if($("div.ui-spn > div > p > span").text() == "You have been signed out. "contactEmail" : "lgrady@boazk12.org", $("div.ui-spn > div").css({"text-align" : "center", "padding" : "50px 0px 50px 0px"}); TEACH is committed to helping individuals who are considering a career in education to navigate the path to certification. } else { $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); ** Use: Sets up custom dropdown menus. if(e.which == 38 || e.which == 40 || e.which == 9){ //move the sign-out button from the menu } //pgScreenSize(); Reminders No Reminders No reminders exist in the system at this time. STEP 5: Appointment Appointment to a position is made by the Board of Education after a candidate has verbally accepted a contract offer and has a valid Alabama Teacher Certificate and has passed a criminal background check: **NOTE: To be fingerprinted for a criminal background check you MUST register and pay online at https://www.aps.gemalto.com/al/index_adeNew.htm or by phone at (866)989-9316. $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-trigger').fadeOut(); $(".card-info .custom-teaser-read-more").attr("tabindex","-1"); $('.ui-article', v2).addClass('background-set'); $('li.active-list-item', this).removeClass('active-list-item'); }); $("#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer .mmg-description-link.last").keydown(function(e) { $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').attr('aria-hidden', false).addClass('show-it').removeClass('hide-it'); }, }); $(this).toggleClass('open-menu'); //add an ALL DAY label if no time was given function stickyChannelBarReset(){ "translateMenuText": "Translate", $("#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-bottom-control-cont").appendTo('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-container'); ADDRESS: 126 Newt Parker Drive, Boaz, AL 35957. $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); An application must be completed online at www.alsde.edu to be considered for the vacant position. } } function useChannelForSection(){ '

  • ' + }else{ if($(window).width() >= 320 && $(window).width() <= 639){ $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').addClass('force-hide-caption'); var useTranslate = "no"; } Educational Software for Alabama Schools | PowerSchool Unified Solutions Simplify workflows, get deeper insights, and improve student outcomes with end-to-end unified solutions that work even better together. }, var policyText = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(1) a").text(); $(".custom-teaser-read-more",v1).attr("tabindex","-1"); $(".sidebar-item.focused").find(".sidebar-slideout").attr("aria-hidden","true"); Mentor teachers are available as a resource throughout the school year. $('#hp-slideshow').addClass('desc-showing'); if( $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').hasClass('hidden') ){ $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-trigger').fadeOut(); $(".sp.column.one div.ui-widget.app .ui-widget-detail").show(); AdvancED, Measured Progress to Merge. } } if(isSticky) { if($("#swageprompt-txt-birthmonth").length && $("#swageprompt-txt-birthday").length && $("#swageprompt-txt-birthyear").length) { }); '
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  • ' + // ********** FOOTER ********** // } } setTimeout(function(){ case csKeyCodes.tab: } else { '
  • ' + "url": "#", "imageNum480" : 2, //NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY AT 480 $("#swsignin-txt-username").focus(); if('8' == "0") { } ["Zulu", "Zulu", "zu"] An application must be completed online at } else { $('.app-scroller-region.upcomingevents-app').each(function(k, v){ var pageHost = window.location.host; }else{ }); // FOOTER GLOBAL ICON if($(this).val() == defSearchText) { } var getTitle = $(".rs-photo-title.active h1").text(); '
  • ' + }, 300); } var headlineURL = $("h1 a", this).attr("href"); A Preliminary Screening Interview is a requirement to interview "fixedPosition" : "bottom" // IF USING DEFAULT STYLES - TOP, BOTTOM First Class Pre-K program directors can use the link below to access the program which is where budgets are managed, among other things. //APPLY RESPONSIVE DIMENSIONS TO CONTENT IMAGES var channelBarOffset = $("#gb-channel-list-outer").offset().top; $('.cs-article-slider-control', v1).css('top', (($('.ui-widget-detail .ui-article-outer', v1).outerHeight()/2) + $('.ui-widget-header', v1).outerHeight() - 5) ); if(csPageListAccordionIsSet) { "translateVersion": translateType, // 1 = FRAMESET, 2 = BRANDED ["Hawaiian", "lelo Hawaii", "haw"], $(".wcm-controls").css("margin-top", $("#gb-channel-list-outer").outerHeight(true)); ["Punjabi", " ", "pa"], "translateLoaded": function() { $('#hp-slideshow').addClass('desc-showing'); if(!$('.ui-article', v2).hasClass('background-set')){ "allImagesLoaded" : function() { }, ["Welsh", "Cymraeg", "cy"], $("#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-bottom-control-cont").appendTo('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-container'); if($(".rs-photo-gallery-desc-outer .mmg-description").is(":empty")) { $("#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-bottom-control-cont").appendTo("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-images"); ["Vietnamese", "Ting Vit", "vi"], $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc .rs-photo-gallery-desc-more-link > a').focus(); ["Information Technology/9.png", "Technology Tickets", "https://helpdesk.boazk12.org", "_blank"], // ARRAY ORDER - IMAGE, TEXT, LINK, TARGET $(".sp.column.one div.ui-widget.app .ui-widget-detail").slideToggle("300", "swing"); ** offset (int) The amount of space you want to be left on the top of the element after scroll (in a whole number int value) $('#hp-slideshow').addClass('desc-showing'); //38 = up - 40 = down These projects will occur over the 2021-2022 school year, with course launches for the 2022-2023 school year. $(this).parent().toggleClass("active"); } $('.cs-article-slider-control', v1).css('top', (($('.ui-widget-detail .ui-article-outer', v1).outerHeight()/2) + $('.ui-widget-header', v1).outerHeight() - 5) ); } $(this).parent().prev().find("> a").focus(); function logoWidth() { if(isMSIE10){ $("body").addClass("msie10"); } if( $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer').length > 0 ){ $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); }); "url": "https://www.instagram.com/boazschools/?hl=en", "url": "https://www.boazk12.org/Page/2", } $(".rs-photo-gallery-desc-more-link a").attr("tabindex","-1"); var mmg = eval("multimediaGallery" + $("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp .ui-widget.app.multimedia-gallery:first").attr("data-pmi")); if ((code === 13) || (code === 32)) { var termsURL = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(2) a").attr("href"); $('.hp.column.one .headlines .ui-article').css('min-height', maxHeadlinesH); } Click here . MCPSS generally will not submit an application for "Emergency" certification unless the position you've . $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); $('.more-link-under', v).remove(); } Supported browsers: Chrome version 21 and later. //$(".img", this).append(''); var thisHref, thisName; Special Ed Aide, Itinerant/182 Days/7 Hour Days - (Internal Job 6385) { Eligibility Requirements: Hold a valid Alabama professional educator certificate or alternate certificate in middle level math or science OR secondary math, science or computer science; Teach [full-time] approved math and/or science courses in grades 6-12 with the appropriate certificate endorsements; and Currently hold or plan to obtain an Advanced Credential from either the National . $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer').wrap(''); numIcons = numIcons + 1; "extraMenuOptions": { /*$(v1).appScroller({ } ["German", "Deutsche", "de"], checkSlideshow(); "onTransitionEnd" : function() { }); Teach in Alabama. // ADD LOGO $(".ui-article", container).each(function(){ { ["Tajik", "", "tg"], } $('#gb-user-options ul li:last-child').remove(); if( $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').hasClass('hidden') ){ return r+', '+g+', '+b; "dropdownHandleText": "Translate", // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS }; }, $('.hp.column.one .headlines .ui-article').each(function(k, v){ ["Polish", "Polskie", "pl"], '
  • ' + }); Form Name. sideBarAccessibility(); /* }, 300); }else if( $(v1).hasClass('headlines') ){ $('#custom-mystart-signin a').addClass("mystart-label"); $("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp .ui-widget.app.multimedia-gallery:first").csMultimediaGallery({ "onTransitionStart" : function() { }, See Salary Schedule. // ********** HEADER ********** // $('a#ui-btn-mypasskey').click(function(e){ } // ********** MYSTART ********** // { ["Sinhala", "", "si"], $(".sw-channel-item > a").focus(function() { { // 38 = up and 40 = down "target": "_blank" if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1){ isMSIE8 = 1; } } } $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-trigger').fadeOut(); $("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-control.play-pause").appendTo("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-images"); "targetApp" : "headlines", //upcomingevents or headlines if(!isSticky) { $(".rs-photo-gallery-desc.show-it > .rs-gallery-desc-trigger").focus(); The application process may vary depending on the type of employment one is seeking. $("#gb-page").addClass("using-full-site-btn"); } { STEP 3: Initial Interviews } $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').addClass('force-hide-caption'); e.preventDefault(); "allLoaded" : function() { }else{ } if(translateSwitch == "Branded") { "onWindowResize": function(props) {} // props.element, props.mmgRecords

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