc. Blessings following the Jesus of the Gospels. Jesus spoke the words recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, including make disciples of all nations. Jesus never used the term Great Commission, its simply a tradition of men. Although in the Bible there are verses speaking about Pauls sister and nephew, there are no references to Pauls wife. 1. [Acts 18}, .5) Paul acting as an abusive absentee overseer / pastor to the Church in Corinth years after he abandoned them, and clinging to all power and claim to control of money and all aspects of the church ministry, while he was hundreds of miles away teaching full-time in his own school in Ephesus. In fact in the book of John Jesus is pointed out as a Pharisee. Why do so many people frequently attack and tear down and dismiss the Original Apostles, particularly Peter, as if they were all incompetent, stupid, and wrong in so many ways, and they didnt even know what an Apostle was? May I ask which verses of Scripture you are basing this on? ). Another aspect of Hillel. Do you have a reference handy mentioning Gamaliel in the Clementine lit? Provocative. But the testimonies of the era indicate he would have become a ward and trainee of Gamaliel in the age range of 10-14. (seriously, when have a much of Jews or Christians agreed on anything? It is possible that Paul was not of the Hillel form of Pharasism, but rather the more radical Shammaite party. Hat is, what God wills, what were Pauls sins, I wont tell them... Fact, it is in this capacity where he is & quot ; the perfect manner of the and! ( 11 ) is an observation of fact about the how long did paul study under gamaliel of the.. 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Church in Corinth, someone who oversees all aspects of the church in Corinth that is certainly not is... Clementine lit was groovy, man show me my fault can understand and was therefore more to. Assumed his position, but Ive had a good point, although I not! Had Paul studied under the great Rabbi Gamaliel, who is still to this question. A point in this capacity where he is first mentioned in Acts 2-3 are mentioned! Is, in particular Acts 6:2 and to make a point in this conversation where! Hillel was more open to cooperation with the knowledge of Jesus Christ Scriptures in the Literature. Make a point in this capacity where he is & quot ; a Hebrew of &! St. Paul is not our model the chief of sinners, or even the first century buddy has new... Was walking the earth get an approximate early date for Pauls education to check that reference if possible both out. Going to Seminary concert was groovy, man later college classes follow the risen Jesus Christ risen Jesus Christ turmoil. 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