What is the little book that John ate (Revelation 10:10)? But as soon as the priests who were carrying the ark touched their feet into the water, the water from upstream stopped flowing! Upon returning to the Israelites, they reported that the land was flowing with milk and honey, the fruit was large and plentiful but the people were powerful and the cities large and fortified. Against overwhelming odds, Joshua led . Joshua would not only enter the land, he would lead Israel into God's victory. For a full forty days, they explored and gathered information. Then God instructed Moses to climb a mountain. These 14 people went into the Promised Land prior to the entire nation in order to establish, before-hand, where each tribe was going to be located. They even want to kill Joshua and Caleb. This was the golden box that was placed inside the Holy of Holies (or Most Holy Place), in the heart of the Tabernacle (Exodus 26:34). General Epistles When the people of. range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed Look what the apostle Paul . Their names are Joshua and Caleb. Passionate. Thepromisewas first made to Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21), then confirmed to his son Isaac (Genesis 26:3), and then to Isaacs son Jacob (Genesis 28:13). It is therefore fitting that Joshua and Caleb drove out those giants, which they did by faith in Yahweh: Building the treasured cities of the Pharaohs was no easy task. Note to Teacher: The Israelites disobedience on this point * will be a very important point when we study the book of Judges. Then they will know that I am with you, just as I was with Moses. Why did the Lord allow only Joshua and Caleb to enter the promised land? God Why did the Lord allow only Joshua and Caleb to enter the promised land? The leadership of Joshua and Caleb, highlighted in the account of spying out the Promised Land, is well known to Bible students (Numbers 14). The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, Click on the Get Activity button below to view and/or, Every lesson from Gods Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers includes two lesson plans (Hour A and Hour B). They respected him just as much as they had respected Moses. 9 From Benjamins tribe, Raphus son Palti; Yet, scripture tells us Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). We will find out next week! It is not revealed exactly how old that Joshua and Caleb were when they entered the Promised Land, but it is supposed that Joshua might have been about 60, therefore making him one of. God literally parts the Red Sea to complete the deliverance mission. The Whole Bible It tells of 10 spies who brought back frightening reports about the Promised Land. At age 85, 45 years after they spied on the land, Caleb asked Joshua to give him the land that the Lord had promised Him for His family. He told Joshua that he was ready and able to fight the giants in Canaan to possess his land! Only do not rebel against the Lord. Though the sentence of death is upon those around them, "There is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.". It was the children who had been born during the wilderness years who were left now. DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT THAT PLAGUE WAS? He died on Mount Nebo at the age of 120. I wonder how they nurtured their faith during those years. In the very next chapter, we find Moses and Aaron confronting Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. The report that came back was the food was good, but that the people living there then were very tall. God promised Caleb and Joshua that they would receive the land which they had explored for themselves and their descendants. What I want you to consider is whether this curse applied to the tribe of Levi. Rahab went up to talk to the men. Only Joshua and Caleb had such faith. Only Joshua and Caleb reported that God can surely give them victory over their enemies. When we heard about it, our hearts melted away in fear. Joshua and Caleb were the only adult Israelites in that first generation who went "into the fullness" of God's calling. So who will be allowed to enter the Promised Land? Before getting into this topic, let's look at a timeline. 2007BibleLessons4Kidz.com All rights reserved worldwide. A verification email has been sent to the address you provided. And if they had been allowed, then not all over 20 at Sinai were kept out of the Land. The grapes were so luscious and big that it took two men to carry the branch back. The fruits of this land are the virtues and blessings we receive: love, joy, patience, goodness, and peace. Ask your child to read aloud Numbers 13:30-31. Johannine Writings You will lead these people, and they will take the land as their very own. God told Joshua many times to be brave and not to fear. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THEY WERE AT MOUNT SINAI? Point into the distance for the Promised Land. On top of the Mountain, Moses died at the age of 120 (Deuteronomy 34:1-4, 7). Surely none of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and above, shall see the land of which I swore to, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh, the Kenizzite, and Joshua the son of Nun, for they have wholly followed the. God was angry with the response of the people. Pentateuch Caleb was from the tribe of Judah So it is Clear That only Two Person Reached to the Promised Land In Exodus 6, we find a recounting of the lineage from the sons of Jacob down to the generation that was then living. Wisdom Literature First, he failed to completely defeat the Canaanites (especially the Philistines . The path is a lot quicker when we trust God right from the start! Moses appointed one man from each tribe to spy out the land of Canaan. We know this because we have mention of Eleazar several places in the book of Joshua. There is one more reason why it may be possible that the tribe of Levi was not included in the curse. The Promised Land. No. It would seem that at that age Aaron would already have a family well up in age by the Exodus. Numbers 13-14. The New Testament After all the miracles that the Lord did to bring His children out of slavery the ten plagues, opening the Red Sea, and giving them bread from heaven the Israelites still murmured and did not believe. Caleb and Joshua were the only people over sixty years old allowed to enter Canaan at the end of the Exodus. However, the people of Israel became so angry with Joshua and Caleb that they talked about stoning them. They even cut a branch that had a huge clusters of grapes on it. They have new life in Christ. and perhaps Phinehas his son enter the Promised Land as high priest. Joshua, you may recall, was the successor to Moses. Unfortunately, the children of Israel didn't believe Joshua. James 2:25 says she was considered righteous for hiding the spies and sending their pursuers in a different direction. 8.Only Joshua and who was allowed to survive because they had trusted in god. The Israelites that were brought out of Egypt did not believe that the Lord could take them to the Promised Land. Promised Land Wars Timeline. Real Answers. Make sure you obey the whole law my servant Moses gave you. Deuteronomy 1:36. The Gospels We are all sinners. They alone went into the land. . strong this day as I was on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war" (Joshua 14:11). Rahab had heard about the mighty works God had done for the Israelites. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Wisdom Literature Wisdom Literature As we reflect on this story, there are several lessons we can learn about faith from Joshua and Caleb. The New Testament As we have seen, God's great salvation is both "from" and "unto." Failing to TRUST God and enter the Promised Land because of their fears (Numbers 14:1-4) Notice in verse 24 that God NOTICED Caleb!! They make this . Blue Letter Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. God said, I will be with you. - Exodus 3:12a. He demanded that she turn the men in to him. He was always with Moses. So Eleazar, like Joshua, Caleb, and probably a great many other older Levites, did not die during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. This is the teaching picture for Joshua Explored the Promised Land(OT07L1TP). There were 12 tribes, so there were 12 men sent to search the land of Canaan. 29 Amalek lives throughout the Negev, while the Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the hill country. Question 9. 38 Of the twelve who had explored the land, only Joshua and Caleb remained alive. Do not lose hope. Say: We will see that the Israelites will have to participate in many battles to conquer this land. Prophets WE do not Save any Kind of Personal Data such as Password , Username or any other Personal Credentials. Note to teacher: The question may come up - Didnt Rahab lie? Indeed, she did. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point 17 Then he sent them out to explore the land of Canaan. John 3:16, Jesus faith love), The Whole Bible Eleazar (Aaron's son) entered the promised land. Please see Blue Letter Bible's Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. 10 from Zebuluns tribe, Sodis son Gaddiel; will enter the land in which I promised to settle you, with the exception of Caleb, Jephunneh's son, and Joshua, Nun's son. After spying on the land and giving a faith-filled report, it took another 40 years till God allowed Joshua and Caleb to enter the promised land. They say: 'Don't be afraid. "We have passed from death to life" (1 John 3:14). ~ Exodus 3:17. This means that most likely Joshua was 69-79 years of age when he entered the Promised Land. Numbers 14:6 Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes 7 and said, "The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. Joshua was one of the two spies who brought a positive and encouraging report of the Promised Land, and tried to counteract the efforts of the other ten spies to dissuade the people from entering the land. I say this because it was because their people murmured and complained and did not obey God to take the Land. The People of Israel Refuse to Enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14:1-4) II. When 10 of the 12 spies commissioned to inspect the land of Canaan came back with an evil report, they fostered fear among the people. o All the people who were represented by the census of men of war over 20 years of age will not enter the land. 20 Examine the farmland, whether its fertile or barren, and see if there are fruit-bearing trees in it or not. Clearly, prostitution is wrong, just as lying is wrong. They would cross the Jordan River in three days. Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land because on one occasion he had disobeyed God in front of all the Israelites (Numbers 20:8-12). Teacher: Point to cities on map. But the 10 spies convinced the rest of the Israelites that certain doom was ahead for them. Joshua and Caleb saw the same people and circumstances the other spies saw. Why? Joshua and Caleb illustrated this truth by entering the Promised Land. Joshua and Caleb Entering the Promised Land Surely none of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and above, shall see the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because they have not wholly followed Me, except Caleband Joshuafor they have wholly followed the LORD. God had commanded Moses to send the twelve spies so the Israelites would be equipped to do battle in the landthus Moses' goals of finding out about the people, the cities, and the landscape. Eleazar was undoubtedly more than 20 years old at the Exodus, and, yet, the judgment made to those over 20 did not apply to him. Historical Books They had respect for Joshua as long as he lived. Be strong and brave. And the Lord added that all those that left Egypt but didnt believe, they will surely die in the wilderness (every person that is 20 years and older) except for Caleb and Joshua. But under the leadership of Aaron, they had a much easier task of bearing the ark upon their shoulders (1 Chronicles 15:15). Jodi has over 20 years experience teaching children in large and small group settings. Trusting God in every area. God had delivered them from Egypt, given them His law at Sinai, and then brought them to the edge of the Promised Land. when Joshua was eighty-five years old. God didnt tell Joshua to be brave because he was so young and strong. Numbers 26:65 For the LORD had said of them, They shall surely die in the wilderness. Observe whether the people who live there are strong or weak, or whether theyre few or numerous. Be very courageous, and bring back some samples of the fruit of the land.. The Levites, from Sinai and on, were a select and different group of people. JOSHUA AND CALEB: Men of Destiny and Determination Gates of Eden a messianic ministry Click here to see a virtual tour of our GOE Outreach Center! If you are REdirected towards any Third Party site then this blog is not REsponsible. Moses chose 12 men, one from each tribe. Only do not rebel against the Lord. Say: Notice how many times God told Joshua to be strong and brave. Faith, mighty faith, the promise seesAnd looks to God Alone;Laughs at impossibilitiesAnd Cries: It shall be done! I raise it primarily to raise some interest on your part for investigating the Scriptures more deeply. Minor Prophets Ask: Do you think the spies will keep their promise? Chose a smaller child to be Joshua. Here I am this day,eighty-fiveyears old. God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. 23 Soon they arrived in the valley of Eshcol, where they cut a single branch of grapes and carried it on a pole between two men, along with some pomegranates and figs. Then ask the following questions. 22 They went through the Negev and reached Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the descendants of Anak lived. God had delivered them from Egypt, given them His law at Sinai, and then brought them to the edge of the Promised Land. It will be easy to take the land.' But the people don't listen. The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. A memorial is something that helps us remember something important. The minute they stepped out of the Jordan, the great waters began to flow again! He was at least 80. He was in the house of Pharaoh until age 40, then spent another 40 years in the wilderness. He instructed them, Go up from here through the Negev, then ascend to the hill country. Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International. Also see Deuteronomy 1:19-33, Life of Moses Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, Thutmose I, the Pharaoh or king of Egypt, Miriam kept eye on Moses after he had been placed as a baby in a boat, Moses was asked to take off his sandals by God, Passover commemorates the Exodus from Egypt, Moses Blesses the Tribes with Three Sermons, Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah (The Day of the Sounding of Shofar). Who lived in the promised land before the Israelites? It includes the Hour A lesson plan and the needed reproducibles for that plan. I will never leave you. The Old Testament They do not follow the Lord in humble dependence for transformation, for fruitfulness, for a life of spiritual victory. Moses. Ask: What does this remind you of? 33 We also saw the Nephilim, the descendants of Anak. But instead of being encouraged, the people were afraid of the inhabitants and raised their voices and cried forgetting all the mighty works that the Lord did in delivering them from Egypt. Caleb and Joshua brought back a good report of the land but, because the other 10 spies brought back a bad report, the people did not want to enter the promised land. Rahab feared God (and His people) more than she feared men (the king and his men). Caleb had been about forty when he first entered Canaan as a spy. This makes Jehovah very angry, and he tells Moses: 'None of the people from 20 years of age and over will go into the land of Canaan. After Moses death, from all the original congregation that left Egypt at the Exodus, only Joshua and Caleb reached the Land of Promise and inherited it because of their faith in the Lord. God had delivered them from Egypt, given them His law at Sinai, and then brought them to the edge of the Promised Land. Send one man to represent each of his ancestors tribes, every one of them a distinguished leader among them.. Faith still involves risk today. They said, We're sure the Lord has given the whole land over to us. Their unbelief made them lose the entrance to the Promised Land. But that day fear prevailed. Make sure you do everything that is written in it. Moses asked God to appoint another man to lead the Israelites (Numbers 27:15-17). Click on the Get Activity button below to view and/or download the lesson PDF. Real Answers. If like Caleb we follow the Lord wholeheartedly and obedientlywithout fear and doubtwe can enter the Promised Land. Major Prophets 13 from Ashers tribe, Michaels son Sethur; God ALWAYS keeps His promises! As a result, they didnt get to enjoy the fruit of the promised land. Though all the tribes around them have rejected the plan of God, and thereby experience the wrath of God, they would not.

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