Five days later, on January 13, his approval had risen slightly to 43.9 percent, while his disapproval fell to 51 percent. The discovery of classified documents in Joe Biden's old office and his Delaware home hasn't caused his popularity to fall, according to recent polling. Some readers wonderhow we come up with our job approval ratings for the presidentsince they often dont show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. The latest figures include 29% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. When Biden goes off script in front of a teleprompter, things go awry very quickly. For a man consumed with being the anti-Trump, it is a bitter pill for Biden to be outclassed by the 45th president. Additionally, the data drives a daily update newsletter and various media outlets across the country. Forty-seven percent (47%) of all Likely Voters believe the special congressional committee that investigated the Capitol riot did a good or excellent job, while 38% rate the special committee as having done a poor job. by Nero February 27th, 2023, 4:12 pm. More than 8 in 10 registered voters who responded to the survey said they are "definitely voting" this fall 82% of Democrats said so, as did 88% of Republicans and 80% of independents. But on the same day, Trump still beat him by two points. President Biden participates in a meeting on Feb. 22. This story has been shared 105,787 times. (To see survey question wording,click here.). It showed that 39 percent of likely U.S. voters approved of Biden's job performance while 59 . After 664 days in office, the site gave Biden an average approval rating of minus 11.5, versus minus 10.6 and minus 3.4 for Trump and Obama, after the same number of days in the White House. And the survey also comes at a time when Republicans on the back of a flood of multimillion-dollar ad campaigns have started to see improvements in some critical Senate races that will determine control of that chamber. With just over a month to go in the 2022 midterm elections, Democrats are starting to rally around President Biden, according to the latest NPR/Marist poll. Bidens lowest point, reached over six days in January and March this year, was 36 percent. President Biden's underwater approval ratings and Americans' deep discontent with inflation and the economy has given Republicans an advantage going into the . Biden' most recent low point was 39% approval average across eight recent polls in December. Perhaps in a sign that he is upping the tempo of his lethargic work output, Biden cut short his weekend sojourn at his Delaware beach house earlier than usual, returning to the White House Sunday rather than Monday morning. Dec. 21, 2022. On January 8, the poll aggregate put gave Biden's an approval rating of 43.5 percent, vs. 51 percent who disapproved. At 44%, Biden has nearly reached the low of 42% that former President Donald Trump had at the same stage of his first term. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12. Biden's approval rating is up to 44% . President Biden Job Approval. The Russian military is largely subordinated to the special services of Russia (the . News Joe Biden Polls White House Rasmussen. The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday, February 28th, Finds Joe Biden's Job Approval at 46%. Based on a sample of 1,500 participants conducted between January 10 and 12, the pollster found 46 percent of likely voters approved of Biden's performance, versus 52 percent who disapproved. There is not a single day in which Biden has done better than Trump in his second year in office. Rasmussen found that Biden's approval rating was 43 percent on December 1 with 56 percent of respondents saying they disapproved of him. That figure was consistent with numerous job-approval-rating surveys involving Biden from the past 18 months dating back to the Afghanistan pullout in August 2021. His source appears to be a poll from Rasmussen Reports, which according to Mr Adams showed that nearly half of African-Americans are not OK with white people. That gives him a minus-15 in Rasmussen's approval index numbers. Worse, his Strong Approval number is only 27 percent, compared to a Strong Disapproval of 42. Recent positive polling could encourage the president and his team ahead of a formal campaign. The most likely to have confidence: Biden supporters and white college grads, especially women with degrees. Social scientists tend to ask people how they feel about racial groups using a feeling thermometer scale. The tracking poll was conducted among 1,500 likely voters. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of self-identified conservative voters say it is Very Likely that undercover agents helped provoke the riot, compared to 18% of moderates and 26% of liberals. That changed in 2016 (see chart). To get a sense of longer-term job approval trends for the president, Rasmussen Reports compiles our tracking data on a fullmonth-by-month basis. Some information, including the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll and commentaries are available for free to the general public. RealClearPolitics Average 2/9 - 2/26 --44.7% approve/51.1% disapprove. According to the latest poll by Rasmussen Reports, 54 percent of U.S. citizens disapprove of Biden's work. Among Democrats, Biden's approval rating was 87 percent. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Matt Palumbo's MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN for Thursday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. A majority of Democrats (54%) said they never do. If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, pleasesend e-mail to That is, of course, false. It depends on how you ask the question and whom you ask. When Republicans made gains (2010 and 2014), they didn't need leads that were quite so large. Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Biden's job approval ratings on a daily basis. President Joe Biden 's approval rate bounced back on Friday, with 44 percent of U.S. citizens being satisfied with the way the president he's handling his job, according to a new poll. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 Likely Voters is +/- 2.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Voters believe it is important that the public be able to view all the videos of the Capitol riot, including 58% who think its Very Important. Biden Job Approval Up By Six Points. Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 300 likely voters per night and reported on a five-day rolling average basis. Trump's Exit Approval Rating Higher than :Biden:'s Entrance Approval Rating. This story has been shared 167,968 times. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. When asked about the walkbacks, a White House official told NBC News: We dont say anything that the president doesnt want us to say., The White House doubled down Tuesday, with deputy press secretary Andrew Bates telling The Post, The breathlessness of paragraphs 1&2 versus the denial being relegated to graph 28 tells you what you need to know about this story., And as weve said before, no clarifications of the Presidents remarks are ever issued without his direct approval.. Its why Biden cant mention his predecessors name, treating him more like Lord Voldemort than a former president. Most Voters Reject Anti-White Beliefs, Most Voters Think Biden Will Be Too Old for a Second Term. Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour . The Trump factor in these elections has been clear with candidates mimicking the former president's bombastic style and spreading his lie about the 2020 presidential election being stolen. It depends on how you ask the question and whom you ask. Documents related to Biden's time as vice president President Barack Obama were discovered at his former office in the Penn Biden Center, Washington D.C., on November 2. Despite the reprimand, the issue flared up again on Bidens recent trip to Asia, when the president said the US would help defend Taiwan if the island nation came under attack from China. The Rasmussen Reports survey found that 51 percent of respondents gave Biden a "poor" rating for his approach to crime and law enforcement issues, while only 31 percent rated the president as . Biden's approval rating is up to 44%, which marks a third straight month of increases to Biden's approval rating. That's because competitive races are taking place in areas that are more conservative than the country as a whole, how districts are drawn and how densely concentrated Democrats are in cities. Of the last six presidents, only Trump had a lower average approval rating than Biden after 85 days in office, though George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both clocked in just a tick higher, at 54.2% . Thursday, January 12, 2023. Obama started his presidency in stronger shape, with a 65.5 percent job approval rating and . To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel. Asbury Park, NJ Joined January 2009. Fox News host Tucker Carlson is reportedly planning to broadcast videos of the Capitol riot that were not previously released by the congressional committee that investigated the riot. If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, pleasesend e-mail to The latest figures include 29% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. We conduct public opinion polls on a variety of topics to inform our audience on events in the news and other topics of interest. However, their existence was only confirmed by the White House on January 9, following press reports. In addition, 21% of black adults said they were not sure how they felt. It's a sharp jump from mid-July when Rasmussen showed Biden with a 37% approval rating and a 61% disapproval rating. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 34% of Likely U.S. Only 17% dont think its important for the public to be able to see all the riot videos. Rasmussen Reports has been a pioneer in the use of automated telephone polling techniques, but many other firms still utilize their own operator-assisted technology (see methodology). And when asked who they . 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Bidens laughable, late-to-the-game crackdown on massive COVID fraud, Biden abruptly bails on reporters when asked about COVID origins, Biden had cancerous lesion removed from chest, Hunter Biden advised Joes office on answering Burisma queries: emails, White House walked back a Taiwan comment by Biden. Over the last month, Gallup documented that Biden's job approval rating was affected by political independents. Though the Democratic primaries won't begin until early 2024, the president will likely announce his intention to run for a second term before the end of the year. Biden Approval on Issues; . Real Clear Politics' tracker has also seen Biden go "underwater." This . The poll, which Rasmussen released on February 22nd, asked Americans whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement: Its OK to be white. Rasmussen Reports is a media company specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion information. Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Eastern(sign up for free daily email update). Rasmussen was quick to highlight an outlier group: 53% of black Americans said it is OK to be white, while 26% disagreed. Trump at the same point in his presidency in 2018 consistently outstripped Biden in voter approval by as much as 10 points, according to Rasmussen Polls. We conduct public opinion polls on a variety of topics to inform our audience on events in the news and other topics of interest. Drew Angerer/Getty Images Thirty percent (30%) dont think its likely undercover agents helped provoke the riot, including 18% who say it is Not At All Likely. He is exasperated that he is not receiving credit for the great achievements of his administration and feels he is a victim of circumstances beyond his control: inflation, rising fuel prices, the border crisis, Afghanistan, the war in Ukraine, school shootings, COVID-19, and so on. To ensure editorial control and independence, we pay for the polls ourselves and generate revenue through the sale of subscriptions, sponsorships, and advertising. Above, U.S. President Joe Biden heads to the White House on January 2, 2023. Like the office workers he satirised, Mr Adamss career suicide was partly down to abusing data. According to a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports/Pulse Opinion Research, 53 percent of U.S . The president kicked off 2022 at 43.3 percent and did not break above 43 percent for the rest of the year, according to the numbers from FiveThirtyEight. Funny how that is the ONLY poll showing you with a positive approval rating. Among voters who Strongly Approve of Bidens job performance as president, 90% rate the special congressional committee as having done a good or excellent job investigating the Capitol riot. Biden's overall approval rating has been below 50% for over a year as Americans have grappled with high rates of inflation and an economy scarred by the COVID-19 health crisis. And Democratic strategists had been worried that Democratic candidates could only overperform their president's numbers by so much. On June 6, 2018, Trump was at 49 percent, while Biden was at 41 percent. When you look at the polling comparison between Biden and Trump, there simply is no contest. Leaks from the White House suggest that Joe Biden is in a snit over his plummeting poll numbers, now that theyve sunk below those of Donald Trump. Other contenders could include counselor to the president Steve Ricchetti and domestic policy chief Susan Rice. ", On Thursday, referring to documents found in his garage, the president said: "it's not like they're sitting in the street. Three-quarters of respondents said they have confidence in their state or local governments to run a fair and accurate election this November, the highest level since Biden's took office. Subscriptions are available for $4.95 a month or 34.95 a year that provide subscribers with exclusive access to more than 20 stories per week on upcoming elections, consumer confidence, and issues that affect us all. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12. A recent Emerson poll put Biden's approval rating as low as . Meanwhile, the presidents approval rating continues to sink as Americans grapple with a series of issues including decades-high inflation, a looming recession and an increase in violent crime. (see trends). On January 12, a special counsel was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate "possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents.". Seemethodology. April July October 2022 April July October 2023 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 -20 -10 0 10 20. Latest job approval rating. Some 21 percent "strongly approve . For Democrats, preserving democracy (32%) topped abortion (21%). If it's in the news, it's in our polls. In the recent Quinnipiac University poll, for example, 's overall job approval rating is 40% approve, 53% disapprove. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. President Biden's job approval rating has tumbled to 33 percent in the latest Quinnipiac University poll, a whopping 17 percentage-point drop from February and an indication of . Fifty (50%) disapprove. As the midterm elections approach and with Republicans favored to take back control of the House and Senate, Biden has reportedly told aides he believes Democrats do not defend him enough on various TV shows. Of course, what preserving democracy means to a Democrat and Trump-supporting Republican could be quite different things. Voters overwhelmingly support releasing all videos of the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, and a majority think its likely that government agents helped provoke the riot. If its not one thing, its another.. More Latest Polls. This story has been shared 167,968 times. For those who are really into the numbers, Platinum Members can review demographic crosstabs and a full history of our data. Almost 4 in 10 (37%) said inflation was top of mind, followed by preserving democracy (27%), abortion (13%), immigration (10%) and health care (10%). Many respondents were probably confused by the bizarre question, stuck into a survey that also asked about Joe Bidens approval rating and whether respondents believed they had suffered major side effects from covid-19 vaccines. Some readers wonderhow we come up with our job approval ratings for the presidentsince they often dont show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. Newsweek reached out to the White House for comment. 00:00. There may be no greater signifier of the dysfunction of the current administration than the furor after White House aides walked back sharp comments Biden made about Russian President Vladimir Putin during a trip to Eastern Europe. sparknotes the presidency the . Eighty-six percent (86%) of Republicans, 78% of Democrats, and 75% of voters not affiliated with either major party believe it is important that the public be able to view all the videos of the Capitol riot. (Last month's NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll had a deeper look at which issues were important to voters. 45. While trump was critical in this tweet that President Obama's approval rating hit 38%, Obama's rating never dropped below 50% during the first 274 days in office . The president previously indicated that he intends to run again and that Vice President Kamala Harris will be his running mate but it's not yet clear when Biden will make his 2024 campaign official. For the third time in nine months, the White House walked back a Taiwan comment by Biden, insisting that US policy has not changed, a claim Biden himself echoed. Fears Grow of Renewed Violence in the West Bank; Post-Brexit Deal Concerning Northern Ireland Trade Reached Between Uk and EU; Supreme Courts Hears Oral Arguments Student Loan Forgiveness Today. Approve 46; Disapprove 51; Disapprove +5. Voters approve of President Bidens job performance. (see trends). . But there was a significant gap on this between Democrats and Republicans 92% of Democrats said they had confidence, while 69% of Republicans said they did. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) June 10, 2022. If it's in the news, it's in our polls. On December 29, Biden's approval rating was 46 percent in the same measure, while disapproval was 52 percent and 27 percent strongly approved of the president. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 Likely Voters is +/- 2.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. For Gods sake, this name cannot remain in power, Biden said during an address in Warsaw on March 26. Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings. President Biden's economic approval rating has dropped to a fresh low as Americans contend with surging inflation and mounting fears of a recession, according to the results of a . Additional information from this survey and a full demographic breakdown are available toPlatinum Members only. Despite their lagging confidence in elections, Republicans were, however, the most likely to say they always display an American flag on their property almost 6 in 10 said so as compared to 22% of Democrats and 27% of independents. He is seething, reports Politico, that his standing in the polls is now worse than that of Trump, whom Biden routinely refers to in private as the worst president in history andan existential threat to the nations democracy.. According to Matthew Graham, a scholar of survey research, the higher-than-average share of undecided respondents indicates the question is poorly understood not just by those who answered not sure, but by those who gave an answer, too. The comic-creators comments misconstrue two numbers from the poll, howeverand the survey itself is confusing. The actual popular vote was more like 51% for Biden to 47% for Trump. Nightly polling on politics, business and lifestyle topics provides the content to update the Rasmussen Reports web site many times each day. Nightly polling on politics, business and lifestyle topics provides the content to update the Rasmussen Reports web site many times each day. Biden's approval rating stands at 47 percent in Rasmussen Reports' most recent tracking poll. The Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the matter. A tracking poll prepared by Rasmussen Reports shows that Biden enjoyed a 47 percent approval rating on Tuesdaythe first day of the 118th Congresswhile 52 percent disapproved of him. Biden's America: 47% Believe He's Made It Worse. Well, no wonder. The groups mostly likely to say they were very interested were white college graduates, especially men and older voters. President Biden's approval numbers posted every weekday, Sponsored by Miranda Devine's "LAPTOP FROM HELL", how we come up with our job approval ratings for the president, What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Weeks Key Polls, Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, available for $4.95 a month or 34.95 a year, 61% Believe Feds Helped Incite Capitol Riot, Not Woke Yet? Among voters who think it is Very Likely that undercover government agents helped provoke the Capitol riot, 88% believe it is Very Important that the public have access to all the videos of the riot. 6?, when supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol. In late July, his approval rating started to decline. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is among Republicans who have expressed concern that federal agents deliberately encouraged illegal and violent conduct on Jan?. Additionally, the data drives a daily update newsletter and various media outlets across the country. In private, NBC reported, Biden was furious that his statements were being seen as unreliable and the president reminded his staff that he is the one who is in charge. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Miranda Devine'sLAPTOP FROM HELLfor Friday showsthat 48% of Likely U.S. Never before has his overall rating shifted that much in a matter of weeks. *The CNN Poll of Polls averages recent polls which meet CNN's standards for reporting and track Biden's approval rating among adults. Your browser does not support the

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