Report alleges grim scale of child abuse by clergy in Portugal, In Case You Missed It: Images of Little Devils Spotted At Super Bowl Pre-Game Show. When the Chinese authorities tried to stop the Opium trade, the British sent in their Gunboats. Theres something very wrong with this spate of recent rocket launches by the private space industry!! The Single Most Important Speech of the 20th Century by Whistleblower Benjamin H. Freedman, Commercial Real Estate Bubble Burst Triggers Mega Bond Quake Causing Investor Withdrawal Carnage, Bill Submitted in Florida to Cancel the Democrat Party, HUGE Cracks in the Long-Planned Conspiracy to Collapse the American Republic. Taft, Russell, Schiff, Haremon, Bush, Warburg, Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Stemson, Weighouser, Vanderbilt, Goodyear and Pillsbury were all members. FAA Temporarily Grounds All US Flight Departures Amid Nationwide System Failure, Mother Blames Covid Vaccine and Government After Son Develops Blood Clots in His Brain 9 Days Following Vaccine Son Now Has More Clots and a Damaged Heart, NEW: House Republicans Vote to Create New Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Jim Jordan Goes Off on Democrats! In 1906, the U.S. stock market was setting all kinds of records. mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now. They operate phony charities and off-shore banking services where the wealth of the Vatican and black nobility is hidden in secret accounts at Rothschild Swiss banks, trusts and holding companies. The 6 media companies that exist get their news from Reuters & the Associated Press. Rothschild owns the gold and diamond mines of S. Africa and major extractive industries such as Rio Tinto and British Petroleum. Folks, it doesnt get more serious that this very sane and sober warning! Besides their many castles, palace mansions, wineries, race horses and exotic resorts, the Rothschilds boughtReutersin the 1800s. Counter-terrorism teams deployed against peaceful Australians labelled as Conspiracy Theorists (Video). Rothschild caused a selling panic in the London bond consul market intimating to investors that England lost to Napoleon. Biden Administration Considers Banning Gas Stoves over Health Concerns, USA Radically Stepping Up Regional War Against Russia, The Beautiful Moment When Bolsonaro Supporters Stormed the Brazil Government Buildings (Video), THE 5 LEADING COUNTRIES IN THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AND COLOMBIAS POSITION IN THE RANKING, Zelensky Deprives Orthodox Priests of Citizenship, CDC Finally Releases VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses For COVID Vaccines, Kalifornia Commie Gavin Newsom Only Knows How To Lie and Mislead, Propagandize and Prevaricate, Deceive and Equivocate, Misrepresent and Fabricate. J P MorganandKuhn and Loeb. Govt. A screenshot of the misleading Facebook post, taken on May 5, 2022. (Video). Rothschild's takeover of Livingstone, which provides mergers and acquisitions services and financing advice to mid-sized British companies, follows its acquisition in July of a minority stake in . * NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, 10. China Issues Scathing Indictment Against US Hegemony, Russia Engages GPS-JAMMING over Nuclear Weapons Facilities, Every World War Is Preceded By Havoc-Creating Energy Wars, Clinton aides death ruled suicide despite tied to a tree, shot in chest, James OKeefe is not coming back. In 2008, Reuters was bought by the Thomson Corporation, which created Thomson Reuters. The next day when word of Englands victory over Napoleon hit the market, bond prices soared. Are the ruling elites growing so desperate with no way out but a World War? Journalists detained over extremely embarrassing leak for president (Video). The House of Rothschild bought Reuters news service in the 1800's. Within the last 20 years, Reuters bought the Associated Press. Then he escaped to Denmark to stay with his royal relatives. Germany cannot defend itself Defense Minister. He eventually had a major stake in the 20th centurys major companies. Rothschild knew who won the Battle of Waterloo a day before the King of England and British investors. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim that the family shares a coat of arms with the Russian Federation. Russophobic Khazarians now looking to sanction any African nation that does business with Russia, Dr. Peter McCullough calls for criminal investigations in every US state where COVID gene injection vaccine is causing fatal heart damage (Video). Shocking Condom Scavenger Hunt Part Of New School Workbook With Sexual Assignments, WW3 ALERT! In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. US Reaches Debt Ceiling, Forcing Treasury Into Extraordinary Measures, We Still Have No Proof COVID-19 is Caused by a Corona Virus (Video), Why are rubbery clots being found and pulled out of Covid-vaccinated corpses?! I found this an interesting read however theRothchildsdont ownall the Central Banks. Was The Barely-Watched Golden Globes Deliberately Set Up As A Hollywood COVID Super-Spreader Event? Every single Covid-vaxxing DOCTOR must be sued out of existence.. Covid Vaccine Gaslighting Op Falls Apart In Real Time, A Scientific Analysis of Dr. Ryan Coles False Claims: There Is No Nanotech and No Graphene in C19 Vax Vials, Khazarian-Directed Controlled Opposition Behind the Covid Killshot/Clotshot Coverup Exposes Itself. WOW!!! (Video), Like 9/11, We Are Witnessing The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire, The Non-Human Element & the Plans for a Fake Alien Invasion (Video), More than ever, our youth are being stealthily acculturated through a form of Tavistock-level hypnosis and social engineering. Biden Administration has never engaged a Ukraine peace process and has only promoted war with Russia on every front. Cecil Rhodes and George Soros are two of many Rothschild agents. Whats Going On? Look at what YouTube has already done to the Romanian senators truth-telling video about the Turkey earthquake. This is how ALL House Republicans really view their respective conservative constituencies. Tory MP Andrew Bridgen is suspended by party for anti-Covid vaccine tweet, says its another HOLOCAUST, The Catholic Church must free itself from this toxic nightmare Cardinal George Pell, Alt media warned about everything happening today now weve decoded the playbook on what happens next in the EXTERMINATION AGENDA targeting humanity, WOMAN SEES DEMONS ATTACKING HER FOR TWO DAYS AFTER THE JAB AND SHE LIVED TO TELL US WHAT SHE SAW (Video). LAPD Bans Thin Blue Line Flag After Complaint It Represents Racist, Bigoted Views, Dozens of Sheriffs in Illinois to Defy State Assault Weapons Ban, Joe Biden and the CIA Worked to Install Current Communist Regime in Brazil This Was All Planned, They Promised Safe And Effective; We Got Sudden And Unexpected, It looks like the Ukraines national crime syndicate headquartered in Kiev has set up a truly innocent patsy to blame for stolen medical funds, Maryland High School Teacher Sends Sexually Explicit Photos To EVERY Student, REALLY! Footage of the horrific moment fuel storage station of energy company Pertamina exploded in Jakarta, Indonesia, Biden Administration Targets Senate Judiciary for Constitutional Demise, Watch DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas mislead Sen. Hawley after attempted cover-up of Hunters laptop at hearing (Video), College Park, Maryland mayor is arrested on 56 child pornography charges, U.S. Even the World Government Summit in Dubai is talking about manufacturing global crises by which to conduct the Great Reset. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage. Together they changed the face of history and became known throughout Europe. US Tells Any Remaining Americans To Get Out Of Russia Or Face Possible Conscription. The Covid vaccines are having a pernicious effect on mental health, emotional states and psychological imbalances! Reuters and Thomson Reuters have no affiliation with the Rothschild family.. Charles T. Russell, in a 1891 letter to Baron (Lord) Rothschild, mailed from Palestine, outlined possible courses of action that could be taken to establish the Jews in Palestine. Goldman, Sachs of New York, 9. Germany approves Leopard tank deliveries to Ukraine: Numbers, suppliers and timeframe explained, Evil Walks Among Us: Child Trafficking Has Become Big Business In America. The United States of America Just Incurred The Worst KarmaEVER!!! (Video), Hard Proof of Khazarian-directed Satanic Agenda to Destroy the Traditionally Christian American Republic, VAX GENOCIDE CONTINUES! Frances Boy President Does His Childspeak and Russophobic Lies at the Very Same Time, Florida governor takes immigration swipe at Biden. SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary. [5] [6] WOW! Rothschild Bank of London, 2. ), How convenient: the lights go out during Twitter hearing in DC. Reuters is owned by the Thomson Corporation and the AP is a non-profit cooperative formed by various newspapers and broadcasters. BEWARE if you live anywhere near lake Huron!!! Obamas 16 trillion, stolen from the FR-American people, went to prop up failing European Banks probably Rothschilds since he owns most of the banks likely the reason he selected and got the then unknown Obama elected. Chemical Weaponry Destined For Ukraine Ignited In East Palestine Train Wreck, The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse Have Been Set Loose Upon the World, Covid Vax-Triggered Mass Shootings Difficult to Distinguish from Gladio-Style False Flag Terrorist Attacks, Sen. Rand Paul Grills Johns Hopkins School Of Nursing Head On Student Covid Vaccine Mandate. How predictable: Lisa Marie Presleys death by vaccine-induced cardiac arrest is barely covered by the vax-pushing MSM. Images reflecting an old rumor about the Rothschild Family's unimaginable accumulated global wealth hold . WOW! Together they formulated a plan to seize control of the worlds wealth. They offered junior partnerships to New Englands leading American families. Special Counsel John Durham proves to be yet another fake investigator working for a hopelessly corrupt DoJ. The COVID-19 Vaccine Holocaust Now Confirmed By VAERS 2022 Year-End Data, A dire warning to every Covid-vaccinated person, COINCIDENCE now the leading cause of death in the world today, Ex-French soldier who witnessed the Bucha war crimes committed against civilians by the Armed Forces of Ukraine survives assassination attempt by Kiev, requests asylum in Russia, ALL U.S. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters." It includes a photo of Lord Jacob Rothschild, the fourth baron Rothschild. If you watched the Rubicon TV series, you know that all of these Horrifying Head-On Train Crashes are engineered by the globalists to coerce compliance with their NWO agenda. This tell-tale blue light signature of a manmade earthquake proves that powerful geoweaponry is being aimed by the Pentagon at Americas unspoken enemies. Nathan Mayer Rothschild started his business in Manchester in 1806 and gradually moved it to London, where in 1809 he acquired the location at 2 New Court in St. Swithin's Lane, City of London, [23] where it operates today; he established N M Rothschild & Sons in 1811. Lazar Brothers of Paris, 6. Aussie elites and media pushing the apocalyptic specter associated with a missing tiny radioactive capsule in Western AustraliaIs it even missing?! With advanced knowledge of the British victory, Nathan Rothschild spread lies that the British had been defeated, which caused a crash in the value of British Government bonds. The House of Rothschild (the Rothschilds): Global financial empire founded in the late 18th century by a dynasty of Khazars, an ancient people from Georgia. who owns reuters rothschild. Thousands Killed, Dozens Of Power Stations & Hospitals Bombed In 2022s Forgotten War. Khazarian Cabal executing multiple black ops while running rep-killing psyops to make sure Biden pulls out of 2024 race. GENERAL ELECTRIC (donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign) Republicans Blast Biden During Utterly Farcical SOTU Theater Of The Absurd (Video), WE ARE ALL VICTIMS & We Must Never Forget And Never Forgive Until All Covid Perps Are Prosecuted To The Fullest Extent Of The Law And Receive Their Capital Punishment, WOW!!! So THIS is what the pilots have been seeing! (Video), Second Amendment Works Video Shows What Happens When You Steal A Purse From A Woman In Texas, The Best Video On Climate Change That You Will Ever See, MORE BLACK OPS BY KIEV! This is where they intend to take the Covid vax mandates globally! The claim has also appeared on Twitter and websites. BOMBSHELL docs reveal intentional Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the very top (Video), President Of Mexico Basically Thanks Biden For Putting America Last On Live TV (Video), ER Doctor Sounds the Alarm on the Hospital System: Our Facilities Are Figuratively on Fire (Video), Watch this remarkably treacherous word merchant spin his fake Covid vaccine narrative. Reuters then bought theAssociated Press, which selects and delivers the same new stories to the entire world, day after day. Speaker McCarthy Agrees to Release All Jan 6 Footage as Dems Seek to Keep it Hidden, Meet The International Banker Who Filed Criminal Charges Against The President Of Switzerland (Video), MODERNA CEO STATES 100,000 COVID VAX DOSES WERE MADE IN 2019 before the actual pandemic hoax was launched. [2] The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism . Here is a complete list of all Rothschild owned and controlled banks. Eventually there will be only one way out of this Khazarian-created killshot clusterf*ckONLY ONE! TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump Held Secret Calls with Chinese Defense Officials Then Surrendered to Taliban and Armed Them with $80 Billion in US Weapons. The brothers helped finance both sides of Napoleons famous battle at Waterloo, between the French and the English. The Instagram post features a picture of Jacob Rothschild, the 4th Lord Rothschild, and text that claims his family owns two of the largest news agencies in the world. What caused the bright blue light that flashed multiple times in Turkey before massive earthquakes?! BREAKING BIG! OPERATION SANDMAN now activated Saudi Arabia announces END of dollar dominance in global oil trade the dominoes begin to fall on the US empire, HOLY MOLY! Political propaganda confuses American citizens into thinking the U.S. government owns and prints its own money. By 1906 J P Morgans bank controlled 1/3 of Americas railways and over 70% of the steel industry. If anyone in the Zelenskys Nazi regime tells the truth about anything , theyre toast or worse! It was a futuristic plan that would put specific individuals over the next century into political power positions. Chinese Spy Balloon Program Connected to Military, Targeted US and Allies White House (Then why did they just let it cruise over the USA before shooting it down? He left instruction that the amount of the inheritance must never be made public, that secrecy and ruthlessness must be used in all business practices and that family members must intermarry with their own relatives to keep the family fortune all in the same family. (Video). In 1842, the British stole Hong Kong from China in an Opium drug-deal calledthe treaty of Nanking. CAUSE UNKNOWN: The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 and 2022 (Video), We have the receipts on Kari Lakes judge regarding flagrant RICO violations and more (Video), Berliners bring flowers to blown-up Russian tank (VIDEO), Demonstrators in the cities of Genoa and Milan are demanding an end to weapons supplies to Kiev (Video). Anyone who disregards these provisions and takes any kind of action which conflicts with them will immediately be regarded as having disputed the will, and shall suffer the consequences of so doing.. Turkey Halts Operations At Ceyhan Oil Terminal After Massive Earthquake, The GREAT 2023 SPY BALLOON PSYOP explained! MOVING ONWARD The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C. Back to implementing Bidens draconian gun control agenda through a series of false flag mass shootings purposefully carried out in schools. DOMESTIC FLIGHT DEPARTURES HALTED, A Truly Terrible American Tragedy Is About To Unfold. Only a hardcore Khazarian-installed Zio-Nazi regime could ever get away such warmongering chutzpah on the global stage. Their family commissioned biographies give the illusion that their family fortune has dwindled. APOCALYPTIC PSYOP! While everyone is focused on a bunch of fake balloons, East Palestine experiences, How The US Secretly Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline (Video), Another very serious consequence of Covid injections. Is The Red Scare Going Blue? U.S. Military Establishment Brazenly Admits That Ukrainians Are Nothing But Cannon Fodder for Zio-Anglo-American Proxy War, Dont Let Balloons Distract You from the Global Economic Collapse. These perceptive comments reflect the VERY sad state of America, and its only gonna get worseMUCH WORSE!!! . It was founded as the Reuters news agency in Great Britain in 1851, it became one of the leading newswire services in the world. Pfizer is clearly a Bio-weapons division of DARPA. Check out this nuclear title at TJP: Who wants an Israeli civil war? The Rothschilds bought controlling interests in British East India Shipping Company and the illegal Opium trade with China. Reuters is not just the #1 news agency in the world, providing a huge chunk of the BS you hear every day on TV and radio. Just another very good reason NOT to use your highly weaponized smartphone! Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo Falsely Accused After Absurdly Contrived Sting Operation by, Florida Surgeon General Warns Life-Threatening VAERS Reports Up 4,400 Percent Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, Biden team has deeply rooted hatred for Russia US congressman. That would make the Italians the largest shareholders in the publishing company. International Banks and Multinational Corporations. Heres just one BIG piece of the US Government-Corporate America collusion puzzle that defines the burgeoning Tyrannical Technocracy, Will McCarthy Deliver on Commitments to his Twenty Opponents, The Complete List of the Key Concessions Made by McCarthy is Shocking Because of What it is Missing, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! So who actually controls todays world banking system? Nathan and James Rothschild had come up with a scheme that would put the plan for world domination into action. 0. who owns reuters rothschild. Until recently, they owned and operated Englands Royal Mint and continue to be the gold agent for the Bank of England, which they also direct. Erasing a Countrys History Also Erases the Country, WW3 ALERT! How Woke Coke (and Others) Cash in on Social Justice, Khazarian Cabal stealthily using Poland to start World War III, Another major wave of airstrikes reported in Ukraine. Using his connections, Mayer teamed up with prince Wilhelm IX Landgrave, who was the ruler of Germanys Hesse-Kassel district. Love Interest Sent Enrique Tarrio Incriminating 1776 Returns Document at the Behest of FBI-DOJ Before January 6! Bush, J.P. Morgan and five other banking family institutions own the Federal Reserve in partnership with Rothschild. Published by at November 20, 2021. Video and Photo Evidence Strongly Suggests Greta Thunberg Detainment In Germany Was Totally Staged. If this is the true history of and these are the real connections behind Elon Musk, why has he [APPARENTLY] left the NWO reservation?! (Video), Olivia Teseniar was part of Modernas trial. NBC Chuck Todd Blasts Biden Regime For Lack of Transparency Related to High-Altitude Object Shot Down Over Alaska (VIDEO), Meet Disneys Biromantic Asexual Executive Director Adding Queerness and CRT to Childrens Programming, We Declared An Emergency Over Monkeypox But Not For Ohio Chernobyl? Instead of paying the Hessian solders with the 3 million dollars that was left to him by Wilhelm, he bet the money on his insider stock market tip. Our Parent in Heaven: Liberals push for a gender-neutral God, Furious Project Veritas Donors Threaten Board Of Directors Over Reported OKeefe Ouster, US State Department Funding Secret Disinformation Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media, UN condemns executions of Russian POWs by Ukrainians, NEVER FORGET: The Ukraine War Was Stealthily Engineered For This Very Purpose, Hospice Hell: The Dangers of Morphine (WATCH BEFORE SAYING YES TO HOSPICE! Get woke, go broke: Disney to fire 7,000 employees after rolling out disgusting movies aimed at indoctrinating children into LGBT cult, HARD EVIDENCE! +91-7207507350 Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York (Now Shearson American Express), 7. The Thomson Corporation acquired a majority stake in Reuters following a merger valued at $8.7 billion. When he died on September 19, 1812, the founder of the House of Rothschild left a will that was just days old. (Video), REPORT: Zio-Nazi Warmonger Zelensky Dodged the Draft FOUR TIMES in 2014 & 2015. Medical Doctor Skewers the Multinational Pharmaceutical Complex & Vaccine Cartels, CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States (Video), INSTANT KARMA?! In it, he laid down specific laws by which the House that bore his name would operate in future years. Britain had finally found a commodity that China would take, Opium. AG Garland Appoints Special Prosecutor To Probe Bidens Classified Docs Mishandling, We Now Have Key Evidence Pfizer Committed Fraud, Pfizer Shills Falsely Claim They Cant Be Sued; Another Psyop To Cover Crimes Against Humanity (Video), Pfizer Has a Long History of Fraud, Corruption and Using Children as Human Guinea Pigs, How did most celebrities turn into death stars? Think of them as the . Breakthrough nutritional solutions to HALT CLOTTING and UNFOLD spike proteins (video), ECLARATION OUTSIDE OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTIONBIDEN SIGNED AWAY OUR SOVEREIGNTY (Biden), Special Report: Medical Profession Implements WHO Digital Diagnosis Code for the Unvaxxed, MSM reporting on the insanely wild and wacky weather inventing new language to cover for the NWO weather warriors. If Biden was behind this act of war, Biden should be impeached. (Video), That Testimony Is False You Know Youre Under Oath (Video), Gaetz Completely Demolished DHS Secretary Mayorkas On Illegal Immigration (Video), The New Zealand Prime Minister Morphs Into a Hardcore Covid Tyrant and Raving Vaccine Despot (Video), Cokehead Zelenskys Clown Show Just Out-Clowned Itself If Thats Even Possible (Video), Heres how Rothschild bagman George Soros is taking over the media around the world. Khazarian-directed Pentagon misled public on drone strike that killed several children in Kabul during 2021 withdrawal. Warburg Bank of Hamburg, 3. It doesnt get more corrupt than the Newsom, Inc. crime syndicate. Folks, every resident connected to a municipal water supply needs to know about this database. Truck with hazardous chemicals crashes in US, DIVERSITY CORPORATE COMPLEX: Coming to a corporation to youVERY SOON, if its not already there, This is an unmitigated disaster! (Video), Its been credibly reported that Biden blew up the Nord Stream II pipeline between Russia and Europe. 90% of online content could be generated by AI by 2025, expert says. Covid Cover-up Collapse: British Blame Game BeginsBIG TIME! Khazarians are kicking up a storm throughout the world community of nation in preparation for their long-planned WW3. Do you see how these Pharma mafiosos really work in corrupting the US Congress?! Swiss Police And Military Are Setting Up Roadblocks and Checking Finger Prints Near WEF Summit (Video), Woke University of Southern California Removes the Word Fields Because its Racist Vows to Reject White Supremacy, HUGE: Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden (VIDEO), SICK: Self- Proclaimed TransCanine OnlyFans Model Gets Fired for Posting Sex Acts with Dogs, Rep Byron Donalds Wife Erika: The Most Racist Attacks We Experience Are Always From the Left, Democrats Violent Bolshevism Goes Unprosecuted Even When A US Senator Is Attacked, All American hospitals literally got paid BIG BUCKS to murder falsely diagnosed Covid patients with poisonous Remdesivir and other dangerous protocols! (Video). Noida, India kassam stadium vaccination centre parking +91 9313127275 ; stolen car recovered during claim process (Video), NWO Weather Warriors and Geoterrorists Team Up To Take Down Vanuatu With A One-Punch, The American People Must Draw Red Lines Now, Indias foreign minister blasts George Soros as old, rich, opinionated, and dangerous after billionaire says Adani debacle would weaken PM Modi. Watch: Mitt Romney Stands and Claps with Democrats During Bidens SOTU Dumpster Fire (VIDEO), General Flynn: Vice President Biden Visited Ukraine 12-13 Times in His Last Year as VP ALL OF THESE Trips Need to be Investigated! Reuters owns the AP and the Rothschilds own Reuters. The Rage Against The War Machine Rally in D.C. could bring back the anti-war movement in America (Video). The Great Reset | Explained In Their Own Words (Gates, Musk, Harari, Schwab & Grimes) (Video), Trumps Tax Returns Show Evil of the Income Tax.

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