You see how important Ms 2 and Ms 3 are to the plot. Because if there is only one court order for anonymity, Wolffes non-answers make no sense. Nicola sturgeon pretty much said she doesnt know who Geoff aberdein is even though shes already said she was in his company at the end of March 2018 and then had him round for coffee a few days later. She has just tweeted about Boris by passing Holyrood with funding ,which everybody in this site has been stating was going to be an issue for the last 18 months. No other concerns were raised, and no other concerns have been raised subsequently. My mothers lesson about if youre not prepared to say or do something, I dont want to hear about it has remained with me sometimes to my cost that if something really is wrong, I spoke out, she says. She continued to campaign for this for a number of years, with the line eventually opening between Edinburgh and Tweedbank in 2015. 24 February, 2021 at 9:43 pm. In February, MSPs on the committee refused to endorse Scottish Government plans to scrap the centuries-old requirement of corroboration. You post a story, well over 5 and a half years old, pointing somehow to an Alex Salmond SpAd who was then seeking a job as an SNP candidate. Just watched Dougie three jobs Rosss party political broadcast on behalf of the tory party, what an embarrassment, no policies, all about the SNP and the damage that Indyref 2 would cause. Cath The alleged knee touching allegation aimed at Salmond proved to be false much like many of the criminal accusations. Will AS give evidence & not give a jot about the redactions. Sorry Brian and indeed other SNP members, but I just cant fathom why any reasonable person, seeing what they see now, can stomach remaining in the party? Do you honestly think that with a case that can bring down the First Minister & her coterie and potentially the Scottish Government as as whole, the same person who brought the Lord Advocate & by association the Clown Office back into politics under the government as part of the Scottish Governments Cabinet, that the Lord Advocate would excuse himself in dealing with any of this? 6.1.1, The world's most-read Scottish politics website, Posted on David Harvie, the Crown Agent, wikipedia says: The Crown Agent is the principal legal adviser to the Lord Advocate on prosecution matters.. She has been an MSP since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999, and has. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 18 January 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government when it last spoke to NHS Lothian and NHS Borders. In 1999, she ran for equivalent constituency in the new Scottish Parliament. So, Angus places the lotion in the basket? Who in COPFS felt they had the authority to overrule Lady Dorians ruling by redacting those paragraphs? The problem with trotting out all that spiel about Law Officers doing the duty all the time, is that its coming from a Lord Advocate who has presided over malicious prosecutions of private individuals, and didnt resign, advised the Scottish Government on a botched Complaints protocol, appears to operate double standards in who will be threatened with Contempt of Court proceedings, repeatedly obstructs the production of evidence and information germane to the Inquiry, and steadfastly refuses to address the patent conflict of interest with his cabinet post and his independent capacity. Extra Billion bribe for the DUP in N Ireland J. Hillis Miller Health Center Location 1600 SW Archer Rd. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. Twitter Jeggit. Now those responsible for applying that kind of pressure to someone who served their country with verve and skill, these people finally are being seem for what they are and what they tried to do i.e. Within next two weeks. I am sure I am not alone in that. Then ISP or AFI only on the list. The video isnt working, it cuts out at 6 seconds after calls Jackie bailie.. Has it been redacted too? It is/was an exercise to tell certain people, including Craig Murray, To shut the f*ck up! Im wondering if there is any other link between Nicolas office and the copfs which would allow Lord Wolffe to say I didnt touch it. I do sincerely hope that if the Scottish Judiciary are still *TRULY* independent of the Executive, there may possibly be a positive result/outcome. The lines are being drawn up: on their side are the Sturgeonista loyalists, the sophomiric woke Wahhabis, the grey suited Charlotte Street SPADs and those dependent on the SNP for funding for their quango or the prospect of sinecures as long as they remain on message. Christine Graham. Her maternal grandfather was Welsh. So maybe their questioning wasnt as lame as it might appear. They think theyre Franklin D. Roosevelt when actually theyre just lucky. AwakeNotWoke says: She graduated from Univ of NV Sch of Med in 2006. Christine Graham has been working as a Executive Assistant at J. Hillis Miller Health Center for 8 years. 1 Christine Graham ER 2022 Billingham, TS22. The truth will out in full and in glorious technicolour. Hope is rationed. Rhiannon Spear. To date, the case [for abolition] has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt, she says. She later divorced and reverted to her maiden name. 6,096 Posts, The odds of one or more of the plotters doing some jail time, increase with each day so the question now is which one of them will be the first to break ranks and throw the rest under the bus to save themself ? Not enough to make it disappear and for us all to forget anyway. (In 2007 Alex Salmondde-politicised the post and excluded the then-Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini, from Cabinet meetings. Come home Agent Sturgeon, your job is dome, signed your bosses at MI5. Did anyone ever tell you what a hard-working, honorable and honest man you are Mr Wings. A higher prison population is historically typical of countries under colonial domination. She has served on the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body since May 2021.[1]. At 76, Christine Grahame has become the oldest MSP ever to be elected to Holyrood,winning 19,807 votes. Not only does the trust in the Scottish government, but also the trust in parliament and more importantly for the British state, the trust in the crown that sponsors COPFS and the lord advocate, is at stake here. She could have been nodding in agreement as well, one doesnt negate the other. 24 February, 2021 at 5:27 pm. If Aberdeins evidence is made public Liz Lloyd is either going to have to take a fall to protect her boss or turn on Sturgeon to protect her career. Following yesterdays accusations by AlexSalmond against Nicola Sturgeons govt, I asked the House of Commons what mechanisms we have to ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute.. The harrassment enquiry was the lead item on ITV news at 10 tonight. It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate. They tend, then, to make cowardly politicians. That Liam Fox? That media characterisation as Salmond vs Sturgeon is simply a general failing of all of the current media, namely that theyre incapable of understanding, handling, or presenting even marginally complicated issues, and so have to reduce everything to a personal level. How did the mass Scottish political and legal car crash get to this level of dysfunction? Everybody knows. Category Should not Lord Wolffe be charged with contempt. Now we learn that they were instructed by the Lord Advocate, or by something acting through the offices of the Lord Advocate, to make their statements to the police. The Fabiani Committee have issued a s.24 notice to the Crown Office to produce documents, copies of which are in the possession of Alex Salmond [presumably unused material in the criminal proceedings which was likely to undermine the prosecution case or assist the defence]. When a leader shows contempt for the people he/she is supposed to represetn, then it is time for that reign to end. Billions on Dud Track and Trace Her first name is "Christine" and her last name is . Stuthe reason it was so short is because everyone in the chamber recognized bullshitters when they see them. It would have been closed down and buried (rather like the Board meeting of Anglia Television got buried) and there would have been no defeat for Sturgeon and her gang. Is this the political protocol in every Parliament in every country, or is it peculiar only to Scotlands? Billions on the Brexit divorce settlement Deputy Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party, "BBC NEWS | Election 2007 | Scottish Parliament | Election Result: South of Scotland", "Election 2011 Scotland Midlothian South, Tweeddale & Lauderdale", "Ken Macintosh chosen as Holyrood presiding officer", "MSPs: Cross-Party Groups: Animal Welfare", "North-east MSP gains new role in Scottish Parliament", "Lewis Macdonald elected temporary Deputy Presiding Officer", "Midlothian MSP takes a trip on new railway", "SNP councillors and MSP embroiled in feud over Great Tapestry of Scotland", "Great Tapestry of Scotland's Tweedbank business case examined", "Borders councillors being advised to pick Galashiels to host Great Tapestry of Scotland", "Council ditches Tweedbank to give Gala the Great Tapestry", "Christine Grahame: Al-Megrahi is home. [6] Following her election, she was again selected as Convener of the Justice Committee for the session. I guess it is whether you feel she is a visible ally for the ridiculous charade that was the AGs appearance. The whole thing was a ridiculous spectacle no matter what.. Although it was undoubtedly a skirmish, we can tell that neither Sturgeon or Wolffe are confident. "[25], Grahame has two sons and is a grandmother. Bet ya,, WhoRattledYourCage says: If anything, the events of the last few months have shown that to be the case. So there are a few bloggers dropping hints now. Its game over for them. Did anyone notice he was turning the pages of his folder from back to front? Find out about tours and events at the Scottish Parliament. @Mac Ayeand even a former FM had to crowd-fund to finance it. Rumour of good news imminent on Twitter anyone got anything concrete?? Facebook gives people the. Phone: 0131 348 5729 So, was he basically telling us that the only interest the COPFS ever had in all this was to mutilate Mr Salmonds and Aberdeins evidence to stop the public knowing that Sturgeon breached the ministerial code? A shepherd's daughter, her father travelled for work, so her formal education was limited. I hate what unionism and British nationalism stand for, but I wont help put a deeply regressive and anti-democratic bunch of chancers like the SNP in to power. Without asking awkward questions. Was that why the Lord Advocate took care to stress that he did not draft the letter, and that senior prosecutors act autonomously? [19] In May 2009, Grahame visited Megrahi, in Greenock jail. The thread hands up if youre totally corrupt, wasnt a license to talk about the alphabet women. At the 1999 Scottish Parliament election she ran for the Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale constituency. The SNP is looking more and more like a crime family than a political party. He and a few others know something big but cant say. Is my first impression that you are a genuine bloke, attempting to shine light in dark corners totally wrong? A day of reckoning is definitely coming and posts like yours can help to secure a proper outcome. She cannot help it and it is difficult to treat. And I am not mad about lots of legislation. Just need to be patient for now. Rumour of good news imminent on Twitter anyone got anything concrete?? Too many people know! Amber Rudd: if I were PM, Id fire all the men and have all-female Cabinet. It beggars belief.. All these interventions, nothing to do with us Guv our hands are clean we dont control these departments that are trying to save our arses by putting obstructions in the way of the committee as for the countless pages of blacked out type well thats normal practice in the political world isnt it. Latest Tory list of their illegal activities! If the SNP get a majority you can have independence if they dont then thats it once and for all, Thats a problem because all political parties, not just the fact that the SNP is in government, but opposition sometimes need people on their backbenches speaking more freely and it doesnt happen in here the way it ought to, I think. Beat it. As the first from a working-class housing scheme in Edinburgh to go to university, Grahame found herself burdened by the feeling she didnt fit in and, she believes, underachieved as a result. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. Please dont hesitate to get in touch with me whether you have an issue, a question or even a suggestion you would like to put to me. Lodged 3 May 2018 View the profiles of people named Christine Graham. Which is quite thing when just getting a foot out the bed in the morning may be an achievement in itself. A Great Man among the political tiddlers in Holyrood. guilty as hell for attempting to hound Alex Salmond from the possibility of ever re-entering public life, and they MUST now face questions: questions that relate to evidence withheld from parliament; questions designed to bring to the fore what appears to be an attempt to pervert the course of justice; and however long it takes however much it costs we have to know the truth. We know they were reluctant to go to the police. The difference is significant. Who was the Wee Nodding Donkey sitting over the Lord Advocates right shoulder and confirming everything that yon bloke was saying? Well. I didnt like the manner of it and I made that plain, she says. Grahame says that she is listening to the debate. I simply could not have put it any better at all. Biology, B.A. I received a copy of the letter for my information after it had been issued. He did tell me things I can't discuss with you. Is one supposed to give a free-pass to people with *alleged* difficulties, and yet those same people seem to waltz through life, and lifes challenges/social challenges without let or hinder? NS, the LA, LL and LE should all just resign now and let Scotland get on with Independence process. Crown Office ordered to release evidence of Alex Salmond conspiracy What legal firm would touch her, and she wasnt a very good lawyer anyway. Source: Someone from COPFS is dealing directly with government officials hence his statement he was out the loop. The SNP have held Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. They must be terrified. At several points Slimey mentions that the Crown Office is staffed by professional prosecutors. Born in Staffordshire, England, and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, she attended the University of Edinburgh and Moray House College of Education. I hope to work in the public health field. But the animal is not Alex Salmond. O/T Jackie Baillie: Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage. Millions for extra schooling in England Fingers crossed. Heavy investment is made into encouraging a concrete complaint. the current trade issues, and the prior brexit WA and TCA negotiations. Ive tried to remain calm. It has not sought, and will not seek, to limit the evidence that the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints may have available to it or to interfere with the work of that committee. Two weeks later, the dog was put down after biting someone. A lot said but little told. Aye right That was just the police, and environmental groups dont pose an existential threat to the UK. Ive waited patiently for the SG to release the relevant documents. But at least now youve seen it for yourself. The dirty infiltrators must be removed even if it hurts. When they are right, they are right. One day I found his bleeper, we used to have pagers, and if you clicked his pager it was Liberal Democrat whip messages to Liberal Democrats that said, Donald Gorrie in Evening News, do not respond, Donald Gorrie in Scotsman, do not respond, Donald Gorrie speaking to The Herald, do not respond, if STV phone about what Donald Gorrie said, do not respond. Date lodged: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Katy Clark, Rhoda Grant, Richard Leonard, Michael Marra, Pauline McNeill, Carol Mochan, Paul O'Kane, Paul Sweeney The tragedy is this shambles is all of NSs making and will adversely affect, albeit briefly, the cause of independence. Dr. Christine D. Graham is a pediatrician in Tucson, Arizona. Probably tin-hattery but was a thought that crossed my mind. Grahame has lodged several questions and motions on this in the Scottish Parliament[23] and continues to be involved with campaign groups on the matter. Twitter. So sad that some people here are crossing the line in what they post. That, from any governmental leader, is unacceptable. 12 mins ago Social . They will be told harrowing tales about Ms 1. @ Strathy If the committee and/or the SPCB fail in getting evidence from the Clown Office then the publication of the documents which Craig Murray seeks is of extreme importance to everyone in Scotland who believes that it is fair and just that the soveriegn people of Scotland are given full rights to defend themselves unhindered by the spheres of the Scottish Government (including COPFS) and the Scottish Parliament. Given that that article has been up since 15 January and is still up, and that it is essentially Mr Salmonds submission, can the Lord Advocate perhaps advise what has changed in the Crown Office? Whoever from COPFS did this is either a loose cannon or not too bothered / doesnt feel the need about getting the Lord Advocates permission or input. I have absolutely no faith in Scotlands prosecution service. Malcolm is, obviously, but there are not so many doing that and, in a way, its because were so small., Chisholm will soon be off too, the former health minister having announced he will step down at the next Holyrood election. Very badly reported as Salmond v Sturgeon of course. When ultra-unionist (and clueless) Guardian columnists like Martin Kettle are out batting for Nicola then if you cant smell the coffee then you probably have Covid-19. Sturgeon wont resign. The problem with trotting out all that spiel about Law Officers doing the duty all the time, is that its coming from a Lord Advocate who has presided over malicious prosecutions of private individuals, and didnt resign. From what Ive read, over the past couple of months, the first complaint/issue was raised by Ms H (criminal trial). So she makes a charge of sexual harassment, just so that it is on the record for vetting purposes. Rev, you have to be the hardest working Investigative journalist in the uk. I dont think that there is enough time to go through the electoral commission process before May. My bet is on the MI5 crown agent. attempt to use its powers to force release by Crown Office of all correspondence it holds involving those Alex Salmond accuses of plotting against him'. Thatll be the harassment + abuse that the Jury determined didnt happen! If anything, the events of the last few months have shown that to be the case.,_Lord_Mulholland, Francis Mulholland, Lord Mulholland, CBE, PC, QC (born 18 April 1959) is a Scottish judge who has been a Senator of the College of Justice since 2016.

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