Earlier PSP plan documents and representations can be downloaded from our website. Where public realm is required or provided, it should be accessible, attractive, functional, safe, varied, and interesting, to encourage social interaction. July to October 2020: Call for Sites invited, November 2020 to March 2021: Public consultation Phase 1 on issues and approaches, new approaches for urban and rural communities, and a draft planning policy to inform preparation of our new Local Plan 2020, February 2022 to April 2022: Public consultation Phase 2 including: Urban Lifestyles potential site allocations and employment areas in Urban Areas and within Market Towns potential approaches to rural growth Strategic Green Infrastructure Renewable Energy Areas draft planning policies for growth, protection, site proposals and place discussions. This process should allow for some flexibility to support innovative design approaches and be based on the most positive character elements found in the area. Where we hope to develop policies covering new topics, this is also indicated. This may also be relevant to informing the Councils planning response to any consultations on consents, licenses or permits from other organisations, as well as in determining planning applications to South Gloucestershire Council. For the latest updates check our consultation page. Any advance or preparatory works are demonstrably necessary for the timely delivery of NNB at Oldbury, incorporate adequate and timely mitigation, and are accompanied by a strategy and mechanisms to secure appropriate restoration of the landscape should NNB at Oldbury not proceed. This will need to include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in. Area Specific: Planning for Yate and Chipping Sodbury, 68. We have started exploring how we might approach new strategies and policies for growth (set out in section 5: Building a Strategy) but we are very much at the beginning of this process. We will build on this strength, forging new partnerships and enhancing established relationships. Pre-application engagement on these complex projects can require significant levels of officer input over many months or years for more complex projects. Seek to agree the scope, methodologies and publication of all relevant socio economic, environmental and transport surveys and assessments that will underpin the development, assessment and subsequent monitoring of NSIP related proposals. Emissions come from the transportation and materials used in the construction process, as well as the emissions from the operation and use of the development throughout its expected lifetime, including the emissions from the travel movements of users. Stoke Gifford man ordered to pay over 1,500 following fly-tip in South Gloucestershire. A core group of Stroud District, Search the register of planning decisions We've matched the postcode to South Gloucestershire Council . More information on the RESPD can be found here. These would be focussed around designated town centres and transport hubs. We've been working in the local community to help older people for over 25 years. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire, called the Local Plan 2020. It is therefore vital that where relevant, schemes of monitoring are put in place during construction and during operation to assess the reality of impacts arising. Accelerating the decarbonisation and decentralisation of the energy system in the UK is essential to mitigating climate change. It is a broad, holistic approach to the energy system which integrates measures such as energy efficiency, energy storage, demand side response, and renewable energy generation (micro and macro scales) to create a flexible system that meets the need for energy in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. 5) Use, homes and buildingsDevelopments should be adaptable over time, in order to be able to accommodate changing work/home, employment and shopping patterns, and people potentially choosing to stay in their homes for longer into older age. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The scale and massing of the built form relates to the site and the local character surrounding the development, with minimal amenity impacts relating to overlooking, over-shadowing and over-bearing issues; b) Construction materials are locally distinctive, complementary when viewed as a collection, and appropriate for their use and function, with a focus on robustness and a positive visual appearance over time; c) The arrangement and design of windows (the fenestration) is visually attractive, balanced and functional. Clearly defined socio economic, environmental health and biophysical key performance indicators (KPIs) should be set out against which monitoring will be undertaken and reported. Clauses 2 and 3 of the policy set out specific on-site requirements. We are proud of our heritage and want to do more to celebrate the areas rich history, our listed buildings and beautiful landscapes whilst maximising the potential of local destinations such as The Mall, Aerospace Bristol, and the Wave to realise our ambitions as a visitor destination. Providing land for Economic Development, 9. Decommissioning involves activities such as the removal and temporary storage and/or disposal of hazardous waste such as asbestos and radioactive waste, the rationalisation of buildings and reuse of land for activities relating to of decommissioning, and the demolition of those that are no longer needed. As a comparator that indicates the likely scale and complexity of large scale NNB, recent proposals for Wylfa Newydd on the Isle of Anglesey indicate: A nominated 236ha site, and a total site development/ construction area of 409ha Estimated 9 year construction period, and 60 years operation, 20 years decommissioning Design parameters for aspects of the development, with later details to be approved by the local authority A theoretical maximum of 9000 construction workers at peak 850 permanent jobs plus 1000 for periodic reactor maintenance On site accommodation for up to 4000 construction workers, Park and Ride for 1900 cars, and a logistics centre with capacity for up to 100 HGV Diversion of the coastal path inland around the NNB site Extensive on site landscaped areas plus off site ecological compensation areas Long term radioactive waste and spent fuel stores Site preparation and online highway improvement applications to the local authority. Achieving these and other priorities will require new policies which update and eventually replace our adopted policies. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, 7. As a NSIP, the primary policies against which an application will be determined are the overarching energy NPS EN-1, along with technology-specific energy policy for nuclear power generation and other relevant national policy such as the NPPF. You can get information on their website. This includes pre-treatment, conditioning and decay storage processes prior to disposal to reduce the hazardous activity and volume of LLW and higher activity waste (HAW) in accordance with the principles of the waste hierarchy. a) minimise end user energy requirements over and above those required by Building Regulations (at the time of full planning or reserved matters approval) through energy efficiency measures by at least 10%, or, achieve any higher standard that is required under national planning policy; and thenb) reduce carbon dioxide emissions by maximising the use of renewable energy generation sources on site and achieve an overall on-site reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from regulated energy use of at least 50%, unless the development includes flats where a 35% reduction is acceptable (for that part of the site only). However, given the timeframes involved, such wastes would not be expected to arise until well beyond the current Local Plan period. The most up to date census data outlines that South Gloucestershire has a higher level of vehicle ownership per household than the national average. Local Plan 2018 - 2036. Our values underpin all that we do and how we work. Area Specific: Planning for the East Fringe of Bristol Urban Area. Higher residential densities will form a key part of this approach, balanced by lower parking requirements and a focus on the quality of the public realm. www.southglos.gov.uk/localplan2020-feedback. Junction 12 (Gloucester fringe) and M5 Junction 14 (located within South Gloucestershire). You can access the document and information produced to support the Phase 2 document below. It is essential that adaptation measures are considered at the outset of the decision making process, including the location and initial concept of the development, and also that current and anticipated impacts are taken into account. The South Kesteven Local Plan sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and policies for the future development of the district. The Council proposes that developments within the urban zone (seen on the indicative map below) must submit a SGC Accessibility Assessment. We will need to plan from what we currently know, but also build in sufficient flexibility to enable our approach to adjust as new arrangements start to replace the current approach. In order to avoid impacts on social, health and community services and facilities serving existing communties, early delivery may be needed. Employment rateTo year end March 2020, South Gloucestershire had an employment rate of 83.1%, higher than the sub-regional and national averages (79% and 76.2% respectively). These discussions will contribute to the Councils preparation of a pre-engagement position statement or SPD for NNB, as set out above. What are strategic and non-strategic policies? Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. 4) Nature and public spacesBelow ground provision for trees within public realm, such as root protection and growth systems, is often needed to ensure the proper growth and longevity of the tree. New technology, different attitudes and direction from national policy means a new approach can be explored to help meet the numerous challenges that continue to face South Gloucestershire. Future stages of the Local Plan are being planned to progress alongside the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and more details will be provided as the SDS reaches criticial milestones. The financial contribution required is set at 95 per tonne of carbon dioxide (or index linked equivalent from date of plan adoption) that would be emitted from the development over a period of 30 years. The NDA expectation is that land will be remediated and de-designated by 2103. It is no surprise then that demand for housing is high and increasing. gas boilers). The following tables set out the types of policies we currently hope to include in our new Local Plan. Given the timeframe for decommissioning, it will be important that the masterplan is an evolving document, and that phasing and review mechanisms for all relevant socio-economic and environmental considerations are built in. Have your say on proposals to improve sustainable travel between Thornbury and Bradley Stoke. Given the Councils role as a Local Planning Authority (LPA), pre-application enquiries, demolition notifications and planning applications relating to the decommissioning process are expected to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) during and beyond the Local Plan period. The zones proposed therefore focus on parts of the district outlined as Urban Lifestyle areas. Active Provision:An active OLEV compliant chargepoint, such that each dwelling has the opportunity to charge their vehicle at the same time with a total charging time not exceeding 8 hours. We also want to open up new channels of communication, both digitally and through our face to face engagement and service interactions so we can reach all of our residents. The documents can be viewed below: Adopted Local Plan (PDF) [7MB] We have prepared an interactive version of the Local Plan. Further detail regarding sustainable design and construction methods will be provided in a new policy, which will be brought forward through future stages of preparing the Local Plan 2020. All individual dwellings with one or more dedicated parking spaces or garage must include provision for 7Kw (32 amp) charging infrastructure suitable for charging an electric or other ultra-low emission vehicle. Life expectancy varies considerably across South Gloucestershire. However, other technologies would be welcome too where appropriate. Our Compact with the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Parish and Town Council Charter will be complemented by a new set of Keep it Local working arrangements, an enhanced way of working with the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to identify better ways to deliver services to improve the lives of local people. We will confirm if we are able to accept the submission. Plan:MK now. These are the minimum requirements for energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy generation that must be met. Urban Lifestyles is an emerging approach for South Gloucestershire, and is explained and set out in more detail in section 6 of the Phase 1 Issues and Approaches consultation document. We want all children to be able to access high quality education wherever they live, whatever their economic circumstances and their ethnic origin, so that all have opportunity to achieve their full potential. Given the nature and scale of many NSIPs, it is likely that the full range of topics under the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations will need to be considered. The Joint Waste Core Strategy guides decisions about where waste management facilities should be located within the West of England. You can search using a range of address details by. It is proposed that the policy looks at a zoning approach to allow for reduced car parking provision in areas which are demonstrably well connected with ample opportunities for walking and cycling access to key services and facilities as well as good public transport provision. Area Specific: Planning for the North Fringe of the Bristol Urban Area. Legibility, or the understanding of a place, can be created by sequences of natural or built landmark features, and by ensuring that views through a site terminate at landmarks, such as a mature tree or interesting new faade. In order to meet the objectives outlined in the plan the Council proposes to future proof development now in order to allow for an electric vehicle revolution. This is also supported by existing information on vehicles ownership and use in South Gloucestershire gathered through the 2011 census, however it is recognised that this was gathered nine years ago and a new census is due in 2021. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. These groups bring different perspectives and additional local connections, strengthening our joint capabilities. The Councils will continue their longstanding history of joint working and cooperate with each other and with other key bodies on strategic, cross boundary matters as they prepare their Local Plans.The evidence base prepared so far to inform the Spatial Development Strategy will be published on the WECA website and will be reviewed and used as appropriate to inform the Councils Local Plans. Given the scale, complexity and duration of larger NSIPs, mechanisms and contingencies to enable the modification of mitigation to address unanticipated project impacts. The Guidance will also provide detail on the information required for compliance with the Energy Management in New Development policy and the related clauses of the Creating well-designed places policy. Associated development is likely to include a range of both permanent and temporary works and facilities such as: Flood defences for the site and the surrounding area; Transport infrastructure including road, sea, and potentially rail; Construction worker accommodation / facilities; Modifications to the electricity transmission infrastructure; Training facilities, a visitor/ reception centre and off-site emergency facilities; Extensive landscape, visual and biodiversity mitigation areas. Infrastructure for telecommunications, 64. Locational Constraints: Residential Development in the Countryside, 46. Introduction: A great place to live, work and visit, How we will work: People, Place, Partnership, How we will measure performance: What it will look like, improving our resilience to climate change, enabling development of renewable and low carbon energy supplies, protecting and restoring our natural environment and encouraging greater bio-diversity. The charity makes a positive contribution to the lives of hundreds of older people in South Gloucestershire every week. But please see the Building a Strategy, Creating Sustainable Villages sections for potential approaches which may involve Severnside. A range of other policies in the Local Plan 2020 will provide further detail and clarification to many of the points contained in this policy. We welcome and value the role that our residents and our partners in health and care, in housing, in education, in the police and emergency services, the private, public and voluntary and community sectors have already played in developing the vision behind this Council Plan and we look forward to working with you over the coming years to deliver our ambitious vision for you and your community. Option 2 of the policy is currently a viability off approach in that the current assessment of costs has not been included in the Local Plan viability study. The existing nuclear power station at Oldbury ceased generation in 2012, and is now being decommissioned. This will be updated as part of the Development Plan and particularly provide further guidance on the following: Further guidance on the Accessibility Assessment and Zoning approach Further guidance on technical standards for parking provision, Core Strategy Policy CS36 Proposals for Major Infrastructure Projects. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? With advances in technology, this is becoming more achievable for most people. Whilst this table sets out a range of issues known at this time, with such long construction and operational phases, it is recognised that there may be changes in the wider and/or local socio economic and environmental context of a NNB project, and also that aspects of the project design may evolve. Economic health South Gloucestershires Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018 was 12,865m, ranking us 11th highest GDP of all local authorities in England outside of London. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? An improving picture at secondary level. 26. THE SOUTH GLOS COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN See http://www.westerleighparishcouncil.org.uk/planning-and-the-parish-council/ RESPONSES TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS Jan 2022 - All Planning Applications will continue to be listed here. We need to make sure that any current private and on-street parking provision is designed so that it can relatively easily be repurposed if the need for it diminishes. We have to accept however that we are likely to be in a period of transition which might well extend beyond the timeframe of the Local Plan. A total population of 285,100 in 2019 which is projected to rise to 354,300 in 2043. However, it can occur by a legal agreement that guarantees to pay a percentage of the income generated by selling heat or electricity to the grid, into a Community Trust Fund, or other suitable mechanism, controlled by the local community for spending on other local infrastructure and energy efficiency initiatives. Local economic and community benefits should be maximised through agreement and early implementation of social, education, training, economic, environmental and transport strategies. Protecting our Designated Local Green Spaces, 25. Potential for integrated solutions between the Magnox and NNB including to the temporary and/or long term reuse of brownfield land and flood mitigation Maximise sustainable transport and construction methods Integrate Sustainable Drainage solutions into NNB site design Facilitate the use of waste heat from NNB for e.g. We will enable a low carbon, climate and ecologically resilient district through our policies, programmes, and decision-making. Developments should be adaptable over time to reduce the need for redevelopment processes; b) Locally-sourced and sustainable materials will be used where appropriate to minimise energy use and embodied carbon emissions; c) Climate adaptation has been maximised, with resilience to projected climate change, through the orientation, aspect, and siting of development to optimise solar gain, while avoiding creating potential for over-heating over the lifetime of the development; and. We will lead by example, decarbonising our own operations and making them climate and ecologically resilient. We host key junctions for five motorways, both Severn crossings, have high speed rail lines to London and South Wales and have a large international port and airport nearby. The scale and impact of NSIPs may require an appropriate and comprehensive package ofdeveloper contributions to mitigate and compensate for any new and increased levels ofimpact and harm. This Council Plan is ambitious, particularly given the pressure that has been placed on budgets, the uncertainty in the economy, and the very real impacts for those who have found themselves unemployed or facing six months away from education. Renewable heat refers to the generation of heat from renewable sources including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, former mine workings and biomass. Topic-based policies shape the quality, type and way we build new types of development. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment is therefore essential to help achieve the targets necessary to mitigate climate change, as set out in emerging Local Plan 2020 policy, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. The East Fringe spans from the M32 eastwards, towards Downend, along the A4174 corridor to Hanham and Willsbridge. It may be necessary for context and character appraisals to look further afield than the immediate locality or most numerous buildings in an area to identify and respond to distinctive building types and other features of quality, such as boundary treatments, plot size and shape, and landscape treatments, to inform new development. For example, a non-strategic policy may be a detailed policy for a specific area like Kingwood, where the Urban Lifestyles approach is being considered, or growth in a rural village or market town. It should achieve this by being Certified Passivhaus (or equivalent), which includes a renewable source of energy for heating and hot water and incorporates renewable energy generation technology, or through meeting the following criteria sequentially: a) Minimising demand for heating, cooling, hot water, lighting and power through building and site level measures; thenb) Meeting the residual heat demand through connection to a classified heat network or renewable heat sources; thenc) Meeting residual cooling demand sustainably sequentially through:i) passive cooling measures;ii) mechanical ventilation; and finallyiii) active renewable measures; thend) Maximising on-site renewable energy generation; and then, if necessary,e) Offsetting any remaining residual carbon emissions via a contribution to a carbon offsetting project or fund within South Gloucestershire. This will include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and. In line with this guidance, site operators are required to produce a Waste Management Plan, a Site Wide Environmental Safety Case, and strategies to keep the risk of radiation exposure to people as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economic and social factors. New and updated Call for Sites information and submissions are being accepted whilst the Phase 2 consultation is open. 24. Clause 1b requires the residual heat demand of a development to be met through connection to a classified heat network or renewable heat source. These policies will be informed and refined from the feedback obtained from this Phase 1 consultation; particularly if we have the issues and priorities for the plan correctly identified. Priority 4 Realising the full potential of our people and delivering value for money. These will be addressed by other policies in the plan. Steps should be taken to mitigate the visual impact of any such installations. Given the importance of decommissioning the existing station, and the potential benefits of reusing the brownfield land to reduce the overall impact of NNB, when considering land use proposals at the existing Oldbury power station site, priority will sequentially be given to meeting the needs of: Decommissioning; Nuclear new build proposals; Other employment and/or green energy related uses. The National Planning Policy Framework makes clear that creating high quality buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve. (The National Design Guide). e) Good internal storage has been provided, which meets the expected day-to-day needs of a range of potential occupiers, by designing new homes and community facilities which as a minimum meet the Nationally Described Space Standard (or replacement of it). A heat network (also known as district heating) refers to a network of insulated pipes, pumps, controls and thermal storage, used to transfer heat, as hot water, from a heat source to buildings and locations where it will be used. Policy Option 1: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated energy use;or Policy Option 2: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated and unregulated energy use. Often, adaptation measures do not just mitigate potential harm, but also offer beneficial opportunities a single measure can satisfy several policy requirements. Where it is proposed that capacity is provided for the management of waste from other sites, it can be demonstrated it is strongly justified that the facility will meet a need that is not met elsewhere that better accords with the proximity principle, and accords with the above criteria. Note: Regulations are continuously reviewed and the status of the site may change in future. We need new development to achieve net zero carbon from the outset, to help mitigate climate change. The map below shows the indicative areas that will require an SGC Accessibility Assessment. Good quality and positive existing trees and vegetation should be retained and protected; c) Where appropriate, well-located, attractive, and safe open spaces and play areas, which enhance social interaction and which offer opportunities for formal and informal play and rest, should be provided; d) Where appropriate, site-specific public art features are provided, in order to add visual and cultural interest, and to create a connection to the sites history, existing landscape or built qualities; e) Boundary treatments and any interfaces between public and private areas are robust and built to be long-lasting, define the public realm, clearly establish the difference between public and private spaces, and avoids small areas of incidental open spaces; and. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. Many of our school-leavers and graduates choose to stay here and the area is also convenient for commuting to surrounding cities and further afield. What is the current approach to Parking Standards? This means that where radioactive waste generation cannot be avoided or minimised at source, it will be disposed of in accordance with the relevant national policy and strategies. South Gloucestershire Council has decided to join Bath & North East Somerset and Bristol city councils in pressing on with their Local Plans after metro mayor Dan Norris told the Government in May . Doing so would help meet the Councils carbon reduction and renewable energy generation targets set out in emerging Local Plan 2020 policy Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. In justifying new development in accordance with the NPPF requirements, this approach will not be acceptable. Support decommissioning of the existing station, and appropriate beneficial interim/end state uses Take into account the intergenerational nature of the project, and experience to date that changes in approach to decommissioning may evolve over time Seek to ensure that an integrated approach is taken both to the overall land use planning of the site and individual project proposals within that overall framework, as well as, where possible in respect of nuclear new build Seek to secure a beneficial balance of socio economic and environmental outcomes from all proposals including any proposal to dispose of low level or very low level waste on site. Due to the evolving and emerging position in relation to decommissioning and radioactive waste management and disposal, and the likely duration of the decommissioning process, it is envisaged that a strategic masterplan for the site would need to be an iterative document that is reviewed and revised in response to changes in the national policy, context, practice and permissions. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) A layout, form and mix of uses is established which reduces resource requirements, both during construction and operation, and which contributes to the creation of compact and walkable neighbourhoods. Meet residual cooling demand renewably through: Set out projected annual energy demands for regulated energy use heating, cooling, hot water, lighting and power from the proposed development using the target emissions rate (from current Building Regulations Part L standards at the time of full planning or relevant reserved matters approval); and, Set out the projected annual energy demands for unregulated energy use from the proposed development; and, Show how total projected annual energy demands have been reduced via energy efficiency measures, and set out the carbon dioxide emissions associated with the remaining energy demand and the % emissions saving that will be achieved; and, Set out the choice of sustainable heating/cooling systems and how these have been selected, and the residual carbon dioxide emissions that the development will generate after energy efficiency and sustainable heating/cooling have been taken into account; and, Demonstrate how the incorporation of on-site renewable energy has been maximised to offset residual carbon dioxide emissions; and.

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