<> We are exposed to parasites all the time. This was based on our home energy testing and ZYTO. Below are the details of our parasite medication rounds. Stay up to date with the latest from Prevention and Healing, Inc. Is it Possible to Bend Time?, balanced his acupuncture meridians with a 40 day fast, Parasites as a New, Emerging, Global Environmental Threat: A Paradigm Shift in Environmental Medicine, Radical Remission Surviving Cancer Against All Odds. 20 0 obj The cheapest, easiest way to get worms out whole is with enemas. Dr. Yu makes frequent lecture and study trips in the US and overseas, speaking at many innovative medical and biological dental conferences, including Medicine Week in Germany, as part of his lifelong quest for learning. I never separate dental issues from parasites. I go through the sequence and use "oil pulling" because I see dental problems all the time. The book explains in detail the Kelcker parasite protocol. Klinghardt has suggested that when it comes to parasites, this is where some of the pharmaceutical options really shine and are often necessary. Quote from Better Health Guy.com. Was this helpful? Dr. Simon Yu agrees with me he has no default protocol, his medications are different for every person. A: I have read their information. ten International Integrative Medicine Conferences, Training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA). 23 0 obj In terms of biological terrain, are you acidic, or are you alkaline? Many say that heavy metals act as an antennae for EMFs. 31 0 obj It is very hard to break their cycle as long as dental problems persist. Q: Were you totally freeked out when you saw all those flukes and worms coming out? The many reports of healing terminal cancer from patients that have tried the Joe Tippens protocol seem to confirm Dr. Yu's findings that parasites and lingering dental infections are major causes of cancer. I'll go through the meridian testing. Use of this website and videos signifies your agreement to this disclaimer. At school. They love to go to the lung, to the liver, pancreas, spleen, even to the brain and eyes. Search on Ebay or DuckDuckGo for piperazine citrate. Anyway, I digress The people Ive seen doing this go back to the practitioner after the rotation. The following instructional video show how we figure out what to put in our enema. I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. Before I got cancer like my mother. Herbal cleanses We do preventative herbal cleanses 2x/year. I now fully agree with him. Western MDs, DOs, NDs and other practitioners do not know how to diagnose, let alone treat parasites. Dr. Yu often recommends Tinidazole, technically an antibiotic. <> Every time I eat I cannot taste the food but the medicine. Dr. Diane Love. The described approach(es), suggestions and advice may not work for you at all, or may require modification to suit your individual case. The systemic worms were closer to 1-2 years. by Simon Yu Paperback $27.95 This Is Your Brain On Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society by Kathleen McAuliffe Paperback $16.99 Customers who viewed this item also viewed Page 1 of 1 Start over Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients Simon Yu 92 Paperback 22 offers from $16.00 Parasites, fungi, and dental issues are three of the commonly overlooked factors that may hold people back from achieving optimal health. A: Here and here are some common lists of anti-parasitic foods. In the park. <> Here is a brief summary video: Worms have ~100x the level of metals, toxins, bacteria & viruses that we have in our bodies. He's not a llmd and his site is online so I dont think it should be a problem posting his name online. 13 0 obj 1.5 tabs, 2x/day, continued from previous round, NO BREAK! Some parasites can be acquired from undercooked or raw food, but many are in the environment. He gave his first International AMA Training in Germany in 2019. !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? I returned in February 2020 for an additional evaluation. Hear Better Health Guys podcast with Dr. Simon Yu. I think it depends on how long youve had them, how well established they are, and how your overall system is functioning. Diploma for acupuncture Certified by NCCAOM, Dipl.Ac. Mebendazole, Diethyl, Ivermectin, Alinia, Albendazole: Tindazole: Rite-Aid, CVS,etc with RX (usually covered) or All Day Chemist (Note: if you take Tinda, you must be on ADP and tighten up on sugars & carbs for 3-4 months afterwards. <> Dr. Yu's full interview can be seen here https://youtu.be/cF3ZES7T0uc in this 67 minute YouTube video. A: We did not notice any weight loss or gain. I do still think that herbs can be useful for new infestations, although they arent very effective at long-standing infections. https://www.facebook.com/groups/429159131252194/about/. <> I like the clear glass jar the best because it does not leach toxins into the enema and we can see through the glass how much is left. Dr. Yu used a combination of prescribed and natural options for parasites and fungi. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! It could have been that the parasites were triggering cortisol elevation while sleeping which led to the sleep difficulties. The Kalcker protocol is a great starting place for treating worms. endobj Im hearing reports of this in both America and Europe. These included: Diethylcarbamazine (a.k.a Diethyl for worms), Praziquantel (flukes), Triclabendazole (flukes), Ivermectin (protozoan), Tinidazole (protozoan), Albendazole (protozoan), Alinia (protozoan), Piperazine (worms), and Levamisole (worms). endobj endstream endobj Are you more concerned generally with the smaller protozoan parasites or, the larger parasites like the worms and helminths or nematodes? To contact Chaplain Paul, call our office or his cell 314-440-1527 or his email: pjoh420@aol.com. to my work, I thank you in advance and send you my gratitude. Finally, he found the only point that was imbalanced - it was the allergy immunology point. In the allergy immunology point, I see heavy metal problems, fungal problems, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, and even electromagnetic fields. That said, this wasn't the first time metals came up in energetic testing as an issue, and doing parasite and fungal killing can lead to more metals being released into the system. Parasites in humans are the root cause of many chronic illnesses, including cancer, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, autism, and lyme, to name a few. Vitamin D and Vitamin C, that were for general immune support but not necessarily for parasites. endobj Prevention and Healing, Simon Yu, M.D. She also performs therapies, often via IV, such as nutritional support, chelation, and blood irradiation that treat underlying causes of illness and disease. They weren't. As you work through your customized protocol, you'll positively influence your terrain by supporting your body's drainage pathways, your natural detoxification processes, the health of your gut microbiome, and your body's ability to repair cells and tissues.*. Nope. Both use detection measures that the traditional medical establishment would consider quackery. I think if someone has no beneficial bacteria in the colon, then MMS might be an interesting idea. Kerri Riveras book adds MMS / CD / CDS to the original Kalcker protocol. As always, any medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority. A big focus of his practice seems to be on hidden problems such as dental and parasite problems. Personally, I would rather fix my gastrointestinal bacterial balance. Barb is a nurse focusing in holistic/integrative medicine. Dr. Klinghardt has commented that treating parasites is one of the first steps of recovery as he believes in starting with the largest "bugs" and working down through the smaller ones. [4] Brindley, Paul and Loukas, Alex. It is technically in the class of antibiotics). Note that Dr. Simon Yu recommends flushing 4x/year, even for a healthy person. Besides IBS, there many other problems go away spontaneously using parasite medications. If these debugging techniques are new, check out the Overview Video first. We could all use a good cleaning! I went over to the neighbors house at 8pm on a weekday, borrowed all their bleach, and started bleaching the whole house. MDs put people on seizure medication when they really need parasite medication, and I find it absolutely heartbreaking. for Dr. Simon Yu: Parasite Patient Testimonial - YouTube Patient was working for months in Egypt. Ideas of where to get these medications can be found in where to get parasite medications. And cancer patients had their condition became more stable. Dr. We decided to fly the whole family to St. Louis to work with Dr. Simon Yu. This link will provide you with information on parasites and diseases of humans world-wide. Not only do you need to know who your enemy is, but you also need to know yourself. Key: v=visual meaning I saw them coming out, e=confirmed with ZYTO, ASYRA, AMA, home testing but I never saw them with my eyes: For about 5 years we tried every herbal, homeopathic and holistic treatment we could find. Dr. Yu: Absolutely, based on what the meridian showing. We experienced this directly when our youngest child had a huge Lyme flare-up right after several worm pieces came out. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, . We spent A LOT of time and money on these. ]c\RbKSTQ C''Q6.6QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ = {" Although coffee enemas are very popular at the time of writing, I havent found them to be any more effective than just plain water. Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis diagnoses parasites with AMA - Acupuncture Meridian Assessment - which in our experience has been accurate. Many parasites spend part of their life cycle in the digestive tract. WARNING: Your medical problems may not be what you think or what you have been told. [1] Dr. Simon Yu MD, Parasites as a New, Emerging, Global Environmental Threat: A Paradigm Shift in Environmental Medicine, December 2014. These unexpected miraculous results have lead Dr. Yu to believe that parasites and dental infections are major contributing factors in 90% of all major chronic illnesses, including cancer. After my first gallbladder liver flush, I couldn't believe all the bile sludge and parasites that I excreted!! We did constantly monitor our detoxification, drainage, and methylation during parasite medication rounds. A complete list of recent enemas we have taken can be found in the Enema Details section. The protocol uses Mebendazole for 18 days a month - beginning 3 days before the full moon. A: The children go to a public school with over 700 children from all over the world. Infection is a first-line I am trying to fix. 1 0 obj I cant quite understand why this is in vogue at the moment. Some people can handle higher doses of stronger medications. Readers are ultimately responsible for their own choices surrounding their health. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr  Every time I excrete it smells pretty foul. Parasite Symptoms Gas and Bloating Irritable bowel syndrome Joint and muscle aches and pains Anemia Skin conditions Granulomas Nervousness Sleep disturbances Cancer Patient Freedom does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See Additional Parasite Medications for more details on treating flukes and protozoans. That's one of the major misunderstandings because parasites migrate. Paul is an ordained, Non-Denominational Minister with over 40 years of experience in ministry to people of all different Faith Traditions. While I was there, I decided to schedule an appointment to have him evaluate me with his AMA system as well as it had been several years. Honestly, thats what the compounding pharmacies in the US do! Dr. Simon Yu combines Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine, and founded Prevention and Healing, Inc. in 1996. Q: What your thoughts are on treating with anti viral medication along side parasite meds? Let's look into the underlying problem. I'm relying on the meridian system to go lookout in the subtle energy field, what the problem might be. Our family has personally ordered and used hundreds of dollars of these medications from the above sources. I have found that this is a comprehensive formula that has helped several of my patients. If somebody had IBS, an intestinal problem, I would check the meridian system showing the large intestine is out of balance. He has been practicing Internal Medicine for 35 years, Integrative Medicine for 25 years, and worked as a medical director and physician at a regional HMO for 10 years. He does so quickly and aggressively to eliminate the problem and improve the quality of your life. The best for getting parasite symptoms to temporarily disappear was probably the Seroyal Black Walnut capsules. I only started doing them because of an itchy bum, and I found them quite effective at relieving the itchy bum. Its like a crap shoot with only one die. Sometimes they are praziquantel/mebex/diethyl, sometimes nutrients, sometimes drainage/ detox remedies. Stay up to date with the latest from Prevention and Healing, Inc. Acupuncture is offered in our office by Pingfan Liu, O.M.D., L.Ac., (Oriental Medical Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist). This is not just about cleanliness. Home. Watch Dr. Yus presentation at The Forum for Integrative Medicine conference in March 2020. I now also have a whole binder with pictures of parasites that weve excreted. Worms: Ascaris (ve), Round (ve), Tape (v), Taxonomy unknown (v), Flukes: We had thousands of them. I highly respect Dr. Yu and his work. If the pH and resistivity are perfect, but the redox is out of balance, then the body just doesn't function well. The primary known cause of seizures is parasites. we didnt expect these to improve when we started treating parasites). See the section on healing leaky gut for more information. Oriental Medical Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist, Director of Health and Wellness Resources. endobj It was also not well tolerated in enemas. The practitioner then declares the parasites gone. I'm relying on the meridian system. For the other medications, you can try to get an RX from a doctor (! Weve been taking Chlorella for many years, I havent seen that clinically or energetically showing up as beneficial for parasites. Parasites are a third world problem, right? I've been doing DNA tests that find that people have parasite problems in dental cavitations (pockets left after tooth removal) and in periodontal problems.

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